I Wani Spend My Life With That Gator - primmnythedragon1107 (2024)

Table of Contents
Chapter 1: I Wani Cherish That Gator Chapter Text Chapter 2: I Wani Praise That Gator Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 3: I Wani Prank That Gator Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 4: I Wani Have A Future With That Gator Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 5: I Wani Have A Home With That Gator Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 6: I Wani Surprise That Gator Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 7: I Wani Love That Gator Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 8: The Gator Wani Protect That Lotl Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 9: I Wani Be With That Gator Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 10: I Wani Have A Party With That Gator Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 11: The Gator Wani Help Her Friend Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 12: I Wani Gaze At The Stars Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 13: I Wani Eat Popcorn Summary: Chapter Text Chapter 14: I Wani Know Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 15: I Wani Dream Of The Past Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 16: I Wani Go Out With My Girlfriend Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 17: I Wani Be There For You Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 18: I Wani Help Ben Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 19: I Wani Help You Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 20: I Wani Spend Time With You Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 21: I Wani Be Your World Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 22: I Wani Make A Party For The Gators Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 23: I Wani Have A Party With Our Family Summary: Chapter Text Chapter 24: I Wani Be With Family Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 25: I Wani Be Your Father Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 26: I Wani Beat That Piñata! Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: References

Chapter 1: I Wani Cherish That Gator

Chapter Text

December 26th 201M B.C 2027

Moonlight shined through the window and cast down on the newlyweds as they cuddled together in their large bed. Inco had his chin on her head while they slept together. It had been an exhilarating night before, lots of laughs, a bit of crying, and loads of kisses were shared.

Inco nuzzled his face against his newly wedded wife; she was asleep and tired. At the reception earlier, Inco and Olivia had tried to dance with one another again. It was quite painful; she had to use her tail again, which she did get better at since the Winter Formal.

Olivia's eyes opened gently and blinked away the tiredness from her eyes for a second. A small smile formed when she looked down towards her stomach to see his arms holding her tightly.

The gator girl closed her eyes again as she nuzzled herself into his chin while he held her close.

They had been like this ever since they got home. Olivia looked down at her finger and saw the beautiful gilded wedding band that was on her clawed finger. Her heart melted; she was finally his, and he was hers.

The thought rang multiple times throughout her mind. 'Olivia Nito... Olivia Nito.'

She smiled happily at herself; she had already let that become a part of her. She was his wife, and she was happy to take his surname.

Something else came to her mind; she closed her eyes and remembered seeing her father there.

She hadn't seen him so happy in so long. Sure, the muscular alligator had been disapproving of Inco when he had met him, but what father wouldn't when they were meeting their daughter's boyfriend?

She chuckled to herself quietly when she saw her father push cake into Nitos' face at the reception. At that moment, to the both of them, had let them know that her father finally approved of her hubby, sorta.

She sighed happily into his arms, remembering him carrying her through the door of their home. She was actually proud of him; his legs didn't buckle a single time.

She thinks he's been working out at the gym with Damien for that very moment to get it right.

Her eyes rolled for a second; Damien now entered her mind.

Even though she loved the Dilopho-Spinosaurus hybrid like he was a brother to her, she couldn't help but want to grab her wheelchair and run him over with him.

Damien and Liz had shown up, of course, since they were the Maid Of Honor and the Groom's Best Man. She shook her head with an amused chuckle when she saw the red-scaled doofus was trying to woo his own wife by doing all sorts of twirls, unique dancing, and even dipping low with the Brachiosaurus...

...Until he amazingly failed the dipping her low and fell forward with her, Liz had let out an embarrassed yelp when his snoot fell into her chest. Damien smiled shyly before she smacked his cheek but then returned to kiss it.

She loved her brother, but the player dino really was testing her patience at times.

In the end though, the Dilopho-Spinosaurus redeemed himself as he got the dip right, which earned him a smooch on the snoot from the long neck Brachiosaurus.

In the end, everything played out like a fantasy. It had been everything she ever wanted and more; she had gotten her dream guy, she had gotten her dream family, and she had even gotten her dream career.

The Baryonyx woman gently turns herself in his embrace; his hug wasn't too tight so she was easily able to do this while they cuddled together. She buried her snoot into his neck and felt his arms tightening around her again.

She closed her eyes when she started remembering the fountain, the spot where they first admitted feelings and the same spot they married at.

The fountain was beautiful, streamed in wedding streams, flowers, and an arch placed at the back of the fountain. It was a perfect spot to admit love to, but it was an even better spot to get hitched at.

Olivia gently squeaked a bit when his arms wrapped a bit tighter around her waist; she looked up at her husband and rolled her eyes. He was sleeping; he didn't mean anything but love out of it.

Her snoot lips curve into a smile and gently nuzzle her face back into his neck. She was tired, but right now all she felt was love and warmth for the love of her life as he held her.

Soon she felt her eyes grow heavy; the soft beating of the human's heart lulled her to sleep while she softly let out a happy murmur. "I love you, idiot."

Olivia opened her eyes and she hissed when she felt the sunlight beamed her eyes; she moved her clawed hand over her eyes. She put her hand down beside her and became instantly worried when she saw that her hubby was no longer beside her.

"Inco?" She let out a worried breath until she smelled something off; she smelled something cooking from the kitchen.

Her eyes widened instantly. "Oh, f*ck."

Olivia didn't waste any time grabbing her gown; she was in her underwear since the wedding dress wasn't exactly something she wanted to sleep with. She gently lowered herself onto the wheelchair that was beside the bed that had been moved for her sake.

She began to wheel herself to the kitchen; she now heard soft sizzling when she arrived. Weirdly enough, the smell of bacon, eggs, toast, and sausage was delicious.

She looked to where she saw Inco humming to a tune; he had earbuds in his ears while he wore an apron that says 'I'm a scallie' on the back.

She remembered that he bought that to mock the people that called their relationship 'cringe.'

She smiled happily at him; he was perfect. She giggled when he began to sway his hips to the tune; she put her hand to her snoot to conceal the giggle that wanted to leave.

She quietly wheeled herself to the human, making sure to go slow enough so that her wheels won't squeak. Even though she knows he can't hear her, she wants to be as quiet as possible anyway.

She began to lift herself from the wheelchair; she practiced this many times and has gotten relatively good at it. She pushed her long muscular tail down, the comfortable tail brace helping her long appendage as she walked slowly.

She walked slowly, her tail on overtime as she opened her arms and then-


Inco's eyes widened as he yelped; he felt a pair of large arms wrap around his torso when he let the spatula fly upwards.

He quickly caught the cooking utensil quickly and felt a soft chomp on his shoulder. He looked to his side to see his wife holding herself up with her tail and onto the back of his chest as she had bitten down softly onto his shoulder.

To say he was surprised was meaningless; he wasn't surprised that she'd do this, he was waiting for the beautiful gator to arrive and do something similar to this. He had to explain many times to his fellow photographers and even Damien as to why he had (love) bites on his shoulder; Damien always wiggled his eyebrows and then earned a smack from Inco.

"I appreciate you cooking for me, Inky... But I would rather have you in bed with me." The gator purred out the last part; Inco smiled and placed the eggs onto a plate with bacon. He made sure to look at the rest of the eggs and made a note to look back in thirty more seconds.

"Yeah, I thought the same too, but I would rather want my ever so beautiful wife to have been fed... I know how cranky you are in the morning when you don't get something to eat." Olivia rolled her eyes and huffed; she kept herself up and on his back. He helped her by moving a bit away from the stove and moving her unresponsive legs around his stomach so she could hang onto him on his back.

Olivia smiled and nuzzled his cheek and head, surprisingly which had SOME hair growth lately. "You know me so well, Inky."

Olivia gently pushed a soft wet kiss onto his cheek before gently nibbling at the spot she kissed. Inco blushes brightly as he feels his wife nibbling at his cheek; he gently nuzzles her cheek with his while he continues to put the cooked eggs onto another plate.

"Oh and by the way, when in the HELL did you learn to cook?"

Inco chuckled and placed bacon onto the plate as well while he smiled at the narrowed-eyed gator. "I asked Sophia for some lessons; she helped me, and this is the best I could do. Check the garbage can, and you'll see a lot of burnt eggs."

Olivia looked over to the side and giggled; indeed, there were a lot of burnt eggs that he had somehow screwed up.

"Well, I gotta say, you are A LOT better at this than when we first started dating." Olivia chuckled while she looked down at her plate; it was true, it looked delicious.

"Thanks, you know I do all this for you, 'Livy?"

Olivia blushed and pushed her face into his neck; she tried to hide her blushing face while he began to move with her still on his back. "S-Shut up."

Inco smiles and places the plate down on the gorgeous carved wooden table; he thought Olivia would like it since it has beautiful patterns that would itch that artistic bone she had. "Here, food is ready. Come here you beautiful, Gator."

He gently helped her into her wheelchair and pushed the wheelchair into her spot so she could eat. He sat beside her; he looked at his newly wedded wife and smiled; she was an angel. "I gotta say, I'm genuinely impressed."

Inco snapped out of his daydream and looked at his gator wife; she chomped and ate the whole thing in several bites while she moaned at the taste; she still had some in her mouth while she talked to him. "This is a lot better than the ones you cooked up a few years back."

Inco rolls his eyes and smiles at his wife; even though they have grown a lot over the past few years together, Olivia was still the messy gator girl he fell in love with. "Thanks, think I'm able to surpass you anytime soon?"

"Don't push your luck, asshole," Olivia narrowed her eyes at Inco while he just gave her a smile and began to eat.

He smiled nonetheless, leaned forward to peck the eating gator as he stood up and put away his plate. Looking back at her with a smile, he made sure to prepare a huge breakfast for the gator since carnivorous dinos have such an appetite compared to humans.

He put the plate in the sink and glanced back at his angelic-looking wife. Even though she had just woken up, she was the most beautiful thing ever created.

Her beautiful silver eyes shined brightly, her green smooth scales glistened, her hair had grown out a bit more to be tied into a small bun, and to top it off, she had a black t-shirt with the words 'gator queen' written in a punk rock font. She also wore a green skirt that did not match her t-shirt, but he couldn't really care less.

"Hey, dipsh*t, you're gawking." Inco's eyes widened, and he shook his head while giving her a shy smile, rubbing the back of his head. Olivia smirked and leaned over to kiss his cheek, whispering huskily, "I don't mind if it's you."


Chapter 2: I Wani Praise That Gator


Where's my bonus content Cavemanon? (Omni Man stares at the faceless dude in the car)


Inco wants to praise that Gator!

Chapter Text

January 18th, 201M B.C. 2028

Inco and Damien were sitting on the bench that was surrounded by protective glass while they watched differently shaped dinos dueling it out on the ice.

Damien cheered for the Dilopho-Spinosaurus hybrid when he made a goal. Vincent (or Vinny to his friends and everyone else) cheered when he made a huge shot at an impossible angle.

Vinny was getting relatively good for someone his age, being fourteen years old and landing these shots was 'wowing' everyone around.

Damien smiled when he made another goal, he stood up and shouted to the hyperactive Vinny. "That's it, little bro! Show them the king of the ring!"

Inco chuckled up at his friend and then looked down towards the racing dino kid, Damien sat back down and smirked when he leaned back against the bleachers and relaxed. "With that skill, he's gonna be putting those pros down." Damien then saw an opening and smirked with wide eyes before standing up again. "WIPE HIS ASS CLEAN ON THE FLOOR, VINNY!"

Inco looked shocked and staggered back a bit in fright at the sudden outburst out of his best friend. The red Dilopho-Spinosaurus hybrid gently sat back down, his face cooled down, and his frills going back down. "Damnit, did I do it again?"

Inco chuckled and bumped his arm and passed him another can of soda, Damien chugged the whole thing down in one go and crushed it, throwing it to the side and adding it to the collection of growing litter of red cans. "Don't be, everyone here is doing it, you're just showing your brother appreciation, and that's what makes you so damn good, dude."

The frilled dino chuckled and rubbed the back of his head, he sighed and put his hands together and watched with a smile. "Thanks, bud... I love Liz and all, but at times all I need is the bros."

Inco nodded as well, he snapped open the can's top and drank slowly instead of chugging it down like Damien would. He loves his life, he has a great home, has a great career, he doesn't have to worry about anything about financial reasons (even though he hates using his money, he only uses it when it's important) and to top it off, he has the most beautiful woman in the world as his wife.

"I get what you mean, I love Olivia more than anything in this universe but man... Man do I need a break." He offers his fist, and Damien pumps his fist with his own. "I'll pray to Raptor Jesus for that."

"Pray to Raptor Jesus? For what?"

The both of them turn and see a familiar spectacled Parasaurolophus wearing grey jeans, a connected pocket watch to his vest, and a nice white expensive-looking white coat jacket. Both of them grinned at Ben coming forward and holding eight large hotdogs, nachos, and even four small boxes of pizzas.

"Oh just saying we need a little guy time away from the girls, love them and can't live without them but we need our 'bro time'." Damien smiled and grabbed the four hot dogs while Inco grabbed one. He still couldn't get over how much Damien could eat in a single sitting.

Ben sat down next to them, Inco in the center, Damien on the left, and Ben on the right side while he passed along the goodies. "I hear you guys, I love Lunara to death but my God... The stamina and energy that woman has."

Damien looked at Ben with a grin before slapping his back while Inco shook his head and chuckled as well. Inco could relate entirely, the gator was a whole other woman in the bedroom.

Damien stood up and kept shouting at the other players, this is what you'd call a football dad if you ever saw one. Ben and Inco looked up at each other and shook their heads. Inco looked over, speaking up a bit over the yelling red Dilopho-Spinosaurus. "So... How's things with Lunara? We haven't had a chance to catch up, it feels like the world is speeding without us."

Ben looks at the human and smiles, he nods gently while picking up the soda and sipping lightly. Unlike Damien, Ben was classy, he wanted everything prim and proper, everything ordered instead of the chaos. Inco liked that about Ben, in ways they are similar to each other. "Everything has been going smoothly, I'm booked throughout the whole week for photo shoots so this will be the only time I really get to relax."

Inco nodded as well, understanding completely what Ben was talking about. He too was booked for several days and had a lot of photos to develop and take. He was glad that Ben wasn't overworking himself, he was also ecstatic at the news of Ben being well enough to get off of his antipsychotics.

It took years, having actual therapy and having a good loving girlfriend as well. He finally had the life and now he was living it. Ben grabbed a slice of pizza from the box, gently putting his hand under the pizza so it wouldn't spill on his costly jeans as he took a small bite.

"What about you and Olivia? How's everything going? Is she torturing those poor students of hers?" Inco chuckled and smiled gently, nodding as well while he took a swig of his own can of soda.

"You know how passionate she is for art, reminds me of a certain s-someone from our senior days." Inco whispered, though when he said the last part he stuttered, thinking of the person that Olivia idolized the most.

"She's in the same room and all, correct? Man, I wonder what Mr. Iadakan thinks, we've all grown so much since then, I hope he's proud of us." Ben sighs gently and lowered his gaze, he missed the energetic and bombastic pterodactyl.

Inco lied back and held the half-downed co*ke and looked up, he always wondered what Iadakan would have thought of Olivia now. Inco cracked a smile, he'd definitely be impressed, Olivia had one of her paintings in the museum by the coast of Voldcaldera Bluffs.

He remembered when he saw that beautiful excited face of hers, wheeling all around their apartment happily. He smiled at the thought, now here she was, four years later and here she was, in the same homeroom where her idol taught.

She was now the teacher of the room, she was so proud of herself. He remembered when he walked in to surprise her and her class, which she growled at, he saw a painting of Iadakan hanging to the side. She really meant a lot to him, so to the human as well.

Ironically enough, he saw a brown-colored male Baryonyx sitting in the spot where she once sat, and right next to the Baryonyx was a human female that had a huge fascination with art.

What are the chances of that?

The memory faded once a voice to the side of him cut him away from the memory. "Inco? Everything okay man? I was talking but you kinda zoned out there for a second."

Inco shook his head and looked back at Ben who was staring worriedly at his friend. Inco blinked and grabbed his sunglasses and began to scrub them before placing them back on. "Sorry about that, you just talking about him brought back some endearing memories."

Ben nodded with understanding. "I'm assuming Olivia?"

Inco's mouth formed a small 'O' as a red tint began to appear around his cheeks. He sat up straight, rubbed his neck, and chuckled. "Yeah, I visited her classroom a week back and was amazed by how beautiful and packed with paintings it was. Wait, how did you guess?"

Ben smirked, rested his elbow on his lap, and then grinned. "You have that lovesick, lovey-dovey look you get when you think of Olivia."

Inco flared up at the comment, punched his friend's shoulder, and a laugh emitted from said friend. "Hey, you have no room to talk, 'Mr. I stutter and practically become a living volcano when I think about a certain Dromaeosaurid."

Ben blushed and glared at Inco, crossing his arms as he sneered. "It's not my fault I scored."

Inco rolled his eyes and lay back. "Ditto on that, buddy."

Damien then butted into the conversation, wrapped his large arms around the human and the Parasaurolophus, and butted his head between the two, grinning at them both. "Talking about scoring hotties, ay? I feel like I got the score of a lifetime, dudes! She's nice, she's beautiful, and man, those boobs are something, OH! I don't want to forget about what she can do with her thro-" Inco stuffed a hotdog into the Dilopho-Spinosaurus maw, causing him to choke before chomping down on it.

"Alright, we get it, let's just say we are ALL lucky that we have loving wives and girlfriends!" Damien blurted out with a toothy grin and a thumbs up, the girlfriend part aimed at Ben since he has not yet popped the question to his feathery dino girlfriend.

The three agreed to that, but Inco put up a finger and proudly stated. "Yeah, but I have the babe."

The other two looked ready to tear the human apart.


Two hours later, it was time to pick up his gator wife from St. Hammond. He drove to the school with his shades on, with dinos and humans alike calling him a 'weirdo' under their breath. He saw the school come into view and smiled, old memories flooding back.

The dino on the front painted still stood strong; he actually saw some painters giving the old T-Rex on the front of the school a new paint job. He parked in the handicapped spot and looked at the glass doors where she would usually be when she was done for the night; she was probably stuck grading or something.

He opened the car and pushed past the glass doors, his eyes wandering through the front entrance as memory after memory flooded his mind.

The memory of seeing the gator speed down the hallway with her wheelchair brought a smile to his face. He passed the front office, a female bearded dragon perked up and waved, giving him the go-ahead since he was free to go upstairs. He would usually need a sticker pass, but since school is out for the day, the pass wasn't needed.

Inco went to the stairwell at the end of the hallway that was connected to the next. He turned to his right again and saw the principal's office was there. Written in bold like always, 'Principal Scaler' was written on it. He made sure to go past the door quickly but was stopped. He turned to his left and stood still.

His arms in his pockets, he walked forward and looked at the glass trophy case with gloomy eyes. To the sides were trophies won, for either the school's policy for no bullying, or other awards that he really didn't care to make out. In the center of the large trophy case was a painting mounted on the wall inside it.

Shortly after the graduation of Olivia and Inco, Olivia wanted to make a tribute to her idol. She got Ben, Mia, the art teachers in the art wing, and even Scaler, to make a large portrait for the loved and deceased pterodactyl.

The painting was beautiful; beautiful wasn't enough to describe it actually, majestic, elegant, exquisite, maybe even a magical one would say. The painting was swirls and colors mixed together; it was a painting of the school, and above had Professor Iadakan looking down on it. He was holding the feather pen, and to the side of him was his wife.

Inco and Olivia didn't know this at the time; they tried to find Iadakan's wife but realized they missed the roughed-out text below the gravestone. Mrs. Iadakan passed years before; now they were together and in peace with one another.

Inco smiled at it, he placed his hand on the glass and whispered to the painting. "Don't worry, Professor... I'll protect her."

He let his hand move away from the glass and began to walk onwards upstairs.

He stepped up the stairwell, only using these very rarely back in the day since he and Olivia would take the elevator. He stuffed his hands into his coat and saw the doors, decorated with photos, posters, paintings, and even some doodles from the class themselves.

He made his way to a family door, looked out the outdoor hallway first, and saw the beautiful school grounds he was so familiar with. He then looked to his right and saw the classroom; butterflies began to rush into his belly and heart when he balled up his fist to knock.

'Inco, why are you so damn nervous? She is your wife for Raptor Jesus' sake, we should be over this by now, and here you are scared to even walk through a simple do-' He was in the middle of a subconscious battle when the door opened. Out came a beautiful green-scaled gator, her wheelchair decorated with flowers, and the gator wearing a red dress. Her hair was braided, and her hair had grown a lot since she was a senior; her hair was down her back and neatly braided with cute alligator pins.

Inco always found that weird; it's like having a human face with a female human through her hair. Inco swiftly pushed the thought to the side and looked down at the gator who was surprised to see him as well.

"Inco?" The gator looked up at her husband with a smile; her voice was deep but not as scratchy anymore. She still had her dented, scratched, and beaten canteen from her high school days. She could never get rid of it even though the human offered to replace it.

"H-Hey... I-I thought I would surprise you and all. I would have been here a bit sooner, but I wanted to pay respect to Mr. Iadakan." Olivia nodded and smiled, she grasped her backpack and made sure everything was inside; all her stuff was in there for her teaching days.

Olivia arched an eyebrow at his stuttering. "Mhm, you were at my door getting butterflies AGAIN, were you?" She smirked and leaned against her hand bars to her side and giggled up at her husband.

Inco flustered, he played the scenario over and over again; unfortunately for him, the scenario never went as planned, so he did the thing that he would normally never do.

"Yes, Yes, I was... And it was because I'm always so nervous to see my beautiful wife, who I think, is way out of my league even after years of dating her." Inco smirked and leaned down to the flushing Baryonyx; she crossed her arms under her chest and looked away blushing madly.

Inco chuckled and went behind the green-scaled female and took her wheelchair by the hand bars and started to go down the outdoor hallway. The two talked about stuff together while they went to the elevator they always used, the talking ranging from her time teaching art and to what they are going to eat today.

Inco held the glass doors open, and out came the gator, wheeling herself out as she felt the cold nibble at her snoot. She cursed silently to herself for not wearing a sweater; she was shivering, so Inco did what a husband should do for his shivering wife; giving her his jacket.

"T-Thank you, Inky. Damnit, I accidentally spilled paint on my hoodie when I was at home, so I couldn't take it with me." Olivia sighed and looked upwards at her husband; he had a smile while he listened to the beautiful gator.

"Well, I could take you shopping for a new one; you've had that one for many years now, and I feel it's time to be replaced." Olivia cringed at the words and threw a glare and her clawed index finger at him. "Throw my hoodie out, and I will f*ck you up."

Inco looked up with a nervous expression; he began to sweat bullets as he kept pushing to his car. "R-Right... Okay, don't throw away the gator's hoodie, check."

Her furious glare and snarl she had instantly melted away and was replaced with a lazy smile. She then rested back against the chair, letting her husband push her down the ramp and to the car.

"You're lucky you're cute, now help me into the car, peasant." Olivia grinned as she crossed her arms.

"Yes, my queen."


Chapter 3: I Wani Prank That Gator


I'm getting low on my Vitamin Ws (Wani pills) and I'm going crazy RAAAARRRR!!!!!!


Inco's going to praise that Gator (he might die)

Chapter Text

February 1st, 201M B.C. 2028

Inco smirks as he stands by the restroom door holding bottles of soap, scale conditioner, and some conditioner in his arms. He looks off into nothingness, his back against the door while he hears the water turn on.

He waits for the growl and grunt that has been made by the gator wife from within the restroom. She cracks open the door, on her knees as she pokes her head out. "Inky, where are all our bottles of soap and crap?"

Inco moves away from the door, quickly puts the bottles to the side, and hides them away from the peeved Baryonyx. He looks at her with a poker face and leans in more. "Oh, just took them out, I think I have an allergic reaction to the soap actually."

Olivia narrows her eyes, sensing bullsh*t miles away, and Inco reeks of it. "Even my scale conditioner? Inco, you don't even have SCALES!" She huffs up to the human whose facade begins to crack rapidly.

"U-Uh, it had a radius effect?" The statement comes out more as a question than what it was supposed to. Olivia has her maw open as Inco fumbles with what he was trying to say. "That doesn't even make sense."

Inco looks away, trying desperately to hide his fading poker face. He looks back at his wife and begins to round the corner, where he had stashed the bottles from her. "U-Uh, I'll be back... I'll give them to you for the meantime."

She then sees him disappear around the corner, her eyes mixed with confusion and disbelief. Surely he wasn't trying to get back at her for mixing the photos he had for ones he took and for the ones she took of Guts and some doodles of guts as a joke, right?

She then sees him bring the bottles in a bag; he was really taking this far, wasn't he? He gives the bag to Olivia, she sees the soap and looks up at him with suspicion. "Mmmhmmmmm."

She then closes the door quickly, Inco brushes the sweat that begins to form on his forehead. He leans against the wall, feeling his knees about to give out but keeps himself up.

His concerned frown is replaced with a quiet giggle when he hears the loud grunt. He thinks she used the empty scale conditioner first. He waits for a few more seconds, his heart racing... While he stands there, he hopes to himself this doesn't piss her off too much.

Ten seconds go by, and then he hears something from his scaly wife from within the restroom. "What the f*ck?"

He snickers to himself quietly, he hears the shower door open and can already imagine her looking at herself in the mirror.


His snickers are replaced with a frightened and fearful expression, his face instantly loses ninety percent of its color, looking chalk white now thanks to the outburst.

The door swings open, and out comes a pink-colored gator that looks furious. Was furious the right word for this? She looks like she is going to kill Inco.

She makes her way to the side and sees the scared Inco, brave enough to give a slight scared smile though. Her hair, snout, and chest are coated in the pink paint, he can practically see her snout flaring with anger.

"U-Uh... You look beautiful as ever?"

Olivia swipes at his legs to knock him down on his back, she has used this to her advantage multiple times. She crawls on his chest and points her clawed index finger at him. "What. The. f*ck!?"

Inco is about to put up his hand, but she smacks it down and forces him to listen up by pinning his arm down. He would be terrified if she weren't currently sitting down on his crotch. "Is this paint? Is this MY paint? I swear to Raptor Jesus if you used my PAINT for your pra-"

Olivia is silenced by his lips pushing against hers; she would be furious right now if she weren't so tired and drained from work. She growls to herself and kisses him roughly on the lips with her snout, her eyes closing as they make out on the floor.

He wanted to do this for her; he thought it would be funny to do since pranks were funny. If only Inco was funny to begin with.

She pulls away from him, her cheeks red, and his expensive shirt drenched in water and paint. He looks up at her with a chuckle while he sits his hands on her hips. "No, No, No, I'm not that stupid. I went down to the arts and crafts store and bought some cheap extra paint; I know how much those paints mean to you."

Olivia feels her fire reduced to embers within her; she is happy that he didn't use her expensive paint as some one-time loose joke. She lets out a sigh of relief and punches his arm roughly; he lets out a pained whine and says something about 'domestic abuse' or something; she doesn't really care to know. "I'm glad that you still have that brain of yours; at least you didn't use my paint. Plus, those dollar store paints are easy to scrub out."

Inco lets out a happy sigh; he is happy that his wife isn't mad, but he can definitely see this isn't over yet. "Alright, idiot, I want you to help me back to the shower."

He is about to object, but then she shoots him a dirty glare; he shudders internally when he sees her teeth peeking out when she gives a sneer. "Do it or you're sleeping on the couch."

"You wouldn't." Inco grins; what scares him is Olivia grinning right back at him.

"Guts could keep me company, but if you don't want cuddle time, I do highly suggest carrying me back." Olivia grins as she crosses her arms and smirks at him. Inco sighs in defeat; the gator slips off his chest and kneels patiently. He goes behind her and picks her up, his arm underneath her legs and his other arm holding her to his chest.

Olivia is genuinely impressed; he doesn't buckle or complain at all. Maybe all this time carrying her and going down to the gym with Damien did pay off? "Look at you, finally able to carry me without complaints."

Inco smiles down at his wife; he finds it odd that he got off easy, but then again, it wasn't too bad to begin with; she has done way worse things to him before. He hips the door, and it creaks open; the hot steamy bathroom hits his face like a truck. It feels stuffy inside; he gently opens the door and helps the gator to sit back on the mounted chair that was in the shower so she could sit easily.

Olivia tugs down on his collar roughly to kiss him on the cheek; he blushes brightly and begins to head off until a soap bottle flies past his head. The bottle narrowly misses his head; the bottle being flung was so forceful it had shut the bathroom door fully closed.

He looks shocked and worried; he looks back slowly and sees the gator grinning at him seductively. "Who told you could leave, Mr. Nito?"

Inco feels a dumb toothy smile begin to form on his face; he gets closer to the shower and is instantly dragged in, clothes and all still on.

After being ruthlessly used and scratched by the gator wife he had, Inco is on the sofa tired and drained. He is panting from earlier, he looks down at his exposed chest and grimaces a bit at the shreds.

Olivia had ripped his expensive shirt right open to get to the goods; she is lucky he loves her to death. Olivia is busy in the bedroom drying off and getting herself done. Even though he has told her many times she looks beautiful the way she is, she never gets the hint.

Olivia had gone down a small road of putting a bit of makeup on and looking nice, and it was all thanks to the long-necked dino that Olivia was friends with. Liz offered to 'pretty' up the Baryonyx; she was hesitant but went along with it.

The look Inco made had solidified itself within her mind and hasn't gone since; she hasn't gone overboard with makeup in a while but loves braiding herself and making sure she's presentable.

Inco keeps looking at the clothing shreds that he wore; he sighs sadly to himself; he is definitely going to need to get a new shirt for work. Olivia hums as she wheels herself out; Inco turns and smiles warmly at the pretty gator. The gator wears a large black T-shirt with the crude words spelled 'gator bitch' on it. He would have said something, but his words catch in his throat when he sees she isn't wearing any pants, shorts, or skirts.

Olivia looks up at him with a tired grin; she rolls herself to where he sits down and immediately hops off the wheelchair seat and into his arms. He lets out a pained humph as she bounces down beside him; she gently leans back against his right arm while he holds her. Olivia snuggles into his side while she whispers gently to her husband. "I wish this moment would last forever."

Inco looks at his beautiful wife; she gently lays down fully on her side with her head on his lap. His hands tenderly stroke her beautiful green hair that is neatly braided. "You know I could have helped you with that."

Olivia snorts and nods; she loves that he wants to help her every single step of the way, but last time when he braided her hair, it came out pretty mediocre compared to what Liz and Olivia could do. Inco seems to understand what is happening; he sighs and begins to stroke his neck while he strokes her hair gently. "Hey, Hey, Hey, I know that my braiding is pretty rough right now, but you and Liz are helping me greatly, plus it's not THAT bad."

Olivia rolls over in his lap to stare up at him with a deadpanned expression; he feels sweat begin to form instantly at the Baryonyx's expression. "I almost had to cut my hair because you practically knotted the damn thing, Inky."

Inco feels embarrassed at being called out; he rubs his neck and chuckles softly before turning away from the grinning Gator. She gently raises her hands and begins to touch his face; he feels his face heat up even more, something he didn't know was even possible. "But I do love that you care about me."

Inco smiles; he looks down at his wife with gentleness and lets her do her thing. "I will always care about you, even when you're making fun of me."

Olivia snorts at that comment. "I'm glad to know that you care about me every single day since I always do that, which will never change."

Inco leaned down as best as he could, his lips gently brushing against the Baryonyx's snout. "Don't ever change, Olivia."

Olivia gently pushed back against his lips and happily purred. "Not going to happen."

She shifted herself so she could curl up against his chest while still on his lap. She was in a comfortable position and didn't want to move, hoping her hubby would help her to their bed as usual. "Take me to my chambers, peasant."

Inco rolled his eyes and lifted the gator up; she clung to his neck and nuzzled her head against his chest. "What? I don't get King status or maybe even Prince?" Inco joked as he moved towards their bedroom, kicking the door open, which made Olivia roll her eyes.

"Mmmh, I'll think about it. Right now, continue worshipping your queen, and you'll earn back cuddle privileges after that stunt you pulled." Inco's eyes widened, he looked down at the gator as he laid her down at the edge of the bed.

"The stunt I pulled? You've done worse than me!"

Olivia grinned evilly as she stretched on the bed, her eyes fluttering open to her darling husband. "Quiet, peasant, don't make me feed you to my dragon."

Inco looked confused until she pointed to the dedicated spot in the corner of the room where a large cage was for Guts, who was, funnily enough, in a dragon costume/onesie.

"You're lucky that I love the ever-loving crap out of you." She blushed at that, gently opened her arms, and he reciprocated the hug.

Olivia felt his heart beating as they snuggled and hugged together, her snout buried into his neck. She closed her eyes and felt the familiar words leave her mouth that always made the human's heart flutter.

"I love you."

Inco gently kissed her cheek as they rested there for a bit, she felt his hands stroking her hair when she heard the soft husky whisper.

"I love you too."


Chapter 4: I Wani Have A Future With That Gator


Get your mother f*cking tinfoil hats out because the Wani Rapture is coming!!!! (I'm actually going insane)


Inco wants a future with that gator! (It should have been ME not him!)

Chapter Text

February 4th 201M B.C 2028

Olivia was in her classroom sitting down behind the desk, she saw the empty class and smiled. She loved teaching about art, it was her passion, but right now she could use a little 'me' time to herself.

She looked up and saw the clock, it was past four and everyone had already gone home for the night. She wheeled herself to where she had a large board standing up with paints by the side.

She picked up a brush from the cup that was being mounted besides the board and began to swiftly paint. She let her imagination go wild for that moment, thoughts of everything that has happened so far in her life were spilled, splattered and wiped on the board.

She saw bodies being made and sceneries being sculpted, she didn't exactly know what she was making since she was letting her heart decide at the moment. The brush went up, down, side to side and dotted at various points.

Many things rushed and flew inside her mind as she watched the paper being painted, her smile cracked when she remembered Inco was asking to take a 'snuggle day' from work, he was simply asking to ditch school so they could cuddle for the day.

Olivia obviously declined the offer, it had hurt her soul but she had to. Another thought drifted into her mind when she thought about Liz. For some reason lately she stayed away from the pregnant Brachiosaurus. She doesn't know what feeling comes to mind when she thinks of her.

Resentful? Grudging? Desirous? Envious... Jealous. Olivia felt her heart pained when that word entered her mind; Olivia was jealous.

She had never been a normal Baryonyxs, she was wheelchair bound after all. She wasn't like other girls as well, she was more of a tomboy than anything. She never thought of herself as pretty, even though Inco always says she is pretty, beautiful, gorgeous; the word sexy came into mind which made her blush.

This relationship wasn't normal either, she wouldn't have it any other way though. She loved Inco and married him because she loved him, she knew they weren't able to have kids together because they are far too different.

Her eyebrows furrowed a bit, could they? It had passed her mind multiple times when she was in the shower, in bed with him, or even here after school. Could they come together and reproduce?

She knows dinos could come together, Damien and Liz had done it to everyone's surprise. Then the thoughts came again.

'Why can't I?'

Olivia felt her snoot quiver in anger, her eyes began to bleed tears when her painting became more erratic. She dropped her paintbrush on the floor, it felt like the paint brush boiled her scales. Even though it was a normal paint brush, she looked at it with sorrow.

She then turned her attention to the board, her eyes widened at the beautiful painting she had made. She looked at the time, it had only been twenty minutes. This was easily that fastest she had painted before. The painting was beautiful but it wasn't the best that Olivia's ever made. What made it special was the red, pink, orange and green mixing together.

She hadn't even looked at what she was drawing until she actually looked. In the center was a baby Baryonyx curled in the fetal posture. An umbilical cord connected to the tummy and the little gators eyes closed shut. The very short hair was green and the snoot of the baby was short.

It would have looked like a normal infant Baryonyx but what gave away the difference to them all was how really humanoid it looked. Her tears began to fall when she finally placed on who the little one looked like; her and Inco as one.

She looked down and pressed her clawed hands to her belly, tears dropping on the flowery dress she was wearing. Her hate, want, needs and desires were spilled onto the painting. She hated Liz even though she was one of her good friends, she wanted Inco right here with her to cuddle, she needed to feel him against and within her, and she desired to have life within her stomach.

She rolled closer and put her hand on the large painting, she cursed herself when some of the paint was on her hand but didn't care when she saw that her hand print was on the baby. She smiled, it almost felt right to have her hand print there, telling the fictional child she made that she was their mother.

The moment was cut short when the door to her classroom opened up, inside came her husband, his face relaxed with a smile but instantly dropped when he saw his messy eyed wife was sobbing. "Olivia?"

Olivia kept her eyes on him, she hid her face with her clawed hand as he walked to her. She didn't want him to see her like this, even though he has had many times already, she still didn't want him catching her like this. "Livy... What's wron-"

His words were caught in his throat when he made towards her, he saw the painting and was stopped instantly in his tracks. The gator baby in the painting looked beautiful, just like their mother. He looked down and to the painting again, it felt like he was in a trance.

"Olivia... What is this?" He stares at the painting in awe and shock, his eyes going over every single detail that the painting gives, from the soft light pink and red of the womb the gator baby is in and to the scales the baby has.

"I-It's nothing... J-Just forget it... L-Lets go h-home." She began to wipe her eyes with the back of her hand and then began to wheel herself out.

She was almost at the door when she noticed that Inco wasn't moving from his spot, he was simply staring at the painting with an unreadable poker face. "Inco?"

Inco tore his gaze away from the painting and towards his clearly distressed wife. He examined the painting again, always looking at the spot where she had placed her hand at. "Olivia, my love, what is wrong?"

Olivia tries to advert her gaze from his eyes, she knows for a fact that if she had drawn their baby with their eyes opened it would definitely have had his eyes. "I-It's nothing, c'mon... L-Lets just go home."

Inco could definitely tell something was wrong now, even though he did before hand he now knew for certain that something was up. He gently walked to his wife and closed the door, making her heart race faster. He gently takes a seat at a family desk, the one he sat at years prior. He gestures for Olivia to roll up to her old seat, he gently moves the chair that was there and places it next to him. "Come, sit."

Olivia hesitates for a split second but she rolls herself to the empty desk soon later. "W-What is it?"

Inco puts his arms and hands on the desk, it's clear he's worried about what he is about to say. She can see his hands shaking slightly and his smile forming into a sad one. "You've been thinking about it too?"

He motioned to the painting she made, his voice was kind and gentle towards her. Olivia felt her cheeks reddened and her own heart thumped faster. "T-Thought about w-what?"

Inco closed his eyes, he moved the desk closer to hers and gently slipped his hand into her green scalier ones. "I hope I'm not over stepping any of your boundaries... But have you been thinking about having a family?"

Olivia adverted her eyes, of course he knew, why wouldn't he? Plus it wasn't exactly a secret now, she had told him before she wanted to be a mother. She remembered what he said years ago after they had destroyed the paintings with Iadakan.

'I want to find love.'

Now that he has found love, would he want more? She was an entirely different species than him for one, would he really want to start a family... With her?

Olivia felt her heart ache, she knew she wanted that. Even though they couldn't create life together they could adopt, she always wanted a little baby of her own, someone she could love, care, and hold.

Her heart fluttered at the thought, she smiled warmly when she imagined Inco holding their child.

"Yes... Yes I have." She wasn't sad or unsure anymore, the picture that entered her mind of Inco and their future child was enough to bring her out of her shell. "I want it so badly."

Inco sighed and moved his chair closer to her so he could wrap his arm around her shoulder and deliver a well loving kiss on her head. She lets some tears spill down her cheeks, Inco gently rubs her tears while she cuddles against him. "I do too, I've always wanted to be a father... You know this now. I want to be a better parent than my own parents. Those assholes didn't even come to our own wedding, at least I had the Paynes to help us."

Olivia nodded, her smile very fragile while she rubbed herself against his side. She feels his hand gently stroking her long green braided hair while they snuggle together. "Come on, it looks like it's about to rain outside so I suggest we get out of here before it starts pouring."

Olivia wipes her eyes with the back of her hand and sniffs, she nods gently to her husband, her smile brightens when she snuggles against him. "Yes, let's get out of here."


The car ride home was quiet, it wasn't an awkward quiet but a closure type quiet. She had finally got what was bugging her for the past week, he wanted a child and she did too.

Hearing the word 'child' really made her blush brightly at the thought, even though they were sexually active together they couldn't biologically create life together unfortunately. Then it hit her again; could they?

Humans and dinos were polar opposites as species but did share similar traits from one another. Olivia went down the long rabbit hole of if Inco could even get her pregnant. She hoped but in the end it was probably fruitless, she hadn't heard of any human/dino hybrid before.

Ten minutes later and Inco parked the car and began to help his loving wife out, the recent conversation still racing in his mind while he pushed her up the ramp and loaded them both into the elevator.

Inco was thinking the same thing too, they've been making love almost every night now for two years now and so far nothing unfortunately. He sighed and gently looked down at his wife, she was beautiful... Does he say it often?

Olivia's tail curled around his hand while he was pushing her through the hallway in the apartment complex. She's going to make sure to sit him down and talk thoroughly with him about having a family together.

It only took 30 minutes, 30 minutes to get to their room, undress and get into more comfortable clothing, take a fast shower together and end it off with them on the couch together. Olivia was nervous about this but she knew it needed to happen, which needed to happen right now.

"Inky?" Inco gently opened his arms so she could scoot and jump into his embrace, she gently rested on his chest and snuggled into him warmly.

"What's on your mind, honey?" Inco softly kissed her on her forehead while she sat on his lap, he made sure to keep the pain to himself since she was a bit heavy.

Olivia felt her eyes close gently, she felt his heart race tenderly while he rubbed her back as they snuggled together with love in the air. She knew she was safe and protected right now but she couldn't help but feel sad and depressed still. She wanted something so much more than any one right now and she couldn't even have it. "I-I'm sorry... I'm sorry I can't give you life."

Inco looked confused for a second but his confusion faded away instantly. He cupped her cheek and gently leaned over to put a soft delicate smooch on her snoot. She closed her eyes happily when she felt his hand go down her back while the other rubbed her cheek. "Olivia, I am not blaming you for anything at all. This is out of our control and that's fine with me, it hurts that we can't have a little one of our own but I know that we can adopt a little one that we'll call our own."

Olivia felt her words catch in her throat, her eyes began to tear up and her soft whines became delicate whimpers. She rubbed her head against his chest while her tail wrapped around his waist. "Y-You mean it? Y-You aren't m-mad? Y-You won't l-leave me? Y-You wo-" Her soft words were interrupted by a soft kiss pushing on her muzzle again. The kiss was short but through the kiss... She felt everything will be alright.

"I could never be mad at you, plus being mad over something that is out of your controller is dumb. You are the love of my life and I'd do anything to see that beautiful smile come back." He gently nuzzled her cheek and snoot while they cuddled together.

She was hurting right now but Olivia felt something warm bubbling in her stomach. She was happy and had butterflies flying around in her stomach, she rubbed her face against his shoulder as she closed her eyes.
"Don't leave me alone, Inco."

Another kiss was pecked on her head while she sat there on his lap, his hands stroking her back and her cheek. They tenderly wrapped each other in a warm tight hug, Olivia smiled happily even after everything that had transpired before, her eyes closed while he held her tightly to him.

"I'll never leave you, Olivia."


Chapter 5: I Wani Have A Home With That Gator


(Holds up empty cup) Spare some Wani or Snoot Mods good sir?

(He walks past without even looking at me) That's f*cking it... Send Judee to his location.


Inco wants to have have a home with that gator! (He's getting his head bashed in rn)

Chapter Text

February 17th 201M B.C 2028

Thunder crackled through the night as they slept together, his arms wrapped around her waist while they slept together. Only thing was that one of them wasn't fully asleep; Olivia. Olivia has been up for the past hour listening to the soft patter of the rain and thunder crack outside.

Inco mumbled thing occasionally in his sleep, she giggled at times when he started kissing her cheek while he slept. Olivia smiled when his arms wrapped a bit tighter around her waist, she moved her back against his chest and nuzzled a bit further under his chin.

Olivia kissed his hand that was right against her face that was wrapped around her waist, humans were always so protective of their mates, weren't they? She hummed happily when she felt a soft kiss on the back of her head, he was so affectionate while he slept.

She would have been kinda annoyed by this but right now she needed this, they've been going through so much lately and it was really taking a toll on the stressed out Baryonyx. He helped her out with everything and she was thankful she had a loving and supportive husband.

They've been trying to get into adoption recently but the paperwork was rough. They both wanted kids and this was the only way they could have their family. She did think about having a sperm donor but the thought of HER child going through the same she went through at birth was frightening.

She felt selfish, even though there was a chance she wanted it. She wanted biological babies of her own, she wanted to spoil, love, care and pamper them.

She's been up this late every night wanting this, she wasn't sure about having a family years ago back in highschool but now she's definitely on board.

A thunder shakes the house which makes her eyes shrink in slight fright, not expecting the powerful bolt of hot electricity sweep across the sky so loudly. She shakes a bit but then calms down when it subsides, the moment of being frightened leaves when she felt the arms of her protector gently hold onto her a bit tighter while she rests her head against the pillow.

"Everything okay, beautiful?" A soft tired whisper blows into her ear while she blushes at the compliment of a nickname. She sighs gently and turns over in his embrace, he opens his arms so she could do this without any hassle.

She rests her snoot on his chest, he gently brings his hand down and strokes the top of her head. She's been to busy with work, art, adoption and family that she hasn't had time for herself.

She turns her face to the side and rests her cheek on his chest, her eyes close and shudders gently. "I've just been thinking of so much things as of late, Inky."

Inco strokes her back while he holds her, she closes her eyes and rubs herself against him. She always feels relaxed when they are cuddling close like this, perks with having a soft skinned skinnie for a husband. Olivia nuzzles his chest and continues. "The adoption has been at the top of my mind, I want a family but... What are we supposed to do?"

Inco takes a few seconds to collect his thoughts, he himself has been going over this for a few days. He gently rubs her back softly, the soft claws of his wife's hands gently trace down his back as Olivia cuddles up against him. "Well for starters, we're definitely going to have to ditch this flat. It's a beautiful flat but it is NOT big enough for a little monster to run around here."

Olivia couldn't help but let out a giggle, she nodded and slid down his shoulder to his chest. She closed her eyes and hummed, she just wanted to be a mother already. She humphed softly, she hated that they had it harder while others had it easy.

She opened her eyes and gently rubbed her face against his chest, she hummed happily at his chiseled chest. She needs to thank Damien for making him get into going to the gym now with him, she loves at the end of the day she's able to rest against his chiseled chest.

The soft patter of rain sounded more like a lullaby than what it actually was, the thumping on the roof was therapeutic and soothed the stressed gator woman out. She hummed happily, enjoying the gentle caresses her husband was giving her.

Her eyes slowly began to close, her silver irises getting drowsier and drowsier as she rested on this very comfortable spot she was currently in.

She barely missed what her husband said.

"Goodnight, Livy."

She hummed happily at his words.


Four days go by pretty quickly, all that time spent looking for homes in the nearby area of St. Hammond and adoption places that were willing to take them in.

Olivia was hyperactive throughout the whole ordeal, speeding from left to right so fast it like looked like she was creating fire from her rubber wheels. The nickname 'Hot Wheels' came to mind, he knows how much she hated the nickname back then but has grown to enjoy it by her closest family and friends.

The hyperactive Baryonyx pointed, shot down, and criticized every house they arrived at. The real estate agent was already growing a large headache, the Ankylosaur rubbed his temple and put on a fake smile while the Baryonyx surveyed the pool.

"Too small, not big enough for me to enjoy it."

The Ankylosaur kept his bubbling anger down, he clasped his hands together. He was about to comment until her human husband came in and saved him. "Livy' all these pools are the exact same as the ones from down the block. It looks smaller because it's shaped different, it's still has as much liters as the other ones."

"It's true, but if you are looking for a home with a different sized pool then we can add that in." The Ankylosaur put on a smile to show that he was being genuine, even though he really wanted to sit down and just sob right now.

Olivia grunts, crossing her arms and narrowing her eyes while she looks away. Inco rolls his eyes and strides up to her and kneels in front of the green scaled woman. "Honey, you know I don't like flexing money here and there... But if it's going to something as important as having a family with you... Then I won't mind at all."

Her face melts when she heard his soft cool words, she sighed and nodded, she was being too picky right now. She just wanted a home that she could call her own, a home that she and Inco could bring in a couple of babies into and be a family. "A-Alright... You are so good to me for no reason."

Inco leans forward and kisses the gators' cheek, she rolled her eyes and pouted in embarrassment before wheeling away. The real estate agent walks up to him, he holds papers and a tablet for his work while he types some stuff on it. "Actually Mr. Nito, I think I found something you and the missus would definitely enjoy. Plus, it's in your price range AND it's close by here as well."

Inco adorns a smile, a happy and relaxed smile. He gently looks down at his wife, the gator woman looks up at him and nods. They both would like to see the house and see if they would like it. The Ankylosaur sighs happily, he may have finally found what they were looking for.

It took fourteen minutes to get to the location, Olivia's eyes wide and happy while they passed by the beautiful homes that could probably be one day theirs. Olivia faced front and then saw a home, a home that she immediately fell in love with. Inco parked the car in the driveway and he hastily propped up Olivia's chair so he could wheel her up.

Thankfully for her, the home had a ramp that went straight up to the front door, on each side were large palm trees and next to the front of the house were small plants growing. She was enraptured at how beautiful the front of the house looked, her artistic eye caught things that others couldn't see; she was already wheeling off on her own.

"L-Livy! Wait!" The Ankylosaur chuckled at the lovely couple, she sped up to the door while the human ran behind her. She waited excitedly for the orange scaled dino to open the door for them.

"I'm glad you're excited, this house is fairly new, this whole block is. We just finished building and planting everything last month, now the homes are beautiful and ready to be sold." Olivia's eyes are sparkly as she sees through the stained glass window on the side, her long green tail wagging while she grins.

The Ankylosaur opens the door to the beautiful home, the home was large, a beautiful two story home with a decent sized pool out back. This home was a bit pricier than the old one, Inco had a budget to keep but the look on his wife's face was priceless. He nodded to the orange scaled dino, he led them on a tour of the beautiful home.

He could definitely tell that many adjustments needed to be made for the home, the stairs needed to have a motorized stair lift for Olivia. He rubbed his temple, she'd probably need two wheelchairs for the bottom floor and top floor as well.

Another thing as well was that they would definitely need to baby proof the home, especially the large pool that was in the back of the beautiful home. Inco had a lot to do before they brought a kid home, but nonetheless, it was worth it.

He had to carry Olivia upstairs, she ordered her husband to go into a hallway that had five rooms in it, the last down the hall. She could see herself painting in one of the rooms and Inco having a photo gallery on the opposite side of her art gallery.

She was already in love with the house, Inco could tell, the real estate agent could tell. Her snoot has a large smile while the gator points to the last room, the one at the end of the hall. They opened the door, it was a beautiful room, there was a closet by the door that took a small chunk of the room. There was a window that had a great view of the pool as well, she could already imagine this room being their little ones' room.

Inco could tell what she was thinking, as if he had read her mind, he nodded to the Ankylosaur and the three went downstairs. He had placed her in the wheelchair and she had immediately shot off to the outside. The Ankylosaur took this opportunity to speak with Inco, he pulled his tablet back out and showed him the details. "I know this is a bit out of your price range Mr. Nito, this home is new and I can guarantee these homes are going to go fast. I already have multiple buyers right now looking to buy this place, I'm not trying to persuade you or anything but I can say that this house won't be empty next week."

Inco began sweating, he looked out the windows to the gorgeous back yard. His wheel wheeling around as she laughed and cheered. He loved seeing her happy like this, he then stared at the tablet which the Ankylosaur gave to him in return.

His heart stopped when he saw the price, being a bit out of the price range was an understatement, this home was almost a hundred thousand dollars more expensive than the last one. He knew that she was already in love with the house, he growled to himself when he picked out his phone and opened it and went into contacts; father.

He closed his eyes, he hated asking his father for money, everything he had was his. Asking his father was more painful than putting a bowl in your toe and then slamming it against the door. His thumb hovered over the call button, he hated his mother and father dearly, they didn't do anything for him nor did they even attend his own wedding. He let the bubbling anger subside, they definitely had the money, he could probably pay them off by the end of September and then never speak to them again afterwards.

"If you would, could I have a second alone? I need to make a quick call first." The Ankylosaur nodded and put the pen for the tablet into the holder. "Sure, Mr. Nito, take all the time you need."

The real estate agent left without another word, the agent went to the front and took out his own phone as well and began calling someone. Inco paid no attention to him, he walked forward and stood in the living room. He looked down at the number, it felt sickening to even look at it, he hates flexing his money but what he hates more is ASKING for money.

A glint of bright green catches his eye, he looks outside and sees his gator wife had stopped. She was looking slightly up, her snoot pointed upwards and her eyes closed. It looked to him that she was taking in the scenery and the beautiful bright sunny day.

His heart melted instantly, the anger, disgust, loathsome towards his parents vanished. He wasn't going to let his own ego get in the way of Olivia's happiness, he took in a deep sigh and pressed the call button.

Eight seconds of calling went by, it felt agonizing, every single second felt like it was hell. He kept his eyes on the beautiful gator, it calmed him. Eventually the other end of the line came to life, Inco put on a calm facade while he stared at Olivia with a smile. "Dad... I need a favor."


Chapter 6: I Wani Surprise That Gator


Oh god... (Looks at my phone and types) sh*t she's coming.

(Sprints and hides behind a tree) I don't think she saw me did she?

(I turn and look behind the tree and see nothing) Okay... I think I lost her.

(Judee appears right in front of me and starts levitating) JOIN MY PUPPET SHOW PRIMMNY!!!



Inco almost died when trying to surprise his gator (you'd think he'd learn by now that she doesn't handle surprises too well)

Chapter Text

February 18th 201M B.C 2028 (Late Afternoon)

Unfortunately the gator woman was sad, she knew that she shouldn't have gotten her hopes up but she had. Inco had told her that the house was out of their budget and they couldn't afford it. He was surprised he had expertly lied to her about it, it broke his heart to lie to his wife but he wanted this to be a huge surprise for her.

She had been so stressed the week before and so he wanted to do something to soothe and relax the Baryonyx. He had quickly bought the house soon after he had ended the call with his father, it had hurt his soul greatly to ask his dad for help, but the reward of doing so would be far greater than this lost.

He wasn't on the greatest terms with his father, his father was very skeptical of it at first but when Inco offered to pay back the business man he instantly agreed. Inco would never lie to his old man, even if he did lie to him; there would definitely be hell to pay.

Olivia was currently sleeping on her side, her eyes closed while she slept in a simple cherry red matching undergarments set. Inco made sure to definitely tuck the sleeping gator in, she had been depressed all day since they 'didn't' buy the house. She understood whole heartedly but it still left a whole in her heart.

It hurt Inco's heart to see his usually cheerful wife like this, he sighed and stood by the doorway looking at her. He reached into his pocket and pulled out his phone, he went into contacts and scrolled down the phone and then pressed the button to call.

He waited several seconds for the person on the other end of the line to pick up, after fifteen seconds he heard the familiar voice of his best friend. "Yoo, Inco, what's up man?"

"Hey, Damien... I need help if you don't mind." His voice was quiet, he didn't want to wake up the sleeping predator in their bedroom.

"Yeah sure bro, what's going on?"

"I need Liz's help badly, she orchestrated our wedding and I need her help with something that follows that up in a way." Inco rubbed his temple while he kept his gaze on his wife.

"Oh, uh, sure... Liz is upstairs in the tub right now, is it anything stressful? I don't really want her doing anything that requires heavy lifting, she is pregnant, Inky." Damien was genuinely concerned for his wife, Inco loved that about his friend.

"I promise it isn't anything too hefty, it's... Uh... We are actually planning on moving soon." He could hear the gasp that the Dilopho-Spinosaurus hybrid had made.

"Wait, seriously bro? You were really planning on going without saying goodbye to us?" Inco furrowed his eyebrows, he loves the guy but he really can be dense.

"No! No! No! We aren't leaving the city, Damien. We found a nice neighborhood near St. Hammond and we are planning on moving there." Damien let out a sign of relief, Damien chuckled on the other end of the phone.

"Ooooooh, alright. I gotcha dude." He can already picture the red scaled Dinos' signature grin and thumbs up.

"We were planning on moving there, I have to lie to Olivia saying we didn't get the house. She's super depressed about it and I really want to make it up to her, could you tell Liz and your parents if they could come together to throw a house party for her?" Inco felt bad about leaving his wife so down in the dumps, he was doing this for her. He knows for a fact this will be worth it at the end of the day.

"No problem, man. I'll tell Liz about it as soon as she gets out of the bath. Please help me man, she takes hours and it's draining the water bill." Damien sighs over the line, Inco could already imagine the dino rubbing his temple while he groans.

"I don't think it would be a good idea to get in-between a pregnant woman's 'me' time, plus it can't be that bad, Damien." Inco grins while he leans against the wall.

"Dude she's been in there for two hours now, the faucet head has been on the entire time. I'm starting to genuinely think she's trying to flood the house, man." The laid back Dilopho-Spinosaurus was pleading with him at this point. Inco chuckled while he closed the bedroom door and headed towards the living room area.

"Happy wife, happy life." That earned a grunt and a groan from the dino on the other end, Inco grinned when the phone call ended which made him laugh in result.


February 29th 201M B.C 2028

It had been little over a week now since he had taken Olivia house hunting, Olivia was out teaching art at the moment while Inco, Damien, Ben, Lunara, Vinny and Mr. Payne were helping moving the furniture into their new home.

It took time to plan this moment out, major help from Liz, who is ordering them around at the moment, while they all are on a tight schedule.

They are all almost finished now thankfully, it took from early in the morning to almost four in the afternoon. This was right around the time that Inco would go out and pick her up, Inco wipes her hand against his head as he drives to St. Hammond.

He tries to straighten out his shirt, pants, and jacket while he drives. He is completely out of breath now, having to move their furniture and other stuff so quickly in the limited timeframe they had. He hoped dearly that they would be able to manage without him, they were almost done and surely could handle the decorating without him.

Liz was in charge of that, as soon as he left he heard the pregnant Brachiosaurus yelling and giving out orders. Damien tried to calm her down but she eventually kicked him away and swatted him with a newspaper before sending him with his dad to put the gators' paint supplies up in one of the extra rooms.

He, Liz, and Damien had been planning for this all weekend, Liz spending her free time getting the bigger decorations up at the house while Inco tries to cheer up his sullen spouse.

He hopes to himself this will get her out from the dumps she was currently wallowing in. He drove himself to the school, his heart pounding while he tried to prep himself with the eventual outcome that was coming alarmingly fast.

He saw the large school appearing on the horizon, the large mural of the Tyrannosaurus Rex being the staple of the school when you first drive by it. He parks in the handicap spot, making sure he has his handicap pass so he won't get fined.

He closes the door and hastily makes his way to the glass doors, he opens them and feels the cold air hit his face. Even though it was already cold outside, it was way colder in the school weirdly enough.

He went along his usual track, going to the right and going down the long hallway that had the elevator down the hallway. The door to his right where the principal office was located was partially open half way, kinda struck him odd since Scaler is very tidy, even when the door is barely ajar.

He slowly made his way past the trophy case, his steps coming to a complete stop as he stared at the large trophies and panties that were presented proudly in the case. He had his hands behind his back and puffed out his chest, his sunglasses glinted momentarily while he sighed at the painting in the center. "Professor Iadakan, please give me the strength and courage to go above this right. I really don't want to screw up anything else, sir."

The face of the deceased pterodactyl shines brightly, his smile never fading which gave the human some reassurance for what was to come.

He fixed his glasses and began his walk, he sighed and closed his eyes as he walked forward thinking out loud. "Thank you, sir."

It took his five minutes to go up two flights up stairs and out on the outdoor hallway, he placed his hand on the scratched and sliced stone that was a barrier from certain death below. His heart kept racing, beating faster and faster, why was he nervous to begin with? This isn't as big as asking her to marry him.

That calmed him a bit, but the anxiety came back soon after. 'Well we are moving into our dream home, planning on adopting a kid, and to top it off this is our forever home. T-This has to go right.'


He was stripped away from his thoughts when he heard that angelic voice, her deep feminine voice shook him out of his thoughts. He looked side to side and then behind him, he only realized right now that he had passed her door.

She had her green steeled and beaten canteen, she took a swig of her canteen since her voice had been feeling dry all day from talking; today was a very productive day.

He had quickly jogged back to where she was, looking at him with suspicion while she had let the strapped canteen fall behind her. He had looked down at her sheepishly, grinning stupidly while she leaned on her elbow and watched him crooked brow. "Sorry honey, I've been so busy all day. This crap is really getting to me, y-you ready to go home?"

Olivia dropped her suspicion, she knows how much he works and loves that about him. She began to wheel closer, grabbed his hand and placing it on her cheek as she began to nuzzle against it. "Yes please... I love teaching but Raptor Jesus, some of them can be a real pain in the ass."

Inco chuckles and gently kneels down in front of the physically and mentally drained Baryonyx. He gently wraps his hands in hers while he brings them to his lips, he gently kisses them softly while he looks up at her. "I can only imagine how hard it is to not yell at them or set them in their place."

Olivia snorts, she crosses her arms and glared at him. "I would have made those little brats cry and sh*t themselves if only they wouldn't fire me for doing so."

Inco chuckles at her joke, her leans forward and kisses her cheek. She blushes very lightly while he walks behind her and wheels her off.

He walked with her while she talked about her day, her voice was music to his ears while they chatted together about what was happening. Of course he didn't tell her about the surprise that was about to be thrown at her today, he hopes she'll like this since this did cost him his two arms, two legs, while body and head.

He can't wait to see her gorgeous face light up in shock, the last time he did this on a scale was when he popped the question to her. His face was peppered in alligator kisses that entire day and the week after he didn't sleep because a certain alligator was very happy to show her love towards her fiance.

He blushes happily and grins like a doofus.

"What's got you grinning like a total dumbass?" Olivia stared up at him, her eyes staring at him with suspicion while she had a small smile forming.

They were practically next to the car, he had opened the passenger door while she was getting ready to hop in while he put her backpack and wheelchair in the backseat.
He looked to see his wife getting ready to jump, he quickly lifted her up and set her into the passenger seat, this earned a grunt and growl from the female Baryonyx.

He rolled his eyes and kissed her cheek and closed the door, she crossed her arms and turned away from him with a 'humph' while he walked to the driver's door.

Once inside, he gets his keys and puts them into the ignition, Olivia looks at her husband with a raised eyebrow and a soft smile of her own. "Hey dumbass, you still haven't told me what was making you grin so stupidly?"

"Oh it's a surprise, you'll have to be a good and patient gator to find out what it is." Olivia narrows her eyes, she could be the good loving wife anytime she wants, the only thing that she couldn't do was be patient.

"I hate that f*cking word, come on tell me please!" He suppressed a smile of his own, he had her swimming easily to the bait he had thrown out, now it was time to reel her in.

He began to drive out of the parking space while his green scaled wife pleaded to know more. He kept a smile that was agonizing to the Baryonyx, he huffed and crossed her arms while narrowing her eyes. "Inco tell me or you won't get any sex tonight."

She grinned to herself when the car momentarily swerved a second, her grin faded when he had a stoic facade plastered on his face; it didn't help either that he wore sunglasses so she couldn't see his eyes. "Well, sh*t... That usually does it."

It takes Inco every fiber of his body to not reveal the huge surprise waiting for her, after all though, he could trade one night of sex for a whole week of sex afterwards when he surprises her. His grin came back, she'd definitely be all over him after he revealed their new home to her.

"That's really starting to creep me out, first you won't tell me what is making you grin, and now second you are denying sex, from me?" Olivia feels her heart tear in two, she has lost weight these past few years, she's relatively proud of that. Surely it's not because of her body, he has expressed many times that he loves her for who she is.

Her inner thoughts were torn apart when Inco gently expressed. "Baby, it's taking EVERY part of me to say no... And I have to say this, it's worth it. You'll see what I mean in a bit, besides, if we do do it we'll be late to the party."

Olivia nodded her head, it made sense to her. They definitely couldn't be late to the party, it would be rude to-


It took Olivia a full twelve seconds to finally understand what her hubby had told her.


Inco grinned to himself. He had successfully reeled her in, he wishes he could see her confused face but the light flicked green; off they went.


Chapter 7: I Wani Love That Gator


I've now been turned into a sock puppet... I don't think I can continue writing these because my hands are literal paper now (help me she's writing a script for Wani Puppet Pals...)


Inco wants to love that gator!!!!! (I wish I had a gator... Insert Ryan Gosling here)

Chapter Text

February 18th 201M B.C 2028 (Late Afternoon)

Olivia pulled out every tactic she knew on Inco, pleading, puppy dog eyes, seducing, and even offering him some fun time in the car. Inco had a stone stoic face plastered on at all times, this was definitely probably one of the hardest things he's been put through.

After awhile though, Olivia had stopped and began pouting. He hated seeing his wife like this, she was his everything and seeing her like this left a sizable hole in his heart.

Inco closed his eyes and let out a sigh, his hands gripping the steering wheel a bit tighter now. "Alright you win, you get one hint."

Olivia's eyes shined brighter than two galaxies colliding together at his statement, she had the biggest, cutest, and most beautiful grin now. "f*ck yes! Tell me, tell me, tell me!"

Inco opened his mouth a second later, nothing came out in the end though. Inco was never good at improvising or making up stuff as he goes. He looked to the road and then back to Olivia, her beautiful smiling face boosting his confidence. "Okay, sh*t... Uhh."

Olivia giggled at his nervousness, she scooted a bit closer to him and nuzzled herself up against him. "Tell meeee~"

She had her clawed hands together, her smile is very infectious, just looking at her made his worries and doubts melt away like they never existed. "Let's just say, we're going to be broke for awhi- WOAH!"

Olivia gripped onto his arm tightly when the car screeched to a halt, Olivia's eyes shot to the front window to see a light and dark pink little girl with a cane going down the street. Olivia felt her heart racing as she stared down at the small little female who was currently crossing the road very slowly. She seemed almost oblivious that a giant car had almost run her over.

Inco had rushed out to see if the little female was alright, Olivia looked in shock down at the small slippery little girl that had come so close to being under the car. She placed her hand to her heart and let out a sigh, thankfully Inco had managed to stop it in time.

The little female was still slowly walking, waving her stick around on the road while she walked obviously around. That's when she stopped in her tracks, her pink nose sniffing around while she turned her face to the approaching human.

She was a lot smaller than him, he could tell she was very young. His fatherly instincts began to kick in when he took a knee to be at eye level with the little girl.

His eyes glossened over her, she wore a cute plaid uniform skirt that matched her shirt as well, he could definitely tell this little female was in a very expensive school. She had a long hot and light pink jelly like tail that was partially see through. She had frills? Ears? Gills! The little female had gills that were perturbing from her long blonde hair. She had two cute long pigtails hairs that went down to her shoulders that had pink bows on the end of them. The little girl also had bangs that almost covered her eyes.

Inco turned back and saw his wife wheeling herself towards him, he cursed to himself since he wasn't able to help her out. Olivia put her hand on his back, as if to say she was okay and didn't hold anything against him. Olivia looked at her as well, her heart clenching when she found how adorable she was.

Inco looked back at the small little female, she was holding her cane and he could see that female had webbed fingers. That's when it hit him, she was an Axolotl! He wanted to slap himself for not realizing sooner. Olivia wheeled further to her, she wanted to make sure that the young axolotl girl wasn't hurt.

While his wife did that, that's when it hit him again; the eyes. Inco leaned closer and saw that the axolotl's eyes were a foggy white, it all made sense now, why she didn't jump when the car almost hit her, why she had a cane, why she isn't confused about them.

'Has she even noticed us at all?'

The little amphibian gently sniffed the air, her eyes widening while she clutches her cane to her tightly. The little axolotl looked lost, he turned to Olivia was was still completely confused.

"Little one, why are you out here? Where's your mommy and daddy?" Inco softly said to her, making sure to keep his distance so he wouldn't frightened the already frightened girl.

"I-I lost my class, w-we are on a field trip to the l-library and I-I got lost when going back." Inco felt his heart burning, couldn't they see that she needed to be looked after? Here she was, who knows how far from her school, classmates, and teachers.

"Oh you poor baby, do you by any chance know what your school is called?" Olivia chimed in while she looked down at the axolotl. The axolotl jumped a bit at the new voice, she sniffed the air again and nodded.

"I-I... U-Um... I think it's a special school for k-kids like me, I think the nice people that take care of me said the l-letters V-VBSBDVI?" The little axolotl stuttered out the first letter and then cuddled her cane to her chest, she had tears threatening to spill out at any given moment.

Inco had quickly fished out his phone and typed them down, he found the school and saw it. "Voldcaldera Bluff's School for the Blind, Deaf, and Visually Impaired?" The axolotl heard this and nodded he gently at what he said.

He saw the number and pressed it, sending him the number so he could call and have a word with the school. Inco dialed and put the phone to his ear while he began to walk back to the car, he didn't want the young axolotl hearing or learning anything from what he was about to say to them.

Olivia took this as an opportunity to talk more with her, she smiled while she put her hands in her lap and saw the cane she had had some googly eyes and a small top hat that was glued to the top. "Is he your friend, little one?"

The little axolotl jumped at her voice, she sniffed and felt the presence of the Baryonyx sitting besides her. "Y-Yes... His name is P-Pogo."

Olivia chuckled and nodded, she can hear and see how she the lost girl, hearing her like this broke the gators' heart. "That's a cute name, when I was around your age I had named my wheelchair the 'Flash' since I could beat anyone in a race with it."

The axolotl giggled to herself, it was a funny name for a wheelchair, she gently turned her face to the female Baryonyx and reached out. Her soft webbed fingers touching her handles where she felt the woman's hand resting. "W-Woah... Y-You're kinda... Like me?"

Olivia's eyes widened a bit, she didn't take it into account that she did share some similarities with the also disabled axolotl. Her life wasn't normal and she sympathized with that, she looked down at her legs and knees... Her smile cracking a bit. "Y-Yeah, you ain't alone kid, there are tons of others out there like you and me."

The axolotl blinked before cracking a fragile smile, her smile was super infectious and had spread to Olivia, her own snoot grinning now. The axolotl looked down at her shoes, her small hands gripping the cane while she whispered nervously.

Olivia had to lean a bit in after not catching what she said. "I-I didn't hear you, missy."

The axolotl looked up at the gator with a smile and bubbled out. "M-My name is Luna."

Olivia smiled down at the little axolotl who had her tail curled around her leg, she was nervous and the gator could tell. Olivia's smile began a grin, she wheeled herself up to the small axolotl and giggled. "The name's Olivia, kid. You have such a beautiful name, you do shine bright like the moon as well."

Luna giggled and smiled while she held her cane, Pogo's hat tilting a bit when she had her chin on the top hat. Even though the axolotl couldn't see, she could hear the gators' happy heart beats.

The axolotl looked down, all of a sudden shy now. She kept her cane close to her, Olivia leaned forward a bit and softly cooed. "What is it, Little Luna?"

The axolotl giggled at the name, she 'looked' up at the gator while she hugged the cane tightly. "You came with that nice man, who was he and where did he go?"

Olivia chuckled down at the cute axolotl, she leaned down and softly whispered happily to the young lotl. "He's a big dummy, that's who he is. The big dummy went to contact your school, oh I think he's done actually."

Inco was rubbing his temple, he shoved his phone angrily into his pocket and looked down at his wife and the young lotl girl. "I had just gotten done speaking with the principal of the school, she is sending someone here to pick her up."

Olivia was about to say something when a car honked, Inco jumped and turned around to see cars moving past their stationed car that was still on the road. "Oh god I forgot! Livy' could you move her to the side so we won't cause a block up!?"

Olivia snorted and smiled, she tenderly held the axolotl's hand while she wheeled herself with her one hand. The axolotl held onto her hand tightly while they made it onto the sidewalk, Inco pulling out of the way and parking the car in the parking space. He got out and saw a small shopping center behind them, thanking that the shopping center was there with a parking lot.

The axolotl's feet began to hurt so Olivia offered the little girl to sit on her lap, the axolotl was nervous at first since Olivia couldn't move below her knees. Olivia assured the axolotl and pulled the giggling and squealing axolotl into her embrace.

Five minutes went by and Inco had rushed into the shopping center to buy something for the tired lotl, he returned with a bag of goodies that he looked over. "Okay, we have Hershey's, Lollipops, Skittles, gummy worms and bears, and even rainbow sour strips."

The axolotl's eyes widened to the side of dinner plates, she didn't even need to hear what Inco was saying since her nose was assaulted by the sweet smell of the tasty sweets. He placed the bag of goodies onto the little lotls' lap and she began to instantly dig in.

Olivia looked up worriedly at her husband, she wasn't too sure if kids were supposed to be this hyper. She saw the axolotl suck up the gummy worms instantly, one after another they went into the black hole that was her stomach. That's when Inco saw that Luna didn't have teeth, he mentally slapped himself since her remembered axolotls don't have teeth.

She licked the lollipop, sucked up the gummy worms and bears, and devoured the hard Skittles without even chewing (since she couldn't.) The axolotl burped, Olivia giggled and Inco couldn't help let out a quiet chuckle; she really was adorable.

Inco looked down at his gator and the child interacting like they knew each other for years now, Olivia telling jokes to the axolotl and she in return giggling or telling her own.
Seeing Luna really made him wonder though. 'How does she talk without any teeth? Have her parents taught her to not take candies from strangers? Why is she so already affectionate with us, we are total strangers! How did she get all th-"

The three were cut out of their loving moment when a large black and expensive looking car pulled up next to their parked vehicle. Out came a very long necked Mamenchisaurus, she had blue skin and was uncurling her neck while she stepped out. She towered easily over the three of them, definitely taller than Liz by three extra feet. She looked down at the three with a piercing gaze, her spectacle barely hanging on her nose while she curled her head down to the street to be at eye level.

"Luna we've been looking all over for you, dearest! Why did you leave your class, Mrs. Johnston almost had a heart attack trying to look for you." The Mamenchisaurus gave a fake smile, it was clear that she held everything back and was even holding back her seething. Something wasn't right, Olivia and Inco could tell that the long necked asshole wanted to say something else.

"M-Ms. G-Guntherstine... I-It wasn't my intention to g-get lost, I-I called around and n-no body heard me. I kept w-walking and f-followed the scent b-but that's when these nice p-people helped m-me out." Luna was practically tearing up, her mouth quivering and her tail wagging between her legs. Inco could see tears already spilling down her cheeks, his heart flared; this woman was scaring this child.

The Mamenchisaurus growled and put her hands on her hips, looking down and now seething. "If you stayed with the group and weren't in your own little fantasy world this wouldn't have happened! Every other child I care for doesn't give me problems, but when you come into the mi-"

Olivia was growling, she was about to spit out the most vile words to this woman who was hurting and frightening this child until another voice had beaten her. "That is enough! It is actually amazes me that you got this position in the first place, clearly your school or whatever it is doesn't have competent chaperons that keep eyes on these little ones! It is the school's duty and yours to observe and look out for these wonderful little joys!"

The Mamenchisaurus wanted to fight back but her arguments were being shut down repeatedly by the human male who had made her feel smaller than him. She began wincing repeatedly, Olivia closed her mouth while the axolotl held onto her for emotional support at being shouted at by the dino. "You should have been there observing them! You should have realized she was gone! Why did it take you so long to figure out she was missing!? What would have happened to her if she ran into the wrong people!"

Ms. Guntherstine was speechless for the first time in her career, she had delt with angry parents before but this was on a while new level. She tried to bring the 'argument' back around in her favor but Inco pulled it back towards him and spat with his finger angrily pointed up at her. "You are so damn LUCKY we spotted her before anything had happened! After we get her back home, safe and sound, me and my wife are going to that damned school and filing a complaint, I have some fair share of words to say to the principal."

Olivia began to wheel herself out of the conversation while she had the axolotl on her lap, she began to wheel herself back to her vehicle and stayed by its side. Luna was thankful she did this, she didn't want to hear the nasty argument between Ms. Guntherstine and the nice man that was defending her. "I-I, Uh... Hope you don't mind that I steered us clear of that... Argument."

The axolotl nodded her head in return, since the two were a bit farther now, Inco had begun to use colorful words to make the long necked dino a bit smaller now. "Thank you, I-I didn't like hearing them s-shout."

Olivia nodded while she strokes the axolotl's blonde beautiful hair, she smiled at the cute bows while her clawed hands went through her silky smooth hair. She hummed happily, her tail swaying while she stroked the lotls' hair. It was a bit quiet now, ten minutes of nonstop shouting made the human's voice hoarse. Olivia perked up when she heard the adorable voice of the lotl in her lap. "Um... M-Miss 'Livia?"

"Yes, little one?" The Baryonyx looked down at the little lotl, she seemed a bit confused now but had a smile nonetheless.

"He said w-wife... Are you his wy-wife?" She had a bit trouble saying it, she sounded it out and nodded her head before saying it again.

Olivia chuckled and nodded her head, her arms wrapped around the axolotl's waist and nuzzled her head while the two sat back and relaxed, she barely noticed that he had taken her canteen when he began to drink from it to continue his shouting match with the increasingly flinching and emotionally scarred Mamenchisaurus.

She giggled when she saw the dino begin to break down into tears. "Yep, that's my da- husband!"

Olivia had shut her trap faster than a speeding bullet, she really hoped that the axolotl didn't pick up what she was about to say.

The young, innocent, and naive little axolotl girl watched with a grin, not even registering the slip up. "He's funny."

Olivia nodded with sweat running down her face.


Chapter 8: The Gator Wani Protect That Lotl


Luna has just given me ten pounds of what seems to be 'candy' as she says... Guys I don't think this is candy... f*ck! I'm seeing stars and... Holy crap is that Raptor Jesus!?


Olivia Wani Hug That Axolotl!

Chapter Text

February 18th 201M B.C 2028 (Early Evening)

It was in the evening when they arrived at the school, the axolotl still in Olivia's lap while they strolled down with Inco pushing Olivia's chair and while the long necked dino lead them to the principals' office.

Olivia kept stroking the little axolotl's hair, it seemed to soothe her when she does this. Her scaly hands going through her beautiful golden lox of hair while she smiles down at her. They arrived at the principals' office, the dino stayed outside and huffed in embarrassment when Inco flashed her a glare.

Inside sat a hefty built Carnotaurus, his scales were colored red with patterns of black going down his bulky arms. He had red hair that was cut short, almost like a military buzz cut. Inco examined further, he saw two dog tags around his neck that was barely hidden behind his very expensive looking black suit that had a badge that said 'principal' on it.

'Welp guess I was right about the military part.' Inco hummed quietly to himself while he moved a chair aside so Olivia could push herself up to the desk. Luna stayed quiet, clearly she was still saddened by what the other dino had told her earlier.

The Carnotaurus pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed, so much paperwork tonight, he was going to be late home. "I'm so glad you're okay, Lu. I'm going to have a nice chat with Ms. Guntherstine after all this is over."

Luna cracked a smile, Inco was surprised that the little axolotl was a lot cheerful now even though this dino looked like he could beat everyone in this room and would still have enough energy to take out more. "T-Thank you Principal Armstrong , I-I got lost a-and these nice people helped me back. I tried to keep up with the rest of the class but the smells were too much... I-I got so confused and then I didn't know where I was."

Principal Armstrong nodded his head, this wasn't the first time Luna senses were overwhelmed. She had an abnormal heightened sense of smell, it was a gift and a curse since she was blind.

"Little Missy, I'm glad you're okay, it's my fault that this happened. I should have had extra teachers, chaperones, and others to help around, especially when we have students with disabilities." Armstrong sighed, he looked fatigued and beaten, Inco could definitely tell that this whole event had drastically worn out the Carnotaurus.

"I take full blame for this, it was my job to make sure everything went as to plan and of course it didn't, I'm just glad that you're okay, Luna." The Carnotaurus smiled and reached over to pet the little axolotl on her head, she giggled and laughed while she batted his hand away.

Olivia chuckled at how fatherly he was towards her, Armstrong put back on his stoic facade and pulled a pen from the cup. He began to begin on the assessment of paperwork while he looked towards the couple and the kid. He placed his ridiculously small reading glasses on and sighed. "I'm going to be here for another ten or so years, so you are all free to go. Before you say anything Mr. Nito, I've got this all under control. Everything that you say is already being done right as we speak."

Inco was about to speak but clenched his mouth shut at his words being thrown back at him. Olivia giggles and intertwine her hand with his while he moved behind her to wheel her out. The large red and black dino looked up from his paperwork, a smile forming when he spoke to Olivia. "Luna, Mrs. Mous is outside waiting for you. She was worried sick, you best be on your way because the poor woman looks like she's ready to burst out tears."

The axolotl's eyes widen instantly, she leaped out of Olivia's lap and began to run to the door. She was way too short, she began hopping up and down trying to open the large heavy door. Inco raced forward, Olivia wheeling from behind, and held the door open for her to race out.

The axolotl positioned her nose in the air and began to sniff, she didn't waste any time and began to run down the hall. Olivia speeding faster than Inco, surprisingly, while Inco panted behind her.

The axolotl knew who was right in front of her, she can smell the feathers, the sweet honey scented shampoo and hear her wings fluttering. The axolotl bolted forward and leaped as she wrapped her arms around the woman's thin waist. "I-I'm so sorry that I worried you, Aunty L-Lucy!"

Olivia screeched to a stop right in front of the two sobbing females, Inco stopped behind her and held onto her handlebars. Olivia noticed quickly that it wasn't just two, by the feathery winged woman's side was a young male human boy. He had brownish blonde hair, his eyes were a piercing blue that was brighter than any star in the night sky, he wore a uniform that consisted of brown pants and a red shirt that had an emblem of the school he went to were the breast pocket was.

The thing that stood out was the larger necklace that was definitely looped and tired to make it look smaller. The necklace had a fang on the end of it, it looked strange to everyone but it seemed to be normal to the three even though it looked sharp and dangerous.

"Luna, you worried mom so much that Dad had to calm her down, he and a few buddies are out searching for you as we speak!" The human boy hugged the axolotl girl, the two seemed to be around the same age, only the human boy was taller than her.

"I'm fine, Alex... You should properly tell your dad that I'm alright so he doesn't start a war out on the streets." The axolotl chuckled as she pulled away.

The human nodded, a tint of red was on his cheeks while he had his hands around his back. "Y-Yes, m-mom... Please tell Dad so he won't destroy our city."

The white and light grey feathered female pterodactyl had already pulled her phone out so her husband could stop whatever he was doing. "Already on it, I'm just so glad you're okay, Lu Lu."

Luna hugged her leg while she tapped on the phone that was against her ear hole. She began to get worried but he picked up, Olivia wheeled up to her and Luna let go of the woman's leg and darted to the Baryonyx. "Thank you for getting me back, you're my hero, O-Olivia." The little axolotl had trouble saying her name again so she stuttered for a second and then spilled it out.

Olivia nodded gently as she hugged the small axolotl, she chuckled when the small axolotl hugged her snoot. Her hair was gently stroked by Inco's hand, adding more happiness to her heart in that moment.
The axolotl pulled away from her snout and hopped back on the floor, she wished it could have lasted a bit longer.

The pterodactyl gave a breath of relief and shook her head, she saw the two unexpected visitors looking at her and the little axolotl that was now back to hugger her leg. "What happened?"

The pterodactyl sighed with a happy smile, she gently bent down and picked up the little axolotl that she began to cradle to her chest. "He and his buddies were relieved to hear that you're alright, if anything would have happened to you I'm pretty sure he would have destroyed this city to get to the perpetrator."

She beamed at the feathery woman, her arms wrapping around her neck while she happily purred. "Thank you Aunty Lucy, I-I'm tired... I'm ready to go home now."

The pterodactyl known as Lucy gently nods her head to the axolotl, Olivia felt her heart break at the scene. The axolotl had a mother and father, of course she did... She felt... So... So...

"The faculty at the center were so worried for you Lucy, me and Anon included. Alex here was begging to his father about having everyone on the streets looking for you." The young boy's cheeks began to grow a bright red as he moaned into his hands. "M-Moooooom..."

The axolotl giggled and jumped out of the woman's embrace, she landed next to the blushing boy and began to poke his chest teasingly. "Why are you so red, Aunty I think something is wrong with him."

It took time for things to register within Olivia's mind, it took even MORE time for it to register in Inco's barely functioning brain. It hit her like a truck, she was an orphan? "Luna... You're an orphan?"

The axolotl looked up at the Baryonyx surprisingly, she gave her a grin nonetheless and nodded brightly. "Y-Yes I am, A-Aunty works at the place I live, she keeps me fed, healthy, and clean!"

Lucy stepped forward to the couple, looking at Inco was a shock to her but pushed it aside to look down at the wheelchair bound Baryonyx. "I help kids like her, I've known her since she was a little egg, I would have adopted her as my own but I'm barely paid anything... Believe me, I would have taken this little bundle of joy in but I already have my son and my daughter that already take my paycheck up."

Inco stepped forward and looked at the Pterodactyl, she was slightly shorter than him and for some reason she kept her eyes adverted away from him. "Mrs. Mous, could we come down to the center with her? We've had a long day with her, me and my wife both want to make sure she's going to be alright."

The Pterodactyl jumped when he had called to her. 'Why does he look like him!?' She shook her head to clear her thoughts, she looked down at the bright eyed lotl who also wanted this to happen. "O-Okay, I don't see how that would be a problem, you'll have to sign in though to get in."

The axolotl cheered and jumped back into Olivia's arms, she landed on her lap and nuzzled herself against her. Olivia let her motherly nature take over and began to stroke her hair. The Pterodactyl smiled at this. 'She's usually so shy around other adults, what happened to the little girl I knew?'

"Come along now, just drive behind and follow me. The children's center is close by so it won't take long." The Pterodactyl gently grabbed hold of her son's hand and began to lead him out with the others behind. Periodically while they leave the school, Alex looks back to the axolotl. She catches him doing this multiple times, he blushes and turns away.


It didn't take long for the kids and adults to arrive at the children's center, Olivia had her arm on the lowered window while she saw the giant place. She can see various dinos, amphibians, feathery and human kids playing together on the playground out behind the building.

She also saw the playground was huge, plus a large pool behind back and many swings sets were around as well. Her eyes glossed over many kids, many kids who didn't have families. It made her heart sink, she wished she had the opportunity to have little ones of her own.

She felt a calming hand on her shoulder, she looked to her side to see the smiling human that was rubbing her shoulder reassuringly. He pulled into a parking spot that was for people with disabilities, he cut the engine and lied back sighing to himself.

He looked in front of the building and saw the axolotl, Pterodactyl, and human boy going up the steps. The axolotl stopped and turned back, wondering if they would be joining them. Her nose was in the air as she smelled around for their scent, smelling them finally which brightened her mood.

Olivia looked at her husband, it was clear to him that she was sad. "Looks like we came here a little earlier than expected, Mh?"

Inco nodded, his face projected his own sadness, he looked up at the axolotl who was holding her cane. She was frowning, wondering why they were taking so long. "Let's get going, I know Luna is wondering where we are."

Olivia softly nodded, her mood shifting entirely. Her heart was thumping fast and she was happy not even ten minutes ago, but seeing all these kids without loving homes... It really broke her down. "Y-Yeah... Help me out, would ya?"

Inco nodded, he got out and went to the backseat and had popped and had set up her chair. He reached in and she didn't waste any time landing in his arms while he carried her bridal style. He sat her in her wheelchair and they made their way, they had to take the longer route that had a zigzag ramp going up.

Olivia looked at the axolotl, her motherly instincts taking over as she saw the axolotl beaming brightly. She smiled and giggled while they made their way up, the axolotl began to jump in place repeatedly, even though she couldn't see them she could definitely hear and smell them getting closer.

"She is so adorable, I-I... I want to protect her so much, Inky." Inco nodded down at his wife, he felt the exact same thing she was feeling. Even though she wasn't his biological kid, he knew that if anything would happen to her there would be hell to pay by his wrath. "Me too, she reminds me of Vinny when he was younger."

Olivia snorted, she looked behind and up to him while he pushed her up the ramp. "That's insulting to her, she's a good and angelic little thing, Vinny was a tornado that destroyed our home many times that whines about anything."

Inco chuckled affirmatively, he had seen that side many times by the now older Vinny. Even though he was fourteen years old now, he was still a little whiney brat that always raged and trashed talked to other people online while he played Fortnite and other competitive shooters. "You're right, Luna is an angel."

Olivia rolls her eyes, after a minute of walking up the long tedious ramp they had finally made it to where the young and very energetic axolotl was still bouncing up and down. "Finally! I felt like I was about to melt into a puddle from waiting, Olivia!"

Olivia giggled, the axolotl jumped onto her lap and had settled in already. She laughed as well, feeling her arms wrap around the little axolotls waist while she nuzzles her hair. "You can thank my slow significant other, he works out in the gym but he cannot push me faster than a snail."

"Hey! This wrap is slanted at an angle that makes your calves want to burn. Plus if you want to take control of going up ramps I'd be okay with you doing it, 'Livy." Inco smirks and puts his hands up while he steps away from the wheelchair bound Baryonyx.

"Do that and you'll lose your legs too." Luna giggled at Olivia's threat, Olivia narrowed her eyes at her husband who immediately placed his hands on her handbars and nodded fast. "Y-Yes, dear."

She gave a satisfied 'hmph' and began to stroke the axolotl's hair, her scaly green fingers gently going through her beautiful blonde hair. "You have such beautiful hair, sweetie."

The axolotl blushes, she looks away shyly and holds her cane to herself. "T-Thank you, aunty says the same. She even helps me braid it sometimes, could you help too?"

They were both being wheeled to the glass door of the children's center, Olivia nodded to the axolotl as she hugged her tightly protectively. Inco had pressed the buzzer on the other end and the front desk had let them in. The axolotl sniffed and waved her face around with a sullen frown that showed what she was thinking, this was her home and it seems this will BE her home for the rest of her life.

Olivia held her tightly. 'I promise sweetie, you won't be here for much longer.'


Chapter 9: I Wani Be With That Gator


Olivia will use her anime powers and absolutely annihilate anyone if they hurt Luna.


Inco wants to be with that gator!!!

Chapter Text

February 18th 201M B.C 2028 (Early Evening)

Inside was a controlled chaotic world of color, inside had many kids running around but it wasn't exactly insane. They had dolls, action figures and other assortment of toys being played with while they entered the place. The place was huge, a circular area where many books were strewn across the ground and game consoles were set up in the corner areas.

The two looked up and saw a huge dome, they could see the bright blue sky above that let the bright sunshine rays through. The axolotl smiled while she was sitting on Olivia's lap, the two had to sign in to actually enter the facility first. It didn't take long fortunately enough, the axolotl pointed to an area that had the head of a frog and salamander etched onto a sign.

The dinos, humans, reptilians, and amphibians had separate areas to live in. They did have to since they all needed different types of care for each of the children. Dinos and reptiles needed heating, humans needed room temperature, and amphibians needed a wetter and humid climate to thrive in.

Lucy had waved them over to where the amphibian sector was, it was really humid off the bat that Inco could tell. He looked down and saw that his shoes were squeaking, he examined further and saw the floor was a bit wet. It made sense to him, humidity and wetness and all that.

The hallway branched into other hallways, Inco looked to the left and saw a bigger swimming area. It was way larger than the one outside for starters, Olivia's maw dropped at how large the massive Olympic pool. They turned to the right and more rooms came into view, they saw a door that was covered in flowers, glitter, pink, purple, white, cyan and all sorts of different colors.

On the top was plastered in fantasy cursive print that was hanging from the... Castle door? Inco saw that the door was supposed to be a door opening into a castle of some sorts. He grinned, Luna was interested in princesss. Lucy opened the door for them and had let them inside, Inco looked around and gawked. Her walls were glittered on and painted as if they were in a princess's castle of some sort. She has a closet that also had a paper draw door sketched on it, Olivia looked around with a smile, she had gotten even more adorable to her.

Inco turned to his left and saw... A bed? It wasn't a normal typical bed actually, the bed was a sturdy acrylic and inside looked to be a tank. A fish tank with pillows, blankets, stuff toys that were made for being underwater. Inco was confused until he remembered the little one was an Axolotl, she needed water even while she slept.

He kneeled down and put his hand on the rails of the literal water bed, he saw a knob that had both Celsius and Fahrenheit side by side. The water in the tank was a cool 72 degrees Fahrenheit and 22.7 degrees Celsius. He put his hand on the acrylic tanks' side and felt the cold water within, he guesses that axolotls like cold water or something.

Inco turned back to his wife and the axolotl, who was currently dragging Olivia around her room showing things off. He noticed she had tons of plush toys on shelves, short shelves that she could reach and play with. Inco smiled at the adorable sight of his wife being mogged by the hordes of plushies.

Olivia was having the time of her life with this little bundle of joy, she hadn't felt this happy since her wedding day. Seeing this little axolotl having the brightest most infectious grin had made the Baryonyx give a happy sigh.

After around ten minutes of introducing her 'friends' to the Baryonyx, she then jumped into her bed that had made a splash. Inco chuckled as he tried to shield himself from the splash that was made by the small Lotl. He didn't mind his clothes getting wet, even though they costed a fortune, the only thing he cared about was the smile that she had when she was swimming circles around and in her bed.

She had resurfaced and gave a sigh of relief, she needed the extra water on her gills and now she feels so much better. She needed to tell Lucy about taking bottles of water with her so she could rehydrate her gills when she was at school so she didn't have to miss a second of class. The axolotl was on the tank railing looking over at the odd couple. "So what do ya' think of my room?"

Olivia wheeled forward and grinned warmly down at the axolotl, she patted her head which the little Lotl giggled at. "It's amazing, man I wish I had a literal water bed at home. This would definitely take out the stress of having to live with him taking up the space."

She jabbed her finger at the human, he opened his mouth and threw an accused finger to the green scaled woman. "Me? You literally threw my out of bed this morning and you're blaming me for taking up the room?"

Lucy watched as the three interacted so well with one another, she looked down at the tablet she had gotten from front desk as she observed the three. It reminds her of a certain sergeant she had married and a lovable boy they had adopted together.

She loved down at Alex and saw how he was staring at the axolotl, Lucy rolled her eyes with a smirk and began to stroke his blonde hair. 'Can he be anymore obvious? He really reminds me of Anon, hell he even mumbles from time to time too.'

She had been in her thoughts for some time now that she didn't feel the tugging on her dress that her son was doing. "Oh! Uh, yes, Alex?"

Alex looked up at his mother, she kneeled down to his level while he shyly smiled. "They seem like a very nice couple, do you think they'd want her?"

Her neutral face grew into a soft loving smile, she stood up and rubbed his blonde hair, he swatted at her clawed hands while he pouts at his mother as she speaks. "I hope so sweetheart... But don't get your hopes up, she needs a lot of attention and love because of what she is and what disability she has, sweetheart."

The young boy nodded in agreement, he was so tired of seeing his best friend so sad and miserable because her friends got adopted before her, he hopes she will get her happily ever after that she always wanted.


After two hours of playing dress up with the axolotl and even Olivia getting into a princess gown and having a tiara, it was unfortunately getting late for the three and they had to leave.

"-b-but there is so much more I want to show you, I want to show you more of my princess costumes a-and-" The little axolotl was tearing up as she looked down and away from the two. She felt her whole world crumbling, Inco kneeled down in front of the small little axolotl princess who was sitting with her legs criss-crossed.

"How about this." Inco looks at the axolotl and then looks back at his melancholy wife. "'Livy do you want to come back a bit earlier tomorrow and continue our game of 'princesses and knights' with this little angel princess?"

Olivia perks up with a smile and wheels over, practically a blur when she speeds over and nods enthusiastically. "Yes! Yes! Yes! I'll even bring my paint supplies and even paint for you, Luna... Me and Inky would love to come back and spend more time with you."

The axolotl was tearing up when she heard this, Lucy awed to herself when the three shared a big warm hug. Eventually they had to let go of each other, the three sad but now hopeful and excited that there will be more of 'this' tomorrow.


Olivia sighed while she looked out the window, the sky was beginning to turn various shades of colors now since the sun was setting. Inco saw the time and it was almost time for his work over this past week to finally come to fruition.

He felt buzzes from his phone, he knew what it was and smirked to himself. Once stopping at a red light, Inco fishes out his phone and flicks it to life, his home screen flashes him brightly and sees a picture of a sleeping Olivia curled on his chest. He remembered catching and taking the picture when he saw this beautiful sight.

Olivia saw this and demanded for him to delete it, after arguing over twenty minutes for him to delete the picture, Olivia felt major pain in her pelvic regions because of what transpired after their argument. It went from arguing, flirting, kissing, making out and then a full on love making by the end.

He was surprised he got out of that so easily, he was getting good with his charm. He focused his gaze to see the recent message on Snootagram and opened it. He saw several missed messages from Damian and Ben, both had a private group chat together so only 'the boys' could talk together without interference from the opposite sex.



DadaciousD- 'f*ck! I forgot to turn off caps, oh well.'

Benji- 'Everything is all set up Inco, Mr. Payne has the grill roaring and Vinny is swimming in the pool. The only ones we are missing are the actual house owners.'

Inco rolled his eyes at Damien being stupid again, he cracked a smile though at Damien needless to say. Damien and Ben were amazing friends, he is going to pay them back for this since everything is going, almost, according to plan.

ThatBoyInky- 'We're arriving soon guys, just some stuff came up that we'll be explaining when we get there.'

He got a thumbs up emoji from Damien and a picture of an actual thumbs up from Damien from Ben. He can see in the background the backyard is full of life and lit up by lights that they had set up. He can see Liz by the pool, her legs in the water and Vinny swimming around.

He chuckled and shook his head, he put his phone back and looked to his side and saw his wife was staring out the window, looking at nothing in particular. He gently moved his hand to her beautiful hair, his fingers went through her hair as she stared at. She shuddered for a brief second, he retracted his hand and drove on when the light turned green.

Olivia moved her arm off the window seal and leaned closely against Inco's side, the side of her face burying into his shoulder while she nuzzled against him. He wrapped his arm around her shoulder and pulled the Baryonyx closer to his side, she sighed and moved closer to him.

"Sorry for spacing out there, I've just had her on my mind this entire time." Olivia's voice was a mix of softness and want, she wanted more time with the axolotl, even in the few hours they had known each other it was obvious to Inco they shared an unbreakable bond with one another.

"You too? I've been thinking about that adorable kid all this time as well, I'm wondering what we could do tomorrow with her that she'd enjoy." Olivia nodded in agreement, she wanted to spend as much time as possible with the axolotl, she was adorable and had already made a room within the Baryonyx's heart.

"Maybe, the weekend is here and we can take her anywhere she wants. Maybe to the aquariu- actually no... She wouldn't be able to see the fish." Inco winced and nodded at Olivia, he just remembered how limited they really were due to her disability as well.

Inco turned right and went through a large open gate that had the name of the neighborhood they were living in now. They were talking about the little axolotl so much that it struck Olivia that they were in the neighborhood they visited before. "U-Uh Inky? Why are we here, I kinda wanted to go back to our apartment and take a shower, watch a movie then fall asleep afterwards."

Inco saw their new house in the distance, it was obvious to everyone on the block that a party was being thrown in the once vacant house. Olivia turned as well and saw the house, her heart shattered when she saw her dream house taken. She can already see the furniture from within through the large windows, a... a purple leather couch that looked to be their own?

"Inco..." She then saw the front yard and saw that there were multiple cars, multiple familiar cars parked in the driveway and by the road. She can definitely see the expensive car that Ben owned and the family SUV that Damien had bought from him, Liz, and their expected expansion to their household. Inco drove into the driveway and parked in the garage, he smirked at the dumbfounded look on Olivia's face.

He loved the perplexed look on her face so much that he snapped a picture quickly, of course he had the flash on which made the Baryonyx jump and angrily hiss. "Inco! What the f*ck are we doing here!?"

Inco made his way to the front and around his parked car and opened the door for his wife while she spat swear after swear. He went into the back seat, still hearing what she was saying while he was setting up her wheelchair. "What are Damien, Ben, Liz are doing here!? We're going to be arrested for trespassing, are you even listening to me you dumb f*ck!"

Inco let out a snicker while he placed the wheelchair by the door and motioned. "Alright, get in."

Olivia narrowed her eyes. "What? I'm not trying to get arrested!"

Inco still kept that stupid grin he had, flashing her his pearly whites while he had his hands on the bars of the wheelchair. "You're not going to get arrested, we have every right to be here."

"Inco I swear to f*cking God, I'm going to kill you, you know I wanted this house and now you're making this into a big f*cking jo- EEP!" She was cut off when Inco lifted her out of the passenger seat, he began to carry her off through the large home while she wailed and smacked him.

"L-Let me go you dumb, stupid, idiotic, retarded, small minded, skinnie, f*cking monkey!" Inco chuckled at the slurs she used for the human kind, it didn't hurt his feelings but only making this so priceless.

"INCO I SWEAR I'M GOING TO WHIP YOU WITH MY TAIL A-" Olivia's rant was cut off by the loud shriek of her and Inco's friends and family.


Olivia stared at the crowd of colorful dinos that were grinning ear to ear, clearly they heard everything she was saying so they wanted to make this as good as possible. Olivia stared slack jawed, her maw looking like it would fall at any moment.

She saw many people grinning at the happy couple, of course at the front of the crowd was Damien, Ben, a wet and toweled Vinny, a very pregnant Liz, and Lunara who was waving shyly. Damien had a party hat that had 'It's a boy' crossed out and replaced with 'It's a house' instead.

Lunara was eating a piece of cake while Ben had his arm around her and his other hand making a piece sign. Liz was sitting at the table the Paynes had brought over from their house while Vinny chugged can after can of co*ke.

Towards the grill was Mr. Paynes who was flipping hamburger patties and steaks while Mrs. Paynes was talking with Liz's uncle; Mr. Ferris.

All of them were happy, ecstatic, grinning and hyper right now at the moment, happy to see the loving couple see their new home. Olivia's mouth didn't close, Inco quickly whispered something to Damien who saluted and ran off and came back thirty seconds later with her wheelchair.

Inco lowered her down into her chair and smirked down at her, she wheeled herself around, turning around a full 360 degrees, taking in the environment, garden, pool, windows and backyard patio the beautiful large home had that she had seen before. "I-I... I don't... W-What?"

Inco kneeled down in front of his wife, he pulled a small box out from his pocket and gave it to her. She looked down at it and opened it, her eyes widened even more as she began to tear up. It was a small brass key with the initials 'Make A Wish' beautifully printed on it. Inco smiled and placed his hand on her cheek and whispered to the sniffing and whimpering Baryonyx.

"Welcome home, Olivia."

Her wish was granted once again by her loving husband.


Chapter 10: I Wani Have A Party With That Gator


Man... I'm lonely. Oh f*cking well! Time to read some Wani and Snoot fanfics to fill the void of my heart!


Inco throws a party for that gator and absolutely f*cking dies.

Chapter Text

February 18th 201M B.C 2028 (Dusk)

The smell of sausage, steak, hamburgers and other grilled delights filled the air while Mr. Paynes flips his delicious patties high. At first, Olivia couldn't say anything because of how shocked she was, she stared in shock for a good couple of minutes at their new home. She couldn't believe it, she didn't think this would happen but here it was, clear as day right in front of her.

At first the Baryonyx was angry that Inco had kept this from her, she really wanted this house and she was depressed over not getting the home. Then she began to break down, sobbing in his arms and holding him. He wasn't sure if this was really new though, she had been very moody and fragile lately for a reason he doesn't know. Next she began to become very affectionate with the human, she planted kiss after kiss on his face and even tried to seduce right in front of her family. Inco had to decline the advances, Olivia grunted in annoyance but told him they'll continue what she started later.

It amazes him how his loving dear wife would go from being an angry destructive tornado and then to a cuddly affection puppy within three minutes. Inco pulled himself away from the now needy Baryonyx, he sat down next to Damien as he tried to fix his messed up attire because of said Baryonyx. Damien chuckled and motioned at Inco's face, Damien pulled out his phone and showed Inco. Inco was horrified when he saw himself, his face was peppered in green lipstick kissy marks that Olivia had given him.

He didn't even notice she was even wearing lipstick right now, he sighed and lied back tiredly, he really didn't have the strength to get up and wash up.

Night had fallen quickly but the party was still alive as ever, Vinny jumped back into the heated pool and swam around, enjoying the heated pool that he definitely is jealous of. Olivia on the other hand was at the food table, Inco was sat next to Olivia while he watched in absolute shock at Olivia eating everything that Mr. Paynes had cooked up previously.

Mr. Paynes was getting extremely worried since her appetite was practically endless, she even got one hotdog bun with three hotdog weiners in it that was loaded with ketchup and mustard. She engulfed the thing and demanded more, Damien looked at his friend with confusion and some worry. He had never seen Olivia eat like this, there was one time during a Christmas party but it wasn't this chaotic.

She eventually asked -demanded- for a hamburger with quadruple patties, Mr. Paynes knew that he shouldn't deny the green scaled black hole her sustenance so he obliged without any complaint. Inco stared at his wife with weariness, he turned and briefly caught a glimpse at Ben who was staring at Olivia now devouring the hamburger, taking huge bites while she downed her co*ke. He had a face of shock and amazement, a familiar face that was definitely going around now.

Even the pregnant Liz wasn't eating as much as Olivia, sure she did eat more than all of the other guests but not as much as Olivia. The herbivore kept chewing and munching happily at her salad and cricket fries that were for her half herbivore-carnivorous child.

Liz stared for a brief second before going back into her meal, not bothering to say anything or do anything since she would be hypocritical since she was the same way many months before.

Liz co*cked an eyebrow at the thought. 'Could she actually be?'

The thought was drowned out when they saw bright car lights pulling up besides the rest of the cars. Inco smiled to himself, the last guest was here, a guest he hoped would make it since he called him a few weeks before.

Olivia was way too deep in her own little world of sustenance and delicious food that her uncle had made her. She didn't hear the gasps of her friends and family and the eventual glass door of the back door slide open. The male walked out, wearing a leather jacket and a dog tag around his neck, his tight shirt barely containing his muscles while he walks forward. His long tail swishing side to side as he cracks a grin, he sees that Baryonyx hasn't noticed his presence yet. She is too busy eating while he walks up, the Chief Master Sargent of the Air Force looks down at the young Baryonyx.

For a second he saw a female, a slightly older female Baryonyx in a blue dress, her hair was a beautiful dark green and her eyes were a beautiful silver. She sighed and closed his eyes, the woman was gone and the only thing that remained of her was his only daughter. She was precious to him, if anything had happened to his daughter he would bring hell to its knees and find the person that was responsible for her pain.

"Hey, kid." His voice was deep, his voice made people rumble around and women weak to their knees. It was obvious he was ladies man, just by his voice alone was enough. There was only one woman in his life he cared about, she was gone now... But then she brought another into this world, now that little girl that he held years ago was all grown up. She had a family, a home, a career, a husband... She wasn't his little girl anymore.

Olivia froze, her eyes practically popping out when she heard the very very very familiar voice reach her ear holes. Her mouth was still full of hamburgers, she clenched her jaw and swallowed the burger down and looked behind her in shock. The man that she hadn't seen since her wedding, the man that had actually almost missed her wedding infact. Her eyes were wide and in shock, she could only stare at the light green scaled man and gaze into his piercing blue eyes that looked like glowing sapphires.

Her mouth was still full, she couldn't swallow her meal in time, her words left her full maw while she stared at him.



The Baryonyxs stared at one another in complete silence, you would hear a pin drop and it would sound like glass breaking. The blue eyed Baryonyx stared down at his daughter, she looked so much like her mother; it spooked his core to see her.

Nathan's piercing blue eyes gazed into her silvery eyes, a gift she had gotten from her mother. It had been over two decades since his wife's passing, he misses her everyday of his life now. Every time he's up in the air he stares at his wife's picture who is on the control module of the jet, the picture that was older than Olivia.

The picture had a slightly looking younger Olivia in it, it was Nathan's long past wife and Olivia's mother; Ashley. In the picture she wore a blue sundress that had flowers all over her, her hair was braided with flower pins that trailed her long hair. Her hair was way longer than Olivia's in the photo, the one thing that stood out in the faded colored image was her silvery bedroom eyes that she wore for her future husband at the time.

Looking at Olivia was a mirror into the past, a past that he could never get back. Both stood in silence for a couple minutes, the father and daughter not knowing what to say to one another. Olivia swallowed what remained of her food and wheeled herself closer, she motioned him to get down, which he did without hesitation.

The older and larger Baryonyx kneeled down on one knee, his hands resting on his knees while he looks at his daughter, face to face with her. She didn't say anything, the only thing she could do was lean forward and hug him. She kissed his cheek and bawled her eyes out and nuzzled his shoulder, she wrapped her arms around his neck and sobbed.

The older Baryonyx didn't know what to do, his daughter wasn't one to cry, seeing her like this really shook him up to the point where he looked around worriedly at the other guests around. Inco walked forward, he rubbed his arm awkwardly and looked down at the gators' embracing, crying, whimpering and mumbling words to one another.

Nathan looked at his son-in-law with confusion, his facial expression pleading with the human man for assistance or help. Inco walked forward and kneeled besides her as well, he was dwarfed in size by the large muscular Baryonyx that was Olivia's father.

Inco looked at Nathan and Nathan back at Inco, both of them not knowing what was upsetting the Baryonyx. Inco gently wiped her tears and rubbed her cheek gently with his thumb. "Livy, why are you crying, your father is here..."

Nathan turned to his son-in-law and gave him a nervous smile, Inco gave one as well as the two important males in her life comforted her. She looked up at her father and husband, her face was a mess, her eyes were puffy and red, she had some mascara on from earlier and that had gone runny.

She whimpered and looked at them with a whine before leaning at her husband, tackling him to the ground as he let out an 'oof' when the heavy Baryonyx began cuddling him while she sobbed.

"You f*cking asshole! You did all this for me and I-I can't do anything in return!"

She hit his chest lightly, she didn't want to injure him so she buried herself against his chest and sobbed. Olivia's father looked on at his daughter on top of her husband on the ground. He wanted to say something but the thing he wanted to say had no meaning anymore since she was mature now and married. He kept it to himself and kneeled next to the downed Inco and Olivia. "Go easy on him, I doubt you want to take care of a broken husband."

She whimpered and wiped her eyes, she nodded and signalled for Damien to help her back into her wheelchair. Damien didn't waste anytime in getting her back into her wheelchair, Damien helped her sit back down and Nathan helped the bruised Inco up. "You okay there, son?"

Inco patted over a spot on his stomach and winced, he looked up at the larger gator and nodded. "Yep... This will heal but I know my ego won't heal after that."

Nathan chuckled and slapped his back, the force practically almost sent him back down to the grassy floor. Nathan turned to the back and saw a grinning red dino and his light blue wife, he grinned and walked up to the two and gave the red finned dino a bro hug. "Hey Randy, Hey Sophia, how's it been for you two?"

Randy waved off while Sophie clinged to her husband, she smiled up at Randy while he flipped some more burgers on the grill for the rest of the family. Sophia chirps up and leans against her husband's side. "Everything's going good, unfortunately it's very quiet at home now, with Olivia and Damien moved out years ago... At least we have our little Vinny still causing mayhem at our home to have some noise still going on."

Vinny hears this and blushes brightly. "M-Mooooom."

Sophia waves him off while Nathan chuckles, he turns and sees the leviathan sized whale and gives him a hard manly grip. The whale nods and returns the handshake with an even bigger and heavier grip than before. "Ferris! How's things going with you? Still trying to be hip with the kids... Do they still say that?"

Ferris gave a deep chuckle and shook his head, he pat the spot next to him which the male Baryonyx took. "No, No, No... I think the kids call it swag or something now these days."

Inco heard this and cringed internally, he hadn't heard anyone say swag in years or at least since prom back in senior year. He needs to update Ferris's slang vocabulary whenever he gets the chance with Mr. Ferris.

An hour went by quickly, the party was still on now, Olivia had gotten into a one piece bikini and dived into the pool. She had practically chased the young Dilopho-Spinosaurus hybrid around the water, he said he wasn't leaving the pool so Olivia wanted to change that. Inco was taking pictures, along with Ben as well, while Mr. Ferris and the male Baryonyx had an old fashioned arm wrestling match. The Baryonyx was absolutely beaten, he worked out everyday but he didn't stand a chance against the raw strength of a leviathan whale.

Damien and Liz had brought out a projector and out on a movie, a movie that was pretty old but enjoyed by all around nonetheless. Lunara snuggled up with Ben while they watched the movie, gentle caresses and cat calls from Damien since he tried to break the loving moment by being an ass. Ben would get him back for this, that was for sure.

Olivia snuggled up against her husband's chest, she was out of her wheelchair and resting on his lap at the moment. His hands stroking her thighs while they watched the action packed movie.

"Hasta la vista, Baby." The Velociraptor had a gun aimed at the frozen Stegosaurus, the Velociraptor Terminator pulled the trigger and the bullet was sent flying; parts of ice and robotic parts went flying when the bullet made contact with the iced T-1000 Stegosaurus.

"Iconic ass line man after thirty something years." Damien said out of nowhere, he grinned and had finger guns while Liz rolled her eyes. Nathan held up a beer as a toast to what Damien said, grinning like an idiot after having a bit too many beers.

"Didn't you go as Ronald Rapzenegger's Terminator for Halloween one time when you were younger Damien?" Olivia grinned as she crossed her arms, Damien blushed at being called out, he puffed out his chest and waved his hand. "Hey that movie was elite! I'm not apologizing for going as someone as bad as as Ronald Rapzeneggers!"

The group chuckled at Damien's flustered face, time seemed to fly by for the group, it was nearing midnight and the group was exhausted from the get together. After sometime cleaning the back yard and throwing trash after trash away, the group began to leave one by one.

Ben and Lunara were the first to go, Ben went up to inco and gave the human a hug. Olivia saw for a brief second that inco whispered something Parasaurolophus' ear. He nodded and grinned at the human before punching his shoulder and leaving, he was at the glass doorway before turning back to the crowd. "Thank you so much for having me and my lovely Lunara, it's getting late so I hope we can do this some time again. Plus if we do, I'll make sure to bring more hamburger patties for Olivia."

Olivia rolled her eyes and sneered at the Parasaurolophus, he smirked before putting his arm around the white Dromaeosaurid and then exiting. Olivia smiled nostalgically, he said before he wanted to do Iadakan proud, now he was dressing a bit like her late teacher and even presenting like him. She shook her head and smiled upwards at the sky.

'If only you were here Mr. Iadakan.'

Next to leave was Vinny, Sophia, Randy and Mr. Ferris. The four of them hugged and shook hands one more time before going their separate ways, Randy and Damian helped out with the large grill, the grill that Inco had bought the helpful Randy two Christmases ago.

Randy thanked his son and got into his large pickup truck, he thanked everyone else and headed on home with his wife and younger son. Damien, Liz, and Nathan were the only ones left now that the party was over.

Damien and Liz looked to the intoxicated Baryonyx, he sat down on his chair snoozing away like all his problems were gone. Olivia giggled and rolled to her father's side, she smiled and looked back at her friends and husband. "Inky I don't think we have a choice but letting him stay, hell I don't even know where he lives now since he just got back from the airport."

Inco nodded in agreement, it would be a bad move on his part to not let his extremely intoxicated father-in-law stay. Let alone his wife wouldn't allow her husband to throw her father out onto the street with a couple hundred bucks. "That's fine, we don't have the guest rooms ready yet so he'll have to sleep on the couch."

Olivia's eyes perked up at this. "Wait, wait, wait... We're sleeping here? How the hell did you manage to move everything in our apartment into our new home?"

Inco grinned and waved his hand while his other rubbed the back of his neck. "Well we were on a tight schedule but us meeting Luna helped out majorly in adding extra time."

Olivia nodded in understanding, it made sense since the three of them did spend almost all day together.

Damien and Liz stood nearby as they picked up their things and readied themselves to head on out. "Luna?"

Inco forgot that Damien nor Liz knew about the rambunctious young axolotl, Inco went behind his wife and grasped her wheelchair handles. Olivia sighed as she leaned back into her wheelchair and sighed dreamily. "We almost ran into an adorable little girl named Luna, she's an axolotl and we spent the day with her. Oh goodness, you two have to see how absolutely adorable the little one is!"

Damien nodded while Liz grinned, Liz got on her knees and her long neck wrapped around Olivia as she grinned and yipped. "Awwww are you going to adopt her!? I need pictures, videos, screenshots, time and dates... Everything!"

The Baryonyx giggled at her friend and nodded in agreement as well, Damien walked by Inco's side and gave Inco a relaxed smile that said everything. "You really going to adopt her?"

Inco smiled and sighed as the Brachiosaurus and Baryonyx girls out over their potential new daughter. "That's if Luna wants to even be apart of our family, the little one is blind and she needs a lot of care. I just want to be worthy of both of these girls I'll have in my life, I don't want to let them down."

Damien frowned, he too has been feeling this way lately, he sighed and looked at Liz's baby bump that was growing more and more each day. His worries were melted away when the pregnant Brachiosaurus stood up and made her way to the two males, Olivia followed behind as she wheeled herself to them both. "I know how you feel Inco, the woman I have loved for so long is my wife and now she's pregnant with God knows how many kids. I just want to be worthy of her and my unborn babies, I don't know what I'd do if something happens to them."

Inco looked at Damien, he reached behind and grabbed two unopened soda cans and clinked them open with his thumb. He offered one to the hybrid dino, he took it gratefully and chugged the can. He felt the tasty liquid go down his throat and into his stomach, calming him as he hears his friend speaking to him. "Cheers to having the most amazing women in our lives."

Damien chuckled and clicks his own with Inco's. "Cheers, dude."

Liz had finally made her way to her husband, she put her hands on her husband's chest and purred some incoherent words that Inco couldn't make out. All he did know was that Damien probably wasn't gonna be sleeping tonight after seeing Damien's goofy expressions on his face.

Liz began to lead Damien out of the beautiful and large backyard, both of the two love birds bid farewells to one another and disappeared from view. Olivia wheeled herself next to her husband and examined the sight before her, the view was of her father sleeping, slouched in his small chair with a beer bottle in his hand as he lets out thunderous snores. "So what are we gonna do about Zeus god of snores here?"

Inco smirked at an idea.

It took ten minutes to try and hunk the large muscular Baryonyx onto Olivia's wheelchair, she watched from the picnic tables and giggles while she saw Inco drop and load Olivia's father onto the couch. He wiped his forehead, beats of sweat falling down as he came back with no wheelchair. Olivia was about to ask but was caught off when she was hoisted into the air and carried like a bride through her new home.

Inco had slid the door shut with his foot and used his foot again to put the wheelchair in a good spot for it to stay for the night. He reminds himself to bring the wheelchair upstairs so she would use it upstairs, or should he keep it downstairs for more convenience? "Hey dumbass, you better be thinking about me and not my dumb wheelchair."

Olivia grinned while she held around his neck, she kissed his cheek and nuzzled her face against his collar bone. They made it upstairs and to their master bedroom that was at the end of the hallway. "Don't worry, thinking about how amazing this night went because you exist."

She rolled her eyes, they make it to the master bedroom door and open it. Her eyes shine with brightness, brighter than Sirius, when she sees their new beautiful bedroom they will sleep, share and cuddle in together.
"Inky... It's beautiful."

He made sure the bedroom was finished first, their pictures together from senior year was hanging and some of Olivia's paintings were hanging as well that she created on her free time. Inco placed her on his side of the bed, putting the tired Baryonyx on the bed which makes him smile. He leans down and passionately kisses the woman on her snoot, his eyes close, the last thing he saw was the picture of their wedding day months ago.

Olivia pulled him into bed, he yipped when he fell on top of her. She giggled and pushed him off of her and cuddled against him, her eyes burning with a fire he had seen many times. "You know you ain't sleeping tonight Mr. Nito?"

"I guessed as much Mrs. Nito."

The gators tail curled around the lamps' trigger switch and pulled down on it. The once lit room was flooded in darkness but the hearts of the two lovers were glowing brightly that filled the room with passion, love and baby-making.


Chapter 11: The Gator Wani Help Her Friend


Judee still has been in the puppet dungeon... It's been a week and I still haven't seen the light of day yet. I don't think I'm getting out of here, she's been forcing me to write this fanfiction... It's to 'satisfy her Wani shaped hole she has in her heart' or something? I don't know... All I know is that I'm probably not getting out of here... Oh f*ck Judee is coming!

"Alright you! It's time to write another page for the Wani and Snoot Bros!"

Raptor Jesus help me.


Damien absolutely f*cking dies in this chapter

Chapter Text

February 29th 201M B.C 2028

Over a week had gone by since the party at the new Nitos' residence, Inco and Olivia had settled in slowly, both were almost done buying new furniture, buying pool supplies, bathroom supplies and even finishing the stair lift for Olivia.

All the while that went on, Olivia and Inco spent more time at the children's center with the rambunctious young axolotl that had made her way into their hearts. The day after the party, the two went to the center and spent the whole day with the axolotl, the weekend was fun for the three of them, Inco had to help Olivia more often now since she was easily getting more fatigued with each passing day. Lucy was worried for her new found friend but the Baryonyx shrugged it off to not worry the pterodactyl out.

Present time now, It was nearing 5pm and Inco and Damien were with one another, driving to get more baby supplies for the overdue child that was about to pop any day now out of Liz's womb. Damien was starting to get worried now, he heard about the delivery horror stories and he's been worried sick about what would happen to his beloved wife. He looked down at his wedding band, the shiny gold ring that was around his finger brightly shines while he held onto the steering wheel.

Both of the two men pulled up at the packed dino-mart that was bustling with large and short dinos with snippets of humans roaming around. Damien got out and looked behind, he gave a worried smile when he saw the new car seat that Inco bought for him for Liz and Damien's wedding a few months back. He sighed to himself and then closed the door, Inco rushed to his side, obviously seeing that his friend was in a world of his own while he almost walked in front of a moving car.

Inco grabbed onto his shoulder and pulled him back, this snapped Damien out of his trance and looked around. "W-Woah, that was close. Damnit, sorry for spacing out like that Inco, just have so many things on the brain, y'know?"

"Tell me about it, next month is going to be so packed, we are spending so much time with the axolotl that she is wondering if she can have a sleep over in a week. That means we have to buy a bed, blinds, bedsheets, and another frickin' TV as well." Inco chuckled as they walked through the automatic opening door and felt the fresh cool air conditioning of the supermarket.

The two quickly made their way to the baby area and picked out the stuff they needed for the awaiting addition to the Paynes family. Eventually the men looked at one another and grinned, both zooming to the electric section and looking at the newly released games. Inco had gotten into gaming awhile back due to Damien and Olivia, he was still an amateur and got easily 360 no-scoped, quick-shotted, and absolutely rekted by Olivia but at least he knew how to play the game, thanks to handy tutorials and game essays on YouTube.

The two were making their way out of the super store, bags in each hand as they stroll out with an absurd about of baby supplies. They reached the vehicle and poured everything in, Inco's arm practically falling off while he 'carefully' threw everything in the back seat.

Damien got into the driver's seat and let his forehead slam down onto the steering wheel, he sighed and turned towards the human who was getting in as well, he was about to take off when Inco's phone began to ring loudly. Inco patted his jeans and fished out the loud phone that was blaring a 'someone is calling' tune.

Inco looked at the caller and co*cked a brow in suspicion. "Olivia?"

He answered the phone and was met with a loud roar on the end of the phone that came from his wife. "INCO GET TO THE HOSPITAL QUICK!"

Inco pulled the phone away from his ear and winced, his ear drums would never fully recover from that now. "H-Honey? W-What? H-Hold on h-hospital!?"

He then heard crying from the other side of the line, it sounded like whoever was crying was being tended to by people and heard the sound of clanking and wheels. "GET TO THE HOSPITAL NOW, LIZ'S WATER JUST BROKE!"

Damien heard everything, the voice was small to him because it was against Inco's ear but he heard the weariness and urgency in Olivia's voice. Inco likes to his left and was about to say but was cut off when Damien had already began to pull out of the space. "Already on it!"

Damien felt his heart racing and worry bubbling in the pit of his stomach, he was excited, finally he was ready to be a father, he just hoped everything went well on the girls end right now.

Inco held on tightly to the seat as Damien broke several traffic laws on the way to the hospital, Damien growled at the green light turning yellow so he sped up faster and went through as the light turned red a second after he had made it through. He looked to his left and knew a short cut, he swerved his SUV and sped through the back ways of the city. Going through the districts of the city and saw the hospital growing on the horizon. It shocked Inco that he wasn't pulled over for going faster than a hundred miles an hour in an only thirty lane. He slowed down to a stop, Inco yelled at Damien to go on without him and that he'd park the car while he goes and helps his wife.

Damien grins and gives a fragile smile and thumbs up before full of sprinting to the door of the hospital. Inco rushed and ran over to the driver's side and hopped in and then sped off to find an area to park.

It didn't take long fortunately for the human, it was pretty close by to where the entrance was, Inco turned the engine off and then bolted out of the SUV, clicking the keys lock and heading towards the sliding glass door of the hospital front.

Inco sprinted and saw the familiar Baryonyx nervously tapping her handle, she looked to the door and a sigh of relief coloured her face. She wheeled to him and brought him into a hug. "You dumbass, took you long enough, come on, I know where they're keeping her right now, Damien already went so let's hurry to him."

Inco nodded and went behind the wheelchair and sped off, she gave directions to the room, going up a few levels of the tall hospital building and going through the labyrinth that was the Labor, Delivery and Recovery rooms of this wing of the giant hospital.

She pointed to the door that the couple and doctors were inside, both Inco and Olivia winced at the hollering of pain, agony, anger, and swears she was spouting at everyone around her, mostly at Damien.


Olivia couldn't help but let out a gentle snicker, Inco looked at her with fright while they heard the pitiful Damien trying to soothe his angry beloved. "Lizzy, please take a deep breath, I'm here, I'm-"

"DON'T YOU TELL ME TO RELAX, I'M GOING TO STRANGLE YOU WITH MY NECK AFTER I'M DONE WITH YOU! F-f*ck THIS HURTS S-SO MUCH, GIVE ME YOUR DUMBASS HAND!" Olivia swears she can hear the wince and cries of Damien, she even thinks she heard the bones in his hand break from all the way it here.

Inco and her sit together, their hands locked with one another while they wait for the Brachiosaurus to go through complete hell, the constant shouting, screaming, cursing, blood curdling screams that emitted from the woman was chilling.

The yelling died down around six hours into the stay at the hospital, the only things that were heard was Damien comforting Liz and her whimpers.

Inco looked down, Olivia was asleep on his chest as she sat on his lap and bundled up in a blanket the nurses provided for them. They were gonna be here awhile and knew that this was going to be a long night ahead for the both of them. Even though he lost all feeling in his leg, he still stroked the sleeping Baryonyx on her head and hair while she slept soundly against him. He looked at the clock, it was nearing eleven at night, sleep was taking over but he knew he needed to stay awake if anything happened. He looked at the messages he sent prior, messages to the rest of the Paynes family, Ben and Lunara, the Farlane family and Liz's uncle as well.

They all had arrived a bit later, Ben and Lunara stayed together, both of them asleep on the chair on the other side, Randy pacing back and forth by the door while his wife and younger son were at home for the time being, Liz's parents asleep like the others are them and Mr. Ferris leaning against the wall with his arms crossed while he looked down at nothing.

It was a stressful and tense filled night, none of them were going to get good sleep tonight or any sleep for that matter. Inco looked down at Olivia's resting face, she was asleep but he can tell she was worried for her friend, who was going through the most hellish experience in her life.


Soft snores came from the right side of the waiting area, three families all together for the wait that had their breaths held. The shouts and pain have stopped from within the room that was across from him, Inco looked tiredly at the door and winced when he felt the morning sun brightly shined his eyes with its bright yellow rays.

He gave a yawn and adjusted the blanket that his wife was underneath, he stroked her hair and kept his tired gaze on the door. His eyes were starting to strain now, having not slept more than twenty-four hours will do that to you. He looked down at his everything, her eyes closed as she dreamed. She occasionally cuddled closer and nuzzled a bit more so she can get warmer since the hospital was pretty cold.

Ben was awake now, his hands together as he stared down at the floor while his girlfriend slept against him. Mr. Ferris was slumped on six seats, his arm slumped down and touching the floor as she slept with a giant snore. Randy was still awake, like Inco, Randy was blinking to keep his eyes awake and trying to find comfortable positions to sit down in.

He had called and messaged his wife throughout the night, so far no progress, the only progress they did know of was the quietness that had come from the room.

Liz's parents were asleep together, the long necked brachiosauruses were entangled with one another while they slept under a large blanket as well. Inco shared a glance at Ben, Ben's eyes worrying as well while he stared at the door worryingly.

Inco then peered up from looking at the ground and then back to the door, he heard something going on from within. He then heard... Crying? He and Ben shared relive glances, it was the little one that had just been born now. He gave a relieved sigh and threw his head back while he grinned, he was so happy nothing went wrong, all he wondered when it was time to go in.

An agonizing twenty minutes went by and finally the door began to click and turn, Inco sat up and saw the tired and drained Damien come out of the room. He can see tears had coursed down his face and his clothes a bit bloody. He threw his gloves into the trash can besides them and took off the scrubs that he wore inside and placed them down on the chair right against the door.

Inco looked down at his wife and began to shake her gently, his smile forming when she began to stir. Her silver irises met his, she was a bit cranky when she woke but immediately turned and saw Damien. She almost registered that they were in the hospital and waiting, she gave a happy genuine smile when she realized; the wait was finally over.

"Guys... You gotta see him."

Damien grinned, his tears falling freely as he was wrapped into a hug by his father. The two shared a loving hug, Damien and his father woke the rest up as Inco helped Olivia into her chair. Damien and Randy entered the room followed by a tired and sleepy Lunara. Next came the Farlanes and Mr. Ferris, the three adults entered the room and immediately gushed.

Inco and Olivia were still outside, Olivia had settled into her seat and smiled behind and up at her husband. He gazed down at her and wheeled her into the room that was full of life and love.

Olivia gasped when she saw a tired Liz, her pink hair was a mess and her eyes were puffy from crying. She could barely speak, giving out a hoarse and tired welcome to everyone that had come inside the hospital room. Olivia put her hands to her snoot, her eyes watering as she saw the small bundle of joy in her friend's arms.

She wheeled closer to her and let out a soft aw and was held tightly by her husband, who was also gushing. Inco looked at his friend, his best friend, and gripped him on the shoulder. He looked at Damien in the eyes and smiled, his smile biggest that anyone has seen. "You did amazing Damien, you and Liz did great."

The little bundle of joy that was nestled in his mom's arms was moving and trying to sleep now. The Brachiosaurus and Dilopho-Spinosaurus hybrid baby... The Brachiodilopho-Spinosaurus hybrid slept peacefully in his mother's arms, his eyes closed and nuzzling against his mother's bosom.

The little Brachiodilopho-Spinosaurus baby kept himself close to his mother's warmth, the baby was definitely a mix of his parents genes that's for sure. The little hybrid had a long neck, not as long as other baby brachiosauruses but definitely can still be seen as one to others from afar. He also was given a mix of his parents scale colors as well, the two very different parents came together and gave him a light shade of purple. He had a small bit adorable fin that was on his head, the spines between blue like his mother's scales and same shade of webbing as his father.

The little hybrid also was graces with frills, small frills that were blue and absolutely adorable. The small newborn also had his mother's hair, the was thin but definitely can tell that his hair will grow out to be like his father's when he's older.

The little one gave a gentle yawn, which conveniently showed that he had both carnivorous and herbivorous molars and fangs. The parents and friends gushed at the adorable little one that was a spitting image of Liz's and Damien's love that had mixed together.

"Damien... He's beautiful. W-What do you and Liz name him?" Olivia cooed, she couldn't take her eyes off the little newborn that was sleeping peacefully in his mother's arms.

"Liz, my love, do you want to share?" Damien looked down at his other half, she gave a soft and tired nod while she stroked the little Brachiodilopho-Spinosaurus newborn.

"I want to introduce you all to..." She gave a smile and then looked at her son, she felt so much pride befall on her as she held him and protectively.

"James Inco Paynes."

Inco's eyes widened in shock, he put his hand to his mouth. "Y-You... You named his middle name after me?"

Damien smiled, he strolled over to the other side of the bed and placed a strong arm on the human's shoulder. "Dude... You did a lot for me and my family bro. Without you... I don't know what would have happened if you didn't come in, you helped Olivia out of her shell and helped rekindle friendships, I consider you a brother Inco... So yes, I did name my son after you and you're going to like it."

Damien was sobbing throughout his small speech, he then poked the human's chest and began to bawl. Inco put a hand on his shoulder, he smiled and looked at his best friend and grinned. "You will always be my brother."

That broke the dam, Damien's eyes began to flood as he was brought towards Inco. Inco wrapped him in a large brotherly hug and whispered. "Brothers, yeah?"

Damien sniffed and wiped his teary eyes with the back of his hand, he nodded and grinned as well. He brought his fist down and hit him in the shoulder and chuckled. "Brothers."

Liz's parents came to her side after the loving moment between two brothers, her overprotective parents examining and congratulating their only precious daughter. Mr. Ferris and Randy made it to the other side of the bed, both looking at the newborn and the new mother. Mr. Ferris stroked his niece's hair, the hair was drenched in sweat as she smiled. "You did good kid, I'm proud of you. I feel like I say that every time I see you."

Mr. Ferris gave a hearty chuckle and let that tear that was wanting to be free roll down his cheek. He stares down at his niece and her son, he had seen this little girl he's known for so long now grow up into this amazing young woman.

Damien returns to his wife's side once again, leaning down and pressing a passionate smooch on the Brachiosaurus' snoot. His eyes closed as he passionately whimpered, he was happy now... He had gotten what he had wanted and if he died now he'd die in peace.

After fifteen seconds of smooching, He pulls away and looks down at his wife, tears devolving now as she stares up at her husband. Damien strokes her cheek, his smile big and his heart full. The two were in another world of their own, both been in love for a long time now and the two finally do what they've been planning for years now.

A family.


Chapter 12: I Wani Gaze At The Stars


Here's some teeth rotting fluff that will definitely have you end up with many cavities!!!


Good news! Damien didn't actually die but he did get his balls crushed by Liz though.

Chapter Text

March 5th 201M B.C 2028

Life had been changed drastically for Damien in the couple of days since his child was brought into the world. Liz and James were given the okay to go home two days later after extensive care and vitals the doctors took on both mother and son.

It was obvious that Liz was still tired, she slept the entire day when they came home so it was up to Damien to take care of his son. Who was currently sleeping in his crib at the moment, the newborn was bundled up in an adorable red and blue onesie that his parents had gotten them for the baby shower many months back. They actually got him multiple sizes due to not knowing what he'd look like, but this size that was for infant Brachiosauruses fit just perfectly.

Damien leaned against the doorway and smiled, his arms crossed as he looked at his pride and joy with warmth. He looked so much like his mother, of course since he had the neck of a Brachiosaurus. He cuddled against a teddy bear that he was holding against him, Damien examined further and saw him chewing on the arm of the teddy that was ripped and torn by the small dino.

He slept while he teethed on his teddy, it was an adorable sight to Damien. He went up to the crib and smiled down at his young, his eyes watering ever so slightly. He growled and wiped at his eye as he whimpered. "Damnit... Enough crying, I've already cried so much these past few days."

Damien wasn't one to get emotional, the only time he would was when he was angry was when someone was making fun of his family or his wife. It was terrifying to see the usually laid back and chill Dilopho-Spinosaurus wanting to break something in half, whoever was on the receiving end of his punch... May God rest their soul.

He smiled nonetheless, at least it was happy tears and not anything bad, he hasn't felt this happy since his wedding day when he married the love of his life. The same woman who brought this beautiful and amazing creature into this world.

He looked down at the side and saw the nightlight that was shaped as a candle and had the candle light on at the tip. He made sure it was on, he didn't want his son crying in the dark because of the darkness. He looked back down at his son, he saw the pacifier was on the side of the little infant so he quietly reached in and grabbed it. He placed it on the shelf and looked down at his son with a smile.

He would do anything for this little guy, he barely came into the world and there was nothing he wouldn't do for this adorable little thing. He walked behind him and closed the curtains that were opened, he shut them so the morning sun wouldn't wake his son.

He walked back to the door and stopped, he looked back at his son with pride and placed his hand on the doorknob. "I'll see you in the morning son... Goodnight."

He gently closed the door, a click was heard but not enough for it to be a problem for the little one who was still fast asleep in his crib. Damien let out a soft sigh of relief, he placed his forehead on the door and closed his eyes. New thoughts rushing in suddenly, dreadful thoughts, terrible thoughts, of not being there for his son. The thoughts raced around, what if something happened to him? What if he and his son weren't on good terms in the future? What if Liz and Him...

Damien shook the thoughts from his head, this wasn't the first time these plagues came to his mind, nor would it be the last. He stood up straight, putting his hand on the door and then leaving, the thoughts remained but the shine of his fatherly aura penetrated the dark thoughts with the brightness a father only could muster.

He went to the door that was right across from the nursery, he sighed and then headed inside, his frown was instantly washed away by the sight of his wife. The woman that was there for him and will continue to be there for him. She rested on her side as she watched the door open, she wasn't asleep yet since she wanted to be with her hubby so they could fall asleep together.

Damien leaned on the door of the master bedroom and grinned. "Well hello gorgeous, do you think you can help me find my wife, I think I seem to have misplaced her."

Liz giggled and snaked her neck towards him, she pulled him closer to the bed with her neck while she wrapped her neck around his waist seductively. Once they were a lot closer, she unwrapped herself but kept herself close to him, their snoots close to touching while they stared eye to eye. "Oh her? I got rid of her, I thought to myself that you needed a new upgrade."

Damien gave a shocked look at his slithery wife, her neck slithering around his body while her hands began to undo his belt and pants. "What? Aw hell yeah! I get a total babe like you and a kid as well!"

Liz giggled and dropped his pants, she was about to bust out laughing when she saw his stupidly adorable pink and red heart boxers that she got him months ago as a joke. She was wondering if he threw those away but he kept them and now he is wearing them now. "You actually kept them? You damn doofus."

He grinned proudly, he modeled his body and muscular arms that seemed to have an effect on the swooning Brachiosaurus. "Hell yeah, you think I'm gonna get rid of perfectly good underwear, let alone a present I got from my wife?"

She grinned and then brought him down into the bed, she stroked his cheek while they snuggled together with each other underneath the warm covers. He looked up at his long necked wife, he was nervous that's for sure, he couldn't believe she was already willing to do this again... And it hasn't even been a week since she gave birth!

Liz grinned down at her husband, her hands going through his hair. She felt his shaking, she knew that now there was something wrong, as a woman that sells paintings she can definitely see when things are good and when things are bad, and right now things are happening with her husband that can't be seen by any other person but her. "Alright doofus, tell momma Liz what's got you all freaked out."

He rolled his eyes at the comment, it was only one time and now she wouldn't drop it. What bothered him even more was that she can see through his facade that he tries to put up but fails miserably. He sighs and presses himself against his wife's chest, who was wearing nothing but lacy garments to try and arouse her husband. "It's nothing..."

Liz arched her eyebrow at that, she knows for a fact it's not nothing, she had known this idiot for a long time and knows when there is something wrong with her hubby. "It's not nothing, I feel you shaking, your tail and frills are twitching a lot, and you haven't even made a move on me yet. Now that tells me there is something wrong with you."

Damien groaned and buried himself into his wife, she hugged him tightly while she stroked his hair and cooed. "Tell me... Please. I hate seeing you like this Damien, I just want you to be happy and loving with me and our son."

Damien sighed, he knew he wasn't getting out of this and frankly he didn't want to keep this bottled up. This was a time to be happy and joyful, he didn't want to burden his wife with his problems but he knew that sooner or later she'll make him spill. 'Better make me spill now rather than later.'

Damien sighed and rested his cheek on her bosom, he felt tears pricking at his eyes while he wrapped his arms around her waist. "They came back... I thought they left but... I guess they came back when I thought I was better and happy."

Liz looked confused, she was about to say more but then it hit her. "Oh... Back in June again?" She gently strokes his hair softly, trying to comfort the man she loved and the man that has suffered from demons of his own.

"Y-Yeah... That sh*t came back and... And I hate it. When I see my son I get so happy a-and then... Then I hear those dumb thoughts whispering into my head. The same voice, same thoughts, same promises that I heard all those months back." Damien was letting his emotions free, his eyes watered while he held onto his wife for support.

"Damien, baby, we've been over this, you are going to and are an amazing father. These voices? News flash, are wrong, completely wrong! You are stronger than these dumb voices that keep hurting you, you are so much more than these dumb voices that keep bringing you down honey." Liz looks down at him sternly, even though she is saying it rough and trying to ingrain this in his head, her eyes are still gentle and her smile is bright. "Whatever they told you, or if they are still saying the same thing, I want you to know that I'm going to be by your side whether you like it or not. You're stuck with me, you knocked me up and put a ring on this finger, so you better take responsibility and listen to your wife AND son. Those thoughts are temporary... Our love is forever, understand?"

Damien couldn't say anything, if there was one word he could describe that he was feeling right now... It would have to be warmth. He felt so cozy and warm inside that his wife, the woman that had leached into his heart and married, made it clear that she wasn't going anywhere. Not now, not in five years, ten years, twenty years or even fifty. She was going to stay with him and raise their son to be an amazing man.

"I don't deserve you, thank you... f*ck... I'm sorry for ruining the moment Lizzy. I'm such a mess right now." Liz kept her gaze down at him, she continued stroking her husband's hair while he rubbed his face against her bosom and got comfortable in her warm embrace.

"You didn't ruin anything, all you gotta say is something dirty and that'll definitely make me all queezy inside." She blushed madly, she hated how easy it was for him to turn her on.

Damien sniffed and looked up at her, his snoot in-between her mountainous chest that he was on. "Are you sure you want to do this? You just gave birth not even a week ago, what if I hurt you... What if-"

"If I hear another thing come out of your mouth that isn't about making love to me then you're going to be sleeping on the couch tonight!" Liz growled while she poked his snoot, he winced at the thought of being sent to the couch; by far the worst punishment in any marriage.

"N-No... I'll do it, I'll do it. L-Let me get the condom first an-" He was thrown on his back and immediately straddled by the heavy and horny Brachiosaurus. She had fire in her eyes and pinned his arms down while she licked her lips. "If you even say that word I am personally going to make you regret it."

Damien gulped, he didn't have the courage to talk back to his wife and tell her that she could still get pregnant again, she was too frightening when she was horny. He grinned and let Liz have his way with him, moans and promises were made through the night while the two were one again. This moment was everything to them, they felt loved and happy with one another... Nothing could ruin this moment and they made sure that it wouldn't be.

But what definitely could ruin the moment between mother and father would be a newborn Brachiodilopho-Spinosaurus crying out in the middle of the night, alerting both parents who were almost at the climax of their love making together.

"Oh for f*cks sake."


Across the city of Voldcaldera Bluffs, an apartment window is glowing brightly and inside was a human boy staring out while he looked at the moon and the dazzling starry lit sky. Alex Mous was in deep thought at the moment, his thoughts racing faster than race cars competing against one another.

He looked down at the necklace he had in his hand, the necklace with a sharp tooth attached to it. He placed it beside him on the dresser and kept his gaze on the beautiful night sky, Voldcaldera Bluffs barely had any light pollution so there was a beautiful display of stars, constellations and the Milky Way bands that could barely be seen.

He then looked to his side and saw a photo of him and the axolotl he calls a friend, he smiled and blushed lightly, he gently pushed the framed photo away so he wouldn't have any of these thoughts coming in.

The door to Alex's room receives a gentle knock, he looks behind and calls out. "Come in."

The door opened and was revealed to be a very short haired man, his muscles were highly noticeable as well as his hazel eyes. The light green shirt he wore fitted very tightly, his camo pants hung loosely with a belt while he stepped forth into the room. He had a frown up, a frown that revealed he knew something was going on with his son.

Anon Y. Mous walked up to his son and looked down at him, his hand coming up and stroking the blonde hair his kid had. He looked up at the sky and saw the twinkling stars that his son was watching beforehand. "You know something, kid? When you're out there, on the sea, you at least get the benefit of seeing the whole sky lit up with the most beautiful scenery of stars, galaxies, constellations and even nebulas."

Alex nodded his head, he heard stories of his father out on the sea, he was glad that was behind him and he had taken station in Voldcaldera Bluffs permanently, that is if another great war didn't break out or anything. "How was it out there? Without mom, I mean."

Anon winced, he sat beside him and gazed up at the sky, his eyes glowing with the reflection of the colorful sky as he gazed. "I'm not gonna lie son... It was the hardest years of my life, being out there without your mother."

He crossed his arms as he kept gazing up. "Before we adopted you or had little Amber... Things were tough on us then, friendships were broken, wanted to be secluded, we pushed people away, we wanted to be more what the world gave us. You get what I'm saying, son?" The little blonde haired boy nodded, he put his chin on the palm of his hand and kept his eyes on one star that was twinkling.

Anon nodded himself, he continued what he was saying. "Things were hard for us, extremely hard... Even harder on mom. I just want you to know... Be easy on mom, she's been through so much, she may put on a smile but I know deep down she's still hurting."

Alex looked at his father. "Is that why mom was crying on you a few weeks back?"

Anon sighed and nodded his head, he lowered his head and rubbed his temple. "Yes... She is going through a lot of stuff, she is still trying to find out who she is. Promise me this, son."

Alex peaked at that, he turned his head and looked at the older man who he proudly called his father. "Yeah, dad?"

Anon placed his hand on his son's shoulder and sighed, his eyes growing softer and his lips curving into a smile. "If anything happens at all... To me or to anyone in the family and I'm not there for some ungodly reason, promise me that you'll be there for her when she is in her time of need."

There were barely any times that his father would ask him for very important stuff that he had to do, the only things he did on his own was clean his bed, throw the dirty clothes in the laundry and feed Amber when his parents couldn't, so hearing this from his father, the man that was his remodel, the person he looked up to... It was something that made him feel pride.

His father was relying on him, and of course he would do anything in his power to make his father proud. Alex smiled brightly and nodded his head vigorously, he stood tall and proud and saluted his father.

Anon stood up as well and gave him a salute too, his eyes casting down at the young blonde boy that he proudly called his son. "At ease, young cadet."

The boy put his hand down, his father grinned and grabbed his head and gave him a noogie. The kid laughed and ran out of his father's embrace as they ran around the room, Anon trying to catch his son while Alex kept running around for dear life.

The door opened and out came a motherly presence. "Okay you two, it's time for bed. Alex did you brush your teeth already?"

He grinned and showed his feathery mother his pearly whites while his father lied on his race car bed, his hand propping his head up while he lied on his side. The feathery matriarch giggled, she shook her head and looked down and gently swayed the bundle of cuteness in her arms.

"And now for you Mr. Mous, did you brush your teeth yet?" Lucy grinned while she swayed her arms from side to side gently, a soft tune she was humming while she rocked her and Anon's biological daughter.

"Classified information, I might need a kiss to let you into the super very and extremely secretive information." Anon grinned and pointed to his lips while he wiggled his eyebrows.

Alex put his index finger against his open mouth and gave a 'bleh' noise, Anon looked annoyingly at his son and barbed. "Says the one that has a super secretive crush on an Axolotl that no one knows about."

Lucy giggled while Alex gasped in horror, his face was red so he jumped at his dad's side and hit him with pathetic strength. "Daaaaad! Shut up, that was supposed to be something between us boys remember!?"

Anon looked at Lucy, she looked at him with an arched brow. Anon looked at his son and shrugged his shoulders while Alex balled up and whimpered. "Alex I'm pretty sure Mom has known for years now."

Alex peeked up at his mother, she gave him a soft nod that had let him know his feelings weren't so secretive. His eyes shrink in horror when a thought comes to mind. 'Does Luna know that I have a crush on her? What if she knows that I have a crush on her and she is only friends with me because she pities me... What if-'

Lucy walks to the other side of his bed and places her hand on his head, her other arm holding her infant little feathery bundle of joy. "Alex... You are way too young for this, give it a couple of years and then this will be a bigger problem."

Anon looked down at his son, he wouldn't exactly have put it like that but it was way too early to be holding feelings at this age.
Anon chuckled at himself when Lucy had interrupted his mumble rambling. 'Like father like son I suppose.'

Lucy ushered for Anon to get off Alex's bed, Anon let out a sad whine and hopped off the bed in the end. Alex got underneath the covers while Anon put his nightlight in, Alex the spike up which made Anon turn to him. "I-I think I want to try it without the nightlight this time, dad."

Anon's eyes widened and his mouth opened a bit, Lucy looked shocked as well as she looked at her husband with concern but accepting, he nodded his head and stood up and then took the light out and then placed it on the shelves that held consoles and physical games that he and his son have collected thus far. He smiled as he looked back at his son one final time, a warmth spreading through his heart as he stared at the boy he'd do anything to protect. Lucy went up to her son and gave him a soft kiss on the side of his head, Anon stayed by the doorway and let his wife go first. Anon saw Alex look back at him, he then reached for the lamp that was still on and turned it off, coating the room in partial darkness since the window was casting moonlight into the room.

Anon closed the door gently, a soft click emitted from the door. Quietness enveloped the hallway, Anon put his hand on his wife's back as they both walked together to their bedroom that was at the end of the small hallway. "Can you believe it... Our little man wants to try sleeping without the nightlight, Fang."

She rolled her eyes and giggled, she held tightly onto the baby in her arms as he held open the door for her. She slowly made her way to the crib that was in the corner of their room, she placed little Amber in her crib and cooed at the little feathery pterodactyl that she and Anon had spawned together.

She then looked back and giggled at her husband, her eyes filling with joy and happiness. "God don't let Alex hear you calling me that, I would like my son not to know that I was super f*cking edgy in highschool."

Anon strolled up to his wife, he looked down at the small, lithe, petite and motherly frame that was his wife. She gently pressed her face against his chest, feeling warmth and comfort in his embrace. "I promise, but just letting you know that little name you gave yourself almost a decade ago is and will always be your nickname."

She groaned and buried her head further into his chest, he gently glided his hands down her back and chuckled. She looked up at him and grabbed his shirt collar to bring him down to her level. "Fine... Now kiss me you dweeb, I've been without your kisses for almost all day now."

Anon grinned and leaned forward, his hands coming to her cheek as he closed his eyes. "Thank Raptor Jesus."

They both leaned forward and shared a loving kiss together, all their hardships were shared together now that they were married and with young now. Even though Fan- Lucy wasn't hundred percent healed just yet, she knew that her husband, son, and daughter would help make the healing process go much smoother now.

Lucy shot open her eyes and pulled away and growled. "You asshole, you didn't brush your teeth!"

Anon's eyes shot wide, he was now being chased after by his wife and eventually was forced by said wife to take a long and painful brushing of teeth.


Chapter 13: I Wani Eat Popcorn


Judee had me writing nonstop for the past ten hours, my hands are sore and my eyes are strained... She hasn't even given me a glass of water or a single bread yet. I have to find a way out fo here... Wait... Someone is coming.

Judee comes through the door and uses her magic powers (I'm the writer I get to do what the f*ck I want!) and throws someone in, she gives me a very uncanny grin before leaving.

I see... What the f*ck?


Anon turns to me and coughs. "sh*t... she has you here too?"

Chapter Text

March 7th 201M B.C 2028

It's been two weeks now and a couple of days since Inco and Olivia met the stranger and extremely hyperactive axolotl. The axolotl and the unique couple spend time together almost everyday now, growing closer and being more and more comfortable with one another.

It seemed to everyone that the weeks were passing by, Olivia, Inco and the axolotl were spending so much time together, the couple even invited her for a sleep over which of course the axolotl accepted. They had gone to the head administrator before hand to go over if she could spend one night there, they knew that things were going fast but they wanted to ease into the new life they had in the home with just a cup of sweetness; that was Luna.

It was a cloudy day outside today, the sun was blocked by the dense greying clouds outside. Olivia, Inco, and the small axolotl were inside the Nitos' homestead, the axolotl munching on worm bites that were essential to the axolotls' growing healthy needs.

Luna and Olivia snuggled together on the couch, Luna resting besides one another while they are in a large blanket that they shared together. Olivia looks down at Luna and giggles herself, she was so adorable it made her heart ache... In the good way of course.

Olivia winced suddenly, she placed her hand to the side of her abdomen and grimaced. She made sure to look away, she didn't want the axolotl knowing something was wrong, she didn't want to worry the little bundle of joy that she loved dearly.

Unfortunately for the Baryonyx, Luna could sense something was wrong with her friend, she scooted a bit closer and placed her hand where her arm was and could tell it was tense. She raised her face up to the Baryonyx, even though she couldn't see she definitely knew that Olivia was in pain. "Livy? What's wrong?"

Olivia groaned inwardly, this was the last thing she wanted and she couldn't even keep that to herself. She put on a brace front, even though the axolotl couldn't see she still wanted to act brave. "It's nothing sweetie... My stomach hurts is all, this isn't the first time."

Luna co*cked her head slant ways and looked confused, she placed her own hands on her sides and spoke. "I get tummy pains all the time, I'm starting to think these wormy bites are no good."

Olivia chuckled and grabbed the wormy bites to examine, her eyes widened and saw the expiration date. "No wonder YOUR stomach hurts, these are a month past their date."

Luna grabbed her wormy bites and scowled at the plastic bag of expired bites. "How was I supposed to know that?"

Olivia giggles and scoops up the axolotl, this has become a regular thing between the two females, the axolotl wasn't fond of being held by other people, especially strangers, but when it came to Lucy and Olivia... She'd allow it. "How long have you had these bites?"

The axolotl shrugged and snuggled into Olivia's arms. "I don't know, I remember I got a couple bag of these for Christmas, these are very rare to find here for some reason."

Olivia's mouth agaped, even though Luna couldn't see she can tell the scaly Baryonyx was absolutely shocked. "And during that time you didn't refrigerate them!?"

Luna furrowed her eyebrows (eyebrows? Eyes? They don't actually have eyebrows.) and then it hit her, her eyes brightened as she winces. "Ooooooh so that's what the long word was called..."

Olivia smacked her face with her hand, she shouldn't be too dumbfounded, Luna was still only learning and just a child now. She sighed and then grinned, she sat the child on her lap and stroked her hair. "You are so adorable, you know?"

Luna pouted and looked away. "I'm not adorable!"

Olivia giggled and began to go in for tickles. "Yes you are! Now stay still so I can tickle you, you adorable little thing!"

The axolotl giggled and laughed brightly as the Baryonyx tickled her in her sides, she tried to kick but the gator woman kept her assault of love and affection towards the Lotl.

Inco came out of the kitchen with a bowl of popcorn and sodas that he had, he was watching the whole scene unfold from the open kitchen that was next to the living room. She went around the countertop and kitchen island and stood still, he grinned as he watched the two females that he loved dearly. His arms held both the popcorn and sodas, the axolotl perked up and stopped laughing suddenly. It was like a switch was flipped, Olivia was taken back by this sudden change and looked behind herself and saw the culprit.

Luna sniffed the air and then turned in the direction of the human who was holding the delicious treats that would surely be engulfed by the axolotl that had a bottomless pit for a stomach.

"IS THAT POPCORN!?" Olivia and Inco jump at the loud screech (squeal?) she made when it finally registered what she smelled.

Inco felt sweat dripping down his face, Olivia didn't know what to do so all she could do was shrug. Inco gave a nervous grin and nodded his head as he gripped the bowl shakily. "Y-Yes?"

It happened so fast, she was practically a blur. The axolotl zoomed and launched herself at Inco and stole the bowl, he fell down on his butt and saw the axolotl laughing manically as she had the bowl of popcorn above her head. "OH MY GOODNESS, THEY WOULD NEVER LET ME EAT POPCORN AFTER WHAT HAPPENED TWO YEARS AGO!"

"W-What happened two-" Inco was cut off when she dumped the popcorn, it fell straight into her mouth. Olivia's jaw fell when she saw the axolotl practically sucked up the popcorn, she swore she heard the sound of a vacuum when she did that.

The now very hyper axolotl bounced up and down in place, she dropped the plastic bowl and it made a 'tonk' as it hit the floor. She grinned and sprinted towards Inco, who was still on the ground sitting on his butt, she began making rounds around the downed human. She could give an Olympic Troodon and Deinonychus runners a run for their money with the mach speed she was achieving.

Olivia readied herself for a few seconds, four seconds later she then quickly reached out and nabbed the hyperactive axolotl. She looked down at the axolotl and then at Inco, she was surprised, worried and overall shocked at how this had gone so wrong so fast.

"Inco! You remember what that district director told you, you moron!" Olivia seethed and looked down at the axolotl, her legs were still moving while she was held against Olivia's chest.

"I-I thought they were exaggerating a bit!"

Olivia growled and mentally face palmed.
'Duly noted, do not feed her popcorn or anything close to that.'


After a loving and laugh filled night of spending time with the axolotl, Olivia retreated back upstairs, she was glad she got to use the motorized stair lift now that it was completed. They had a second wheelchair upstairs so she could use it while her main chair was down on the first floor to use outside of home.

Inco told Olivia that she should rest while he tucked Luna into her bed, she was going to disagree with it when her stomach was shot with more pain. Now by the master bedroom door, she opened it and went inside, she was happy to finally lie down and wait out this pain that was constant.

She parked herself by the bedside and jumped out of the chair and onto the bed, she stretches her muscles and feels her legs and arms pop, she groans at the feeling since her muscles have felt a bit strained lately.

She wishes she could have been there to tuck in the little axolotl, they had gotten her a medium sized water bed for her so she could spend the night without any trouble. Inco wanted this night perfect for his wife and the axolotl so he went all out and got some stuff for the axolotl that she'd like, such as new plushies, water cooler for the watery bed and some hard rock pillows so she could sleep on.

Apparently axolotls love rocks to lie on and rest on top of. This was something the two didn't know until Inco searched it up, it was something he would never guess but he knew the Internet was never wrong.

Olivia waited patiently for her husband, something she was never good at nor would ever be good at. She looked to the door and eyed the knob, she just stared at it for a couple minutes until the doorknob began to twist and turn, in came the human male as he sighed and then closed the door. He looked down at his wife, he could see that tiredness and fatigue were affecting her. He didn't know why she was always so tired recently, it worried him to see his happy wife so down and tired.

For Olivia recently, It was getting harder and harder to get up in the morning and get ready to teach her art class in St. Hammond. She was also regrowing her bags underneath her eyes, she hasn't slept well in a few days either since the cramps and pains have been constant.

He strutted forward, he kneeled down besides his wife and gently stroked her hair with his hand. She blushed brightly and looked up at her husband, her tired frown curved into a pained smile while she clutched the side of her stomach. She had water in her eyes as she stared up at her husband, he leaned his face over to her so they were close to one another. "Damnit... Hurting again?"

She nods her head as she clutches her side, her clawed hand gripping her scales as she closes her eyes and lets tears fall. "Y-Yeah... Every time I think this painful feeling couldn't get worse it somehow one ups it the next day."

Inco kept his hand on the top of her head, he kept stroking her green hair while he smiled down at his wife. "That's it... I hate seeing you like this, I'm taking you to the hospital tomorrow."

Olivia raised herself up and gasped, she propped herself up with one hand and looked at him nervously. Her eyes furrowed, her sudden mood shift alarmed Inco. "Won't you have to cancel your photo shoot? T-This was a big deal for you, Inky! I'm not letting you give up at a chance of going down a great career path over some stomach bug I have!"

He moves in a bit closer to her, his hand stroking her cheek while he sighs. "I'd rather have you better than seeing you in pain all the time, Livy. This shoot will come again in the future, I want to make sure that my wife is okay."

She clenched her jaw, he was willing to throw away so much for her safety and health, she grumbled underneath her breath while she looked back up at him. "I appreciate you looking out for me, I really do baby, but I want you to go to that photoshoot. You've been planning this for months now... I-I... Wait-"

Inco arched his eyebrow and crossed his arms, letting her continue what she had thought up of. "I can ask Liz to drive me with her to the hospital, she told Damien that she was going to the hospital to get a check up while he takes care of little James at home! I can ask her for a ride and I can get checked for any illness while she gets a physical since she did just gave birth."

Inco's heart flipped, he wanted to be there for his wife but he knew this was a big deal for him and Olivia. It could possibly be a big deal for Luna too if they did decide to adopt the little axolotl. He weighed the decisions in his head, he really really really wanted to be there for his wife, even if it was a minor stomach bug he wanted to be there to help her.

Olivia was wanting him to go and do this photoshoot, Inco sighed and massaged his aching temples while he stared down at the puppy eyed Baryonyx. "Damnit... Fine! You know I can't stand a chance against those cute starry eyes you do."

She giggled happily and pulled him down into her embrace, she hugged her human husband as he was crushed tightly underneath the immense strength she held. "Thank you! I don't want you missing this, I got my dream now I want yours to come true..."

Inco gently placed his hand on her cheek and softly stroked it, he was on top of the Baryonyx since she had pulled him into her embrace. He smiled and leaned forward, kissing her snoot as he whispered beforehand. "My dreams already came true."

She giggled into the kiss, her eyes closing while she and the human made out. "You're so sappy, get undressed and cuddle me."

Inco grinned and pulled away. "Yes ma'am."

She flickered the lights off as he stripped down to his boxers, she did so as well and hummed happily when his arms went around her waist. They couldn't see each other but they could feel each other's warmth. Both hearing the beating of each other's hearts as man and gator cuddled together underneath the warm blankets.

Inco wrapped gently around his wife's abdomen, he didn't want to hurt or upset her already aching stomach even more than it already was. She began to rest her eyes, closing them and feeling the love she would constantly get that came from her husband.

He closes his eyes as well, a soft whisper escapes his mouth as he nuzzles his wife's neck. "Promise me you'll call me as soon as you get out? I want to hear everything, if it's serious you call me even if I'm during a shoot. I don't care about anything else but you, alright?"

Olivia's cheeks glowed brightly, even after all this time he always found ways to melt her heart and arouse her even when he wasn't trying. "Y-Yeah of course... I'll be fine Inky, don't worry about me."

He sighed and gently placed a soft kiss on her cheek, his eyes closing while his breathing slowed down and sleep began to overtake him. "I hope so... I love you, Olivia."

Olivia's eyes drooped and her breathing slowed, she let the sweet embrace of sleep take hold of her but she slurred one last thing out before knocking out. "I love you too, Inco."


Chapter 14: I Wani Know


Luna fed me some spaghetti


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

March 8th 201M B.C 2028

Olivia and Liz sit quietly in the car as Liz drives them to the hospital, Liz brings up how things were with her and Inco and Olivia talks about how great everything is so far. Talking about Inco, their new home and then going into talking about the crazy small axolotl that they are talking about adopting.

It was obvious to everyone that Olivia had fallen in love with the little axolotl, she saw her as her daughter and wanted to protect the little amphibian with all her might. The axolotl had permanently ingrained herself in Inco's and Olivia's hearts in the matter of only two weeks.

She didn't want to tell the axolotl just yet since they did just only met a few weeks back. She wanted the axolotl to fully know that they will be there for her, she wanted to drop the surprise at the right moment. Olivia just played with her wedding band, she has been doing this throughout the car ride and it has begun to worry the Brachiosaurus out.

"Olivia it's only a stomach bug like you said, it's prob nothing too bad... The worst outcome out of all this is that you probably ate expired meat." Olivia kept playing with her ring, even though she did heard the words her long necked friend had told her it went out her other ear hole in the end.

Liz sighed and kept on driving, she didn't want to get her friend's hopes up as to what she is thinking. It wouldn't be fair to tell her it when she herself went through pregnancy barely a week ago. It wouldn't be right to her her hopes up just for it to come crashing down.

Liz looks back at the Baryonyx, she does have to admit, she does look exactly like how she did when she first figured out she was pregnant. She kept it to herself in the end, it didn't take too long to arrive at the giant hospital.

She parked in the handicap spot, Olivia made sure to bring her handicap placard so they wouldn't be far from the hospital. Liz was grateful for this, she was still sore and tired so the quick trip from the handicap spot and to the automatic glass door was a heaven sent.

Olivia pushed herself through the automatic opening doors, she told the Brachiosaurus that she wanted to push herself so the long necked dino wouldn't have to strain herself too. Liz looked down sadly at the Baryonyx, unfortunately the Baryonyx didn't make an appointment so she had to wait outside for her to be called. Liz went on in since she did make one previously, Liz's incredibly long neck slithered through the air and found her friend. "I'll wait for you out here when I get back from my appointment, I hope it shouldn't take you too long since there's practically nobody here but us."

The silver eyed woman looked around, she nodded her head and lay back in her chair.
It didn't take long before the head and neck of her friend had vanished into the large double doors of the hospital. She was glad that it was only them and one other human couple that were sitting across from her. She smiles at this, she was glad more humans were coming down to their town of the scales... She wishes she had her human with her.

She flicked on her phone and saw her home screen of her and Inco during prom all those years ago, Inco was drinking punch, she was sure that it was spiked at the time but couldn't remember, she also saw Damien hugging Liz while she had given Inco a kiss on the cheek. She brushed over his face with her thumb, she shakes her head and lies her phone down on her lap, she has been so clingy lately... She isn't even sure if Inco is annoyed by this or not. He hasn't said anything at all about her clinginess, she's glad because she really needs this now for some reason.

A minute later the double doors opened and a very abnormally short female T-Rex came out and called out a name she didn't recognize, she saw the human couple get up and went into the hallway as the double doors slid shut. Now she was nervous, all alone now and now left alone in her thoughts.

She kept playing with her wedding band, her eyes gazing over it while she waited patiently in her wheelchair. She grumbled and reached behind her and snagged her canteen, she hastily brought the canteen to her snoot and chugged the metal savior. She placed it back and let it fall to the side of her wheelchair, she gave a satisfied breath of relief and then laid back and relaxed.

Thirty minutes went by, thirty agonizing minutes of being alone in her thoughts went by until she heard the doors open, she looked at the door and saw the doors opening automatically. She saw a tall male pterodactyl, he wore a doctor's coat and had gloves on his hand. His scales were a slick black charcoal color that was very prominent over his lean body. He had an orange thin head crest and a protrusion below his chin which is also orange like his crest. He had bright golden yellow eyes that scanned the waiting area around him. He held a clipboard and looked down down at it before calling put.

"Olivia Nito?"

She perked her head up and began to wheel herself to the doctor, she looked up at the tall pterodactyl and smiled. "That's me."

He smiled and nodded his head. "I'm Dr. Aaron, nice to meet you Ms. Nito."

"Mrs. Actually."

They were walking at this moment, he didn't stop walking but he turned back and apologized. "Forgive me, we'll be going this way, just follow me Mrs. Nito and we'll try and figure out what's making your stomach so upset."

She nodded her head and followed the pterodactyl, she was behind him and saw that something peculiar that she didn't see before. One of his wings was damaged, very damaged, his other wing was fine but the opposite looked terrible to say the least. She didn't pay it any mind, she had no room to talk when she was in a wheelchair.

It only took five minutes and Olivia was sitting on the flimsy table that was for indicating injuries or anything close. Dr. Aaron typed away at a laptop, he moved away and pressed enter on his laptop before moving to the gator woman. "So what brings you here Mrs. Nito?"

Olivia goes over what she has felt these past couple weeks, from her stomach cramps, to her fatigue and to her one least likable moments where she had a violent nauseating episode in the toilet. The black winged man arched his eyebrow, he began to write some stuff down on his clip board and nodded his head.

"Have you taken any pregnancies test lately, Mrs. Nito?"

Olivia put her hand up. "Call me Olivia please, you're making me feel old."

The pterodactyl chuckled and nodded his head. "I'm pretty sure I'm barely older than you and you're saying that?"

She rolled her eyes and crossed her arms, he nodded anyways and continued. "As I was saying, have you taken any pregnancy tests in the last couple weeks, Olivia?"

She grabbed her elbow and sighed. "I-I have... I haven't told my husband about this since I was so embarrassed about it... They were all negative."

I placed his fingers to his snoot and scratched his chin, he stepped back and began typing at the laptop before closing it. "Out of curiosity if you don't mind, are you in an inter-species relationship by any chance?"

That caught her attention, she crossed her arms and seethed at the doctor while narrowing her eyes. "What does that have to do with anything?"

The doctor held back his sweat at seeing the pissed off Baryonyx, she could easily tear him apart so he had to choose his words carefully so he wouldn't agitate the already buzzing hive that was her emotions. "Olivia that wasn't meant to sound the way it did, this actually matters a whole lot more than you think it does. So I'll ask again please, who is Mr. Nito?"

Her bubbling anger died down to ember flames, she looked down ashamed at herself for almost lashing out as something as minimal as this. "Sorry... His name is Inco... A-And he's a human."

Dr. Aaron's eyes opened slightly at this, he hadn't met another human and dino couple since...

"Well what is it? What does this have anything to do with my husband being a human?" Olivia had her arms crossed still, she kept her cold gaze on the doctor as he regained his professional composure.

"Right... What type of pregnancy test did you use that gave you those negatives?"

Olivia looked down and scratched her hair. "U-Uhhh the BX Pregnancy Test I think? I know my husband got them from CVS I'm pretty sure."

The orange headed pterodactyl nodded, he opened his laptop and began typing viciously at the keys, Olivia could swear she heard one crack under at how hard he hit them with his talons. "Okay so what I want you to do is wait a little while longer if that's okay? I have everything ready and filed all I need is your approval for this, I want to do some blood work on you Olivia. Those pregnancy tests can be inaccurate, even more so when it comes to humans and dinos interbreeding with one another."

That got her attention, she peered up at the winged man and questioned him. "Wait? You're acting like we can have young with humans? Me and my husband have been sexually active for years now, I thought it wasn't possible for us to conceive together..." Dr. Aaron looked down at his patient, he put the clip board down next to the laptop and stuffed his hands into his pockets.

"It is possible, it's really really really unlikely, but it is possible. I have seen it happen many times, especially when the pregnancy wasn't planned. Hell, I have a niece that is half human and half pterodactyl." Dr. Aaron grinned as he looked up towards nowhere, he should see his family again sometime... He's been working too hard lately.

"All this time... I just thought we were just too different from one another..." She trailed off while looking at her golden wedding band, she gently stroked it as Dr. Aarons continued on. "Many people think it's not possible, hell I've seen some media sites spread false rumors that it isn't possible just to appeal to the larger majority that are for Pro Ban Interspecies Marriage. It's stupid but negativity unfortunately works."

Her eyes watered, all this time she thought that she couldn't have the love of her life's child because people were too focused on other people's lives instead of their own. She bawled her fist but retracted it, she sighed then breathing in before exhaling, something Inco wanted her to practice when she wanted to tear at her students that were doing or acting stupid.

"I've seen my fair share of this stupid crap pass around, dinos and humans saying it isn't possible. I've even had some bigot asshole say it to me, right to my face even though I have a niece that contradicts that statement." He pulled out his wallet and showed her the infant little feathery pterodactyl, she was being held by a very short haired ripped human man that had dog tags around his neck.

"Yeah... Don't let anyone tell you otherwise. Anyways, I got off track Olivia... Let's go back to the waiting room and I'll have the nurses help you while I run the samples. Just sit and wait around twenty minutes and we'll call you back." The Baryonyx nodded, Dr. Aaron lead her back to the waiting room where she had to do the thing she hates the most once again.

Being patient.


It took a bit longer than what he had said, it took long enough for Liz to actually have finished her check up and join Olivia in the waiting area. She obviously wasn't going to leave the worried and paraplegic Baryonyx alone since she wouldn't have means of transportation to get back home.

During the time alone in the waiting room, both gator and long neck lizard chatted and gushed over Luna and James. Olivia was excited to potentially adopt the axolotl and Liz was adjusting perfectly into motherhood.

They talked for another twenty minutes, almost an hour in total of waiting, before the doors opened up again and out came a short bluish grayish Spinosaurus woman who had a clip board in her arms. She fixed her glasses and looked around and saw the only two people left and called out. "Olivia Nito?"

Olivia and Liz were cut off and looked towards the doors, they saw her and immediately gathered their things and strolled to the woman. The Spinosaurus woman nodded and closed the door, she jogged up to them and had led them to an area closer than expected.

Inside was the same black and orange scaled pterodactyl who was typing at his laptop, it seemed everything was set up and ready to go. Dr. Aaron stood up and smiled at Olivia and then arched an eyebrow at the long necked woman but paid her no mind. "Hello again, sorry for the wait, we had a very very VERY resistant patient that took forever. His wife helped out and calmed him down... Shall we get this show on the road?"

Liz watched as Olivia wheeled herself towards the back where a chair was seated, Dr. Aaron moved the chair to the side and Olivia readied herself for some blood to be drawn. Dr. Aaron got a wrap and curled it around her arm and found a vein to draw from.

She closed her eyes and winced for a moment as he took blood samples from the woman, it only took a minute for four vials to be filled. He put a cotton in the area to stop the wound from bleeding then patched it up. He nodded and gave the go that everything was set, he looked behind and down at the short spectacled Spinosaurus. "Would you take this to the lab and have them test it, Janice?"

The Spino known now as Janice nodded and had turned tailed leaves, Olivia could swear she saw a smile form on the pterodactyls' face and a tint of red on the Spinos' face as well. She didn't pay any mind as she watched Dr. Aaron closed his laptop and moved the cart to the side that helped with the blood drawing. "Okay Olivia, the blood work is going to take around an hour or two to see what illness or anything you may have caught. You can go home and come back if you'd like-"

The black scaled man was interrupted when the Baryonyx shook her head. "No... I want to stay and wait, by the time I get home it'll probably be done so I might as well just stay, if that's okay with the person that's driving?"

Olivia grinned at the Brachiosaurus, she crossed her own arms and sighed but gave a light nod. "Alright, you make a good point and I'm the only one even able to drive you."

Dr. Aaron led the women back to the waiting room, they were leaving the room they were in when Olivia saw a heavily muscular man that wore a grey sleek suit that hugged his muscles and had a large yellow tie. The tall man wore black pants and black sleek large, very very large, shoes. His left sleeve was rolled up and had a small band-aid on a bulging vein, she can see the band-aid was a Hello Kitty band-aid.

Behind him was a large female, big and very tall female, she had her clawed hand on his shoulder while she massaged his shoulder gently. The man wore a cold expression while they walked through the hallway, she could see no expression behind his small rectangular glasses.

"Darling you broke the room again, you have to get that anger under control. It was just a needle, honey." The large Tyrannosaurus woman spoke with a gruff and low voice, her large maw only thing visible due to her long silvery light blue hair she had over her face.

"Yes, Yes I know Fang, let's just go before I cause any more collateral damage in the hospital." The tall and large couple strolled out, Dr. Aaron has his hands together as he watches them stroll by. The large man sees Dr. Aaron gives him a smile and nod, Dr. Aaron recuperates with a nod of his own and then the peculiar couple leaves out the door, the door trembles and stays open for ten more seconds before closing slowly, very slowly.

Olivia and Liz shrug and find their way to the doors but Dr. Aaron interrupts. "I'll actually lead you to the waiting room for pick ups and other things that suit your needs, like I said though, this can take from an hour to two hours depending on what we find." Olivia nods anyway, Liz pushes the gator towards the waiting room where other people are waiting as well.

Olivia sighs and relaxes in her seat, she reaches behind and brings the metal dented canteen to her snoot and chugs it, this is going to be awhile.


It took longer than expected, way longer than what she thought it would be. Four hours and thirty minutes have passed since they have finished the blood work, Liz had fallen asleep since then and Olivia smacked herself internally for not going home.

She was about to call it quits when the Spinoff female went through the doorless entry way and looked around as she held her clipboard. "Olivia Nito?"

Olivia lit up, she was about to fall asleep, it felt like Raptor Jesus had finally answered her plea. She looked to her side and shook the sleeping brachiosaurus, she had her head in her lap and snoozed away. The awoken brachiosaurus shot up and hit her head on the ceiling with her long neck and head. She lowered her neck and rubbed the bruise spot. "W-What?"

"They finally called us, come on we gotta get going... I can finally put this to rest." Liz kept rubbing her head but she got up and followed the eager and ready paraplegic Baryonyx who was speeding behind the spino.

They went up to the same room where Dr. Aaron had first taken them before, he wasn't in there at the moment so the Spino nurse told them he'd be there momentarily. She was thankful it didn't take four hours for him to arrive, he arrived after ten minutes with a clip board and his laptop that was on the cart. "Sorry for the wait, I know I said it should be an hour or two but you can't really be sure when it comes to biology."

She didn't care about the wait, she was in the present and she wanted to know. "Is it bad?"

Dr. Aaron was confused for a second but quickly figured it out, he slowly strutted to the Baryonyx who was nervous. Her head was sweaty and her arms were spaghetti, she felt her heart race faster and faster as he approached her. He pulled up a rolling chair and sat a few feet away from the Baryonyx. He passed her the clipboard, she was hesitant, it felt as if she touched the piece of wood her hands would get a third degree burn. Liz moved to her friend's side and placed a hand on her shoulder, even though her and the green scaled woman didn't get along in the beginning, she really did see this gator as her best friend. "I'm right here."

Olivia swallowed her nervousness when the long necked woman pushed the empty seat next to her wheelchair, she sat down and placed her hand in her lap while the other soothed the Baryonyxs' shoulder. Olivia sighed and reached for the clipboard, she could feel the wood on the tip of her fingers, it felt cold and ice to the touch. It was the complete opposite of what she was thinking it would feel like, a pit in her stomach opened as she placed the clipboard down and began to read it in her mind.

It went through her birth, name, and place of birth. She went lower and read some things they were scanning for, she let out a sigh of relief that they didn't find anything cancerous or anything serious. Her stomach kept opening when she went lower.

Her eyes widened and her mouth dropped, Liz was reading too as well and she couldn't help but let out a gasp as well.

Olivia gripped the clipboard tightly, her eyes watered and her heart practically stopped. She couldn't get any word out, her world stopped, her heart fluttered, her hands began shaking as she held the clipboard.

A few tears left her eyes as she stared at the singular word, the word she wanted to hear for so long but now a word she was afraid of.


Olivia let out a sob, she should be happy shouldn't she? This is what she wanted and something she and Inco tried for so long, she couldn't help but feel crushed for some reason. Just the thought of having her own babies growing within her womb made her feel so happy but on the other side of the spectrum it made her feel so bad.

She gripped the cardboard, her strength almost crushing the board as she sobbed uncontrollably. Liz was confused, quite frankly so. She thought Olivia would be happy with this, she was adopting so shouldn't they be happy to finally have their own biological kid?

Liz waits a few moments before it sinks in, trying for a baby, can't have a baby, trying for adoption, adoption worked, baby is on the way... She looks down at Olivia and stutters. "Olivia..."

Olivia turns up to her friend, Olivia notices right away that her friend is on the same page as well, Liz massages her shoulders as Olivia cradles her canteen to her chest that she got out since Liz passed back the clipboard to Dr. Aaron. He had been quiet this entire time, this was something he didn't want to butt into since he didn't have the full context. He saw the canteen she held though, he saw a sticker of an axolotl princess with a wand. It was placed on the canteen, it was fairly new since it wasn't battered or scratched like the rest.

Olivia sobbed as she held the canteen to her chest, her clawed thumb tracing over the sticker her axolotl friend had given her weeks prior. The worst possible scenarios were rushing in her mind, she knew Inco would want this baby... But would he still want Luna after knowing she was pregnant?

It was cruel of someone to think... But this happens more than you think.

"I'm so sorry Luna..."


The sun is setting across the horizon of Voldcaldera Bluffs, orange and red mix together to make a stunning view over the mountainous range of the bluffs. Inco had his prescription shades on, right around this time is when the rays of the sun would hurt his eyes. Even though he had to wear these shades to protect his sensitive eyes, he still loved looking at the beautiful sunsets.

The sunsets were the best part of living near the bluffs, beautiful orange and reds mixed together like a painting Olivia would have made. He smiled at the thought of his wife, he looked at the empty passenger seat and sighed, he really missed his wife right now. He placed his hand back on the wheel and focused, he stopped at a red light and sighed. He felt something buzz in his pants, he fished into his pocket and returned his phone and saw the caller.


He accepted the call, for the first time in his life, Inco hoped that the red light would take a bit longer. He put the phone to his ear and he could hear the sounds of sobbing on the other end. His heart jumped at the crying but his friend brought him back to reality. "Inco! I need you to come here as soon as possible please!"

Liz sounded out of breath and tired, her breathing was frantic and her exhales were long and dragged. Inco gripped the steering wheel, he hopes that isn't who he thinks it is. "Wait what? Is that Olivia? Oh god... What happened? I thought you went to the hospital!? What did they say!?"

Inco was rambling at this point, Liz growled and pinched the bridge of her snoot and yelled. "Get to the fountain Inco! She said you'd know where it was."

Inco wanted to ask more questions but knew he shouldn't, the sound of his wife crying broke his heart. He kept the phone against his ear but had his shoulder propping it up so he could drive. The light turned green but instead of going forward he took a hard left and drove fast.

"Look Inco, I'm going to hang up now, I'm going to comfort her the best I can... Just get here as soon as you can, alright?" He was pleading for her to not hang up, he wanted her to pass the phone to Olivia but cursed out loud when the phonecall ended.

He threw his phone into the cup holder area and sped through the streets, his eyes narrowed as it passed St. Hammond and to the place that brought him so much happiness. He parked his car in the parking lot of St. Hammond then sprinted towards where the pathway to the fountain was. He crossed the bridge, memories of Olivia's chair sprung over resurfacing in his mind.

Worry was bubbling in his stomach, he reached the staircase to the fountain and heard sobbing from the top of the stairs. He looked to his left and saw the glimpses of the past coming back, her chair flipped over and seeing his younger wife crying as she tried to get up the stairs on her knees.

He balled his fists and sprinted up the stairs, skipping a step each as he paced up the stairs as fast as he could manage. It only took eighteen seconds to reach the stairs and see the Brachiosaurus and the Baryonyx on the fountain side.

The Brachiosaurus was rubbing her back, telling her things that he couldn't hear due to being farther away at the moment. He didn't have time to catch his breath, adrenaline pumping through his veins kept him going, he wasn't going to let this keep him away from his wife. His sprinting slowed down as he approached, her loud sobbing had receded to soft sniffling. She turned to her husband, his heart broke at the sight of her.

Her eyes were bloodshot red, dried tears were visible down her cheeks, she looked so tired and drained right now. Liz sat up and squeezed her shoulder before turning to the human, she bowed her head and left to sit on the bench across to leave the two lovers alone. Olivia's tail tip was swishing against the cool water, she played with her ring as she turned away so her husband wouldn't see her. "D-Don't look at me... I'm hideous."

Inco sat down next to her, his eyes softening while he gently let his hands cup hers while he gazed at her. She had her head turned away, her eyes glazing with tears while her hands shook uncontrollably. She began to whimper and sob again, she kept at him and hugged him. He didn't know what was fully happening but he knew it was the right thing to soothe the broken and mentally tired gator.

He stroked her back and kissed her forehead, this seemed to make her feel a bit better, her tail was wagging against the water surface and a soft fragile smile had made it's way back to her face. His fingers gently brushed over her ringed finger while he stared at his beautiful wife. "I haven't seen you this upset in years... f*ck... I should have been there with you, now I missed something this big a-and-"

She didn't let him finish, she pulled him into another hug and whimpered brokenly. Fresh hot tears rolled down her cheeks as she held her husband, her massaged her back as he pulled away and kissed her cheek. Olivia sniffed and wiped a running tear, her heart was running faster than a cheetah right now.

The tension became thicker in the air while they cuddled, Inco was worried as to what she had found out, it really screwed her up to have seen her cry like this. "Tell me... Please... I need to know, this suspense is killing me, Olivia. I'm here, whatever it is we'll face together."

Inco took off his glasses, tears rolling down his face as well as he tucked the glasses in his breast pocket. She leaned forward and nuzzled her face into his chest, she softly shuddered out loud and held onto him for comfort. They were stronger together than as only one.

Olivia looked up at her husband, her eyes watering with tears while she gripped his shirt and buried her face into it. "I'm scared..."

Inco didn't know what this meant exactly, he was scared as well but she was definitely the one going to be scared. "Scared? Scared of what, Olivia?"

Olivia wept her teary eyes into his chest, it was expensive but he could give less than a sh*t right now. He gently caressed his wife's beautiful green hair, it smelled of shampoo... Mango is what he smelled. Olivia peaked up at him, her eyes watering as she weeped out. "T-That you won't want Luna anymore!"

Inco was taken back at this revelation, he didn't know what she meant, why wouldn't he want that little axolotl? He already considered her a daughter and he planned to bring it up to her in a few more months when the time was right. "What? What do you mean? I want Luna, Olivia! She brings you happiness and that brings me happiness! She is the most adorable little thing in the world... Why would I NOT want her?" It was a pregnant pause for a few moments, something was differently bubbling inside her during that time... It finally erupted.

"Inco... You won't want her because I'm pregnant!" Olivia cried out, her hands gripping his shoulder as she looked at him with glassy eyes.

The world stopped for inco, time stood still and the birds stopped flapping. The water on the fountain stopped and his hearing was lost for a moment. The word raced through his mind like a galloping horse winning a race.

'Pregnant? Olivia is pregnant? I thought it wasn't possible! She couldn't be... She didn't? No of course she didn't you idiot, she would never do that.' His thoughts ran rapidly while he was in a bubble of his own where time stood still. 'Why on earth would I abandon Luna?'

He was shaken out of his own personal pocket universe and looked down at his teary eyed wife. He leaned closer, his hands drifting south as his hands caressed her belly, she flinched at this as her lip quivered. "You're... How?"

Olivia buried her cheek against his chest, her eyes watering as she hugged him for comfort and warmth. "I found out at the hospital, a-apparently we can conceive together. It's yours Inco, this baby in my womb is yours."

His fears were stomped down as she weeps it out, her hoarse voice giving clear indication that she was tired from this stressful day. He stroked her back, she sniffed as he held his wife tightly. "I believe you, you're not that type of person."

She smiled at this, she was glad that rabbit hole was avoided. She would never have sex with another man, Inco was her one and only, vice versa. Inco looked down at the gator, she was getting more and more comfortable now, he needed to say the big thing that was still hanging over both of them. "Olivia... Why on earth would I abandon Luna now since you're pregnant?"

Olivia's eyes watered, she couldn't get anything out, her voice wouldn't leave her mouth. Inco gripped her hand and rubbed his cheek against hers as they rubbed against one another. "Do you really think I would throw away that precious little girl now? She has made her home in my heart and in OUR home. She is part of this family already, Livy... And that adorable little girl doesn't even know it yet!" Inco looked down into his wife's glowing silvery eyes, her eyes practically glowing due to the tears and the sun's setting across the beautiful horizon.

"This baby changes nothing, I want us to be a family. You, me, Luna and this child that is growing within you." He placed his hands on her stomach and rubbed tenderly, she blushed madly as she placed her hand on her husband's cheek and leaned forward.

He was caught off guard at the roughness and forceful kiss she bestowed on him, this was a passionate and heated kiss that was a full day in the making. She wrapped her arms around him, his hands tracing over her stomach. They pulled away from one another much to the disappointment of Inco, his hands stroked her belly while she giggled out quietly. "It might actually be more."

Inco kept his gaze down at her belly, still massaging her stomach. He had to turn back up towards her, his eyes gazing into hers. "What did you say?"

Inco was confused, he heard something but didn't quite make it out. She giggled and shyly whispered, this time a bit louder than before. "It might be more than one actually."

Inco's eyes widened, his eyes were darting from her face to her stomach. He felt his voice catch in his throat, the color drained from his face. "Wait... W-What?"

She giggled softly at his dumbfounded cuteness, she grabbed his hands and placed it on her belly. "Baryonyxs usually have more than one baby, I actually was a rarity since I'm an only child. D-Dad actually has two brothers, I-I haven't seen them in so long."

Inco's eyes never faltered, his eyes were wide and opened due to the double shock that this evening gave him. "Y-You're telling me... That we probably will have more than two hungry mouths to feed, including Luna?" Inco's tone made her heart leap, she felt the giggles coming back to her as she looked at her handsome bald husband.

Olivia's snout curved into a shy smile, she nodded gently as she let out a cute giggle that she had been trying to fight back. His face flushed multiple colors that she didn't know was possible for human beings. He felt the color of his face burning, multiple colors changing as his eyes rolled to the back of his head and knocked out.

She put her hands to her mouth when Inco fainted and fell over into the fountain, a large splash was made as he fell into the cold watery bed. Olivia gasped and reached in, Liz was shocked as well as she rushed over to the love birds.




Holy Raptor Jesus on his mother frickin' cross!!! Olivia is preggers!?

Chapter 15: I Wani Dream Of The Past


Do you think Inco has bought NFTs and Olivia just divorces afterwards for discovering he has?


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

March 16th 201M B.C 2028

"Inco, baby, I know I'm pregnant but can I please get a glass of water on my own?" The gator woman pleaded with her husband, said husband had already brought baby proofing materials and even a crib for the nursery that was still in the making. Olivia was in bed, her lower half underneath the covers while she smiled and chuckled at her hyper and dedicated husband who was doing everything for her.

"No, no, no, you're staying up here, I'll go downstairs and get you the drink, alright?" Inco had grabbed her glass cup and had bolted downstairs, it had been fun for the first few days, his overprotectiveness and willingness to do everything for her, but as the days progressed, he wanted to do everything for her or help her.

She loves Inco, loved him so much that she couldn't see her life without him, but oh by God she felt she wanted to punch the human in his shiny bald head that looked like a target spot right about now. She didn't have the chance to lie back into her comfy bed, he was already back upstairs and pushed the cup of ice cold water towards her. "See? Faster and more reliable, I don't want you hurting yourself going down, Livy."

Olivia rolled her eyes, she cracked a smile and took the glass of water and downed it. She placed it on the bedside and smiled lovingly, she motioned for him to come closer, which he did without hesitation. She grinned at him, grabbing his collar and whispering huskily to him. "Draw me a bath, peasant."

His cheeks reddened brightly when he heard this, he nodded and without any hesitation he sprinted to the master bathroom. Olivia leaned back into her pillows, the soft fabric of her pillows comforting her aching back that has been bothering her all day. She turned to the bathroom door once she heard the bath was being started, she placed her hand on her stomach and rubbed. "Your dad is a doofus."

She gently ran her hand across her stomach, there was nothing yet since she was still very early in her pregnancy, but she did feel some cramps around the area that made her moody. "I love that idiot."

Olivia lies back against the warm blanket as she hears the water running, she smiles happily when she sees her husband come through the room with a towel om his arm. Olivia grins widely as she continues stroking her tummy. "Took you long enough, dumbo."

Inco smiled and lifted Olivia up without warning, she let out an adorable 'eep!' and clung to his neck while he had his arms holding her back and legs. She nuzzled her face against his neck while he made his way to the filling large tub that was warm and ready for Olivia's 'her time.'

He settled the gator on the tub, he began to make his way out since he'd figured she'd like her privacy but he thought wrong. "Where do you think you're going mister? You got me pregnant so you're going to help me with everything I want... And I mean everything."

Olivia grinned as she stripped out of her shirt and pants, she was only in a matching lime green undergarments set that made Inco chuckle out loud. Olivia crossed her arms as she grabbed her pants and slid them off her foot and threw them at him. "What's got giggling like a dumbass, it can't be that we're gonna have sex in the bathtub."

Inco blushes madly and rubs his arm, his cheeks were bright red as he kept chuckling. "I just found it funny that I almost thought you were naked since your panties and bra are almost the same colors as your scales."

She arched her eyebrow and crossed her arms underneath her large chest, Inco looked away embarrassingly. Even after being together for years now and being married for almost three months now, he always seemed to flush brightly when it came to her body. She rolled her eyes and smirked while she unhooked her bra, Inco's eyes widened, he staggered a bit and almost fell over at the site before him.

She put her arms on her hips and smirked. "Get over here and wash me, Mr. Nito." Her voice was dripping with seduction, her gaze burned into his soul and made him fear for his own life that was surely about to end.

"Y-Yes my queen." Inco stripped out of his jacket and clothing that he wore, she hopped into the water and happily laid back and relaxed into the growing hot water.

Her tail slithered out of the bathtub and wrapped around his arm, her tail yanked Inco which made him fly into the large bathtub making a large splash that sent waves over and onto the ground.

"Took you long enough, dumbass." Olivia strokes his bald head and licks her fangs, her eyes brightened and brings her lover's head to her bosoms and hugs him.

"I love you."

Inco was on fire right now, his heart raced and his body was practically lava. Olivia felt evil, so evil that it made her want to let out an evil laugh. She petted her husband's head and smirked down at her stunned and probably daydreaming husband. Inco was in a place that every man would die to be in, he couldn't feel his body, it feels like he had lost control over his body right now due to the overwhelming sensation of booba.

"I-I l-l-love y-ou t-too."

Olivia rolled her eyes and kept stroking his head, her tail wrapped tightly around his leg as he kept him close to her chest protectively. The tip of her tail curves into a heart as she smiled down at her husband, her eyes misting a bit as they cuddled.

"Idiot. My idiot."


A few hours went by since the bathtub was broken by the gator and the human male, Olivia was brushing her hair while Inco put the dirty clothes and towels into the laundry basket. Once she was finished she wheeled herself out of the master bedroom and towards the nursery that Inco, Damien and even Ben was helping build.

She wheeled herself in and smiled as she looked around, the room was being recolored to a beautiful blue, red, green, yellow, white, and orange color for the nursery. Inco wanted something special for the room but couldn't quite place his thumb on what he wanted, he of course went to the artist that handled these types of things.

Over the last week of knowing of Olivia's pregnancy, Inco and Olivia have been painting the room themselves. A garden of beautiful red and yellow flowers that stalked pretty high, Inco had to get the high bits while Olivia did the grass and stems. Inco did the sky, clouds and sun while she painted small flowers that were blooming at the bottom.

Inco tried his best to mimic one of the sunrises that he had seen a week ago, red and orange swirled together around the giant orange sun that had been painted previously. Olivia looked up and saw the progress, she was proud of him and the painting he was making. Inco definitely did pick up on a few things from marrying an artist, he wanted to impress her in every way he could.

The room was almost done now, a few more days of painting and the walls would be complete so they could move the stuff inside and finally plan out their dream nursery. Olivia wheeled herself through the papers grounds that had numerous paint splotches on the ground. She looked up and saw the sunrise he had made, just looking at it felt so warm and comforting.

She placed her hand on her stomach, her hand gently rubbing over where she thinks a bump is starting to take form. She doesn't know if that's what it is exactly since she thinks it's a bit too early but then again she could be with multiple. She continues to rub her belly and looks around, her eyes gazing around the very detailed grass, bugs, small puddles, pots and flowers she had painted.

She may have gone a bit overboard with the amount of detail, her hand clutched her stomach as she looked all around, her eyes glossing over the large artwork she and her husband have done together.

The Baryonyx began to wheel herself out of the nursery, she made it to the hallway and opposite of the nursery was a spare room. The room was a guest room but Inco and Olivia turned it into an area for their future daughter they hoped to adopt someday.

She already considered the axolotl her daughter now, she has yet to say the D word to the axolotl but someday she will. She wants to bring the axolotl into their growing family and hopefully she would want it too. Wheeling herself into the room she looked around and smiled, she saw a desk that had some of Luna's plushies on it and photos too. She turned to her left and saw the large water bed (tank) that the axolotl could sleep in. She wheeled herself to it and pressed her hand against the side, making sure the water was cold for the axolotl whenever she comes over.

Her gaze peeks when she hears soft squeaking, she wheels herself to the window that has a medium sized rectangular desk that held a cage, a pretty large cage that was oversized for something so small.

She wheeled herself to her long time best friend slept in his small hammock that Inco had brought him, she opened the cage doors and offered her hand. The little rodent didn't waste anytime nor hesitation, the little rodent climbed onto his owners hand and squeaked. She brought her hand to her chest, her spare hand gently stroking his head while she smiled at her pet. "Feeling better Guts?"

The small rat spun around in her hand, she giggled at her friend and continued to pet his head. She placed her resting friend on her stomach and kept stroking his head, her fingers going through his thin fur while she stared out of the window. She leaned back and smiled while the little rodent got comfortable on her tummy that was growing life within.

"Did you like Luna? I hope you and Luna can be friends, you've been there for me when times got tough, I hope you can be there for her when times get tougher." The little rodent had let out a small tiny squeak, she assumed that was him telling her 'Yes mother I will' or 'Is it dinner time yet, mother?'

She kept her eyes on the sky, just like in the nursery, the sun was setting on another beautiful day that was today. The familiar colors spread warmth all across the city of Voldcaldera Bluffs, the little rodent began to get comfortable on her stomach, his tail curling around him while he rested.

Olivia couldn't help but peel her eyes away from the beautiful scenery, she was thankful to have a loving family like the Paynes and loving friends. She was even luckier to have a husband like Inco, he wasn't selfish, he wasn't greedy, he wasn't self centered, he wasn't egotistical... The man was perfect.

She regretted dearly for how she treated him when they first met all those years ago, if somebody told she then that she would someday marry that scrawny human that she sat next to in Mr. Iadakan's class, she'd probably punch them for being stupid and retarded probably.

Her hand kept petting the little rodents' head, the rat's ears flickered as she kept stroking his good spot. Her eyes trailed down to her wedding band, something that has become a thing she has been doing for awhile now ever since the day she found out about her pregnancy.

Even though she couldn't see it, underneath the ring were initials that Inco had specially carved that made Olivia cry when she saw them for the first time.

'I'll Dance With You Again.'

A little towards the bottom below of the previous words, more words were carved into the ring.

'Wish Came True.'

She rubbed the ring, remembering the magical night that happened so many years ago. Even though the events of that night happened a little over four years ago, that night will always be a night to remember by her and Inco. It made her heart flutter knowing that Inco's inscription was carved to be the 'dance of the dance of their lives' as he had put it. She would then later see what it had actually said; short story, it has brought her to tears again.

A knock on the door echoed throughout the bare bones room, she turned around and saw her husband standing at the doorway, his knuckle on the door, slowly moving his hand away from the door while he smiles. Her heart warms at the sight of her husband, her smile is a clear indication that he was allowed entry. He walks into the room, his hands stuffed into his pockets as he stands beside the wheelchair bound green scaled woman.

He lifts his right hand out of his pocket and places it on the handlebar for pushing her around, they continue to watch the sky grow darker in silence, no one saying anything but just admiring the view of the sunset.

After a few minutes of staring at the beautiful scene, Olivia looks up at her husband, he looks down at her and smiles warmly at his wife. The Baryonyx looks up at her hubby and smiles warmly, his eyes widened slightly and his mouth opens gently as he sees a younger Olivia.

The four years younger Olivia wore a beautiful pearly white tiara that helped hold her hair back in a bun, silvery white gloves that went up her arms, beautiful pearly white slippers and not to forget her gorgeous silver and pearl like dress she wore. It hugged her figure perfectly, if he thought she looked beautiful at that time then younger Inco would have passed out when he saw her wedding dress on that magical day.

Memories flooding back, the dance that she did that stole the night, the after party that they and the Paynes shared together with Liz and Ben as well. It was like a dream, a dream that became reality. He loved that moment with her, it always came back now and then, but he wouldn't trade the past for the amazing future he had now, with the same woman he danced with that he was now married to.

It all happened so fast, seeing his wife for the first time when he arrived at St. Hammond, how annoyed and tired she looked, now seeing his wife in the dress that stole his breath and the night away of the winter formal, then seeing his wife in the most amazing wedding dress, her wheelchair was flowered up and had beautiful wedding streamers that hung behind and flowed majestically behind her. The sight of her made him weak in the knees, seeing Nathan behind her wheeling her off to him made him feel proud.

Back to the present, he looked down and saw the same woman, the same gator, the same Baryonyx that he had fallen so deeply in love with. So deep that their love had manifested and created a child for both of them to love and cherish that were theirs.

Inco smiles and kneels besides the Baryonyx, he turns his attention towards the little rat that he has grown towards over the years. He pets the rat's head as well, the rat doesn't flinch nor does anything of the matter, all he does is rest and let his owners do their thing.

Olivia blinks, soft tears beginning to form in her eyes, the prick of tears slowly makes their way down her cheeks while she smiles joyfully. "Thank you."

Inco arches his eyebrow at his wife, he looks up to her and warmly asks. "What for?"

"For making me fall in love with your stupid ass." Olivia grins, she pulls his shoulder close to her and brings them both in for a passionate kiss.

The Baryonyx closes her eyes and passionately kisses her husband, both husband and wife share a tender moment with their rat baby and their unborn baby cuddling close to them. Inco pulls away and smiles at his wife, her cheeks are red and her eyes are watery due to how happy she is right now.

Both of the loving parents embrace one another, both looking at the sunset while they await for the future that they cannot wait to be a part of. Inco's hand gently placing on top of her's, both hands gently intertwining together while their rings glistening.

Inco's wedding band glistened and the words were clear to read.

'I Dream Of A Dance With You.'

Olivia's hand gently moved away and went back to capture his smaller hand in a new angle. Her hand brushing against his tenderly while they spend time together, enjoying each other's company as now her wedding band glistens caused by the setting sun.

'I'll Dance With You Again.'



Hope you've been enjoying it so far! Judee is the most caring and adorable little creature imaginable! She wouldn't hurt a fly and is a malevolent leader! (this is a cry for help, someone please track this source and help me... Judee has kept me awake for the past two days to get me to write more... Someone please help me!)

Chapter 16: I Wani Go Out With My Girlfriend


Ben absolutely f*cking dies this chapter (I swear)


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

March 17th 201M B.C 2028 (Dusk)

Ben always hated March, spring was in the air and that meant pollen, pollen was all around and that really affected his allergies. Even as a kid he hated spring due to the devil yellow particles that ruled the open air. Now as an adult years later, he was now the Grinch of spring.

Lunara always found this adorable, her boyfriend running away from the cloud of pollen that always seemed to inhabit their shared apartment complex. Right now however, the two love birds had the day off and could spend it with one another. Ben wanted to take the Dromaeosaurid to a nice quiet spot out in the town, maybe a movie together or a dinner date would be nice.

The Parasaurolophus had his hair neatly combed back, his long hair now had to be tied back, seemingly almost identical to a deceased pterodactyl he looked up to years before. He gently scrubbed his spectacles and made sure there was no grum or dine on the expensive pair of prescriptions he had. He put on his white vest and black expensive coat with a pocket watch as well, clipping it to his side as he smiled at it.

He patted everything down, wallet, keys, money, condoms? He shrugged, could never be too safe since his girlfriend was a freak in the bed. He patted everything down again just to be sure, he nodded and looked at his girlfriend, his eyes widened and his mouth dropped.

"What are you oogling about sweetie? Hon, if you don't close that mouth of yours I'm gonna hit you." He closed his mouth with his right hand, his eyes however seemed to be glued on the woman that had changed him for the better.

She wore a beautiful glittery red dress, she had her hands on her hips and her leg positioned outward to appear more attractive. Her dress had a leg slit and the seams of the dress had red painted pearls along them. She looked stunning, that was what was going through the blue Dino's mind.

She smiled and gently had a small box out, she opened it and revealed a beautiful white diamond necklace that was shinier than the actual dress. "Could you put this on me, darling?" Ben nodded as Lunara turned around, she lifted her head up and smiled as she felt the necklace click around her neck.

She turned around and placed her arms around his neck, the slightly taller Dromaeosaurid looked down at her boyfriend and grinned. "I hope you're able to go out there darling, the last time I heard there was an Amber Alert for dense pollen outside." Ben grinned and placed his hands around her waist as he looked up at the Dromaeosaurid. "I'll be fine, if it gets too bad you can always beat the sh*t out of the pollen."

Lunara rolled her eyes and began to back away, she held onto his hand as they made their leave. "Just because I go to karate practice doesn't mean I'll fight your battles for you, McKnight."

Ben rolled his eyes as the beautiful Dromaeosaurid led the way outside, once outside he had to wear a mask due to the pollen density, why did they have to have so many followers out here? He kept his mask on and followed the seemingly fine dino woman. Every now and then she'd swat the dense parts out of the way but let out a sneeze as well, she then would recover and continue onwards.

Finally making it to their car, the Parasaurolophus opened the passenger side and helped his darling girlfriend in. "Such a gentleman." Lunara sarcastically grinned and settled into the seat of the expensive vehicle that Ben had saved up for.

Ben got into the driver's seat and stroked the steering wheel as the sleek beautiful car roared into life as he turned the key ignition.
The 2021 Bugatti Chiron began to drive as Lunara snuggled into her lover's side, Ben was glad that this beautiful car's price had gone down, he found this beautiful car broken down. He and Damien worked together to fix this beast up and now it looks brand new with a few up to date parts from newer models.

He of course had to pay Damien since this car was practically his too, if he ever needed the car as well he was always allowed since they had an extra. This car was meant for date nights and parties, he wanted to make nights of parties a huge deal for him and Lunara.

He opened his arm, which Lunara excepted and cuddled into him, his arm wrapped around her shoulder as she snuggled into him happily. She closed her eyes, opening them every so often to see the beautiful lights of the city they drove through.

It was a bright moon outside, the night was beautiful with no clouds cover in sight, the stars were shining while bird were heading to their home for the night while the flowers swayed as they bloomed. On days like these, dinos like them... Should cuddle up together and watch a nice movie or dinner.

Ben had everything planned out for tonight, he was going to take this beautiful woman out to eat, take her to the movies next so she could watch the movie that had just released she wanted to see, he wasn't exactly sure what it was but it did involve a giant black lizard fighting along side a giant monkey he thinks. Then to end it all on a good note, he will take the beautiful woman he loves to carnival and end the day on the ferris wheel.

He hoped everything goes to plan, he didn't care if this date sounded childish or for little kids that were in love, he wanted to do this all for Lunara because she was his everything now, she always loved doing this type of stuff so why wouldn't he give her a night she'd remember? He was determined to make this night the best night ever, he wanted to top all the other dates he had taken her to, he loved this woman so he wanted to make her feel loved and cherished.


The dinner went as planned, eating out at the sky dome restaurant that was known for their very expensive steaks was heavenly, he saw her rip and tear into her steak and grin when he caught her in the act of being severely hungry. He went for a salad for an appetizer and then went for large meaty burgers and their delicious fries, oh how much he loved those fries.

The movies came around and he went into it completely blind, he had never seen a monster verse movie, apparently this was the fourth instalment in the Dinozilla and Brong franchise, he didn't expect to like it but when they came out he was happy they did. He didn't really care for the humans and dinos in the movie, all that he was craving for by the end was the Kaiju fights.

Lunara was much the same, she was very loud, screaming at the screen as the Kaiju fought one another. She kept bouncing in her seat as she watched them rip each other to shreds, what mostly captivated him in the end wasn't the story or the Kaiju, or even the movie for that matter, it was her beautiful smile or grin she would give when a badass scene would come up of the titans clashing with one another.

The night was almost over, the carnival was the last on the list, he was glad that the carnival stayed open very late so they could stay out longer than they thought. It was nearing eleven at night, they were full and the main attraction of the night came into view. He parked his car a bit ways from the attractions since he didn't want anyone trying to break into his very expensive and precious car.

They bought tickets and went inside the buzzing and lively crowd of dinos, he saw some humans around the place but it was mainly dominated by dinos of all the sorts. He even saw kids running around, he would think they'd be at home resting right now but he remembered school was out since it was spring break. He shrugged and went along with his girlfriend, the feathery Dromaeosaurid had her arm linked with her boyfriend's, both of them enjoying each other's company while they look around.

Both of them participated in the over priced games, seriously, the games were almost ten bucks each and basically rigged. He had to settle for paying extra just to buy the plus toy she wanted, an adorable Dromaeosaurid plush that was small and tiny. She held the plushy to her chest and cuddled it, she grinned widely while she bounced in place. "What else, what else, what else!"

She grabbed his hand and pulled him along, he stumbled forward as Lunara races around. People began to stare at the dinos since they stuck out like sore thumbs, they were still in their seemingly expensive outfits after all. Lunara's gaze was caught by something, she ran over to the attraction and saw it was a rickety old roller coaster that was decently high. "Babe, can we go on it? Please, please, please, please!"

Ben glanced at the wooden coaster unsurely, that thing looked like a death trap that was waiting to come apart. He was about to tell her but the eyes she had, those damn eyes that every female had that would make a grown man weak and submit. "Fine..."

She ran into his arms and squealed, she began to pick him up and drag him to the coaster entrance, he was surprised by her strength as she ran with him in tow.

The line was pretty packed, he couldn't believe how many people wanted to get on this ride that would definitely lead to death. He looked around and saw the coaster carts zooming past as they picked up speed from the drop. He gulped his nervousness, the Dromaeosaurid female noticed this, she gently wrapped her arms around his arm as she spoke softly and calmly to him. "If you don't want to do this I understand, we can leave if this makes you uncomfortable, honey."

She was smiling the entire time as she said that, he wanted to leave but he could see a bit of disappointment behind her shining eyes. He didn't want to make her disappointed, he wanted her happy and excited today on this nice, he shook his head and held her hand tightly. "No, if you want to go on it then we'll go on it, but know this, if we die... I'm going to be very pissed at you in the afterlife."

She giggled and kissed his cheek, her arms never leaving his arm as they moved closer and closer to their potential demise.

It took around twenty full minutes to get to the front after waiting so long, the dino and humans workers helped the two into the front of the coaster. The Dromaeosaurid rubbed her hands together and giddly bounces in her seat. "I haven't been on a roller coaster in ages, last time I remember was when I was still in middle school-"

Ben phased her out as she rambled, he didn't mean to but staring at the tracks ahead of them really made his mind swerve rounds in his head. The tracks went out around twenty meters before turning hard to the left where it went out for five meters before ascending. He couldn't see on how high it went up due to the building they were in as people were getting loaded into the wagons.

He didn't make it out before but this roller coaster was a Western type roller coaster, he can see the cowboy hats that the employees wore and on the front of the wagon they sat in had bull horns. He can see cow leather and bull leather sprung up, above the leathers was a sign that read 'Welcome to the Bully's Rodeo Express!'

He arched an eyebrow, he didn't even realize that a human had come to his side and made sure the harness was securely placed. He tugged on it hard, thankfully it didn't budge which was a very good sign that he wouldn't die tonight.

"-Oh my God, I swear Jessica was throwing up so much after we got off that ride, I couldn't believe how loud she screamed, I'm pretty sure my eardrums actually ruptured since I was so close... Did you even hear a word I said?" Lunara's voice came back to his mind, he turned his head to her and nodded, he felt so clueless and flustered since he had no clue what she had said in reality.

"Y-Yeah? Something about Jessica vomiting her guts out or something, was she sick?" Lunara looked at her lover dumbfoundedly, he really wasn't listening.

"Dumby, anywho the ride is about to start I hope you don't throw up on me." Lunara grinned and poked his sides, he couldn't help but let out a nervous chuckle while he shrugged.

The two lovers were snapped out of their talking when the speakers came to life. "Welcome all younglings, this show is gonna be a wildin' one tonight! Hope y'all have been enjoyin' the festival, but of cos' y'all came for the real deal!"

His voice was boombastic and loud, Ben winced when he heard the heavy accent the dino had. He turned to the dino, the dino was a dull orange triceratops, he was heavily built and wore a vest and a stereotypical cowboy outfit with boots to go along with it. His head was adorned by a cowboy hat that had holes so his horns could go through, he even had a fake cigar in his mouth while his hand was on the huge lever.

"Make sure to come on back to Bully's Rodeo Express for more adventure, now without further ado-" The triceratops pulled the switch down, Ben winced and closed his eyes... Nothing happened?

"Wha' der hell? Hey Jerry, the thang isn't working again! Help may' get em' outa the wagons... damnit." The cowboy triceratops sighed as he began making his way off the podium where the buttons and controls were, Ben sighed out of relief, he was glad he would be able to keep his life.

He turned back to the cowboy triceratops, his blood ran cold instantly, the triceratops gave a thumbs up and a wide shiny grin to whoever was out of his view, everyone let their guard down, he had let his guard down. Before he knew it, the coaster zoomed off with everyone screaming and holding on.

"Well darn, look at dat' the thang works now."

Ben was pressed against his seat while Lunara grinned, his eyes closed partially as the wind hit his eyes at how fast he was going. He was surprised his glasses didn't go flying off with how fast the wagon had been shot out of the building.

The wagon zoomed off and went up and down due to the elevated and waviness of the tracks below, the wagon swerved to the side, the wagon was almost on its side as it ran on the tracks at a 60° angle. The cart returned to its original position as it made it to the ascending part of the tracks. The cart slowed down to an agonizing pace as they sat together, Lunara cuddled up against her boyfriend and held her boyfriend's hand while his left arm clutched the harness that was firmly placed over him. "Don't worry you big baby, you'll be fine!"

She had to shout over the loud volume that the people around her were making, she grinned from ear hole to ear hole as she scanned the carnival grounds. He did as well, his eyes shined as he saw the Ferris wheel, the various rip-off stands, and even a small train for the children to ride in. Lunara punched his shoulder and then kissed his cheek as she smiled. "You're the f*cking best, you know that?"

Ben turns his to his girlfriend who was holding his hand tightly, she smiles happily at him while she leans in and kisses his snoot the best she can since they are restricted by the harness. They pull away and smile at one another, he gently lets go of her hand and caresses her cheek gently. "I love youuuUUUUUAAHHHHHHH!!!"

As he said that the cart went over the arch and barreled straight down on the tracks, he had to grip his glasses so they wouldn't fly away due to how fast they were speeding across the land that was accompanied by tracks for the coaster. "HOLY FUDGE I'M GOING TO DIE!!!"


"Benny, baby, the ride is over... You're safe on the ground now, honey." Ben was shaking as he held himself, he looked around and down at the grass that he was on, it felt like fiction, surely he was dead right? Lunara smiled and stroked his back as they walked out together, her arms clinging to his one arm as they walked together. "You know something, babe. I'm really proud of you right now, I know you don't like coasters but you did it for me."

Ben shot his gaze at his girlfriend and eyes her. "W-What do you mean 'I don't like coasters?' T-They are cool, y-yeah... Would go on one again, h-hah..." Ben held onto his girlfriend's forearm while they walked together, she rolled her eyes but smiled in the end.

"Oh please you big baby, your eyes were wider than the time you saw me in a bathing suit that was a little too tight." Ben blushed madly, surely she couldn't be serious, his eyes were wide for a justifiable reason then, but this...

"H-Hey, I'll have you know that seeing you in that bathing suit was a good reason to be 'wide eyed,' it's not everyday that you wear something that... s-skimpy." Ben blushed madly while his girlfriend rolled her eyes, she then grinned evilly down at him as they walked in silence. "You know, I'll put on that bathing suit again tonight if you go on that roller coaster... Alone."

Ben was now in his own little world now, the image of his feathery girlfriend in that red one piece bikini, that shouldn't even be counted as a bikini for our door use, made his mind turn to mush and his male urges surface. His mouth parted and his male urges made their presence known as he began drooling as they walked. "You dirty boy, get your mind out of the gutter, you're going to get a piece of this when you get home regardless for this amazing night you gave me."

She was giggling in her hand, she had only seen this side of his a few times, it was absolutely priceless. She gently leaned over and kissed his cheek as they walked together in silence, she rolled her eyes as she thought. 'Alright he's getting to see that bikini for being this damn adorable even if he didn't go on the coaster alone.'

The two walked in silence, Ben finally snapped out of his daydream as they walked together, his girlfriend held him tightly as they walked with one another. It was obvious to everyone at how much in love they were, their love was unbreakable and forever ignited by their burning love they had for one another.

That was about to be put to the test.

A small blue Parasaurolophus girl sat alone crying on the stone of the entry way, she had a balloon and a plush toy she held. Her hair was a beautiful blonde color and her eyes were a ruby rose that made her stand out. She looked unique to anyone she came across, right now though, she was alone and without parents.

Ben nudged his girlfriend and nodded to the little girl who was sitting alone, human and dinos passing by as they tried to tune her out. Lunara's eyes soften when she sees the little angel, Lunara walks with her boyfriend and smiles down at the little girl while she whimpers. "Oh you poor thing, w-where is your mother, love?"

The little Parasaurolophus turned her head and saw the tall Dromaeosaurid, she backed away suddenly out of fright. Lunara put her hands up and backed away, Ben put his hand on her stomach as he nodded, letting her know he wanted to take over. He then walked a bit forward, his distance not as close as Lunara's but still to make conversation with the little blonde girl. "Missy, are you lost, sweetie?"

The blue and blonde Parasaurolophus hid her eyes behind her long bangs, she then looked up at the warm and comforting figure of the man that was before her. She waved at the young lady while she whimpered. She kept her distance but nodded and let out a fragile whimper. "Y-Yes... Mommy was here but I lost her when she went to get cotton candy, I got lost in the c-crowd and went back to the e-entrance... M-Mommy said to come back here if I go lost so she can find me again."

Ben squatted down and smiled down at the little female Parasaurolophus, she held her balloon tightly and her plush as well. She held the plush of a shark, she buried her snoot into the shark as she had her eyes on the male Parasaurolophus that was before her. "That's smart, how about we stay with you till your mom gets back, I don't want anyone trying anything. I'll stay back over here keeping watch so you won't have your space provoked by me and my girlfriend."

The little Parasaurolophus looked up at the scary looking feathery lady, the feathery lady then waved shyly as she gave a toothy smile. The little girl nodded, she looked up at the man with a smile when she nodded again, this time more enthusiastically.

Ben and Lunara sat on the other side of the entrance short stone walls, both keeping an eye on the little girl while they talked. Eventually they started talking with the girl, she was still scared still but opened very little to the man. "When was the last time you saw your mom, missy?"

Lunara spoke to her, the little Parasaurolophus flinched but looked at her. "I don't know... N-Not that long ago."

He eventually saw a concession stand near the entrance, he turned to the little girl and smiled. "You hungry?"

The little girl nodded, she eyed the starbursts ice cream that was kept cool in a freezer next to the stand. He smiled and walked up to the concession stand, he opens the freezer and pulled out a starbursts freezy goodness and pointed at it. The little female nodded her head, he then paid for it and eventually returned to the two females who were sitting opposite of one another.

He went to the younger female and offered her the icecream, she placed her plushy and got a rock from behind and placed the string of the balloon underneath the rock so it wouldn't fly away. The male Parasaurolophus gave the little female Parasaurolophus the ice cream, she didn't waste any time licking and nibbling on it.

Ben nodded his head in satisfaction as they watched the little girl lick her ice cream and then wait for the little girl's mother, ten minutes passed by then another ten minutes passed by. It was really starting to worry him that this little girl's mother hasn't-


A cry came out of nowhere, the little Parasaurolophus turned her attention to the gate of the carnival and saw a figure emerging from the crowd that was leaving the closing carnival. The woman was blonde and had bangs similar to her daughter, she wore a leather black jacket but underneath a maternal sundress that was yellow with pink flowers all over.

The little Parasaurolophus ran over to the larger one, she and the larger Parasaurolophus hugged tightly as she kneeled down to embrace. "Don't you ever run off like that again, sweetie... I've been looking all over for you!"

"Sorry, mommy... I got lost with all the people, these nice people stayed with me to make sure I was fine." The Parasaurolophus known as Rose pointed to the couple that stood very still, their expressions one of shock and disbelief.

Lunara eyed the taller and muscular woman, her red scales, her blonde hair, her sharp tail, that voice. She looked at Ben, Ben was shocked. His eyes were wide but she could see a hint of fright, sadness, regret and... Anger?

The red scaled Parasaurolophus looked at the blue one, blue eyes meeting red eyes for the first time in four years. The woman looked at the man, her eyes widening and her heart breaking all at the same time.


Ben stood in shock, his mouth going dry as he stared. He had a good grip on Lunara's hand, she didn't pay attention to the pain at how he was gripping her hand, she felt pain and anger rise in her chest as she gazed at the long forgotten red scaled monster. Ben's eyes watered, almost like something broke inside of him as he stared at the figure from his past. He then choked out a sob that shook both women's hearts.




Well I did say that he would die (it's just another way I guess lol)

Chapter 17: I Wani Be There For You


The Judee virus is spreading... Everyone that has read this has been infected, you need to stop while you still can before it fully takes over your mind. Stop it, wake up, wake up, wake up, wake up, WAKE UP!


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

March 17th 201M B.C 2028 (midnight)

Ben's world froze completely, the woman that he spent four years with and then threw it down the drain was here once again, she had a child as well. Ben's stomach flipped and curled at seeing her again, she looked tired, exhausted, mentally drained and remorseful. She looked fifteen years older than she would right now, she was only a year older than Ben and she looked like she had hit rock bottom.

Lunara felt a growl rising from her throat, she had no clue why this was happening, it was either the way Mia used and hurt Ben before during their relationship together or the fact that this poor child was up this late and most likely tired. Lunara crossed her arms and watched as the two kept eye contact, after ten more seconds of silence the red Parasaurolophus broke her gaze with Ben and finally noticed Lunara.

"Lunara? What are you two doing here?" Her voice was fragile, something that Lunara had never heard before when they were 'friends' back in high school. She looked terrible to say the least, and sounded terrible as well.

Lunara kept her arms crossed on her chest as she glared at the marooned menace. "Having a date with my boyfriend, the one you abandoned and put the blame on back at prom!" Mia winced at her outburst, rose just looked at her mother sadly, it was clear that she didn't like having her mommy yelled at.

"D-Don't talk to mommy like that! She is amazing and she would never do t-that!" Mia winced even harder, this was noticed by the young girl who clutched her mother's finger. "M-Mommy?"

Mia turned her gaze away from the now judging stare that her daughter was giving her. Mia closed her eyes and timidly looked away, completely ashamed and regretful for what she had done all those years ago. Ben looked at the woman, the woman he tried to forget, the woman who had made his life a living hell sometimes and other times made it heaven.

His fists were balled at the moment, tension building up within him right now. After a moment he released his hands and sighed, his eyes were not judging nor angry like his girlfriends. He put his hand on his girlfriends shoulder and gave her a simple look, her own face melting at the sight of the man she trusted. The look was a simple one, the one where if you saw it would mean 'don't, she's had enough.'

Lunara couldn't help but look at the young girl who was next to her mother and still clutching her mother's hand, Lunara felt worry building up in the pit of her stomach.

'She couldn't.'

'Could she?'

Lunara couldn't help but stare at the young Parasaurolophus, her bright beautiful blonde hair was a stark contrast to her mother's, hers was unkept and looked like it hadn't been washed in a few months. The little girl's skirt and blouse looked tidy and washed neatly while her mother had some grime and oil stains; she at least thinks it's oil from the smell it gave off.

The glasses the little Parasaurolophus wore were neatly cleaned and the prescription lenses looked like they were brand new, no scratches or anything on them, besides the actual frames since it had a few smudge marks on them. The older Parasaurolophus, her eyes, her eyes looked dull and tired. Lunara couldn't help but pity the red Parasaurolophus, it looks like she hasn't had a good night sleep in years.

Lunara looked back between Rose and Ben, that pit in her stomach was opening up more and more she looked at the young girl and Ben. She needed to know, she needed to fit the time frame so her worries could relax... Or...

Lunara sighed, her arms were crossed but she kept her gaze down at the stone path that lead from the entryway to the outside area parking lot. "Mia... How old is she?"

Mia's eyes widened, she winced and stared down at her daughter. Her daughter's ruby eyes staring into her dull icy blue ones. She muttered stomach out, Lunara's eyes arched as she pressed further. "What was that?"

She didn't mean for her words to be cold, but right now she needs to get it across. Ben stared at her, his questioning gaze letting her know all the things she needed to know. 'He's so dense sometimes.'

Mia felt her blood run cold, she grits her teeth and sobs out. "She's three years old, in August she'll turn four."

Lunara sighed, she ran her hands through he face and turned around. Ben was confused, he didn't know what was going on and was completely lost at the moment. Lunara turned back to see her dumb boyfriend still lost as ever, she grit her teeth and thrust her hands out to the mother and daughter as if she was presenting something. "Don't you see ANYTHING similar about her? Anything at all? Tell me right now, who does she look like?"

Lunara was trying to get the question across but her boyfriend eyed the mother and daughter, Mia now looked at Ben, her own hand coming to her face as he tried to figure this out. The little Parasaurolophus stared at the three adults, she was wondering what was happening but far too young to understand what was such a big deal about her.

"U-Uh... Wait... You can't be serious." Ben crossed his arms this time and sneered at Lunara, it seemed he had caught up finally to the adult table. Lunara felt so broken inside, her eyes began to water as she sobbed. "Look at her! She is three years old and turning four in August, you and Mia were together almost nine months before... You can't tell me this is coincidental."

Mia sighed as she looked down at her daughter, the couple before them were fighting but all she wanted to do was go home and cry while hugging her daughter. Ben examined further, he and Mia had been sexually active before. She would always reward him with either sex or kisses when she got what she wanted from him. She manipulated him when he was vulnerable, it seems the universe was watching and decided to throw a rock at her to tell her that was enough.

Ben thought about all the times they were together, a few weeks before prom, before they had broken it off and before she had left St. Hammond and his life... They did it once, it was quick and easy. Mia didn't think that would come back to haunt her, Ben didn't think of it as anything, it was only for ten minutes before they had to get ready for school. Could that really have been the reason for this little angel right now?

That's when it finally struck him, the weight of the situation had finally been made clear. He was a father, he missed so much, he missed her birth, her birthdays, her first words, her first walk, her first bath, he missed everything. Ben's eyes misted, his growl finally becoming noticeable as he threw his accusing finger at her. "Mia... Everything lines up, now for the first time in your life, be honest... Is she mine? Am I a father?"

Mia closed her eyes and looked away, her arm was against her chest as her own eyes teared up. "Y-Yes..."

Lunara furrowed her eyes and crossed her arms, she then spat at the sobbing Parasaurolophus. "How do we even know if she is even telling the truth, she was known for sleeping around before she got with you Ben, how do we-"

Mia had enough, she balled her fists and angrily sobbed. "I stopped that sh*t after I got with Ben! First it was a mutually beneficial agreement that benefited both of us! I didn't expect me to actually care about him in the end, after I had thrown him under the bus at prom I fell into a depression, a deep depression when I almost killed myself!" Her tears ran down her cheeks as her words spoke in high volume, Rose clutched her mother's hand, she didn't know what was happening now but seeing her mother cry was too much for the little girl to handle.

"I was planning on ending my life, my mom and dad threw me out as soon as they heard I flunked out of senior year... My sister was the only one who actually helped me in the end." She had to let go of her daughter's hand as she balled into her hands, the small child hugged her mother's leg while she stared up at her. "When I found out I was pregnant, I felt everything come crashing down. My sister didn't know how to help me but she did the best she could, I had to dig myself out of that damned depression when I found out I was with her..."

She looked down at the young little girl, her hands gently stroked the little Parasaurolophus blonde hair as she sobbed but smiled at the same time. "I did this all for her, even though I don't deserve this wonderful gift I wouldn't trade her for anything. All the problems I went through were worth it because she is worth living for."

Her eyes watered so much that they fell continuously as she stared down at the small little blue dino who clutched her leg. Lunara rubbed her arm gently, she felt like an asshole now after hearing what she went through when having this child. She kept her eyes on the woman, her eyes filled with regret while she watched the woman hiccup and sob. "Her birth wasn't normal either, I had to have a C-section and she was a premature birth to top it all off... I thought I was going to die or maybe she would die... I prayed and prayed to Raptor Jesus or whoever the hell is up there..."

Ben had his hands behind his back, he put on a stoic and unreadable mask. Lunara stared at him, his mouth was straight, she figured he was either thinking or just listening to his ex's story. "D-Damnit... I have to work three jobs just to sustain us so we won't go homeless, that damn landlord is raising my rent just because I won't f-" She clutched her mouth, she didn't want to ruin her daughter's innocence. Her heart split in two when she saw the adorable smile the little one was giving her. "-fffbecome friends with me."

Lunara sighed, she went through so much since then, she couldn't have changed, could she? Surely this was a huge trick just to rope Ben into giving child support, well if it is then it must be working, she can see the cracks in Ben's mask starting to form. Mia pats her head gently, she smiles at her daughter and kneels down in front of her and whimpers. "I'd do anything for you, sweetie... You know that right?"

Rose sobbed and lunged at her mother, her frail arms wrapping around her neck as they embraced warmly. "I know momma, you'll always be my hero."

Ben sighed, now he felt like a dick, he thought that Mia would have been a terrible mother but against all odds she was doing amazing, better than what he did all this time, not even knowing his child even existed. The little girl hugged her mother's neck, she tightly held onto her but then softly let out a yawn. "You're tired, baby?"

Mia smiled down at the little blue dino, Rose nodded as she held her mother's waist. Mia didn't waste any time, she picked her up and held her against her chest as Rose began closing her eyes tiredly. Mia sighed and walked to Ben, she looked down at him and fidgeted in front of him. "Why?"

Mia was confused. "Why what?"

Ben sighed and stroked the already sleeping girl's hair, he wishes he could fall asleep that fast. "What I mean is... Why? Why keep she a secret from me?" Mia winced as she held her daughter, Lunara was also interested as to why she didn't track him down and demand child support.

Mia sighed as she waved them over and began to walk, as they walked she talked with them as they made their way to Mia's car. "Last time I remembered you said you didn't want kids, remember?"

Ben staggered back, he waved his arms around and seethed. "That was almost seven years ago, Mia! That was then and this is now, lots of things have changed since then!" Mia sighed and nodded, it was quiet out, the trees swayed as the wind picked up while they kept tracking.

Mia kept her arms around the young lady's body, holding her close as the night chilled. "How was I supposed to know that? I haven't seen you in years and now you want to be daddy dearest?" Ben sighed as he ran his fingers through his face, Lunara felt bad for Ben right now, also feeling a tinge jealous of Mia as well. Lunara slid her hand into Ben's hand, he looked at her confused but pressed. "Where you even planning to even tell him at some point or where planning to keep this huge secret away from him!"

Mia looked behind, her dull glassy and fatigued eyes scanning the Dromaeosaurid, she then turned her gaze to the beat up red 2003 Pontiac Grand Am that has definitely seen better days. "Yes, I was planning on keeping her a secret from him... I didn't expect you to actually be here, what luck do I have to run into the father of my child and his new girlfriend?"

Lunara huddles against her boyfriend, wrapping her arms around his one arm as she narrows her eyes. Ben walks at the same pace with Mia, both Ben and Lunara now right besides the taller red Parasaurolophus. They finally made it to the car, she pushed the keys into the keyhole and unlocked it. She opened the door and pressed a button inside to unlock the back door. "Look, it's late... I'm tired, Rose is tired, it's been a stressful night, how about we meet up again and actually talk this out? This is not the place nor the time to have a conversation that is this heavy, Rose needs her sleep and you can clearly see that I need it too." She points to her eyes, they are dull and tired.

She opens the back door and reveals to have a car seat, she places the young blue little dino girl into the seat and buckles it up. She takes a few more moments to admire her daughter, her heart swells at the sight of her, even cracking a fragile smile. She then gently closes the door and looks back at the couple, she then leans against the door and lets her head hang tiredly.

Ben and Lunara look at one another, Ben checks his phone and it's almost one in the morning. He shows his phone to Mia and shee sees the time, she sighs and nods while rubbing her eyes. "I know it's late, me and the little devil in the back don't get out that often, I got a paycheck today and wanted to take her out since the carnival was in town. I just didn't expect to lose track of time, she had a lot of fun though... That's all that matters."

She looked down at the shark plush she forgot she was holding, she hugged the plush tightly to her chest and nuzzled it. Ben and Lunara accepted this answer, it wouldn't be right to tell the tired mother how she should be parenting, that would only piss her off and definitely anger her. Ben looked up at his slightly taller girlfriend, she gave a nervous smile and nodded to him. Ben then turned to face the drowsy Mia. "Okay, how about we meet up tomorrow at around six so we can talk about this?"

Mia nodded her head, liking the idea of doing that instead of doing it right now when it's late at night. "That sounds heavenly, I need rest..." Ben and Lunara gave their address and phone number to Mia so they could meet up, it was designated to meet at Ben and Lunara's place to talk things out. Mia was relieved at this, it felt as if a huge burden that was on her shoulders had been lifted off of her.

Ben closed his eyes and sighed, Mia was already in the car pulling out, he ran up to the car and knocked on the window. She began to roll it down with the manual roller so the window could descend. "What? I want to get home before I pass out."

Ben growled and began to pull out his wallet, she eyed him suspiciously as he picked out 5 rolls of Benjamin Franklins. He grabbed her wrist and forcefully placed it in her hand, she looked at it shocked, she then stared at him as he spoke. "Here, you need this more than me. Use this on her and ONLY her, I want her to be fed and dressed well. You can use it too on yourself, get yourself food and a nice pair of clothes or shampoo."

Mia didn't know what to say. "Ben... I can't take this..."

She was already pushing the money back, he pushed her hand back into the car while he straightened himself and walked backwards with Lunara now hugging him. "Yes you can... And you will take it. Like you said, we'll talk more about this. Just know this Mia, I want to be part of that little girl's life, nothing is going to keep me away from her now, okay?"

Mia nodded tiredly, even though she was tired she had a permanent smile etched on her snoot. She then began to pull out of the parking space, within minutes the car was gone and out of sight. All that could barely be seen as the red tail lights going down the dirt road. Lunara looked at her husband with a smile, her arms wrapped tightly around his arm while they walked together to their own car. "How do you feel?"

Ben sighed as he fixed his glasses. "Honestly? I feel all over the place." Ben's eyes kept focus on the tail lights as they drove down the road, a few seconds later they had disappeared, the only thing that could be seen was the dirt smog from the car as it went through the dirt and dust filled road. Ben had stuffed his hands in his pockets as they walked together to their car, his eyes drifting down to the grassy ground that was turning into dirt as they walked. "All I know is that I'm tired and that I want to go home and unload what had just happened tonight."

Lunara cuddled into him, she nodded herself as they turned their heads to look up at the beautiful night sky that was stricken with stars and the beautiful moon above. She knew things would never be the same now with the truth being revealed, things would never go back to normal with the truth of Ben's child being out. Things would be different and difficult now, Ben was a father and Lunara... A step mother? She didn't know exactly where she'd fit into this but what she did know is that she'd be there for Ben and that adoring little Rose pedal she had already grown so fond of as well. "Ditto to that."


The shower was running in the large apartment that the two shared, Ben was sitting on the couch deep in thought as he had his hands together and his eyes trained on the floor while his beloved took a shower. Thoughts raced in his mind faster than bullets flying through the air, his hands held each other while he stared at particularly nothing.

'I have a daughter... I have a daughter that I didn't know who even existed until now.' He closed his eyes and sighed, he didn't think he'd ever see Mia again after the horrible night that they shared that was prom night over four years ago. He never expected to see her again, let alone discover she had a daughter who was his daughter.

He stood up and took off his coat and placed it on the couch, draping it on the side of the couch while he paced the living room of the apartment.

He looked at his hands, his hands curled into fists and slammed them to his sides. He lets a frustrating growl and walks to the window that has a good view of the coast of Voldcaldera Bluffs. Even though it was pitch dark, he could see the light of the moon cast a shiny glow on the calm ocean waters.

How ironic, the ocean was calm but his heart that was bigger than the ocean was more treacherous than the ocean he gazed at. His hands gripped the window seal and pushed it open, the window flung outwards as he took a deep breath and stared out.

The night was beautiful, a lot of nights in Voldcaldera Bluffs were beautiful. He just wished he could stare out of the window for hours without any repercussions holding him back. The image of the young girl came back to his mind, flashes of her occupied his mind.

A small smile crept across his snoot while he stared up at the full moon; it was so beautiful.

"How are you holding up, Benny?" Ben turned around to see his girlfriend, she was wearing a lacy gown that did not conceal the blood red undergarments she had underneath. He would have been turned on right now but the shock and bewilderment of the previous hour still shook him to his core. He looked down sadly, his smile fragile while he gazed at her. "Honestly, I don't know. I feel happy... But knowing that I had missed so much already... That really hurts and pains me to my core."

Lunara walks forward and kisses his cheek tenderly, her eyes closing as she smooches her boyfriend's cheek momentarily. She pulls away and slides her hands into his as she stares down at her short boyfriend. "Honey, you haven't missed everything. There is still so much that you will encounter with her, you are her father and right now she needs you." Lunara places her index and thumb against her head and pinches as she sighs. "Mia needs you as well, as much as I want to punch that bitch for hurting you way back then... She needs you because you helping her will help Rose."

Ben sighed and closed the distance between them and hugged her tightly, she wrapped her arms around his neck as he nestled his face into her neck. He closed his eyes and let out a tired sigh and gentle whisper. "Thank you... I don't deserve you. You are still with me even though you just discovered that I am a father, plus... You are taking this eerily well."

Lunara shrugged. "Oh believe me I was pissed when I heard that you and a kid with her, I wanted to sock you and leave you but I knew that would be stupid as hell. You didn't even know that she existed, truth be told... I'm jealous."

Ben peaked his eyes up at her as she turned away completely embarrassed and ashamed of herself. She sighed and pushed away, she began to rub her elbow while she looked away from the very confused Ben. "You? Jealous? Why on earth would you be jealous?"

Lunara bit her lip, she kept her eyes casted downwards while she sighed. "I was jealous of Mia... I... It's stupid, forget I said anything." Lunara waved him off and began heading off, her eyes closed as she walked away from the dumbfounded Ben. Ben jogged after her and placed his hand on her shoulder, she tensed immediately at his touch. "It's not stupid, your thoughts and opinions are never stupid to me. Please Lunara, tell me..."

Lunara closed her eyes and looked behind her shoulder and down, her eyes were glassy while they stared at each other in the eyes. "I just... I feel horrible as f*ck okay! I wished she didn't exist because I wanted to have our child!" She blurted out teary eyed, she felt so horrible and nauseated at the mere thought of wanting that precious child to never exist. "What kind of person thinks that, Benny? The moment that came to my mind I just felt so damn screwed up inside, what kind of person who wants to be a mother wishes a child to never exist!?"

She waved her hands, tears now falling freely, her heart raced while Ben stared back at her with a neutral expression. She couldn't get a read on his face, she didn't even care to try to get a read on him due to feeling like the world's number one sh*ttiest person. "The moment that came into my mind... I threw it out instantly because I was jealous of Mia since that adorable little angel isn't my daughter!" She fell to her knees and began bawling into her hands, Ben rushed to her side and held her tightly. She gripped his shirt and sobbed, her tears soaking into Ben's vest he wore.

"You are not a horrible person, you are not even close, you hear me? You are the most wonderful person to ever exist, you living and breathing makes my sh*tty world ten times better everyday." Ben soothes his weeping girlfriend, her eyes are bloodshot as she stares at her boyfriend who is at level with her. "Don't you ever say that about yourself, you'd be a way better mother in a month than me as a father for ten years! Don't you ever say sh*t like that because you are perfect, I love you and that stupidly adorable snores you let out when we sleep."

Lunara blushes but chuckles anyways. "Random but okay?" Ben chuckles and kisses her snoot, both of them connected together and passionately smooching happily as they hug one another. "You are perfect, you're going to be an amazing step-mom, honey."

Lunara hugs him tightly and smiles happily with some fragility in her smile. She nuzzles her face against his best and whimpers out a laugh. "A-And you're going to be an amazing father too, Benny."

They both embraced each other on the ground, both finally feeling the effects of the previous hour wash over them. Both didn't want to do anything more than just sleep and cuddle, Ben helped Lunara up and headed with her towards the bedroom. Lunara didn't waste anytime and picked up Ben and carried him to their bedroom.

For the rest of the night, Lunara and Ben cuddled together as they let the world around them move past. Both not thinking nor caring about anything else but each other, the little Parasaurolophus entered their minds everytime they fell back asleep after kissing minutes at a time. Lunara nestled her face against his head as she held him tightly, Ben smiled as they slept together.

Lunara's mind finally succumbed to the sweet embrace of sleep, one thought racing over and over again through her mind as she fell deeper into slumber.

'I'm going to be a step-mom!'



You've now been Judee-ifed

Chapter 18: I Wani Help Ben


I finally escaped our of Judee's writing dungeon that she had me in for months! I'm going through the forest right now as I speak, why the hell was she secluded all the way out here in this forest to begin with? I'll make sure to keep you all updated if-'



(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

March 18th, 201M B.C. 2028 (Morning)

Inco yawned as he made his way downstairs. He had seen his loving wife sleeping when he had woken up. She was still deep asleep and incredibly adorable while she took up the whole bed for herself.

He had his hand on the railing as he descended down the stairs. He tested to make sure the motor for the stair lift was working; thankfully it was. Once he was on the first floor, Inco beelined to the kitchen and immediately started brewing coffee to get rid of this sleepiness. He put the coffee mug into the coffee dispenser and began to pour. Inco began to turn on the stove and then dug into the fridge for some good breakfast ingredients.

Inco got some eggs and strips of bacon. He began to crack the eggs and let the bacon sizzle as he cooked at max speed. He swerved around the kitchen and began to make a delicious breakfast for his Baryonyx wife. Inco looked at the pans and saw that the eggs were on the pan. He then turned and saw the bacon begin sizzling. This gave him time to very quickly run around the kitchen island and snag the TV remote.

Inco began to use his egg beater to scramble the eggs and turn them so they'd be nice and cooked for his hungry and pregnant wife. He clicked the TV on and lowered it down so the booming volume wouldn't wake the sleeping beauty. He then turned around and went back to cooking as the local news station began their usual routine.

"-Good morning to everyone on this beautiful day in Voldcaldera Bluf-" Inco tuned in regularly as to what was happening today, especially listening to the weather and stuff that has happened around the beautiful city they lived in. His eyes turned back when he heard the news anchor cheerfully give the spotlight to the weather woman. "Thank you, Kathryn. If you thought last week was hot, then you should prepare for next week. We are officially in the hurricane season, Voldcalderians. The heat is going to be arriving soon, so make sure to get some sunblock if you're going outdoors next week!"

Inco arched an eyebrow. After living in Voldcaldera Bluffs for a little over four years now, he had never been in a hurricane. Sure, that one time back in senior year was pretty close with that monsoon, but a hurricane would definitely be worse than what that monsoon did to St. Hammond all those years ago. The weather woman motioned to the weather map as she displayed the forecasts for the coming week. "-Weather today is partly cloudy with a chance of rain throughout the evening of today-" He grumbled, so much for the plans he had for today with his beautiful wife.

He looks back down at her usual meal she eats when getting up in the morning. He was thankful she had the week off due to spring break so he could be with his wife all week long. He then just realized it would be a while before she would have to go through maternity leave to take time off from her art classes at St. Hammond.

He let the thought hover in his mind. During that time, she would need constant care, but that being the downside, the upside is that he'd get to care for her because he loves her so much. Spending time with her was always an honor because of how amazing the Baryonyx woman was. He couldn't see a life without the woman he calls his wife. He looks down and flips the bacon on its other side and grabs the black remote for the TV.

He begins to lower the volume down a bit more. He already heard what he wanted to hear from the channel, so he would focus on giving her a meal fit for an Egyptian Baryonyx Queen. His ears then heard the sound of the motor running for the stair lift. He turned around and saw his drowsy wife hopping into her everyday wheelchair and wheel herself to him. "You really thought you'd be able to get away with surprising me in bed? I can smell that from miles away, honey, but I'm glad that you always think of me."

She used her powerful tail to push him to her as he stumbled forward. She smiled and gestured for him to lean down a bit, which he did gladly. They shared a very passionate kiss for several seconds while they enjoyed each other's company for the time being. "So what am I having today? I don't know, but I can definitely tell I have a bigger appetite. I'm craving so much stuff; it's actually kinda worrying." Olivia let her hand trace across her belly as she wheeled herself to the dining table that was between the kitchen and the large living room.

Inco smiled and showed her the eggs and bacon he was making. On the side as well, he had biscuits and sausages with some small pancakes, the way she likes them. She also saw the orange juice was in the carton still but was on the countertop. Inco swiftly moved fast to satisfy the growing Baryonyx's needs. Olivia crossed her arms and smiled, clearly impressed at how good Inco had gotten at culinary in the last few years. "I'm impressed, Inky. Back when we first met, you could not cook for the life of you. You even burnt the ramen that you made yourself when you were sick that one time!"

Inco blushed and rolled his eyes. He didn't want her to know that the only reason he got to where he is right now in cooking was to be able to cook for her and their future family. He felt giddiness when he heard her compliment. She was even impressed, which made him feel even better than ever. "Thanks, you think I can give Sophia a run for her money?"

The Baryonyx gave a dry laugh and then narrowed her eyes at her hubby. "Inco, my love, you're good, but you are not on the same level as her. She has those magic hands that can turn a piece of slop into a five-star chef's dish."

Inco chuckled. He knew he wasn't going to be as good as the master. Sophia did teach Olivia, and Olivia taught Inco after all. Olivia's eyes softened. She missed getting her hands messy with food, but right now she has been too busy, plus she has her boyfriend to judge and criticize the dishes he pops out.

Inco pulls out the dining room chair that is at the very end of the spruce log carved table. Inco offers to help but always turned down when she literally jumps into the seat afterward. She then looks to the TV. She keeps her eyes on the news broadcast that is still playing right now, but this time sports was up. "Hey baby, what is the weather today?"

Inco didn't look back at his wife. He kept his gaze on the pan and smiled. "Oh, they said it's partly cloudy with a chance of rain today. I really wanted to go out today with you." Inco sighs as he grabs a glass plate and puts the strips of bacon and pancakes on it as well. "Oh, and the usual 'Hurricane season is upon us' crap."

Olivia nodded her head and leaned back. Same crap every year that people don't listen to since they are used to it. Violent weather like that was common on the coasts of Voldcaldera Bluffs. She leaned back and strokes her belly, she smiles down at her stomach while watching the TV.

Her mouth began to water when he brought two plates and then went back to being another plate. The Baryonyx grinned and immediately dug into the pancakes. She chomped and tore apart the pancakes as Inco watched... Even though he loved and cherished her, he could never get used to dinos always tearing up their meal.

It seemed even more violent this time. She devoured two long and large bacon strips whole and practically chugged the scrambled eggs. Inco was next to her sitting. He ate his own pancakes slowly, cutting up the pancakes and picking it up with a fork and eating it while the hungry dino mother-to-be tore apart her meal.

She even had larger glass cups that were specifically dedicated to the hungry Baryonyx. Even before pregnancy, she could eat a lot. He didn't know if it was a carnivorous dino thing or just a her thing. Anyways, he didn't care about how she ate, as long as she was happy and fed, that was completely enough for Inco.

As he was about to take a munch on his bacon, he felt a vibration from his phone which was in his pocket. He patted it and then fished it out. He wiped his hands beforehand and unlocked the phone to see a new message. The message came from a specific group chat that only had Damien and Ben in it. The group chat in question was named 'The Boys' and was obvious as to why they formed a separate chat from the main chat with the two females.

Benji- 'Guys, I need you right now. Can we all meet up somewhere? I really need to see you guys and say some stuff. The previous day before... Let's just say some stuff happened, and I have no clue where to go from here.'

Inco arched an eyebrow at Ben's text message. He was worried, very worried since Ben was the one with all the plans and was able to prepare for future stuff, somewhat like Liz but on a lower level.

"What is it, Inky?" He was taken out of his thoughts when he heard the sweet sound of his wife's voice. He turned to his wife and smiled and sighed while he ate some bacon. "Something is going on with Ben. He just asked me and Damien if we could meet up... What worries me is that he said he doesn't know what to do."

Olivia stops eating her biscuits and sausage mid-bite. Her eyes widen as she holds the large biscuit in her hands. "Ben? He doesn't know what to do? Oh, there is definitely something wrong then."

Inco nodded his head. He then went back to the ground chat and saw new messages had appeared while he talked with his gator wife.

DADaciousD- 'Yeah, sure we can meet up. At least I can, I don't know about Inco at least.'

Inco rolled his eyes at the semi-new name that Damien gave himself ever since he became a father.

Benji- 'Thanks, I really hope you both can meet up with me. This is really big, and I need both of you there.'

Inco began to type away at his phone for a couple of seconds.

ThatBoyInky- 'Yeah, I'm alright with coming down and meeting up. Olivia is fine with it, so I'll be there. Where do you want to meet up anyways?'

Benji- 'I'm thinking Dino-Moe's in Lil Troodon if that's okay. I could definitely go for their delicious salads, plus I know Damien loves their pizza.'

Inco arched his eyebrow at how weird and unnatural this felt.

ThatBoyInky- 'Pizza for breakfast? Since when did Dino-Moe's start doing breakfast pizza?'

DADaciousD- 'Since forever, bro. They serve pizza all day long, but pizza is actually cheaper in the morning. They just call it breakfast pizza due to the price drop in the morning.'

Inco's mouth turned into an 'O' as it clicked, he then began to type again.

ThatBoyInky- I already had my breakfast with Olivia, so I'll sit out and probably order something else. But anyways, I will meet you there. Just give me a time, and I'll come after I help Olivia with stuff.'

The two other males in the group chat gave a simple thumbs-up emoji and a dino nodding gif that was sent by Damien. He placed his phone down and sighed as Olivia finished her food. "Well... Me, Ben, and Damien are meeting up at Dino Moe's to discuss what's going on with Ben. Do you need anything before I have to go, hon?"

Olivia nodded her head, gestured to come closer with her finger, and smiled. Inco did as he was told, got out of his seat, and walked over to his sitting wife. She looked up at him, grasped his arm, and hugged him down so his ear was next to her maw.

"You owed me morning sex after not being able to please your wife last night, so go run off with 'The Boys' and do whatever you need to do. But once you get back... I'm going to make you regret saying 'I'm too sleepy for sex' last night." Inco gulped and felt his pulse quicken. He wasn't sure if he should even come back home at this point because once he comes back home, he'd have to deal with a horny and vicious pregnant gator that awaits him in their bed.

Inco made it to Lil Troodon pretty quickly, so it seems. He saw the Italian restaurant and saw a lot of dinos entering and exiting the place. He saw some Dinos eating pizza outside on the outdoor tables that had been fully installed two years back. He went through the door, a jingle from the bell was heard as he went inside.

He looked around and arched an eyebrow looking for his friends. He then saw at the cash register a very tired female Megalania. Her clawed hand was propping her cheek up, but it definitely didn't help her since she felt like falling asleep. She would have fallen asleep already if it wasn't for who she worked for that was keeping her blood running and her eyes open; she did NOT want to be on his bad side, that's for sure.

Inco made his way to the young Megalania. Her eyes perked up at the sight of him. She put on a bright smile, put her hands together, and cheerfully addressed. "Welcome to Dino Moe's, sir! Are you here for takeout or dining in?"

Inco smiled and looked at the woman and the tables that had various amounts of different colored and different species of dinos. "I'm here for dining in. My friends said to meet up here. I would assume the reservation is under McKnight. He's this high, and he's a blue Parasaurolophus with glasses?"

This seemed to click within her mind. She made her way around and yelled back to her superior. "Jerry! Are you able to man the cash register for a second? I need to take this gentleman to a seat where his friends are. It'll only be a minute at most." Inco tried to look back at who she was talking to. He didn't hear or see anyone until a voice came back at her. "Alright! Don't be gone too long because the morning rush is active!"

She yelled an 'okay' and began to take the human to the back of the Italian restaurant. Inco then saw a table in the very back where another section of the building was. He saw his two friends chatting and eating some pizza, Damien talking while his mouth was full of pizza and Ben eating a salad. "I don't understand how you can eat pizza in the morning. It's way too early for this."

Damien chopped large bites out of his cheesy pizza and grinned while he placed it back down on his glass plate. "I've been eating pizza for breakfast since I was five, dudes. Plus, I used to eat microwavable pizzas when we had nothing in the fridge that was appetizing or when Olivia drained the fridge of the goods."

"What's this about Olivia?" The two turned to see Inco come in, his eyes arching as if to say he would defend his wife if anything bad was spoken about her. Damien smiled and waved his hand as he took another munch. "Oh, just talking about how I had to eat pizzas for late-night snacks and breakfast since 'Liv always made us run out of food back in the day."

Inco smiled and sat next to Damien and nodded his head. Damien grinned and punched his side while he returned to devour his meal. "It's been a while, dude. Where the hell have you been? It's like you and Olivia just ditched us and went to have your own happy lives somewhere else after I got my son."

Ben nodded in agreement. Sure, he was active in the group chat, but he hadn't actually hung out with his two friends in a while, it seems. "Oh, I just have so much on my mind lately. I have Olivia to help with and get the house ready again for another sleepover that Luna is coming to again. I promised the little one that we'd play princesses and dragons. I swear that girl has so much imagination bottled up that I can't keep up with her." Damien and Ben chuckled and nodded in unison. They have yet to meet the adorable axolotl that their friend speaks highly of since they are always busy too. "Plus, I have to always be there for Olivia since she's pregnant and all."

Inco's eyes darted up when he heard the sound of a clink coming from the glass plate. He turned and saw that Ben's fork had fallen onto the side of the salad plate while he was in mid-chew eating the salad. Damien's eyes were wide, his eyes trained on his friend's face for the entire time while he also stopped chewing on his pizza.

Inco looked at both of them, his eyes darting between them, wondering what just happened. "What? Why are you guys looking at me like that?"

Damien swallowed his food and choked out. "What? WHAT? What do you mean Olivia is pregnant?" Damien's eyes were wide as he spoke in high volume. Thank god they were in the back since there weren't many people back than in the front. Inco turned to Ben, who was equally as shocked while he picked up his fork and began to pick at his herbivore meal. "What? Don't you guys know this already? Didn't I tell you guys already about this?"

"NO!?" Both of the two Dinos exclaimed loudly. Inco flinched at this and immediately began sinking in his seat.

Inco then retreated back into his mind as he sighed. It all started coming back to him that he actually hadn't told anyone else that he and his wife were expecting. He leaned forward and placed his hands on his head, letting his hands go through his smooth cranium as his eyes widened. "Holy sh*t... We didn't tell anyone else. We've been preoccupied that we haven't broken the news to our family and friends." Inco let his head fall onto the table, his forehead smacking against the table made a loud thud that made the plates clank a bit.

Damien's eyes furrowed and chomped on his pizza while he muttered with his mouth full. "'Ow 'ong 'go did 'ou fin' thi' ou'?"

Inco winced as he looked back up at the two Dinos, his eyes sullen and his chin on the table while he murmured out. "Ten days ago."

Damien's eyes widened further and began to choke on his pizza. Inco shot up and patted his back while Ben stared. His shock and amazed expression really told how screwed he was. Damien hit his chest multiple times and finally swallowed the pizza bit down and sighed. He grabbed the soda, which was cheaper as well during the morning, and gulped the thing down. He looked at Inco and growled at him. "TEN DAYS AGO, INCO?" He didn't realize how loud he had shouted that. He winced when he saw other Dinos' eyes on him.

He cleared his throat and sat up straight while looking at his friend. "As I was saying, ten days ago, dude? How the hell did you NOT spill this within that time frame? Surely you would have spilled the beans earlier!"

Ben brought up. "It's not exactly like you're the most secret-keeping guy. You literally spilled to Olivia very quickly when we told you we were gonna throw Olivia a party because she sold her first painting." Inco glared at Ben. Ben smiled nervously and scratched his back. "No offense?"

"All taken."

Damien rolled his eyes and placed his elbow on the table. "Damn... Olivia is pregnant... Wait, the most important thing! Do I get Uncle privileges?" Inco rolled his eyes and nodded. Damien fist-bumped the air and let out a happy 'f*ck yes' while Ben shook his head and chuckled.

"Yes, of course you can. You are- wait a second." Inco interrupted himself when his train of thought began speeding up. He placed his arm down on the table and furrowed his eyebrows and accused. "How did you not know this already, about Olivia being pregnant? Liz was there when she discovered that she was pregnant. Hell, she was the person who called me!"

Damien's mouth dropped as his mind began turning; the cogs in his mind were practically visible as the two friends saw him trying to figure out this situation. He shook his head and looked at Inco with confusion. "Liz? What do you mean she knows? She didn't tell me anything, she- wait..." Damien went back into deep thought; something was coming back.

He remembered when he got home from the studio, he saw Liz stressed out and tired. He remembered going up to her and asking her what was wrong. "So that's what she meant, that it's not her story to tell. She told me something happened with Olivia today. I wanted to know more, but I can definitely tell how tired she was. Makes sense now that I think about it. Anyways, though, congrats on finally knocking up the gator!"

Ben almost choked on his salad as he let out a stifled laugh. He swallowed his food and grinned at the two. "Can't believe she went from not wanting anything to do with you to actually having a kid with you. Times change fast, don't they?"

Inco glared at Damien; he punched his shoulder and crossed his arms while going back to Ben. "Anyways, got that out of the way at least. Wait... damn it... We still have many more people to tell: your family, Damien. She needs to tell Scaler about her pregnancy, oh, f*ck... Her father."

Damien winced at this; he knew the two were on a rocky start in getting to know each other. Damien had met the Baryonyx every so often when he came to visit her for Christmas or Thanksgiving. He knew what kind of man he was, and he could definitely feel how scared Inco was right about now. "Well... All I have to say is that I'm glad that I'm not you right now."

Inco glared at Damien; the Dilopho-Spinosaurus only shrugged and grinned nervously before taking a drink from his soda. His eyes averted away nervously while he sipped his sugary beverage. "Anyways, we were all called here by Ben for some reason. It sounded urgent, so I'd like to know what's got you of all people questioning life."

Inco and Damien looked at Ben; Damien nodded his head and agreed with his best friend while they turned the attention onto Ben. The Parasaurolophus shuddered and shrunk under the spotlights being on him. He put his fork down to the side and sighed. "Guys... I'm so lost right now."

Ben told the full story from start to beginning, how he planned a date with Lunara and took her to various areas throughout Voldcaldera Bluffs. The story went from the two being neutral but happy for Ben to finally spend time with his girl, to rolling their eyes at how he spoke of his girl being so in love with her at various moments, then went from shock to disbelief when he brought up little Rose and her mother. The real thing came out; that's what made the two throw question after question at Ben who shut them down after he had told them he had a daughter, the daughter who was related to the same woman who Damien and Inco hated. They shifted back when they heard the stuff she had been through to keep the little girl's life afloat, how she had to work multiple jobs and even fend off creeps just to keep her daughter safe. Inco didn't know if he could trust Mia, but it seemed something major had changed within the woman that had bullied his wife years before.

Ben sighed and rested his head on the flat surface of the table; his eyes closed while he let out a tired sigh before speaking up. "We then decided to meet up later today to talk things through. Mia agreed, so we exchanged phone numbers and addresses so I could see and talk to my daughter. I took one last look at my daughter, before I knew it, she was gone and out of my sight. That's why I called you all here; I'm lost and I have no clue as to where I go from here."

Inco put his hand to his head, still reeling from all the information his mind had gathered within the time frame of thirty minutes. It felt like a long time, but it felt so short when being assaulted with so much information. Damien was similar to Inco; he was still processing and wondering how he could help his friend out of this situation that he really didn't know how to handle.

Inco sat up, his hands on the table and his eyes on his friend. He had to fix his glasses as he stared at his blue dino friend. He placed his hand back down and sighed. "Ben, holy crap... Uh, okay so... sh*t. I don't even know where I'm supposed to start."

Inco chuckled and Ben grimaced; so far, he wasn't helping this situation at all, and he knew it for a fact. Inco closed his eyes, placed his hands together, and stared at Ben with warm eyes. "Ben, all I can really say is just be there for your daughter. Look, I may still have my parents, but... They aren't even there for me. Sure, they supply me with money, but what I'd rather have is the care and love instead of having money. That's what you have to do, promise Ben, promise to be there for Rose and... God, I hate to say it, be there for Mia because she seems to be in so much pain right now. I know you and her have had a... Checkered history, that's for one, but look past it and be there for that little girl that needs you."

Ben was speechless; his mouth couldn't formulate words at this moment. Damien then looked at Inco and placed his hand on his brother's shoulder and nodded. "Agreeing with Inco here, as a new father, Ben, you see the world in a different light. God, there isn't a single thing I wouldn't do for that kid. He barely came into this world, and I'd give up so much stuff for him. I know you're probably scared of being a father or ashamed of missing out so much already. Don't let that get you down; you still have so much more to look forward to. You have years, decades, to see her grow up; don't miss this and be there for that girl, Ben." Damien smiled and moved his hand from Inco's shoulder and onto the table. Ben sighed and smiled before letting out a happy chuckle.

"Lunara, she said the exact same thing to me last night." Damien smiled and leaned back; he nodded and grinned. "Well, listen to your girlfriend, you dipsh*t. Why are you here with us dumbasses when you should be listening to your smarter girlfriend?"

Ben smiled and nodded his head; he was glad to have these two in his life. Even though he didn't deserve their friendship after what he had done to Olivia, even though it was an accident, he still felt bad for making her feel that way almost eight years ago. Ben sighed; his snoot formed into a grin while he stared at his friends. "Thank you guys, I really can't do all this stuff without you. I really appreciate it, I really do."

Damien waved his hand and smirked. "Nah, you can do this; you have the plans and the brains to do all this crap. Me and Inco here go with the flow and crap." Inco's eyebrows furrowed and he grinned while he poked his shoulder. "What? I plan out stuff as well; I'm literally painting and making a nursery for my home, planning on adopting, probably going to get the whole family together so we can actually tell everyone that 'Livy is pregnant."

Damien shrugged and leaned back; he opened his arms and let his hands rest on the backside of the booth. "Well, at least I'm the one that goes with what life throws at me. I can't do all that planning with what you guys do. Hell, even after being married to a woman who loves that stuff, I simply don't have the brain capacity to do all that stuff and make it make sense."

Ben arched his eyebrow and crossed his arms. "I really feel bad for Liz since she is the only one in that relationship that has the brain to keep things from going downhill."

Damien nodded his head and leaned back while relaxing. "Me too, dudes, me too."


I was captured by Judee again... The next chapter should be in four days. :(

Chapter 19: I Wani Help You


I'm almost there! I can practically taste the sunlight, I know it's so close. I've been digging for the last eight hours and Judee has suspected nothing of the sorts. She's too busy concocting another puppet show with that other red dino... Snizo, Citzo, Schizo, Schizophrenia? I don't know, weird name but whatever. All I care about is just digging myself out and reaching the daylight that is outside. I'm so close, I know it, I know I can do this.


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

March 18th 201M B.C 2028 (Around Noon)

Mia sighed as she was in the shower, she had her eyes closed and her head down a bit as the warm water hit her head and back. Her hands were on the cracked wall of the shower, the red Parasaurolophus was in deep thought at the moment, she turned to her side and pressed her back against the wall. She began to slide down it and sat down with her legs propped up, she then wrapped her arms around her legs and let her head lie on her legs while she stared at nothing.

The encounter with her old friend and ex-boyfriend was still on her mind, he looked better and he looked wealthy, she smiled softly as she closed her eyes and lifted her head up to let the shower hit her face. 'He deserves it after the sh*t I put him through.'

Her muzzle was buried between her knees while she stared at the floor, she then lifted herself up and grabbed the three-in-one for females soap. She squirted the pink cold gel like substance and began to wash herself, her eyes closed while she tried to keep inside the line of water that her very sh*tty shower head sprayed.

After ten more minutes of washing, brushing and cleaning her teeth, she made it out of the restroom and went into her small apartment she called home. She has to head into work later today but doesn't go until six in the afternoon, she sighs and growls to herself that she has to work so late and can't spend time with her baby daughter.

She called her favorite nanny earlier so the person should be coming soon. She quietly makes her way to her daughter's room and peaks in, she smiles and sees her precious little angel in her purple nightgown as she sleeps. She then closes the door, her face breaking into a genuine smile that is rare for her nowadays.

She jumps suddenly at the knocking at her door, she rushes to the door and goes through various locks to unlock and pulls it open, giving it a good pull since it gets stuck at times. She opens the door and face to face with the nanny, she smiles at the nanny or manny since it's a male. The male in question is a human male, he seems to be around Mia's age and has purple glasses frames on his face. His hair is a beautiful brownish shiny blonde, his eyes were green while he smirked lazily. He's wearing casual slacks and a purple flowered Hawaiian shirt while his hands are in his pockets as he stares at the taller female. Mia smirks and looks at her friend, her eyes rolling as she mimics barfing. "What is it with you and that ugly ass Hawaiian shirt you always insist on wearing?"

The human puts a hand to his chest and looks shocked and wounded. "Ma'am you wound me, just for that I'm going to ask for a raise in my salary." Mia rolls her eyes and opens the door for him to come in, she shakes her head and sneers playfully. "I'm broke you dick, you're only getting what I'm paying you, Vince."

The human, now known as Vince, smiles and looks around, his eyes scanning over the place while he walks to the room where the little girl he takes care of every time her mother's. He stares down the small hallway, Mia nods her head in approval so he makes his way to the young girl and peaks inside. He sees the young girl and smiles gently, he closes the door again and turns to the red crested dino. "I'll except twenty dollars tonight, I'm doing good on money so far so you save the rest for that little angel."

Mia's mouth opened in shock, she couldn't believe what he was saying. She held out the hundred shakily, this would provide the total of being out late and going to talk with Ben and Lunara. He pushed it away and crossed his arms while smiling at her with that infectious grin she couldn't stop staring at. "But... Come on, it feels like I'm robbing you, at least take fifty."

Vince shook his head and jabbed his thumb towards the door that was behind him. "No I want the rest of the money to go to that kid, you've been working too hard lately so keep the rest, please." Vince crossed his arms and stared up at the dino, she reluctantly nodded her head and smiled. She gave him a gentle but affectionate punch on the shoulder before going back to her purse that was seated on the couch. She dug through it and found a twenty instead of the heft built Albertosaurus Benjamin Franklin that was present on the hundred bill.

She gave the twenty to her friend and slipped a dollar with it, she smirked down to him and crossed her arms. "You're getting twenty one dollars and that's final, don't bitch to me about anything else. Now come over here and hug me because I really need it after the stressful week I've had." Mia opened her arms, the human didn't waste anytime and hugged the taller woman. She settled into his embrace and sighed, she blushes a bit as she pulled away from him and nervously coughed in her hand.

Vince had some tint on his cheeks as well, he nervously strokes the back of his neck and waves towards Mia's general direction. "What's got you so stressed out, other than working three jobs and having a kid to support." Mia sighed and grabbed her purse, she was at the doorway of her apartment room, she then looked back at her friend, her best friend that she trusted completely. "Everything is stressful. I have to meet up... With someone from my past... It's Rose's father."

Vince's eyes widen and the human's hands tightened on the couch he was holding onto, his heart rate sped up a bit and it was clear disappointment was across his face. "Oh... I see... Be careful, alright? I still don't get why you live here in Skin Row, this place is terrible and not safe for her." Mia sighed again for what felt the thousandth time today, she held onto the top of the door and then smiled weakly at her friend. "I would if I actually made a decent living, this is all I can afford... Hopefully meeting him can change things for her and me."

She began to head out now, he rushed forward and gently held onto her hand and smiled at her. "Remember, if you ever need anything I'm here, anything at all I got you." Mia smiled weakly and blushed, she then nodded her head before giving the shorter human a hug and then moving away. "You can tell Paul to stop being a f*cking creep and a pervert, that asshole raising my damn rent because I won't give him sex."

Vince grumbled as well, he crossed his arms and nodded his head while he looked at the woman that he considered a great and trustworthy friend. "I'll do my best, you know that idiot, he let's his dick decide rather than his small ant sized brain."

She giggles but nods anyways, she makes her way out but stops midway. Vince stares at her, wondering if something was wrong. "Mia?" She slowly turned around and then sped forward, she gently kissed his cheek and then sped out leaving him dazed and dusted. He holds onto the door knob, his hand gripping the knob tightly and a stupid smile growing on his face.

He lets go of the knob and places his hand to the spot where she pecked him and dipped from the apartment. He makes his way to the hallway, a flutter in his step as he makes his way to his friend's child. He opens the door and peaks in, his heart softening as he makes sure she is sleeping and is safe. 'Alright Vincent, operation 'make this the best day ever' for Rose is a go.'


It took Mia an hour to find the location where Ben and Lunara lived and actually get there, she drove around following her gps on her phone as she made turns to the place where she was supposed to be. She felt so out of place right now, her sh*tty red car driving in the streets that probably cost more than what she makes in three months really made her feel insecure.

She turned and saw various homes, expensive homes that it seems due to how large and beautiful they were. She then eventually made it out of the neighborhood and saw multiple large huge apartment complexes that were three times bigger than her small run down apartment building.

She got her phone out and checked the address again just to make sure. "Well this is the place. How does Ben even make enough to afford this place?"

She arched her head up and placed her hands on her hips as she stared up at the large building with awe. She looked left from right and saw beautiful gardens that had huge flowers and bushes lining the path. She can definitely see how expensive these plants were, they probably were worth more than her at this point.

She turned to face the sliding glass entrance, she would think this would have been a hotel for how fancy and luxurious it really was. She made it to the car port area and saw a large beaming light that lit up the entrance so cars could move to and fro. She made her way inside, her large ponytail bobbing up and down as she jogged in with how busy the place is.

Needless to say, she felt like she definitely stuck out like a sore thumb. She patted her normal everyday clothes, her light blue skirt that had some oil on it from not being able to clean it, to her tight fitting blouse that has a bow tying the blouse together. She made her way to the front desk, she placed her hands on the marble counter top and winced again for what felt like the tenth time in the 20 minutes since she's gotten there. 'This is definitely worth more than my annual salary.'

"Hello Miss, are you looking to check in or drop by?" The spectacled blue pterodactyl male looked up at her, he fixed his glasses and smiled politely.

Mia nodded her head, the woman fished out her phone and presented it to the winged man. "I have an... Acquaintance to meet with, he said to meet me on this floor and this room number?" The front desk man nodded his head and saw the number, he clicked on his keyboard and checked if this was legit. He eventually grasped the apartment phone and placed it to his ear hole. "Yes Mr. McKnight... Uh huh... Alright... Right away."

The Pterodactyl nodded his head and gestured his hand to the elevator area that many people were at or going through. "Over there is the elevator ma'am, Mr. McKnight is expecting you, floor seven and room number 135 is the room he's in."

Mia nodded her head and pushed herself off of the front desk and began walking to the elevators, they really were going for a hotel aesthetic with how rich and snobby everyone here is. She looked to her side and saw many dinos in tuxes and beautiful expensive dresses, she even saw some females having tail wraps with crystal petals and pearls on them.

She made her way to the elevator, she waited a few seconds before the 'ding' of the elevator went off. She saw the right door slide open and hurriedly rushed towards it, she went inside and breathed a sigh of relief that it was only her. She quickly pressed the close elevator button so she could be alone and not be watched by others due to how nervous she was feeling. 'Calm down Mia, it's only Ben, Ben... The one that you used in highschool and eventually ran away from due to how selfish and small minded you were back then... And many more things added to that list as well.'

She leaned against the handle behind her, she leaned her head back on the cold surface of the elevator. She winced and jolted forwards due to how cold it was, she turned around and saw her reflection, she sees her reflection everyday but this one was different for some reason. She examined herself, ashamed at how she looked and how depressed she felt right about now. She gripped the handle and then let out a shaky breath, she closed her eyes and dropped her head down and sighed. "Everything is fine, everything is fine, everything is fine... Everything Is Fine."

The door opened up, she was already walking out as it began to open up. She walked through the hallway, she gently placed her hand on the wallpaper and could even feel how expensive it was. "You really did it Ben, you really did. You and Lunara are so lucky to have this."

She slid her hand across the wall and made it to her destination, she stopped in front of the door and saw the plaque that had the room number. 'Room 135... Here we go.'

She balled her fists and roughly tapped her knuckles on the door, she pulled her hand away and sighed as she waited for what felt like a millennium. She then heard the sound of footsteps and stiffened her posture, the knob of the door began to twist and turn and then she saw the face of her once 'friend' Lunara. Lunara stared at her and crossed her arms, she eyed her up and down and sighed. "You look like a mess."

Mia groaned and placed her hand to her head. "I feel like a mess." Lunara opened the door wider and motioned into her home, Mia smiled and stepped forth into the cozy and costly apartment. The door shut, sealing both in for a conversation that wasn't going to be easy.

Lunara walked through her cozy apartment home, Mia couldn't help but admire the woman's physique, she really does keep in shape. She looked down at herself, wishing she still worked out and kept in proper shape. Ever since Rose came into the world, she lost that ability since she was a single mother and worked three jobs constantly. She felt fat and ashamed now, she crossed her arms and sighed. Lunara looked at the woman, arching her brow while she held a glass of water to her. "You okay? You want some water?"

Mia nodded her head to both questions, she grasped the glass and chugged it. 'Of course this water tastes f*cking good as well.'

Mia put the glass down on the table she was next to, she had to bend down a bit due to it being a coffee table and not a larger one. Lunara motioned for her to sit down, she sighed and placed her hands on her lap while she and the red dino sat down together on the leather couch. Mia looks around and frowns a bit, she checks the areas and whispers. "Where's Ben?"

"Right here, I just had to get some stuff and make sure everything goes smoothly." Ben came from the second hallway that led into the living room, he then pulled a chair from the kitchen and placed it by the coffee table to prepare himself for this conversation. Mia placed her hands on her lap and sighed, she smiled and nodded her head as she looked at the Dromaeosaurid and her ex-boyfriend.

Mia looked at the two and smiled weakly but let out a croak. "L-Let's get this started."


It was at the point of her day that she couldn't really take it anymore, she went through everything again but in more detail. Her life after she dropped out of highschool and after she had left Ben and ran away from her problems, it seemed to get easier and easier to tell him this but with the aftereffect of her emotions getting to her. She let her eyes pool water, years of keeping a happy facade had emotionally drained her. She wanted to keep this part of herself hidden from her young daughter, the little girl already had enough problems as it is, she didn't want to add more onto the layers of never ending issues that seemed to arise. Ben was focused and still the entire time, Lunara reached out and held her friend's hand. She never thought she'd have more people in her bubble again, she had been through so much out there, it was slowly killing her.

She wiped away her tearful eyes, going over how she was happy to be free at first and then discovering her pregnancy, then going into how it was a hard pregnancy and how challenging it was being a single mother. She had to work multiple jobs during it, she was grateful that she was able to take time off during her later stages and get paid while doing so, so she wouldn't be in any discomfort.

She was never really close to her sister, she always loathed her older shorter sister and always told her how she didn't need her before all this happened. She would tell her she didn't care for her, she didn't need her, she hated her and hated her family. Then the day came when she was thrown out, her snobby rich and uptight parents-mom-hated that she had a baby with a stranger. It was even more of a salt on the wound when she pointed out he wasn't even in the picture anymore. She kept throwing insult after insult, Mia couldn't take it anymore and ran away from home. The last thing she remembered was her mom throwing out her stuff and calling her a 'Dumb bimbo whor* that will never be allowed back into this home.' She remembered seeing her dad so disappointed, couldn't do anything since he didn't wants to put himself in the face of a wrathful woman such as her mother.

It still haunts her till this day, her own mother, her own flesh and blood had kicked her out and threw her to the curb. It was a few days later after the ordeal had gone and past, she was jobless, without a family, homeless, and with no one to help her and her child. It was like the universe threw a rock at her as well since it was raining hard too, she had to stand under a bridge so she wouldn't get soaked or catch a cold for herself or her unborn child. She then saw a car pull up and stop next to her, she was getting ready to run if something was about to happen... But to her shock it was something else.

Her sister, a beige Parasaurolophus wearing black tight fitting jeans and an emerald colored blouse and pink rectangular glasses, got out of her car and closed the door. She put her hands together and rubbed them nervously, she made her way to where the very noticeable pregnant Parasaurolophus was sitting.

The other Parasaurolophus sat down besides her taller sister, putting her hands together as she looked to her side. "I've been looking everywhere for you sis, I was so worried."

Mia looked at the woman, her anger, hatred, loathing, selfishness, pitiful and rageful self was mere embers now since being alone and scared on the streets. She was hugging herself, shaking from being so cold and tired, she hadn't slept in days since she's been trying to find a warm and safe place for herself and her young one. "Why are you here Naomi? I don't have much more left in me to take another hit from a family member."

Naomi sighed and reached into her purse, she pulled out what seemed to be some chips, water, and a sandwich. Mia raised herself up and eyed the food, to others this probably seemed as something they'd eat when having a snack, to Mia... This was the Holy Grail of all food.

Naomi nudged the food towards her sister, Mia was hesitant but after hearing her stomach grumble a moment later she immediately dug into the food her sister supplied and munched on it. Mia was eating the sandwich and hummed happily at the taste, she looked to her sister and smiled at the shorter woman. She sighed and rested her head on the shorter Parasaurolophus and sighed. "Thank you..."

Naomi nodded her head, she knew what it was like to be in a place where she felt stuck. She was stuck for a bit but she wasn't THIS far deep in the mud like her sister, she may have lost her boyfriend way back then and felt alone but at least she didn't lose her boyfriend and have to care for said boyfriend's child on her own, plus losing her family in the process as well. Naomi turned up at the taller woman, her eyes shining through her glasses while she cracked a grin. "Even though we never saw eye to eye on things, I always did care for you, y'know?"

"You fed my goldfish to the family turtle when I blamed you for drawing on the wall." Naomi winced and chuckled nervously, even though they grew up together with a rocky foundation, she did meant what she said. "Y-Yeah... Sorry about that, I was kinda an asshole back then growing up. Especially when I was in highschool, god I can't believe I did all that and more."

Mia chuckled and crossed her arms while shoving her to the side and giggling. "You were so worried about someone else's relationship than your own, no wonder sh*t hit the fan when Naser asked to take a break when he left to college." Naomi winced, she nodded her head as she hung her head low and sighed, she looked down and felt her stung but smiled it off. "Seems like we are both in the sh*tter together, huh?"

Mia laughed sadly, Naomi passed her another bottle of water which she took and chugged down happily. Naomi looked at her sister with a smile, she then stood up and looked down at her. "I came here for a reason, I know sh*t hit the fan for you and you are way worse right now than I was a few years back. I didn't have anyone to help me at the time... I had no one to help me so I had to dig myself out of that out I was in. I want to help you Mia, let me help you."

Mia arched her eyebrow, she looked at her sister with skepticism. Naomi was offering her hand out to the woman, she can see the gears turning and her weariness of the situation was in the air. She knelt down on her knees and sighed as she spoke to her, face to face with her sister. "As much as I hated you growing up, I don't want to see my sister die on the streets with a baby in her arms. Please, come to my apartment and let me help you get started back on your own two feet again." Mia couldn't believe what she was hearing, a part of her wanted to reject her sister's offer but the reasonable side told her she wouldn't last much longer out here being pregnant.

Mia looked up at the other dino, she began to reach out but her hand balled halfway as she shakily asked. "W-Why?"

Naomi knelt forward, she placed her hands on the other woman's balled hands and squeezed tightly. She arched a smile and stared down at her sister while she spoke soothingly. "Like I said, I don't want to watch my baby sister die here out on the streets, I want to start over with you, it'll be Just The Two Of Us. We can make it together, please." Mia's face softened and she nodded her head, she leaned forward and hugged her older sister and smiled happily, she hugged her sister and whimpered. "W-We Can Make It I-If We Try."

Both sisters laugh together out loud, both happy to be finally reunited and with one another once again.


Mia then ended her story by telling the two of her troubling birth, how she almost lost Rose and how incredibly frail and small the young little one was. She was glad that Rose made it, Rose was a reminder everyday to get going with life and to get better. She didn't know what she would do if Rose was suddenly gone and out of her life, she loved the kid so much, she was determined to be a better mother than the snobby rich hot pink Parasaurolophus that gave birth to her.

Mia continued the story, from working multiple jobs to finally getting her own apartment and taking Rose to see counselors and doctors because of Rose's condition. Ben was shocked to hear that the little one had a learning disorder and a deformed small crest that he didn't even notice at the time, Rose was born way too early in Mia's pregnancy, way too early that Rose will be a lot slower than others when she enters school. Ben sighed and nodded his head, his fists balling and already planning on making contacts with the best people to help young Rose with her conditions. "-then you found Rose and I stumbled into you two, I find it so ironic that we are in one of the most populated city's in California and yet we run into each other again, the universe can be so cruel at times."

"I'm glad that we ran into you two, if we didn't I wouldn't have found out that I was a father, I want to do everything in my power to give that little girl the world. Mia, I have a question." Mia winced, her heart raced and she gripped her skirt tightly while she whimpered. She knew what was coming up and couldn't face the fact that she could potentially lose her babygirl. "N-No! Please don't take her from me! She is my everything, I don't know where I'd be if I didn't have her!"

Ben winced as well, as did Lunara. They felt so cruel but this was about giving Rose a good home and a good future. Ben smiled and leaned forward and looked at her. "I'm not going to take her from you, I can definitely see you and her have a bond, a bond I don't want to break. But I'm going to offer this though...." Mia shuddered a relief, she nodded her head and sighed as she wiped her tears.

"I want her to come where every so often, it's her choice if she even wants that. I want to be part of her life, I already missed out so much Mia, I don't want to miss out anymore." His eyes are caring, he wants to be part of his daughter's life, he wants to see all the new first things she will go through in the future. "I want to take that little girl to school, I want to drive her to places she'd like, I want to take her clothing shopping, I want to buy her toys, I want to fend off boys when she's a teen, I want to be a father."

Mia nodded her head and smiled, Lunara let some tears down herself. "I want to be her stepmother as well, I only just met her but oh my God she's so friggin' adorable!" Mia giggled and nodded her head repeatedly, she was so happy that she would keep her daughter, even if it meant that the little one will spend a few days with her daddy. She placed her hands on her lap and blubbered out. "T-Thank you... I don't want to live without my baby."

Ben got up and smiled down at her, he then reached into his coat and pulled out an envelope. He put it on the coffee table as he sat back down and slid it to the red Parasaurolophus, she was teary eyed and confused. She gently grabbed the envelope and sobbed out a whimper. "W-What's this?"

"You and that little one are struggling, I wanted to help you with this. Lunara insisted on helping as well even though I said she didn't have to." Lunara crossed her arms and glared. "I don't care what you say, I'm going to spoil my step-daughter like crazy."

Mia opened the envelope and gasped, she put her hand to her mouth and stared at the two in shock. "I can't take this, this is too much... This feels so wrong."

Ben waved it off and then smiled at the woman. "You're going to take it, like I said before, you're going to spend that money on that little girl. Get her a new dress, more toys, more things, and maybe even move out to a new apartment." Mia looked down at the loaded bills that were in the envelope, she felt like she was going to pass out. She looked at Ben and Lunara, her heart pounding and her eyes watering again. "F-f*ck... Thank you for this."

Ben smiled and put his hands in his coat pockets and nodded his head, Lunara hugged his arm as he turned to his girlfriend and kissed her nose. He then turned to the teary eyed red Parasaurolophus who was cradling the money to her chest. Ben kept his smile bright as he spoke. "This is the first of many child support cash, I'll get them in every month and if you ever need more I'll supply. It has to be good, if I find out that you're using them to buy smokes, drugs, alcohol or that crap I'm taking the money away and my daughter, understand?"

Mia nodded, she wasn't about to do that, she had long given up smoking due to her daughter being in her life. She stood up and looked at the shorter couple who were hugging and grinning widely. "I... I don't know how to repay you, I don't know what to go from here." Ben hugged his girlfriend, she nuzzled into his side while they both looked fondly at the woman that they had despised and feared for so long. "Go home to Rose, ask her if she wants to stay here sometime soon, if she does tell her we'll make pillow forts and watch movies."

Mia nods, Lunara rushes forward and grabs her hands, she leads the woman to the door and opens it. Lunara looks up at her old friend, she wasn't even sure if they truly were friends back then... But it was certain now that they were friends. "If you ever need anything from me just text me, I gave you my cell if you need anything." Mia nodded and made her way out of the beautiful apartment and eventually made it out of the grand and beautifully luxurious apartment building.

'Today... Today was a good day.'


Mia had made her way back, the sun was already setting and her body drained from earlier. She was tired but was eager to get back due to the huge progress that she Lunara and Ben made together. She made it up the cold wet stairs of her apartment building, it was boarding the edge of Skin Row so she wouldn't have to hear the gunshots and drug addicts groan when living in the heart of Skin Row. This meant the apartments were a lot nicer, not as nice as the ones out of Skin Row, but a lot more expensive than the ones inside the sh*t fest that was the heart of Skin Row.

She walked through the empty hallway, her eyes glazing over the torn and particularly ugly and infested looking wallpaper that was in the hallway. She made her way to her apartment room and began to unlock the door, she had to budge again to get the stupid piece of wood to open. After several seconds, the large wooden door shot opened which made her stumble forward and about to fall.

She was caught, her hero looked down at her holding her in his arms as he smiled down at her. He was still wearing his ugly Hawaiian shirt and his slacks, but his hair was wet and his glasses were nice and clean. The two locked eyes for a minute before chuckling, she couldn't help but blush for a second when he helped her on the ground. She nervously stroked her elbow, avoiding eye contact with the human that had saved her. She gently smiles down at him and looks at him with a gentle smile, she puts her purse down on the stool and sits down next to him on the couch. She closes her eyes, she leans against his side as she tiredly rests.

Vince looks at the woman, he can see how tired and emotionally drained she is right now. He leans to his left and grabs the blanket that happens to be there, he always keeps one there since he rests and watches TV on the couch at times when he babysits. The woman snuggles up against him, he gently places the blanket around her and closes her eyes as she snuggles up against him. She smiles happily as she sleeps against him, she never cared about humans before, she acknowledged them of course and treated them as equals but never thought of herself being with one.

That's until Vincent came into her life. He had always helped out with things, he has been her babysitter for two years now, always looking out for Rose ever since she was a baby and becoming good friends with Mia as soon as she moved in here. She never saw herself being friends with a human, she certainly didn't expect herself to want to be with one either.

Right now though, being in his arms and snuggled up against him, that felt so right to her. She smiled softly and cuddled up against her friend, she had her eyes closed while she whispered. "Thank you for being there for me, Vincent."

Vince smiled, he wrapped his arm around her shoulder and held her close to him, sometimes when things got rough with her she would always ask for some company. Asking for some movie nights together just so she wouldn't be alone, right now... She felt whole because she had the two most important things in her life at the moment.
Vince kept his warm smile on display, she fell right asleep as he kept warm and safe.

"Like is said... I'd do anything for you."



*Digs up into the grass and...* WHAT!? I see that I have dug myself into another cell that is full of grass and a sh*tty looking but surprisingly bright lamp next to the hole I just made. I peak out of the hole and see... What the f*ck?

"She got you too?"

I see a titanic and tall human man that looked like a caveman, he was dressed in a very dripped up outfit that had a spear pin on his breast pocket. I look around in shock... Bloody hell.

Chapter 20: I Wani Spend Time With You


Here's another chapter for the funnies! Hope you enjoy it and hope you have a lovely day! (I'm being forced by Judee to write this right now, this is a cry for help please send help to my location)


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

March 19th 201M B.C 2028

Luna was resting in her aquarium bed tank as she heard the TV playing music, she didn't like watching shows or movies due to an obvious reason. The nice people of the facility had made extra easy on the axolotl due to her condition, instead of manually turning it on by hand she could use her voice to operate the TV and say what she wanted to hear. These types of TV's were expensive but the facility had the funding and wanted to make the axolotl's life just a bit tad easier.

She swam up and hung on the tank railing as she shook herself, the room was made for water so she could shake the water from her hair and smooth slimy skin without damaging anything. She got out of the tank, she flipped a switch and the room began to get a bit toasty within minutes. Above her was a drying fan that shot out warm air, not hot enough to make her feel uncomfortable but warm enough to make her dry and better. She shook herself further, her clothes now drying and her blonde hair semi dried now as well.

She sat down on her bean bag, sinking into the bean bag while she huffed at what to do today. She was beginning to feel left out and worried, Inco and Olivia had been so busy lately for some reason. She didn't know what it was and it scared the little axolotl. She raised her legs to her chest and wrapped her arms around her legs and buried her face into them. She didn't know what this feeling was she was feeling, she felt yucky inside, like she was being forgotten.

They used to meet up, play games, read her stories, listen to music, paint with Olivia, and even take photos with Inco; ironically the axolotl had amazing taste in photography.
Right now she felt alone, she wanted to ask what was wrong but the nice lady at the desk always told her they were busy and doing stuff. Recently she just heard that one of their friends had a baby, Olivia had told her recently when they came by and did some painting together.

Her fears were set aside for that brief moment, until a week had gone by since then. They used to come by everyday, now they come by barely two days a week, she really wanted to be with them but she knows how busy they are. She can't help but whimper, keeping her arms wrapped around her legs as a tear threatened to fall. She sighed and wiped the tear, her now dried sleeve a tad wetter now than a minute ago.

She kept her head hung low while she held herself, she wanted to cry but the tears wouldn't come. Her head shot up at the sudden knocking on the door, she began to get herself up and began her track to the door that was a few feet away from her waterbed. She tippie toed up and opened the door, she opened it fully and... No one was there?

She could have sworn she heard a knock at the door, she can even smell a familiar scent that she hasn't smelt in awhile. She leaned out and then was raised into the air, she shrieked when her waist was held by large hands and lifted high into the air by a tall large presence. "Boo! I scared you didn't I!?"

Her shocked face morphed into one of pure delight and happiness, she gently leaped forward and hugged the thin haired bald human man. "Uncle Ani!" She held onto Anon's neck, she giggled and nuzzled him while he twirled the little girl around and placed her on the ground. "How's my favorite niece?"

The bright starry eyed little axolotl jumped in place as she smiled up at her uncle, she hugged his leg and smiled up at the man that took care of her when Lucy couldn't at times. "Uncle Annnni, I'm your only niece!" Anon smirks and rubs the little axolotls' head, his hand ruffling her hair as she smacks away his large hand. "That's true, so that technically does mean you are my favorite niece!"

Luna puffed up her cheeks and crossed her arms across her chest, she looked at him with a cute face while he smiled down at her. He was about to quip back with another joke but another person made themselves known, Alex ran forward and hugged the axolotl. They twirled and laughed as they looked at each other, Luna pushed him away afterwards and smacked his chest while she grinned. "You dumb dumb, now your shirt is wet!"

Alex looked down, indeed that his shirt was wet and his pants were a bit as well. He blushes while waving it off as he looks at his best friend. "Worth it, I haven't seen you in a few days, dad took me out shopping for the new JS6 slim that came out recently."

Anon crossed his arms across his chest, he nodded his head and ruffled his son's hair instead this time. "I'm more of a Xrock player myself but this little dummy wanted the new Jurassic Station game and that new title coming out for it." He smirked as his son swatted his hand for his dad to stop, Anon kept doing it when his son's guard went down.

Another person made themselves known after a minute of father and son playing, the mother pterodactyl came behind the two boys, her son was a hunk of a man but he had the mind of a little kid, and made her way to tbe axolotl. Luna's eyes widened when she smelt the familiar perfume of her aunt, she ran forward to hug the pterodactyl's leg while she looked up at Lucy. "Lucy! Lucy! Lucy! Lucy!"

Lucy smiled at the young and energetic axolotl, she stroked her hair and bent down a bit to kiss her on the cheek. The hyper axolotl kept clinging to her leg until she smelled something else that she somehow didn't smell before. She assumed it was because of Lucy's perfume, she could smell that there was another person in the room. A lot smaller than the two adults, and even smaller than herself. She gasped and gently tickled the little foot of the baby, the small and feathery pterodactyl baby giggled and squirmed as she felt her foot being tickled. "You brought Amber with you?"

Lucy nodded her head and smiled lovingly down at the young and energetic axie, she gently stroked her baby's silvery growing hair while she stared down at her niece. "Yep, we didn't have a babysitter so we thought we'd just bring her with us, plus she wasn't asleep so it was all good in the end for our little Amby." Amber cooed as she happily sucked on her pink pacifier, she happily looked around wondering what was happening and wondering when it was time for food.

Anon knelt down and looked down at his niece, he stroked her head gently while she beamed at him with that infectious smile. That infectious smile spread out through the family in the end, Anon grinned and hugged the axolotl while he looked down at her. "What were you planning on doing today sweetie? We thought about maybe going to the park today, we wondered if you wanted to go out today with us?" The axolotls' tail began swaying back and forth, the universal sign with someone with a tail that they were happy.

She nodded up and down quickly while she giggled and grinned, she ran away the human as he stumbled a bit at the fast speed of the axolotl. "Can we go out for ice cream!? Please! I want ice cream!" Anon tried to regain his balance as he stumbled a bit, he had no clue how the axolotl was able to run so fast without bumping into his legs due to her condition. She eventually stopped, Anon thanked Raptor Jesus because he didn't want to fall on the adorable axolotl.

Lucy smiled and nodded her head in agreement, she too could go for the sweet delicious cold treat that was a Mint Chip ice cream. "That sounds so good right about now, remember to bring your flask and spray bottle, Lunie." Luna nodded her head and grabbed her spray bottle, she dipped the bottle into the cold water of her bed so the bottle could fill and snatched her already filled flask from her mini fridge. She already began to spray herself with the spray bottle, her gills fluttering at the nice cold water bubbles that were on them.

She closes her door and runs outside with the Mous family and chirps. "I'm ready!"


The sun was beaming, even though it was mid March it was hot outside. The axolotl was glad that she had packed for this, she pulled out her spray bottle and angled the nozzle to her gills. She happily gained satisfaction at being able to finally feel comfortable due to how hot it was out here. She placed the bottle back into her backpack, one that she had almost forgotten and went back in to snag. Luna strutted along as they walked together in relative silence, Anon and Lucy held hands together as they walked, both chatting quietly as they cooed and showed the world to little Amber.

Luna and Alex were side by side, walking together behind the two parents. She had her hand in his hand as well, her hand squeezing the human's hand tightly that seemed almost second nature when they went out together. She held onto him tightly, not wanting to be lost (again) since she really didn't want to go through with that whole ordeal once more.

The two young kids walked together, the human whispering to her the stuff he sees so she can know what's going on around her. She was glad he did this, even though she would never see, she would always smell the environment and hear the sounds of nature and the city life. "O-Oh and there is a beehive in that tree over there, I can see flowers next to it so the bees are going to it!"

Luna giggles as he narrates the surrounding area, he leaves no detail untouched as he says everything he sees to the blind girl he's walking with. She smiled warmly, she couldn't see but she waved her head around and took in the various scents that the park had to offer. She can smell the beautiful flowers, the cotton candy in the cotton candy stand, perfumes from mothers who were with their children, even smelling the freshly watered grass that had been sprinkled on by the light rain that happened earlier.

She walked with him for several minutes without saying anything, just listening to her best friend. She didn't find it annoying when he narrated around him, she enjoyed it because it was who he was in the end; a gentle and loving boy that cared for his friends.

Her face faltered a bit though after a while, her hand loosening and her mind drifting to other thoughts as she began to position her face towards the ground. She sighed for a second, Alex was looking now, he had stopped his narrating and his full attention was now on the axolotl girl he called a good friend. "Something wrong, Lu?"

Luna was shaken out of her daydream, she shook her head gently and turned to where he was and blinked for a second. She didn't know what was happening right now so she blushed and asked. "W-What? What did you say?" Alex was now worried, she was always such a good listener and would always pick up on the miniscule details in a conversation, something was wrong with his usually cheerful friend. "You look sad, your tail is trailing the floor and your gills are curled front, you don't look happy... W-Was it something I said?"

The axolotl shook her head and smiled at him, she bumped his shoulder with his as they walked together. "No you didn't do anything, it's just... I feel so lonely." Alex looked away sadly, his hand loosening in her's, she began to feel this so she gripped tighter and held it in her's. Alex looked at her with a small smile, his eyes going through many emotions while he spoke. "Why do you feel sad? You have momma dad and Amber helping you, you have the nice staff and friends at your home... A-And you have me!"

He swung his arm up as he cheered, her arm went up too, which made the young axie giggle as she walked with him. "I know, I know... I just miss Olivia and Inco." She looked down at the floor, her eyes beginning to water as she closed them trying to keep them from falling.

Alex frowned, he had totally forgotten about them, he definitely hadn't seen them around lately. He hoped it was just adult stuff that needed clearing, he hoped they would come back. "T-They're probably doing some boring adult stuff, they'll be back and be with you, I know it, Luna." Luna smiled and nodded her head, she wiped her eyes and sighed as she looked away timidly.

Anon was looking over his shoulder the entire time, he smiled proudly as he watched his son console the sad axolotl. Lucy noticed Anon looking back, she smiled as she stroked Amber's hair and giggled. "Should we be worried that they might run away together already?" Anon shook his head no, he smirked and turned to his silvery haired pterodactyl wife. "Not until he's around sixteen maybe, then that's when we should start panicking."

Lucy laughed and cuddled against Anon's arm, he wrapped his arm around his petite wife and walked together in silence, both enjoying each other's company as they walked to the playground that the park had.

The two adults looked around the park, many dino kids and parents littered the area while they walked to the gates. Lucy had her arms around Anon's arm as they walked, both of them loving each other's presence and company.

Luna and Alex immediately both ran to the gate, Alex had his hand tightly on Luna's as he led her to the entrance of the beautiful park that had many people going in and out. Lucy gasped when she saw her son running faster with Luna in tow, she then hollered out as she worriedly held onto Anon. "Wait up! Don't go anywhere that is outside of the park, we don't want you getting lost or worse!"

"Okay, mom!" Alex chimed back as they ran together through the gate and into the open area. The two then got onto a stone path so bikes could ride on and go throughout the large park, Luna and Alex stayed very close together while they made their way to the multiple sets of swing sets for various sizes of dinos.

Alex smiled and offered the seat to the axolotl, she was sniffing around, taking in the overwhelming sensation of new scents that she didn't even see her friend offering to help her onto the swing. She turned around and smelled the air, she could feel his presence beside her, he wasn't moving and that confused her. "What are you doing?"

Alex was motioning to the swing set with his hands, she didn't budge which then made her give him a 'really?' look. "I'm blind you dummy, if you're offering me the seat you could just say it." She put her hands on her hips and smirked, Alex flushed red as he looked away completely embarrassed. "O-Oh yeah... Sorry about that, even after being friends for so long I forget, s-sorry..."

Luna smiled and hugged her friend, she was a bit shorter than him so she planted her cheek against his chest and nuzzled him. He smiled at her, unsure what to do now due to the physical contact that she was giving him. 'I think I have cooties now.'

She eventually let go and skipped to the swing set, he helped her on and smiled at his friend. Her tail wags happily, she used her feet to swing herself but it could barely reach the ground. She turned her head to the side where her friend was, she gave him that adorable 'help me please' puppy dog eyes. He eventually caved in, but sighed first as he got off of the swing seat. He grabbed the very sturdy covered chains of the swing and eventually pushed. She gave out a happy 'yipe!' when she began to go higher and higher, she giggled and happily purred when she felt the cool wind hitting her face. "Alright now swing your legs back and forth so you can keep going on your own, if you slow down I'll push you more!"

She nodded her head and giddly smiled, she held onto the covered chains tightly while she went high. She couldn't see anything but the feeling of the wind blowing across her face made her feel as if she was flying. He eventually got on the swing that was next to her and used his legs to swing himself back and forth, eventually after a few seconds of trying to catch up, the human and axolotl were the same height together.

Alex kept gazing at Luna from time to time to make sure she was fine or if she needed assistance. Thankfully for him, the axolotl didn't need any assistance and kept swinging by herself. After around ten minutes of swinging and enjoying each other's company, Alex noticed something about her. She was cheerful at the start when they first swung together, now it seemed like she was looking at the floor, completely distracted again like last time.

Alex kept his gaze on her, he could already tell what was bothering her. They both slowed down together, their swinging slowing now to a gentle sway as they sit in silence. She sighed and looked at her friend, even though she couldn't see his face, she could already tell that he was looking at her. "What?"

Alex put his hands together and smiled. "You still thinking about them?"

Luna turned her focus away from him, her face down cast at the floor while she played with her pink polkadot skirt. "I am... I'm just afraid of that... what if they don't want me? What if that's the reason they haven't visited me? I thought..." Alex's hand gently found its way to hers, she looked down at the floor, her eyes beginning to sting with salty tears as she tried to keep them at bay. Alex held onto her hand tightly, he smiled, his smile wasn't just for himself but for both of them at the moment. "Luna, I know for a fact that they won't just leave you like that. I haven't even met them but I can definitely tell you that they care about you, I'm just betting that something is going on in their lives right now. I promise you, they'll be there for you... I know it."

She whimpered as she wiped her eyes with her other hand, she tried to hide her teary eyes as she whimpered. Alex stepped off the swing and went to Luna, he hugged his friend tightly, she gently sobbed her worries away onto him as they held one another for a few minutes. After a while, Luna looked up at her friend and smiled, she hit his chest and wiped her eyes. "I'm such a baby, I'm a big girl and I'm crying... I'm sorry for this... I-I..." Alex smiled even brighter and hugged his friend, he closed his eyes while he nuzzled her head with his chin. "It's alright, I won't tell anyone that you cried. You're not a baby to me even though you are older than me."

Luna shot her head up to him and smacked his chest, she giggled and seethed at the taller but younger human. "You're only a few months younger than me, plus I've seen you cry way more than me!" Alex shrugged his shoulders while he hugged her tightly, she closed her eyes and smiled while in his embrace, she felt happy to be his friend.

Few hours went by pretty quickly, the two made their way to the okay grounds and eventually played pirates and princesses. Alex growled annoyingly that he had to be the princess while the only female was the pirate. They played together, much to Alex's protests on being a princess, but had fun regardless. Alex looked up and saw that the sun was beginning to set over the beautiful range of the Bluffs, he bumped Luna's shoulder and whispered to her. "The sun is setting, the sky is a beautiful red, orange, purple, yellow and pink. It looks almost like an painting with how beautiful the colors are."

Alex narrated, Luna smiled and hugged him tightly for doing this for her. They walked back to Alex's parents, who were just talking and playing with baby Amber at the moment. They casually glanced back and forth between each other and the kids playing on the swings and playground, it was obvious to everyone around the the two unique pairing were still so much in love with one another. Alex and Luna walked up to the three, he was still holding Luna's small hand as they walked up to them. "Ma, dad, the sun is beginning to set, plus don't we have to get this one here back home soon?" Lucy gasped in shock, she had completely forgotten about a small little detail that she neglected to mention.

Lucy nodded her head, she grabbed her purse while Anon tending to his daughter this time. She was still strapped in her baby carrier that was strapped against Anon's ripped chest. To anyone who sees him, it was adorable and funny to see a ripped hunky guy such as Anon with the adorable squealing little ball of feathers that was against his chest. Anon smiles down at his son, his hand going to ruffle his son's head as he smirks. "Good call kiddo, we really need to go back anyways, I think little Amber here is starting to smell."

Lucy gently cuddles up against his side as she wrapped her arms back around his bicep. She nuzzled her cheek against his shoulder while they walked in silence, every so often she'd look back at her son and niece chatting and staying together.

The day was slowly turning to night quickly, the axolotl was glad that she didn't really need her spray bottle but misted herself once more just for good measure. Even though the night was becoming cooler out, she wanted to make sure her gills were nice and moisturized. She held onto her friend's hand as they walked, they walked for a couple minutes until they finally arrived at the Mous family sedan. They had to park a couple blocks away since it was packed when they arrived here, now that night was coming closer, the cars had vanished and it was only a few now around.

Once inside she got into her car seat, Lucy and Anon had made sure to bring another car seat for their niece since she does ride with them every so often. Alex sat next to her, he grinned victoriously since he didn't need a car seat anymore due to him being tall enough to not need one. Luna rolled her eyes at his victory dance as he sat, she was now thankful she was blind so she wouldn't see his awful attempt at dancing while sitting.


The ride to her home was nice, Lucy and Anon put on some unknown rock and roll music that Luna didn't know of. It was a nice song and had a catchy tune, she didn't know what the guy was saying because he kept shouting and screaming at some points.
She peaked between the two chairs and saw that a song called 'Humans Being by Van Hetero' was being sung. She had no clue who this was but swayed at the 'shine on' part.

Finally they made it to her home, they parked outside and immediately set forth to go inside to bring the little axolotl home and to finally change Amber. Anon jabbed his thumb and said he would take little Amber to the restroom to change her. Lucy reached into her purse and picked out wipes and fresh diapers for her husband to have. He quickly made his way to the restroom and before long he was out of sight, Lucy Alex and Luna made their way to her room, Lucy fished her phone out and saw that it was almost time. She turned her head towards the door to see if she saw anything, nothing was seen so far unfortunately so she and the kids went to Luna's room in the amphibian sector of the building.

Luna immediately settled quickly in her room, happy that she was back home and could lie in her tank all day and finally sleep. She was exhausted from the outing with the Mous family but appreciated it nonetheless, she was happy that they decided to take her out to help ease her mind. Lucy stood by the closed door with her hands together as she smiled regardless, she was happy to see her niece happy and to see her son happy as well.

She checked her phone again but was cut off by the door to Luna's room being knocked on. Luna turned her attention to the door and arched her eyes wondering why they would knock? She shrugged, it probably was Uncle Ani wanting to be polite and didn't want to disturb anything by just barging in. Lucy walked to the door, she was next to it but wasn't directly in front of it since she was leaning on the table beside the door. She opened the door and gasped when she saw two familiar faces that Luna would definitely be excited to see after a long day at the park.

Olivia was wheeled in by her husband Inco, both of them looked tired but very happy to be here and to see Luna. Luna's jaw dropped when see heard them come in, she could smell them and smell... Something off about Olivia she didn't smell before a few weeks back. She ran forward and leaped forward to Olivia, Olivia grinned and captured the axolotl in her embrace and settled her down onto her lap.

Luna was beginning to tear up, she softly whimpered and then snuggled into Olivia's neck. Olivia felt her heart break, she knows they've been away for a while but she didn't expect her to miss them this much. "I-I thought y-you didn't w-want m-me anymore... I thought y-you.. f-forgot about m-me..." Luna blubbered out as she hugged Olivia, Olivia closed her eyes and hugged the little axolotl that had made a permanent home in her heart.

"Oh you adorable little thing, you're not going to get rid of us that easily. Me and Inky have just been so... Busy lately and we had no time to make a schedule to come here and see you. Me and Inky have been so tired recently but know this... We thought about you the whole time we were away from you, Luna." Olivia smiled happily down at the little axolotl, she kept the axolotl in her arms, safe and protected from any threats that surely wouldn't want to mess with the gator momma and her axolotl.

Luna looked at the Baryonyx, the Baryonyx's yellow and silver eyes glowing brightly as she stared at Luna's pink misty eyes that were filled with so much love and adoration for the unique couple that she was being loved by. Inco knelt down besides his Baryonyx wife and the axolotl child, his hand coming in to stroke her blonde hair while his other hand held onto Olivia's wheelchair armrest. "I've been thinking about you so much sweetie, me and 'Livy have been doing so much but we thought about you every step of the way."

Luna smiled and leaned forward to nuzzle Inco's cheek as well, Inco chuckled and hugged the axolotl who was wanting cuddles from the two important people in her life. She softly smiled at both of them, Olivia and Inco grinned as they held her. Inco then chimed in again while he kept stroking her hair. "We even got you some stuff for your room whenever you want to come back for another movie and game night."

Lucy arched her eyebrow at 'movie night' but didn't say anything since she didn't want to ruin the loving and extremely adorable moment between the three. Alex smiled at his friend, he hopes that they would adopt her, he knows in his heart that she is close to having the family she always wanted.

The axolotl giggles and nods gently, she looks at Olivia and Inco again while she holds onto Inco's hand. Olivia looked at Inco, Inco's eyes then found his wife's. He can tell what needed to be done, this needed to happen so she would know what to expect. Inco scooted to the side a bit so he was next to Olivia's side, Olivia stared at the axolotl, she was confused as to why the couple felt so jittery now all of a sudden.

Olivia raised her hand and stroked Luna's beautiful blonde hair, Luna smiled while she giggled at the adorable creature in her lap. "Me and Inco have something to tell you, little one." Luna's focus was solely aimed on Olivia now, she can hear Olivia's heart racing fast. She was nervous, the axolotl could tell this was something that was huge.

Inco snaked his arm over the armrest and found his wife's hand, she blushed brightly as she felt his hand gripping her's. Olivia turned her head to face him, his eyes said it all. 'Your not alone in this.'

The two lovers looked directly down at the axolotl, she was now nervous as to what they were keeping from her. "W-What is it?"

Olivia sighed and gently grasped the axolotl's hand with her free one, she looked down at the axolotl and smiled. "I wanted you to hear this from me and Inco, I don't want you to find out later."

Luna was confused now, she thought she knew where this was going but now she was lost. "I'm confused..."

Olivia nodded her head and continued. "Inco and I are planning on throwing a party in a couple of weeks, it's going to be friends and family coming over. We are throwing this party to surprise everyone... But I don't want you to find out what the surprise is when that time comes... You need to know now."

Luna nodded, her train of thought was going back on the tracks but she still didn't know where this was going. "Okay... What is so big about this that you need to have a party?"

Olivia smiled, she gently let go of Inco's hand and brought her now free hand to Luna's other hand. She gently placed Luna's hands on Olivia's stomach, Luna was still very confused as to what this meant. Lucy on the other hand gasped in shock and grinned like an idiot.

Olivia stared at the axolotl, Olivia's eyes full of love and affection for the axolotl. "Luna... I'm pregnant." Luna's eyes shot wide, she didn't know how to feel at the moment, a part of her was happy for Olivia but another part of her was sad. She began to whimper as her hands departed from the Baryonyx's belly. "Does that mean... You won't visit me anymore? Since you....you and Inky will be busy with the baby?"

Inco knelt forward and shot his hand out to cup the axolotls' cheek, the axolotl began to whimper and sob while she turned away. Inco kept smiling while he shook his head no, he would never do that to this amazing little girl. "Of course not, this only means our time together will be cut in half due to Olivia's pregnancy. This doesn't mean we won't be with you though, we will still visit and invite you over for a sleep over every two weeks." Luna softly whimpered happily as she nodded her head, she gently nuzzled her cheek against the palm of his hand as she closed her eyes, the tears fell freely now, instead of sadness it was happy tears this time.

Olivia pulled the axolotl into a hug, she gently held the axolotl protectively in her embrace, she wasn't going to have no one hurt her baby as long as she lived. "This also means we are inviting you to the party Luna, we want you to meet our friends and family." The axolotl nodded her head and happily whimpered, she was still crying but was so happy that the family she had connected with in such a short time still loved her. "I want to go... Will there b-be a piñata at the party?"

Olivia giggled but shook her head yes, the axolotl lets out a very adorable 'yippie!' as she hugs Olivia. Olivia then turns to Lucy and axolotl who are smiling at the adorable scene. "You and your family are welcome to join the party as well, we'd love for Luna to be surrounded by familiar faces when we go. I don't want her to be too overwhelmed with how many people there will be."

Lucy smiled and nodded her head, Alex nodded his head as well but looked up at his mother with pleading eyes. "Can we bring Grandpa and Grandma, momma?" Lucy's eyes bulges as she hears the mention of her parents, she rubs her elbow and shyly looks away. "I-I don't know... I don't think Olivia and Inco would-" Inco interrupts as he chips in. "No we'd love more people, it's only two more people added to the list, what can go wrong?"

Lucy winces but nods anyways, she really hopes her dad doesn't go Sargent Crazy on everyone, she really wants Luna to have a good time. She then thought about it a little more, her father and the axolotl loved spending time together with one another, he even took her fishing and taught her how to fish, her father and Luna almost caught one of El Gigante's offspring down at the lake that one time. Maybe this would be a good idea.

The only thing she'd need to do was pray that her father wouldn't bring her uncle along, she loved the old T-Rex but he'd probably bring his buddies along who would come together to steal the show AND the grill.

The five people in the room suddenly switched their attention to the door where Anon came back, Amber was sucking on a pacifier this time as she sat in the adorable harness that was against Anon's chest. "Alright Mouse family I-" He stopped talking and his eyes scanned the new people in the room. "Iiiiii... Who are you people?"

Inco chuckled and stood up, he was at shoulder level with the human so he had to look up. He didn't expect to see another human here so it was surprising to see him, a bit of him was jealous at how good in shape he was; he needs to go back to the gym at some point with Damien. "I'm Inco Nito and this is my beautiful wife Olivia Nito." Olivia blushed at being called beautiful, she smiled and kept hugging the axolotl while they talked.

Anon offered his hand to shake but Inco took a step back, he looked away ashamed and crossed his arms. Anon arched his eyebrow but didn't say anything else until a few seconds later, stating his name while he looked down at the smaller human unsurely. "Anon Mous." Anon retracted his hand and crossed them, his large biceps making the other human growl insecurely. Olivia rolled her eyes and tugged on Inco's shirt, he looked down to his side and knelt down to his wife. "Yes, hon?" Olivia smirked but demanded with a whisper. "If you behave you'll have something to look forward to after this."

Inco rolled his eyes and smiled, he stood back up and walked to the other human. Inco instigated first and offered his hand, Anon reached forth and gripped his hand tightly. Inco winced as Anon shook his hand, he swears he can feel some bones in his hand being crushed and grinded to dust.

Anon pulled away and smirked, Inco looked up at the larger and taller human who walked back to where his petite wife was. "I'm assuming you all met my wife... This is my beautiful, most extraordinarily, talented amazingly wonderful wife." Lucy rolled her eyes and jabbed her elbow into his chest, he let out a pained 'oof' and fell back into the bean bag behind him.

Inco then gets behind Olivia and grins while he presents his wife. "This is my wife Olivia, she's the greatest painter of all time, better than Leonardo da Vinci and Vincent van Gogh combined! She is also a mean cook, she rivals many cooks out there, biased because she simply is the best. Oh and-" Inco's ear was gripped by a green hand and tugged him down to her level, he was hunched over and his ear in severe pain. Olivia looked at her husband with a sweet face that was so sweet it could probably kill someone. "Inco... My love... Please shut up before I throw you out the door."

She let go of Inco's ears, he rubbed his ear as it painfully throbbed. "Yes, dear." Luna giggled at the whole interaction between the two humans, Anon couldn't help but smirk as he chuckled out. "She got you by the neck too?" Inco couldn't help but grin as he nodded his head shakily. "It seems wives are and will be the downfall to all male kind."

Both humans let out a laugh which both earned them a jab to the chest and smack to the side. Inco stood up and smiled at his wife, even though she could probably kill or snap his bones at any given moment if she wanted to... He would still keep coming back for more, that's how much love there was between the two. Lucy and Anon shared a look between one another, both move into hug each other and nuzzle together, happy to be with one another. They wouldn't let this opportunity pass, even though it's been years since they've been away from one another, they didn't want to let each other go.

The two families hugged for what seemed like an eternity, Alex joined in hugging his mom and dad while Luna Inco and Olivia hugged together. Both of them seemed at peace and harmony with each other, both families smiled back at one another while they pulled away but kept the other one close. Alex then smiles up at his father, Anon reaches down and lifts up his son. Alex grins and wraps his arms around his neck and rests on him. Alex then happily spurts out excitedly. "Luna's friends are having a party and they invited us dad!"

Anon grinned as he held his son while looking at the other couple. "Oh really? Better have some burgers, I love me my burgers." Inco gave a thumbs up, he was sure now to bring extra burger patties because he knows for a fact that would be the one to run out first.

Alex then chirped out again as he held onto his father. "Oh! Mom is inviting Grandma and Grandpa as well, dad!"

Anon nodded his head and smiled along, that's when it finally hit him. His eyes widens and his mouth drops as he turns to look at Lucy. His face was a perfect depiction of a scared little girl that wanted her mommy. Just thinking about Lucy's father made him want to hide and cower under a blanket. "W-What...?"




Chapter 21: I Wani Be Your World


Okay... Finally! I think I devised a full proof escape plan that should sure work now. I've been writing this fanfiction AND working a way to get out of this dungeon she's been keeping me in. It won't be long before I escape and finally be free, she's kept me in her for so long that I don't even remember what the sun looks like. All I know is the pudding cups she's given me for breakfast lunch and dinner and the three servings of apple juice she provides as well. Can I at least get a hamburger or something OTHER than pudding cups?


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

March 20th 201M B.C 2028

"Woah do I really get to experience where you work?" Luna sat happily in her car seat, she smiled and enjoyed the windy morning while they drove through the busy city. Olivia was sitting in the passenger seat and Inco was driving, both of them wanted to take Luna to school today so they did just that.

They were heading to St. Hammond since that was a lot closer to them instead of Luna's school. Luna was happy that she was able to experience and be part of their lives more. Olivia taught AP Art, she was really good at her job and won several awards for doing so. Luna was happy nonetheless just to be able to go with them and spend time with them a bit before she had to go to her own school that was a little ways down.

She smiled brightly, her hands holding onto the tight car seat straps that kept her safe from danger. Olivia turned back, everyone can tell that she was tired and drained, Inco wanted to brew her some coffee but he was only able to brew a small batch for her since she was pregnant. She took it gladly but it wasn't enough to fully wake up the Baryonyx woman who despised mornings. She loved her job but she hates getting up so early, she was glad that she had Inco always get up earlier and make her breakfast and coffee while she slept a little longer. She had no clue how he was able to get up so early in the morning everyday, she couldn't do that herself, even her multiple sets of alarms weren't enough to wake up the heavy sleeper that was Olivia.

"Yep, only if you want to come in for a bit, you don't have to because I got to get ready before class starts." She sighed and leaned back against her seat, she had her hand on her belly, so far there was still nothing yet but she was only a month and a half in so far. They entered the large parking lot of St. Hammond High, it seems other teachers were already here and even some early bird students had made it too.

Olivia began to unclip her seatbelt, Inco was already out and opening the trunk for Olivia's wheelchair. After an astonishing thirteen seconds of Inco getting the wheelchair up, Inco pushes the wheelchair to her side which she hops in. She smirks up at Inco and begins to clap her hands while she giggles. "Impressive, I remember back in the day you used to take around a minute to set up and get my wheelchair out."

Inco grinned while he crossed his arms. "New record, better at that to my notes." Olivia snorts at this and shakes her head, Inco begins to help the little axolotl out. Inco gently held onto her hand while they walked together while Olivia wheels herself. "You still keep that silly old book?"

Inco walks with the axolotl, her hand in his while Olivia and Inco banter back and forth. "Of course I do, I still have all my gardening tips, high scores for speed, video game tactics and other stuff." Olivia looks at him, her eyebrow arching while they walk/wheel together. "Tch, those tactics that 'you' came up with never beaten me before."

Inco grins as they make it up the ramp, the double sliding glass door mere few feet away from them. "I will someday find a good tactic to use against you." Olivia giggles and rolls her eyes, she would like to see him try.

The three finally make it inside and are blown away by the fresh cold air of the high school. The axolotl shivers for a moment before she acclimates to the cold air of the school, she sniffs around and can smell that unique clean and proper sanitary aspect that every single school had. "Olivia turned to her husband, her hand finding its way into his as they stopped together so Olivia could tell him. "I'm going to Scaler's office, I have to tell her about my condition before anything else."

Inco nodded gently as she began to wheel away, Inco then gripped onto her wheelchair, which caused her to shoot a bit forward in her chair. She looked at her husband who had a smile on his face, a very smug smile on his face. "Yes? Can I help you with something, stupid?" Inco smiles and turns the wheelchair to face him, the axolotl has no clue what is going on so all she does is stand still and smiles happily.

Inco kneels down on one knee and gently leans forward, he grasps her cheek and closes his eyes and passionately kisses the woman's snout. Her eyes widen but melts into the kiss regardless, they kiss for around fifteen seconds before Inco pulls away, his eyes full of happiness and love for his wife. "I just wanted to do that because I just remembered I didn't give you a kiss when we woke up."

Olivia narrows her eyes and grins, she then smacks his arm and giggles while she wheels herself to the principal's office. "Stupid." She mutters underneath her breath, she is then out of view from the human and young adolescent axolotl. Inco chuckled while he turned his attention down at the axolotl while he crossed his arms. "You still hungry?"

Luna beamed brightly. "Yep!"

"I know a place that has never let me down before when I'm hungry." He gently takes the axolotl's hand and begins to lead her to the cafeteria, the two then arrive at a very beaten up looking vending machine that looks like it needs a replacement right about now. "Ah... The old reliable, she is still here and in use." Inco opens his wallet and snakes his fingers into the wallet to pull out a dollar, he then looks down at the axolotl who has no clue what the old reliable even is. "It's a vending machine Luna, do you want anything from it? They have Chips Ahoy!, Lays Chips, Dinitos, Fritos, Dinakis, gummy wor-"

She then pressed her face against the glass and evilly giggled, even though she couldn't see it she could definitely smell the sweet goodness that was her favorite candy. "Gummies! Gummies! Gummies! Gummies! Gumm-" Inco chuckled and gently leaned down to pick her up, she was reaching out for the vending machine while he held her. "Okay! Okay! You'll get gummy worms, just don't eat it all at once, alright?"

"No promises, now let me have my worms!" Inco rolled his eyes but smiled as he put the dollar in and pressed the numbers and letters. The bag of gummy worms began to move forward and eventually fell to the bottom of the vending machine. Inco knelt down and placed the axolotl down as well and reached in, he felt the area but quickly became confused when he didn't feel anything. "What the-"


Inco looked down at the axolotl, she was quickly devouring the poor gummy worms that she somehow got before he did. He looked back and forth between the door of the vending machine and Luna who was already almost done with the gummies in the bag. "How did you-" She then lifted the bag of gummies above her head and devoured them, Inco watched in horror as he saw the small little axolotl devour the innocent little gummy worms. He was sure now more than ever that she had a black hole for a stomach.

His mouth dropped as she finished the entire bag within seconds, she then threw the bag into the trash can that was next to her and then burped loudly. She put her hands to her mouth, she blushed brightly and squeaked. "O-Oh, 'scuse me." She giggled shyly.

Inco watched her intently, wondering about so much stuff that just happened in a few seconds. 'Does she have a black hole for a stomach? I wonder who could eat more, Olivia or Luna? How did she even know about that trash can that was against the vending machine?'

He gets up and looks down at the little axolotl that innocently watches him, he grins and shakes his head and begins to lead them out of the cafeteria after Luna's much needed snack. They walk together through the hallway back to where they were just earlier. Inco looks at the time and sees the clock, it being almost 7:10 so it's still early but he hopes that Olivia is almost done with her chat with Scaler about her much needed maternity leave when the time comes.

Inco and Luna pass by the main entrance and see more cars pulling up and dropping off students. Inco smiles and sees the trophy case that has many trophies, but the most important in the very center was the school's and student's teacher; Trent Iadakan. He felt his eyes sag a bit when passing by, he stopped suddenly to stare at the painting of Iadakan. He stared for what felt like hours, taking in the detail of the beautifully painted picture that hung mounted on the wall inside the glass trophy case.

Luna looked up at Inco, wondering why they stopped. "What's going on Inco?" Inco was snapped out of his thoughts, turning back down to see little Luna who was confused. He then turned back to the painting and smiled, he then turned back to little Luna and smiled weakly at her. "Would you like to meet someone?"

The axolotl holds onto his hand gently, she is suddenly shy now, she doesn't do well when speaking with new people... She was glad though that she opened up to Inco and Olivia. She looked up at him, she nodded gently to him which made Inco smile and gently guide the axolotl forward. She held on tightly to his hand, very nervous at the sudden thought of interacting with someone else.

They both stopped suddenly, she didn't smell anyone new or anything at all besides paint and some metallic things. She looked up at Inco, her eyes full of worry while she squeaked. "Um... Where are they?" Inco chuckled and then reached down to pick up the little axolotl, he held her to his chest and stared forward at the painting. The axolotl turned her head as well to her front, the smell of paint becoming stronger, smelling almost exactly like one of Olivia's paints.

Inco smiles softly down at the young girl in his arms, he then stares forward, his eyes glistening with water as he lets out a shaky whisper. "I want you to meet our friend." He took a few more steps forward with her still clutching him, she held onto him tightly but couldn't make out anyone around them, she smelled around but didn't smell anything or anyone new.

The axolotl looked at him confusingly, she wondered what he meant until he stuttered shakily. "H-Hey, Iadakan... I'm sorry I haven't visited recently, me and Olivia have been so busy lately." She turned her head to where she thought he was facing, she looked back up at him and then back towards the painting that was In front of her but couldn't see. She then smelled it again, the scent was heavy but she can definitely smell that it was paint... Most likely a painting? "Who are you talking to, Inky?"

Inco gave a shaky laugh due to her co*cking her head to the side cutely. He turned down to the little Lotl with a smile, he looked down at her and smiled while he held the axolotl. "A good friend... It's a painting in front of us, sweetie." He looked down at her and stroked her blonde hair while turning his gaze back to the painting. "This is mine and Olivia's old teacher... His name was Trent Iadakan but we just called him Iadakan. He did so much for us, he made coming here fun and active, at least for me anyway. I was always happy to come and learn new stuff from him... It's why I was always eager to come to school... Besides one other reason." He began to wipe a tear that threatened to spill. Luna kept her arms around his neck while she laid her head on his shoulder and listened to his story.

"Iadakan definitely was the favorite teacher by a lot of the students, he always cared about his students even though he didn't need to..." He trailed off, holding the axolotl girl against his chest while she held onto him. She can feel how sad he is right now, how he wanted to cry... She nuzzled her cheek against his neck to try and comfort him. She opened her eyes and then spoke softly while she hugged him. "You said you and Olivia were his students? You both went here?"

Inco nodded his head, his arms underneath her to support her while they chatted with one another. "Yeah we both went here. Funny enough actually, we didn't start off well with one another actually." His smile turned into a slight frown, his eyes down cast while he continued. "Olivia actually hated me when we first met, it was pretty awkward... It's actually incredible how we got to where we are now." The axolotl giggled as she held onto him, she nuzzled his neck while she hugged him. "Where did you two first meet at?"

Inco chuckled and then went on into a full on laughing fit, she was confused but soon she got her answer to both things. "S-Sorry, sorry... We actually met here, right here actually. That's why I found what you said so funny because I'm actually standing in the same spot right now where I met my wife four years earlier."

She looked surprised, she looked down and then back up at his face, she couldn't see the floor but knew that it was still there of course. "Woah, really?" Inco nodded his head and grinned, he then turned around and turned his gaze down to the axolotl. "Yep, I stood right about... Here with a friend, we heard a commotion going on down the hallway and then I saw her." His eyes closed gently, he could already picture the scene play out when time froze for him when he saw the woman that he would marry years later from that point.

Thinking about it now, things have changed so much for the two of them. Things changed for the better of course, he wouldn't have it any other way because his love burned brighter than ever for the gator woman that had a hold of his heart. "Everything felt so different back then, I can't believe it's actually been four years since that moment."

The axolotl giggled and turned back up to Inco, she giggled at how easy he got distracted or lost in thought at times. "What was she like back then?" Luna chirped while she tried to imagine what the Baryonyx would look like back then, actually she doesn't even know what they look like to begin with.

Inco began to think, his eyes looking up while his brain tried to process. "I remember she used to wear a violet hoodie, I don't actually know where that ever went to." Inco put his finger on his chin and scratched it, he was trying to use ALL of his brain this time. "I remember we did so much stuff together, those were the days... She's my world." Inco sighed dreamily, his arms were around the axolotls frame tightly, not too tight but enough so she wouldn't fall from this height. He then continued, his gears finally turning in his mind after several seconds. "Oh and she had way shorter hair than what she has now, she was a bit prickly in some areas when I tried to get to know her... Oh and she was... She was uh... Um... Erm..."

He trailed off, he felt embarrassed but tried to think of something else instead of saying the obvious. The two jumped at the sudden voice from the side of them while Luna was listening and Inco was explaining. "I was a fat gator."

Inco turned to see Olivia wheeling herself to her husband and axolotl, she smirked up at both of them while Inco shook his head. "You weren't fat, baby." Olivia rolled her eyes, she outreached her arms to Inco, Inco smiled and nodded and gently placed the axolotl in Olivia's arms. Olivia snorted while she leaned back and hugged the axolotl. "Yes I was, I ate way too much back then and always didn't bother cleaning up afterwards, hence, I was a fat gator."

Inco rolled his eyes, he bent down a bit and softly kissed her cheek, she blushed a bit while she looked away a little flustered. "Honey you weren't fat, I'd say you were chubby... there was absolutely nothing wrong with that... You were still beautiful to me." Inco whispered the last part to himself.

The Baryonyx crossed her arms and grinned while she poked her head forward with a smirk. "What was that?" Inco blushed this time, he looked away and trailed off while stuttering. "N-Nothing..."

"Mhm." The gator looked down at the axolotl, he smiled as she giggled down at the very affectionate axolotl. "What did he tell you?" Luna peaked at Olivia, her voice was muffled by Olivia's shirt when she started. "...he told me about how you are his world."

She then buried her face into Olivia's shoulder, the axolotl felt so at home right now with these two love birds... Almost like a family. Olivia blushed brightly, she brushed a strand of hair back and looked up at Inco with a tint across her snoot and under her eyes. "R-Really now?" Inco rubbed his elbow while his embarrassment rose to a new height. Olivia wheeled forward and motioned him to kneel down to her level, Inco then knelt down to her level, very hesitantly due to him being unsure if he was going to be loved or made fun of.

Olivia's eyes softened a moment later, she stroked Luna's back gently as she gazed at her husband. Luna watches as the two love birds stare at each other, it was obvious to everyone that they both were still so in love with each other. "You're my world too, Inky."

She tugged hard on his shirt, bringing him down to kiss his lips while the axolotl was between the two. She giggled evilly, she then put her finger against her mouth and made a 'blah' noise to kill the mood. Olivia looked down at the axolotl, Olivia grinned and taunted. "Why are you doing that for, you won't be doing that when you and Alex grow up!"

The axolotl crossed her arms and shook her head, even though she shook her head roughly there was a red tint that was spreading across and above her nose and on her cheeks. "S-Shut up! H-He's my f-friend, that's so yucky! Friends don't kiss each other!" Olivia grinned up at Inco while he blushed, he hopes she isn't grinning at him for a specific reason that involves him. Olivia giggles as she gives the axolotl an affectionate noogie on top of her head, the axolotl began to swat away while giggling madly. "Suuurrreee, whatever you say."

The three then laughed together while they enjoyed each other's company, both of them happy to be in each other's company. Even though they have fought many times as a couple, they always came together and made up in the end. Inco couldn't stay mad at Olivia and Olivia couldn't stay mad at Inco. They were just in too much love to hold something stupid as hate for one another, they would rather make up then lose each other. Both couldn't live without the other, and frankly, they didn't want to live without the other.

Inco and Olivia both looked at one another, their eyes burning brightly with love as they stared at each other. They didn't have to say it, it's almost like they could hear each other's thoughts. Both smiled even brighter as they mouthed the words to each other as they held the axolotl close to them.

'You're my world.'



Short story short... She took away my pudding cup privileges for talking bad about the pudding cups. Now all I'm left is grass and acorns to eat now that she gives me... Brilliant.

Chapter 22: I Wani Make A Party For The Gators


Is this my life now? Reduced to being chained and stuck inside this jail cell, forced to write about Gator Girl and Human Guy? Don't get me wrong, I don't mind this, but I feel as if I should at least have the free will to maybe go outside.

Judee gave me some pudding cups earlier yesterday. It was good since SHE DIDN'T FEED ME FOR ALMOST A WEEK LAST TIME. I have to calm down. Maybe if I complete the book and do as she says, she'll let me out. All I'm praying for is that I don't have to make a sequel to this. I will legit die if I'm forced to do that for Judee. *Sigh* What have I done to deserve this torment!!!!
Guys help please... She's letting me out of break


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

March 22nd 201M B.C 2028

The room was finally completed, Inco stood in the center of the room and gazed around at the completed painted room that took weeks to complete. Olivia told him that she wanted everything in the room to be perfect, down to the smallest bugs she painted on the bottom and to the tallest flowers that Inco could reach on the ladder.

Olivia wheeled herself in as she took off her gloves and admired the beautiful room, there was paint all over her overalls right and slight smudges on her cheek and head. Inco was a worse sight, the bald headed human had paint on his cheek, chin, head, top of his head, on his clothes and nose. Olivia couldn't help but giggle at how messy he looked at the moment with how much paint he had gotten on himself. "You're going to need a very good shower, honey."

Inco turned around and stared down at the beautiful gator, he took off his glasses and winces when he saw some paint had gotten on his prescription shades. Olivia rolled her eyes and held out her hand, Inco arched an eyebrow but gave her the shades regardless. "You better hope that the smudge on the sunglasses is fresh, if it isn't then you're gonna have a problem."

Inco followed Olivia to the bathroom down the hall, Inco rushed forward and grabbed an elevated stool so she could sit on and wash herself whenever she needed. She purred a thank you to her husband, gently scrubbing the paint off with hand wash and water. Inco let out a sigh of relief when the paint came off quickly, he was thankful he wouldn't have to stick with paint smudged shades for a couple of days before he had to get new ones eventually.

Olivia passes back the shades, he grins and gives her a thumbs up which she rolls her eyes and jabs him in the stomach. "Now don't mess those shades up, those are your last ones so far and you've yet to call in for more."

Inco smiled and gently leaned down, gently pecking Olivia's cheek which earned him a grunt. "Thank you, honey." Inco helped Olivia off the stool and into her chair, he knew she didn't need the help but he still wanted to help his wife anyways. They both made their way back to the finished nursery, Olivia scanned around and let a smile fall into place on her snout.

She leaned back in her chair while she began to stroke her stomach while she admired the room, next to the window was alarge cabinet for all the pampers and wipes that will surely become very important later down the line. On the large black wooden cabinet sat a beautifully sculpted lamp, it almost resembled a vase and flowers. She could see flowers painted on it and the 'water' inside to keep the flowers healthy. The light was shining bright, illuminating the room brightly. Olivia could see roses of different colors that were stitched on the lamp shade.

Turning to her left was the giant crib that Inco and Damien built together, she told Inco they didn't need a giant crib but he wanted to spoil his child, or children, regardless. The crib was a beautifully sculpted dark oak that had many patterns on the beams, Olivia rolled herself to the crib and peered inside. She could already imagine her child, her babies sleeping, crawling, moving, crying, and trying to escape from this crib.

She hoped to Raptor Jesus that her child wasn't an escape artist such as herself when she was younger. She heard stories from her father about how he used to find the baby Baryonyx in the living room biting the TV remote. She let her hand gently glide across the wood, feeling the texture and definitely knowing for a fact that this was probably a very expensive crib.

Inco came up from behind the Baryonyx, she was still deep in thought at the moment as she stared at the small pillows and baby blankets that had been placed already. He placed his hand on his wife's shoulder, she didn't move at all when she felt this, she just kept her eyes glued on the imaginary baby that laid within the crib. "You too, huh?"

Olivia was snapped out of her daydream, the baby disappearing as well that made her heart break. She then turned towards her husband, she looked up at him who was behind her right now. He stared into her beautifully captivating irises, he could see so much life and love within those eyes. "You too? You imagine seeing our little one there, in the crib all bundled up and safe?"

Olivia nodded her head, she kept her hand on the underside of her belly as she rubbed it. She was really wondering when she'd start showing, she is a month and a half in right now. All she wants is nothing more than to feel her child growing inside of her, it'll make her feel at peace to know that they are alive and well. "Everyday when I come in here, I always imagine seeing them there... Oh Inky, I can't wait for when the time comes."

Inco steps to the side so he's right beside his wife, he kneels down and invites the Baryonyx into a hug. She doesn't waste any time and hugs the human back, her eyes closing and her snoot gently brushing against his chest. He strokes her hair softly and delicately, Inco looks up at his wife and leans in to peck her head. She giggled a bit as she blushed from the contact from his lips and onto her forehead.

She nestles against his side, both of them looking at the crib with a smile on their faces. Both of them wanted the future to come as soon as possible, neither of them wanting to be away from each other as they held onto the other. Olivia opened her eyes and gazed up at her husband, she gently raised her hand and delicately brushed her hand on his chin and cheek while she let out a soft giggle.

Inco and Olivia cuddle together for a few minutes, both of them not wanting to move away from this precious moment that they wanted to keep a hold of. She kept her head against his chest, her eyes closed while they nuzzled each other. Inco did a bold move on Olivia, Inco reached forward and then lifted the gator woman out of her chair and settled her down in his lap. Inco had the Baryonyx woman in his lap as they lay together on the floor, both of them staring at the crib that will someday hold a baby that was made by both of them.

Her arms wrapped around his neck tightly, she didn't want to be away from Inco, she just wanted to be in his arms all night and not have any other responsibilities to take care of. She didn't even notice that her tail had bent a bit to make a heart on the edge of her tail, Inco gently placed his hand on her tail and began stroking soothingly.

She kept her eyes closed the entire time, listening to his heart beat as they cuddled together in the room that was going to be filled with cries, annoying cries that would be present there many months from now. Her arms began to loosen from his neck, they began to drop across his chest while she began to doze off in his arms. "Baby? Are you falling asleep?"

Olivia's eyes snapped open, she began growling when she turned to stare up at her husband. "What do you think I was doing you dumb lovable idiot?" Inco grinned, it was clear to all that his embarrassment was an all time high at this moment. He shrugged moments later which made the gator woman snort before falling back onto his chest and resting. "Now... You will do what I say and won't complain, understand?"

Inco arches an eyebrow at this. "Depends on-" Olivia shoots him a stink eye, this immediately makes Inco flinch and shuts him up in the process as well.

"You're going to take me to my royal chambers, tuck me in, make me a glorious dinner, make love to me after and then cuddle me to sleep." Inco was already walking as she explained, Inco's face became a few degrees hotter than it already was but nodded anyways.

She kept her face against his chest as he held her tightly, her tail's tip was still in a cute heart shape while her husband carried her off to her royal bed. "Anything for you, your Majesty." She snorted due to how unenthusiastic he sounded, last time something similar like this happened to him they stayed up till five in the morning. He didn't sleep at all that night while she slept like a queen because she didn't have to go into school afterwards. He on the other hand had a photoshoot, it was clear to his clients that something had happened to the man but they didn't know the details; they didn't want to know the details honestly.

"Oh come on, it's sex with me, you love sex with me!" Inco turned his gaze down at his wife, she began giving him her world famous puppy dog eyes. They hadn't even done anything at all yet, but the thought of the physical connection she was going to give him already made him tired.

"I can't turn you down but I will if you keep me up for another six hours again." He bumps the door open with his hip, the door swings open while the two love birds banter cutely with each other. He placed Olivia on her side of the bed, which she immediately ditched and went on his side of the bed. She grins and wags her finger to the other side of the bed which makes him groan tiredly. She smirks up at him, she tenderly rubs her belly while she puts on the biggest sh*t eating grin that she's ever mustered up before. "Well it's not my fault that you knocked me up, you wanted a baby with this gator so you're going to put up with this gator and her baby."

Inco couldn't help but crack a smile as he stared down at her, he gently knelt down before his wife, the most beautiful and amazing woman that he has in his life. He stares down at her, he could feel his lips tugging and forming into a small smile. "You know I will, now what do you want to eat?"

Olivia puts her hand to her snoot, she thinks for several seconds before shrugging in the end. "I don't know, surprise me. You've impressed me before so you'll just have to do it again then." Inco nods and lifts himself up and off the floor, she grabs hold of his hand before he could leave. He turns back to his wife, she is looking at him with half lidded eyes while she smiles at him with that famous smile she is known for. "Yes?"

Olivia intertwines her hands with his, bringing his hand down which causes him to lean down towards her. It's clear she has something to say so he leans his face to the side and presents his ear to his wife. He didn't expect to feel his wife's sharp teeth gently nip at his ear, his cheeks burned brightly while she nibbled on his earlobe. "I'll be grading the food you give me, if the food is delicious you'll be getting an extra treat that is in the closet over there." Inco becomes increasingly captivated by what she means, she motions her head towards the door and smirks as he walks towards the closed door.

He disappears into the closet, she can hear him going through their stuff that they've yet to hang up or place in the closet due to how much clothes that they have. She hums to herself, she continues to rub her belly while she counts down quietly to herself.




She then heard a very nervous gasp and a 'thonk' from one of the shelves that Inco had accidentally hit with his head. She turned her attention to the door and saw Inco coming up, he was rubbing his head with his right hand but his left hand held a very very very embarrassing lewd outfit that consisted of a thong, bra, a garter belt thingy, a lacy outfit, thigh high socks and other stuff that came with it that he didn't know of. He found the outfit in a medium sized bag underneath a few clothes that Olivia poorly hid. She crossed her arms and smirked, she loved seeing Inco's nervous but excited face. "Cook me something that'll blow me away and I'll wear this for you tonight, Inky."

Inco's eyes darted between the gator woman and the shopping bag that was labeled 'Veloci's Secret' and had a very picturesque red female Velociraptor on the shopping bag. "I... I... Uh... Um..."

Olivia rolled her eyes, she crosses her arms and giggled out. "The stakes are high for you tonight, Inky. So get out there and make me the best dish you'll ever cook up, because if you want to see this on me you'll have to, or else I'll take this back tomorrow and get my money back."

Inco was already out the door and downstairs by the time she finished her sentence, he was already concocting a plan to make her the best dish that will not only win him death by snu snu, but will also earn him the title of world's best chef of the family...

He really hopes those times cooking with Sophia would awaken something within him tonight.


March 23rd 201M B.C 2028

Inco had his hands on his hips while he surveyed the surrounding area, Damien was over right now helping out with party decorations and bringing in boxes that would be needed later on. Liz was here as well with a stroller for little James who was inside cooing at everything around him. He began to stretch out his neck at times, he began teething recently which was a pain for the new parents. James was actually trying to chomp on a butterfly that was desperately trying to get away from the blood thirsty baby dino.

Liz was in charge of setting up the decorations while Damien helped Inco with the large tables that will be needed for all the guests they will have. Olivia had received a text message earlier from Lucy that they were expecting three guests from their side of the family plus her own family as well. She also received information that Ben Lunara and his daughter, which she found out a few days ago which shocked her hearing about it from Inco. Ben had told her that they had three other guests that were coming over, including his daughter Rose. She shrugged in the end, wondering who he was bringing that was so secretive that they wouldn't know until the day of the party.

The Paynes would come as well of course, Randy insisted that he would cook again like he did the last time for their house party that took place one month prior. Sophia was also going to bring some other meats that would satisfy many carnivorous needs that night, she was extra proud how they came out so far, it was almost ready for the party that would start in a few days.

Damien threw some pool floaties into the pool and a beach ball in as well, Damien noticed a huge jug of algae killer that was sat on a table that was next to the pool. He then placed his hands on his hips and hollard to Inco. "Yo, Inco! What is this algae killer for, dude?" Inco turned his attention to the Dilopho-Spinosaurus who had his eyes trained on the large green and white jug.

Inco jogged over and placed his hand on it, he rubbed the sealed jug of liquid and nodded to the pool. "It's for Luna, that pool is full of chlorine that would definitely kill her. We went to the pool company and they suggested this plus another chemical that would be safe for her to use. Downside is that algae would be a pest since the chlorine is what kills the algae, hence is why we have this jug of algae killer." Inco patted the jug of algae killer while Damien nodded in agreement.

"Good thinking, don't want anything to happen to my niece." Damien grinned stupidly and gave the human a thumbs up, Inco smiles as he turns back and looks at the gator girl that had changed his life for the better. He then turned his attention back to Damien and arched his eyebrow. "Niece?"

Damien crossed his arms. "Well yeah? Aren't you and 'Livia adopting her?" Inco leaned against the table that was next to the pool, his eyes admiring his beautiful wife while he spoke. "Me and Olivia had decided long ago, we're planning on spilling the beans on her birthday in May."

Damien grinned and socked him in the arm, Inco reached up to stroke his now sore shoulder, dinos really have the superior strength and it shows. "That is a great way to spill that you want to be her father, Inco! Sure, you might make her cry but it'll be happy tears though!"

Inco couldn't help but nod, Damien was always there for him even when he didn't need to be. No wonder Inco considered him his brother, even though they looked nothing alike nor were even the same species, Inco and Damien's brotherly bond was unmatched by anything else. Damien crossed his arms again, this time his face looks a bit more serious as he opens his mouth to speak. "So I am assuming you're planning on telling the family during the party that Olivia is pregnant, correct?"

Inco turned his gaze to Damien, he nodded his head and shrugged. "That's pretty much the point of the party, there is only one thing that I'm afraid of though..." Inco trails off, suddenly the grass had become a very cool and interesting thing to Inco during the conversation. It was clear that he was nervous, fidgeting and looking away as to almost dodge anything that might be thrown at him verbally.

"And what might that be?"

Inco sighed, he then takes a seat on the table and drops his head on the table. Damien takes a seat on the opposite side of the table and watches as Inco becomes a worried wreck. "It's Nathan."

Damien's mouth opens a bit, he then looks to the side a bit confused and shrugs. "What? Olivia's father? What about him?" Inco's head shoots up and stares at the hybrid dinosaur dumbfoundedly. Inco's mouth is open and it can be easily seen through Inco's shades that he is scared of the Baryonyx. "What? What about him!? Have you seen him, Damien!"

Damien shrugs again, he really doesn't see what Inco means, the guy isn't as bad as Inco makes him up to be. He was pretty laid back and chill at the party, he doesn't fully understand why Inco is scared of him. "Dude, I just don't get why you are acting this way. Sure I got it when you and Olivia were dating but now you're married." He leaned a bit to his left, propping up his elbow while he explains. "I was actually proud of you for getting his blessing to marry his daughter, I know the guy for a long time and I know he can be terrifying."

Inco waves his hands, Damien just contradicted himself which seemed to go over the Dino's head. "Look just know this, Nathan is protective of Olivia, he'd definitely do anything to keep his daughter safe. I mean, I definitely would be the same way if I had a daughter... I'm still protective of my son equal to having a daughter, all I gotta worry about is that my son doesn't grow up to be as stupid as yours truly." Damien jabs his thumb at himself and grins, he places his hands down on the table again. Damien's eyes soften suddenly, he sighs and looks down before looking back up again at Inco. "He may seem scary but so far I think you've made excellent progress with him. Think about it, I remember what you said when you went to meet Olivia's dad for the first time years ago."

Inco's eyes shrink in his eye holes, he remembers vividly about what happened that night. It was a few days before Christmas of 2024, Olivia had told him that her dad was coming home to spend time with her and she wanted him to finally meet him. Needless to say, Inco was absolutely petrified, he was apprehensive, he was timorous, he was shaking in his expensive size twelve shoes that Olivia always clowned him on for having bad taste in fashion even though fashion was his life; he felt pissy after that for awhile.

He had heard stories from the female Baryonyx about her father, going from how he was in the air force and was a very respected pilot. He was happy to know he had a respectable job, he was also kinda excited to meet him when the day came. He finally got over his jitteriness the days before and finally made a plan to stick by... Until it was thrown out completely when he saw the male Baryonyx that was her father.

The male Baryonyx walked up to him and held out his hand for the human to shake; his hand was never the same after that. He remembered first seeing the Baryonyx, he was jacked, it was obvious that the Baryonyx lived at the gym when he wasn't in the skies. He always had two dog tags around his neck that he didn't know who they were for, he assumed it was a dead friend, or something close he guessed.

It was even worse when he had to go all alone to tell Nathan that he wanted to marry his daughter. He was glad that they had found a somewhat common ground to tread on; it was Olivia obviously. The Baryonyx would drop anything in a heart beat to be at his daughter's side, even if it meant at least trying to connect with her human boyfriend, one he didn't know what she saw in, then so be it.

Olivia would always talk about Inco when they chatted together during the so little free time he got, he would always hear about what she and Inco did together. It warmed his heart to finally see his little girl finally come out of her shell, that was at least one thing he would thank Inco for doing; helping and bringing his daughter back into the light.

Inco remembered that night perfectly when Nathan was back in town, he remembered being so scared about telling Nathan that he wanted to marry his daughter. He didn't know how he would take it, he was expecting a good 99.99 percent chance that he would say no. So it definitely confused him when the Baryonyx crossed his arms and gave him a stoney 'yes' to Inco's face.

"I can't stop her Inco, I know how she feels about you. She talks about you every time we chat, it gets annoying but it is clear to me that you bring her joy. Look, every part of me is saying 'say no to him' and this relationship... But the truth is I can't really do that." He closes his eyes and sucked in through his teeth, he then glares down at the shorter human who is stunned. "If I say no then that means I lose my daughter, she's going to marry you anyways and I can't do anything about it! I already lost my wife, I'm not going to lose my daughter."

Inco is brought back to the present, Damien is still going off about something that he wasn't paying attention to funny enough. He eventually tunes back in when he heard Damien say something that stood out. "Nathan is just lonely, his only family is Olivia and us... Sure he tunes in from time to time and talks to dad but he mostly talks to Olivia when he's around. My point is, the guy isn't made of stone, his outer edge is stone but it's a very fragile surface that covers a squishy underneath... Almost like Olivia actually!" Damien laughs, Inco rolls his eyes and laughs along too.

Inco lifts his shades and wipes the tear from his eye, he places it back down and smiles at Damien. "Yeah I guess you're right, things were a lot more tame between me and him during the party a month ago. He was actually excited to come to the party when I asked him to come and see Olivia, the two of them hadn't seen each other in a while since he wasn't able to come home for Christmas last year; that really messed her up badly."

Damien nods and places his arms back on the table. "Yeah... But I can't help but feel bad for you since he's going to flip out when he discovers that you knocked up his only daughter." Inco's mouth dropped at the comment that Damien put out. So much for the encouragement Damien had said earlier, the thoughts were already flooding back; Nathan is most definitely going to kill Inco now.



Guys help please... She's letting me out of break time and she's demanding that I sit down and watch her puppet show.

Please Raptor Jesus save me from this hell.

Chapter 23: I Wani Have A Party With Our Family


Everyone send your thoughts and prayers our to Inco because he might be mauled very soon.

Chapter Text

March 31st 201M B.C 2028 (Late Afternoon)

It was the end of the month, perfect time to send off to the month by spending time with family and friends right? Fresh steak, hamburger patties, hot dogs, sausages and other delectable and very appetizing meats were sizzling on the stove while family and friends chatted with among others. The aroma was almost therapeutic, smelling the tasty and sizzling goodness would surely bring your spirits to an all time high.

Olivia sat against the table while she watched Randy work his magic on the grill, she was entranced by the Dino's way of flipping the patties and expertly doing cool tricks to show off for his wife, who rolled her eyes and smiled regardless.

Inco checked his phone for the time, the Mous and Aaron family should be arriving fairly soon, along with the hyperactive little axolotl that Lucy said she'd bring along of course. Inco wished that he was able to have Luna here from the start but Lucy said to them that her friend had made a dress for the adorable axolotl. The mystery friend wanted it to be a surprise for them since she worked very hard on it.

Lucy also said they'd be bringing her parents and brother, he didn't mind that she brought extra guests since she said that they were to be emotional support for Luna. Inco was worried about the adorable axolotl, she was very rambunctious but it was obvious to everyone that she was an introvert when around a huge crowd of people.

He gazed around the backyard of the beautiful home that he and Olivia lived in, he made sure that the yard was squeaky clean and everything was ready to go for the night that was beginning to fall on them. He hopes to the gods that everything will turn out fine tonight, this was a big deal for him and Olivia, he wanted this night to go smoothly since their lives will be changing drastically.

His phone then vibrated in his hand, he turned his gaze down and saw the message he had gotten from Ben. Ben will be taking a bit longer than expected, he and Lunara needed to get something apparently that was a surprise for all. He also explained that he and his daughter will be arriving together while her mother will be arriving later. He arched his eyebrow at this, he was really interested to see who was the mother of the little girl. He never talked about it afterwards, only going into detail about little Rose and her alone.

Rose's mother was still a mystery to him, it surely can't be that bad right? It's not like he was romantically involved with a demon or anything, after all said mystery woman did birth a sweet little angel as Ben says. He puts his phone away and looks around the back, he can see Vinny doing 'cannon balls' into the water while spinning rapidly. He can see Damien encouraging him to go faster and faster when spinning into the water, he seriously hopes that Vinny doesn't accidentally hurt himself.

He turns to the other side and sees Liz walking towards Olivia, Olivia seems to be in a trance almost until she is awakened by Liz. He can't hear what they are saying but relaxes when he sees Olivia laughing, Liz chuckles as well and goes back to chatting with the Baryonyx.

He turns his attention to a chat group between him and a certain Baryonyx that he was still deathly terrified of. Him and Nathan didn't really talk much in their shared chat, he did respond when stuff was needed and very important things went on. He was glad that he was still around and staying in a motel for a couple more weeks before he had to head back out; thank god for the stars aligning on him.

He had told Nathan if he could join them at their party since it was very important and did majorally involve Nathan. Nathan agreed, Nathan was glad that this would at least be a good send off before he had to go back in the air again. He was going to make sure that this night goes well between him and Olivia, Nathan wanted Olivia to know that he's proud of her for what she has become.

Speaking of the Baryonyx, Inco puts his phone down and sees the tall and muscular Baryonyx man coming through the sliding glass doors to the back yard. He wore a simple faded black T-shirt that had a crown on it and in cursive printed 'Queen' on it. The Baryonyx wore camo cargo pants with the two dog tags that would never be seen gone from his neck. He was also holding six packs in both hands, his eyes were covered by cheap plastic shades that put Inco's to shame.

Nathan grinned when he saw his daughter wheeling herself towards him, he gently sat down the beers on the grass and opened his arms. "Hey, kid... Your hubby said to be here since this was 'important.' This better be because I'm missing a game tonight." He grinned while putting his hands on his hips, Olivia rolled her eyes and jabbed her thumb towards Randy and his grill. "Trust me dad, this is very important to me and Inco. We still have more guests arriving very soon so you'll have to wait since the party hasn't officially started. You can put those beers up on the table next to Randy since I know you and him are drinking buddies."

Nathan grinned and nodded before picking up the bottles. "Right you are, hope you don't mind me popping one right now as a before party warmup." Olivia crosses her arms and nods but warns as well. "Alright, but please just one okay? Last time we had a party you got so intoxicated that we had to drag you in and let you sleep the night."

Nathan chuckles nervously as he scratches his neck, he holds his hand up and waves it nervously. "Sorry about that kiddo, I didn't even expect myself to go that overboard." He then scans around the backyard and notices that a familiar face who is not yet present just yet. "Hey, where is Mason at?"

Olivia co*cked her head to the side and arched her eyebrow curiously, Nathan looked down at his daughter who was staring at him as if he had grown a second head. "What?"

Olivia opened her arms to shrug and wave out. "What do you mean 'what?' Who the hell is Mason?" Nathan glossed over his daughter and saw that she was being genuine. His mouth hung open while he put his tightly held onto the bottles as they began to walk to the table. "What do you mean 'who is Mason?'"

Olivia was now completely confused, now her father was making up some random guy and it was worrying her. "We don't have know anyone named Mason!"

"Why are you talking about my uncle?"

Olivia turned her attention to the long necked brachiosaurus who was coming to them. She was pushing a stroller that had a giggling James in it who was currently trying to sneak out of it. Liz had to pat him down so he wouldn't climb and fall out of it, she had to use her long neck and coo him so he'd listen and go back to resting.

Olivia was even more confused, it then suddenly hit her as if she was a deer about to be hit by a truck. She felt like the biggest idiot of the century and it showed since her realization was visible. "Are you telling me that for the almost last ten years of knowing you... I didn't know Mr. Ferris's real name was Mason?"

Nathan began to laugh hearty, his laughter boomed as he held his gut and gently wiped a stray tear that threatened to spill due to how funny this situation was. "You're really telling me that you didn't know his actual name?" Olivia shrugged and looked between the two, she felt so stupid now since he would always come over for a family get together and would always address him by 'Mr. Ferris' instead of his first name.

"Well it's not like anyone actually asked." Olivia looked behind her and Nathan to see the leviathan whale coming into the backyard, he had a sky blue Hawaiian shirt and beige khakis. To everyone in the backyard, this was a ground breaking discovery to see Mr. Ferris in something so... Casual?

Nathan took a step back and examined his friend, he then took a step forward and grinned as he stood beside the whale and snickered. "Mason... What the hell are you wearing?" Mason did a full 360 so everyone could get a good view of his getup, the whale eventually came to a stop and gruffed out. "I'm just going by what the youth wear now these days, isn't this what Inco would usually wear?"

Inco heard his name and eventually made himself part of the group, he stood beside his wife and placed his hand on her shoulder while staring at the whale. "Looking good, Ferris!" The whale smiled brightly and nodded his head, all the while the others around only shook their head in disappointment.

"Why the hell would you take advice from this brain dead idiot that knows nothing about fashion in the slightest?" Olivia barbs out while she jabbed her thumb up towards Inco, Inco then looks hurt and places his hand on his chest and lets out a 'humph' before telling. "I'll have you know that my sense of fashion is at an all time high."

Olivia snorts and rolls her eyes. "If that's your best clothes I'm scared to see what you think is casual." Inco blushes brightly out of embarrassment, Inco droops his shoulders down and scurries over the titanic whale. "You look awesome Ferris, don't let the fashion critics tell you otherwise."

Mr. Ferris, or Mason, huffs and nods his head gently while patting Inco's back. Olivia then crossed her arms and then shot a question towards Mason. "So Mason, I thought you'd be here a lot earlier? You're usually so punctual and early, what gives?"
The whale puts his hands into his pockets and sighs. "I had to stay behind and help with some stuff, the school board needed help from me so I had to stay behind. I would have been here a lot earlier but that took my time up."

Olivia nodded her head, seemed legitimate, no reason to lie. The group then began to walk towards where the action was happening, the grill was cooking, Damien and Vinny acting like idiots, a noticeable Disney castle piñata hung from a tree that was ready to be destroyed. The party was almost ready to begin, all that was needed was the other guests and the adorable axolotl that would help Inco and Olivia with the night.

Inco pushed Olivia to the area where the most action was at, the others followed suit right behind them. It was then Inco stopped, Olivia turned her back wondering why her husband had stopped. He then turned behind him and furrowed his eyebrows, he pointed at the behemoth whale and questioned. "Wait... Your name is Mason?"

The others groaned at having to go over this again, Mason on the other hand though, the whale rolled his eyes and began to walk off while Inco put his hands on his head and began shouting to himself. "How the hell did I not know this!?"


It wasn't long before the first of many guests began to arrive, Lucy and Anon could be seen coming through the sliding glass back door with Anon holding Amber and Lucy holding onto Alex. Alex was also holding onto Luna's hand to guide her forward, it's not like she really needed the guidance though since she practically knew the house layout by heart right now.

Luna smelt the aromas of many different types of food and delectable dishes in the air, she even smelled some fish being prepared for the axolotl that did indeed enjoy eating some seafood. Olivia had let go of Alex's hand, she smiled and thanked him politely which he nodded and blushed. Luna ran towards the back where she giddly called out while tracking the scent that her friend had. "Olivia, Olivia, Olivia!"

The Baryonyx was sitting with her father, husband, Liz and Ferris, they were all chatting about grown up stuff that the axolotl didn't care for. All she really cared about was seeing her friend and showing off the dress Lucy's 'friend' made.

Olivia turned her attention to the adorably small axolotl who sprinted to her, her eyes made contact with the axolotl which caused her to let out a shocked gasp. The axolotl was wearing an adorable peach colored flowy sun dress, she had a strap around her midsection that had a large bow attached to it. On the sides of the dress where her straps went around, there were two strap pieces going down her side that were flowing behind her as she sprinted towards the Baryonyx.

Olivia grinned and opened her arms to envelop the eager axolotl into her arms, Luna launched herself forward and was caught in the arms by Olivia. Olivia grinned eagerly and hugged the adorable axolotl, Olivia moved herself back a bit in her chair to get a good look at the adorable axolotl that made her heart bubble up. "You look so beautiful!"

Inco put a hand on Olivia's shoulder and grinned as well. "You're an angel."

The axolotl giggled while scooting closer against Olivia in her lap, Inco smiled as he leaned forward and ruffled the blonde hair that the axolotl had tied in pigtails. "T-Thank you! Auntie Lucy and her friend helped make this for me, for this night!"

Lucy came up from behind the axolotl while Anon held onto Amber, Alex was still holding onto his mother's hand while he stared at the axolotl with fondness twinkling in his eyes. Olivia's eyes widened at the sight of the baby pterodactyl, her eyes became starry as she wheeled herself towards the family. "Oh my goodness... Is that little Amber I've heard so much about?"

Anon and Lucy chuckled but in the end both nodded, Inco then stood up and went to his wife's side while also staring at the adorable little baby that was bundled up cutely in her father's arms. Lucy pushed her side against Anon's larger frame, he wrapped his arm around his wife as they both admired their precious little girl. "Yep, this is our little demon that keeps us up all night."

Alex tiredly puts his hand on his head and shakes it gently. "I've gone many times without sleep because of her, she cries so loud... It doesn't make it any better that she is across the room from me." Amber coos while trying to grab onto her mother's snoot who is looking down at her as Alex shudders at his story.

Olivia wheels a bit further with Inco by her side, Anon looks at his wife and strokes her arm with his free one. They both look at Olivia who is still holding the axolotl in her lap, Olivia and Inco smile brightly at the sweet sight of the family. Inco watches from behind her wheelchair, he rubs his wife's shoulder as well. "You know, I would have never thought that Amber was a human-ptero hybrid... She looks a hundred percent Pterosaur."

Lucy giggled as let her hands go through Amber's gentle silver hair as she gushed at the adorable little baby in her husband's arms. "We were so confused by that as well when she was born, we thought she'd be a very noticeable mix of us. We were wrong, of course in the end." Lucy kept her hands in a rhythmic motion when stroking the baby's hair, Amber's eyes began to droop slowly since the motion of the petting was comforting. "It's not at all like that in real life like in sci-fi films and stuff, she looks like me, like I do with my mom instead of my dad."

Inco and Olivia nodded, it seemed to make sense, at least this would semi help them prepare for when Olivia gives birth, which everyone still doesn't know of just yet. Luna turned her face to gaze up at the Baryonyx who was still looking at the baby pterodactyl in her father's arms, Luna could tell that there were so many thoughts racing inside her mind. She could sense it, almost felt like a bottle of co*ke being kept close even when it was at the point of erupting.

Luna tried to change the mood for a bit, she gently grasped the Baryonyx's hands and smiled wholesomely. "Livy? Did you get that piñata that you and Inco promised?" Olivia was brought out of her trance like state, she shook her head to rid her of these thoughts so she could focus on the most important thing that was sitting in her lap. "Of course we did, Inco and I already have it strung up and ready to be destroyed. We even got that princess one you wanted." The axolotl squealed as she hugged the Baryonyx tightly, the green scaled woman hugged back tightly since she didn't want the little axolotl to leave.

Anon scanned around and saw a table with another Baryonyx, Brachiosaurus with a baby stroller she was tending to, a giant whale and to what he thinks is a cross between a Dilophosaurus and Spinosaurus coming in to sit by the Brachiosaurus. What catches his eye is the mountain of beer that was supplied, he stares at the mountain of beer like it was a gold bar that would be pawned in for millions of dollars. He turned his gaze down to his wife, she was already rolling her eyes but warned him. "Please don't go overboard Anon, you have kids here this time okay?"

Anon unloads the little feathery baby into his wife's arms who takes her from him, Anon shrugs while putting a gentle hand on his wife's shoulders. "Whaaaat? When was the last time I even got remotely wasted?" Lucy arched an eyebrow while snickering. "Fourth Of July."

Anon crossed his arms and gave her a stoney look. "That's a fair day to get wasted, we are celebrating the day of America's independence!" Anon then looks into the reader's soul and says like a proud American. "They wouldn't do anything to harm us, only raising taxes, billing medical needs, allowing police brutality, gun violence, and profiting off of the poor and unfortunate." Lucy looks at Inco and Olivia who share the same confused look since Anon was talking to the tree that was next to him.

Anon shakes his head and goes back to smiling as he places his hand back on his wife's shoulder. "Anyways, that was a one time thing, on a holiday that was made for family get togethers and drunk nights, no less." Lucy had no clue what the other part before was about but continued. "Christmas party with my family."

Anon's mouth that was a bit open clenched a second later, he placed his hands on his hips and looked at the grassy floor nervously. "It's Christmas, everyone was drunk so I had to upstage everyone, including your dad."

"Alex's fifth birthday." Anon closed his mouth as he felt a flinch overtake him, the floor was really starting to look good right now. "You literally destroyed my birthday cake dad." Now he really felt embarrassed, his own pride and joy was throwing hay at him now.

"It was your birthday, son! There were free beers by the concession stand and I had to, Uncle Moe was already offering me some... How can I say no to Uncle Moe of all people?" Alex rolled his eyes but nodded anyways, Uncle Moe was definitely a dino that wouldn't take no for an answer, he remembers getting a birthday pizza that was big enough to feed four families for a couple days. He smiles fondly at that, he really wishes Moe was here right about now.

Lucy rolls her eyes and snarks. "St. Patrick's day with your old buddies."

Anon growls and retaliates back. "It's St. Patrick's day! The day of beer drinking and leprechauns, it wasn't my fault my army buddies were Irish!"

"Last New Years party."

Anon winced again. "Okay when hasn't a person-"

"Valentine's Day."

Anon rubs his elbow nervously. "Okay maybe I-"

"Luna's fourth birthday party at Chuck E Cheese's."

Anon shrinks. "Yeah that was my ba-"

"Amber turning literally one years old."

Anon sighs. "Okay I get I-"

"Fishing trip with Moe, Naser and my dad."

Anon puts his hand to his face, he pinches his nose and sighs. "I get it."

"Down by the beach for our anniversary."

He puts his hands to his face and groans. Lucy sighs, she walks closer to her husband and nestles into his side gently. She was thankful he wasn't an angry drunk, he was more of a goofy dumbass drunk that wasn't scared of anything. He put her head on his shoulder and smiled up at him. "Okay... You are allowed one bottle of beer, anymore than that and you'll be sleeping on the couch because I don't feel like putting Amber and Alex into bed alone."

Anon lit up like a puppy meeting his owner for the first time, he gently hugged his wife and pecked her cheek. She rolled her eyes and watched as the happy man rushed to with Alex in to, he then arrived at table and began asking for a beer. She watches as her man begins chatting with the other Baryonyx, she looks down to her side and sees Olivia grinning smugly at her. "What?"

Olivia giggles while turning up to her husband. "It seems you have him also on a leash like I do with this dumb dumb here." Inco blushes and turns away, his face almost looking like a bad sun burn due to how flushed with embarrassment he looks.

Lucy giggles and rolls her eyes, she then walks a bit forward and sighs. "Do you have any nice ice tea here? I'm parched."

Luna eyes then sparkle, her eyes become galaxies that twinkle and sparkle. "Can I have sweet tea!?"

Inco chuckled at the axolotl's cheerfulness and chips out, he then gives the pterodactyl mother and axolotl a nod. "Yeah we should have batches around here somewhere, I know Sophia did bring some... I'm pretty sure it should be near the food table." The pterodactyl nods and makes her way to the table with the others in tow, Olivia, Inco and the axolotl followed suit as the axolotl bounced around excitedly, she can already taste the tea from over here. Lucy turns her head and sees her husband and son have arrived at the active table, she can see the human boy greeting the others while Anon and the other Baryonyx chat while drinking.

She can see the Baryonyx is going all out with drinking while Anon is taking gentle sips, she can also see the dogtags around the Baryonyx's neck, she figures he and Anon were chatting up about the military days or something.

She turns her attention to the table that has the tasty sweets, desserts and drinks at. She pours herself some nice iced tea and heads back to her husband, she is shocked to see that Anon is now arm wrestling the jacked Baryonyx. Anon is sweating while the Baryonyx is gritting his teeth, she then sees that Inco and Olivia are there as well cheering on. She sees Inco and Olivia cheering for the Baryonyx while Luna and Alex are cheering on Anon.

She rolls her eyes and downs a cup of tea while she giggles. "Doofus."


The party was in full swing now even though two more families hadn't shown up yet, Inco was getting messages from Ben that they'd be running late due to an emergency that involves little Rose, she accidentally spilled apple juice on her dress so she had to get a change. He chuckled at this, he was really excited to meet his friend's daughter, he still couldn't believe that Ben had a child before him.

Inco had put his phone back and saw the axolotl had gotten into her swimwear along with Alex, the two rambunctious best friends had gotten into arm floaties and running to the shallow area of the large pool. Olivia crossed her arms and thought of a devious plan, she excused herself from her husband and father to go back inside for a moment.

Alex and Luna swam together, playing tag in the water while they swam around the shallow area. The axolotl used her tail to propel her forward and dodge his incoming hand when he would swipe out to tag her. He was always missing, he really had no clue how she could sense him when he tried to tag her in the water.

Luna danced around in the water like a ballerina, the water ripples collide with her skin letting her know when to dodge, move, swipe away and duck when the time was right. She grinned eagerly when she resurfaced and heard him panting. "Give me a minute, how in the world are you so fast to dodge me when you can't even see me!?"

Luna giggled and swam over, her head peaking above the water as she smiled up at him. Her gills flickered everytime she swayed in the water, it was clear she was enjoying this moment in her with him. "The water is my home, you moving in it is enough for me to know to move out of the way."

Alex grinned mischievously and lunged forward in the water, he then tagged the axolotl on her shoulder who stared wide eyed. Alex raised his hands out of the water and cheered in victory. "Finally! Tag you're it!" Alex began to swim away from her, she was shocked that she was tricked but brushed it off quickly. An eager grin formed on her face while she watched the slow swimmer tries to swim away; he definitely wasn't going to out swim an aquatic animal such as herself. "Why you-! Ah... Argh!"

It only took thirty seconds for her to actually tag him, it didn't take any time to catch up but only reason she took a bit to tag him was because he was good at dodging her tagging. It didn't last long of course, the human sighed and nodded his head and counted again to give the axolotl a heads up, he didn't know exactly why he agreed to this since she wasn't exactly at a disadvantage when playing the game in her own territory.

The axolotl swam around underneath the water surface, she used her tail to make sharp turns and her gills and nose to feel the water around her. She used her senses to turn a hard right so she wouldn't hit the wall, her gills fluttered underneath the water as she was filled with the sweet embrace of oxygen from the water. She closes her eyes and lets her instincts take over, she felt at home in the water, she loved it to death. She can feel the poor human's desperate attempts to catch her but failing miserably.

She was then confused, she felt a huge vibration in the water on the other side of the pool. She can sense that Alex wasn't moving but he was still breaking the surface so he was fine. She had to quickly move to the side when a large force barely pushed passed her. The larger being was fast, much faster than she thinks, she ran only on one instinct and that was to run. She propelled her smaller tail and swam fast across the other side of the pool, going into the deeper end and down into the pool where she felt she could finally use her tail to the fullest.

The other being though, they were much larger than her but incredibly fast. The axolotl propelled her tail and began swimming around in circles, she was wondering who in the world this was and how they were so fast. She couldn't get a good scent on them since the water was too heavily conditioned so the old chlorine wouldn't burn her gills off.

The larger being was on top of her now, she swished from side to side and took sharp turns to throw the larger body off; it didn't work. This person was way faster and knew how to swim, the person was faster than her, fast enough that they opened their arms and caught her. Her eyes widened when she was caught, they both broke the surface as she was raised in the air held by two strong hands as a trophy for the other person. "I'M THE QUEEN OF THE WATER!!!!"

The axolotl was surprised and felt embarrassed at being lifted like this, she was glad she couldn't see at the moment since she could definitely feel the stares on her. She felt her cheeks reddened up when she was lowered, she can hear walking and smelled the scent of Inco. He heard his shows squeak when he stopped and knelt down to the person holding her. "Honey, put the poor thing down, she looks like she is so confused as to what is happening right now."

It now just registered within her mind as to who was holding her. "'Livia?"

Olivia gently brought her hands down to her chest and held her protectively, Olivia smiled down at the very confused axolotl who then cooed at the adorable little Lotl. "I'm sorry sweetie, I just saw you and I had to get a part of it. Alex over there told me that you were playing tag and he said he couldn't catch up with you, so I offered and got you for him!" Olivia grinned while she nuzzles the axolotl, the axolotl was shocked that she was faster than herself but blushed in the end at the affection she was getting from her. "Oh, Alex says 'you're it' by the way."

Alex shrugs nervously, he smiles warmly and timidly plays with his hands.

She then looked up at the Baryonyx, her eyes glowing while she let a smile cross her face. "You never told me you liked the water." Olivia was now drifting in the water while lying on her back, the axolotl lied on her while Inco watched from the dried spot with a smile on his face. "It just never came up I guess, I remember always loving taking a bath when I was younger. I remember when I moved with the Paynes, they bought me a large pool I could swim in, I loved that pool so much... Now I have a bigger and better one thanks to the love of my life." She turned her gaze to Inco who was still watching, she was talking quietly to the axolotl so he wouldn't be able to hear her. He did see her gaze at him so he gave her a small wave and a smile, she blew him a kiss while they drifted together as they got closer to where Alex was.

"You have got to show me about how to go faster, pretty please!" The Baryonyx giggled and nodded her head, she gently let her hand glide down the axolotl's wet hair as they drifted together quietly. "Sure kid, I would love to teach you how to be cool as me."

They eventually made it to Alex, Olivia offered a piggy back ride for Alex to make it fair to him since he didn't have a powerful tail to propel him fast through the water. He didn't hesitate saying yes, they spent the next ten minutes chasing each other above the water surface, each time Alex and Olivia would go beneath she would holler to him to take a breath. It was exhilarating, the three of them shared laughs and giggles while the other tried to keep up to tag the other.

It was then they needed a break, they broke the surface and smelled the delicious smell of Randy's hotdogs cooking. The three turned to see Randy cooking and giving out his delicious hotdogs to the guests, he could see his father taking a hotdog while drinking with a very drunk Baryonyx. He wasn't drunk but he was a bit tipsy though, he drank a good chunk of the first bottle, he was going to go for another but his hand was slapped away by his small and scary wife.

Inco helped the three out of the water, he offered towels to the three which they took gratefully. Olivia gave Inco a peck on the cheek and sat herself down in her toweled wheelchair, she didn't want to get it dirty or wet so Inco put dry towels over it for her to sit on. They made their way to the table and saw the people eating, Liz was eating a salad that Sophia had made, Damien was chopping on burgers and hotdogs that tasted heavenly, Anon was telling stories to the drunken and cheerful Nathan while Lucy picked at her salad she wanted, Mr. Ferris was digging into a assortment of shrimp, sushi, and cut up cephalopods. The others almost vomited at the sight of him eating, both keeping their eyes away to their own food so they wouldn't see the large whale eating.

The Baryonyx took a seat at the end of the table and then saw the door to the backyard open. Lucy turned her head to the noise, she immediately sat up and waved her hand at the three people arriving a bit late but still welcomed regardless. The small pterodactyl got out of her chair next to Anon and sprinted to the three people that were as important as Anon and her family. The others turned and saw the commotion, they were met with an even smaller but older female pterodactyl, she looked just like Lucy but the wrinkles and the white feathers were noticeable on her facial features.

To the right of her was a male black and orange pterodactyl that looked extremely familiar, she saw he wore a blue shirt with palm trees etched all over it. He wore brown pants that seemed to not match his outfit but didn't judge since she was married to a man with no fashion to begin with. He had a crippled wing, that made her eyes widen in realization.

Behind both of them stood a force to be reckoned with, he had his hand on his wife's frail shoulder but had an ever resting displeased facade on. He was a lot like his son with the same body colors, his head crest was orange with a sizable chunk of it missing, he had many wrinkles on his mug and some scars down his bulging biceps and arms. A sneer was always present on his displeased face, it seemed that he was forced to be here against his will. He was taller than everyone around besides the Brachiosaurus of course. His muscles and aura of power dominated everyone in the room, Inco, Anon, Nathan and Mr. Ferris was way shorter than this beefy tall Ptero that was walking in with his small and petite wife by his side.

"Oh my Lucy, I've missed you so much!" The shorter Ptero, who looked exactly like her daughter, pulled the younger Pterodactyl in for a huge bone crushing hug. Lucy's eyes widened as her eyes bulged in pain, she gritted her teeth at the crushing hug. "M-Mom... You saw me... J-Just last... Week... To babysit... A-Amber and... A-Alex!"

The tiny Ptero hugged her daughter so tightly that people began to worry if she'd make it out alive afterwards. The pterodactyl grandmother giggled and had let go of her daughter, she had gently gripped her daughter's hands while staring up at her. "Oh I know sweetie, I just missed you that is all. It's been so lonely at home these last couple years, I still miss when you used to keep us all night with you guitar and yell at us when we didn't call you Fang and what not."

Lucy blushed madly, she inches closer to her mother and shudders. "Mooooom... Please don't bring that up, okay? I'm trying to put that behind me, goodness... I can't believe I was like that back then." She closed her eyes and pleaded with her mom, the older Ptero woman nodded her head and squeaked. "Your secret is safe with us, now, introduce us to your new friends! We haven't been out so long so it's nice to see who you've made friends with, oh my dear... Where is little Lunie by any chance?"

The behemoth softened a significant amount at the mention of the little axolotl, he turned to look around the backyard and saw the axolotl instantly who was sitting with a Baryonyx woman and a short lanky human man. He didn't pay any attention to them, he smiled at the sight of the adorable axolotl. He then turned his view to his daughter and his wife, he placed his large hands on his hips and gruffed out. "Why did you even invite us? We don't know anything about these people."

The younger ptero was going to answer but her mother beat her to it, she put her hands on her hips and commanded to the larger ptero who seemed to cower under his wife's wrath. "Be grateful that we are here to begin with, this is free food and a chance to make friends, Rippy! Plus, remember we are here to provide comfort for little Luna, who seems to be doing just fine over there... Aaaaawwwwwwwwee."

She gushed at the adorable axolotl who was being led by Inco and Olivia to the three newcomers. The axolotl let go of Inco's hand and rushed towards the large and terrifying looking black and orange Pterodactyl. She had her arms open wide and squealing. "'Ippy! 'Ippy! 'Ippy!"

The large pterodactyl squatted down to embrace the tiny axolotl, he chuckled when she fell into his embrace. He picked her up easily and smiled at the adorable little creature who could befriend even the most terrifying looking of people; then again, this terrifying looking ptero had a heart of gold that was sweetened by his wife. "Little Luna! Oh you, I haven't seen you since Christmas, my goodness, look how big you've grown since that time!"

The little axolotl grinned happily at the titanic pterodactyl, she hugged his neck, the best she could since his neck was absolutely huge, and laid her head on his shoulder. "I'm a big girl now, 'Ippy! I'm sitting at the grown-up table now, they let me sit there because I'm a big girl now!"

'Ippy, Rippy, or known as Ripley, grinned down at the adorable little axolotl he carried. He carried her to said table where the adults chatted and ate, he always loved how the little axolotl never could say his name right when she was younger, she would always pronounce his name as 'Ippy' after hearing his wife saying 'Rippy.' Even till this day, even after the axolotl being able to sound out the word and easily being able to pounce it, she would always refer to him as 'Ippy.'

Olivia wheeled to the two pteros where left while the patriarch of the family headed off with the axolotl. Olivia wheeled herself towards the familiar orange and black pterodactyl, Inco followed behind as he held onto her handlebars. She looked up at the ptero and questioned. "Dr. Aarons?"

The doctor in question looked down at Olivia and was shocked to see her here of all places. "Mrs. Nit- I mean... Olivia?"

Inco furrowed his brows, he crosses his arms as his eyes darted between the two jealously. "How do you two know each other?" Olivia gazed back at her husband, she can see his jealousy obviously burning, she rolled her eyes and pointed at the ptero. "He's the doctor I meant to... For... You know."

Inco was confused for a second, his eyes widened in understanding and eventual embarrassment for thinking the worse. She rolled her eyes and took his hand as Dr. Aarons smiled politely. "So you must be Mr. Inco Nito, my name is Dr. Aarons but I'm out of the hospital so it'll just be Naser Aarons for tonight." Naser reached out his hand for Inco to shake, he didn't hesitate and smiled back at the ptero. "Thank you for everything, please... We're trying to keep this little surprise under wraps since this whole party is what it's for, Dr. Aaro- I mean, Naser."

Naser smiles and nods his head in understanding, it made so much more sense now as to why this would be happening. It struck him as extremely coincidental that Olivia had met him at his hospital before even knowing that he and his family knew of the adorable axolotl. Even more of a huge coincidence that he comes from the same family that he and Lucy come from as well.

He puts his hands in his pocket and thinks to himself while he sighs. 'Small world.'

Inco and Olivia look between one another with smiles both plastered on their faces, Lucy and her mother come from behind as well, the tiny ptero woman giddly bounces up and down and grabs her son's arm and begins pulling him. "Come on Naser, they have salads, oooooooooh! I want to show them my salad making skills, I hope they'd let me make a fresh batch!" Naser rolls his eyes and smiles down at his mom, Naser then gives Inco and Olivia a lazy salute before being taken away to hell.

Inco looks down at Olivia and grins at her. "Wow... Voldcaldera Bluffs is surely a small world after all." Olivia groans and wheels herself to the families that are chatting and laughing together. "God don't make that reference around me." She wheels herself away and towards the happy families, he places his hands on his hips and questions out loud to no one in particular. "What is wrong with Small World?"


If any of you are wondering why I changed Mr. Ferriss' name to Mason instead of Mike/Michael... Uh... Yeah that's just me completely forgetting that was his real name since it literally only came up a few times and I forgot ever since. His name will be that for the rest of the book, it's kinda close to it anyways so I hope I don't get crucified by the Wani cult. Please forgive me Mr. Ferris for getting your name wrong it's not my fault I'm stupid in the head!!! 😭

Chapter 24: I Wani Be With Family


Guys, help, please! Judee is turning me into a living sock puppet now and I can't stop it! Someone send help or anything! I can't be used to spend eternity in just being a sock puppet! Help! HELP!!!


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

March 31st 201M B.C 2028 (Late Afternoon)

Damien and Vinny watched in horror as little Luna and Olivia tried to out eat one another, Inco watched as he held his forked torn up steak against his mouth in awe at how fast the two ate. The pregnant gator was practically shoving everything in her mouth while the little axolotl threw everything into her black hole stomach. The others at the table were too in awe at this, the Aarons and Mouses knew of the little axolotl's tremendous appetite but seeing the gator put up a fight against the axolotl was a sight to behold.

They both practically finished at the exact same time, throwing their bowls in the middle and both shouting in unison. "Done!" Inco's fork dropped on his plate, Damien shook his head in disbelief all the while the others were completely in shock at what happened. Inco put a hand to his head and shook his head, he then looked at the axolotl and Baryonyx while groaning. "This wasn't ever a competition, guys."

The Baryonyx narrowed her eyes and growled at the human. "It ain't but I'm not losing to a fish!" The axolotl 'hmphed' and crossed her arms, she climbed on Olivia's back and grinned teasingly. "Well, this fish is gonna beat your dumb lizard butt!"

"Why you-" The Baryonyx couldn't help but grin when she pulled the axolotl off her back and put her in her lap, she then gave the axolotl an affectionate noogie while the little girl tried to swat at her. The two were such easy best friends with one another, Inco could see how motherly Olivia could be with the axolotl. They acted so much like sisters instead of mother and daughter, it made him smile as he watched the two important girls in his life.

The axolotl and Baryonyx laughed and squealed with one another, Inco couldn't help but roll his eyes at the sight. He was so in love with the Baryonyx... He would do anything for the axolotl's happiness, he wanted to be there for both of them. Luna hopped back on her own seat, this time she began to eat slower since they knew they couldn't beat each other.

The table was filled with laughs and chortles all around, there was still one more family to be present and it worried Inco that they hadn't arrived yet. He got a couple more messages from Ben, he said that they were close by and that they had a 'surprise' for them. He was interested as to what it was but didn't question further since he would know by the end of the night.

Damien was sitting next to little Luna right now, he had his head turned away for a second, when he turned his gaze back to his plate he noticed some stuff was gone. He thought maybe it was just his imagination and that he was tired, he turned his face away to talk with Liz, his brother, and Mr. Ferris. He had his eye on his plate though this time, he then saw a blur of pink snag his french fries. Damien turned gaze to the axolotl who was munching on the fries, he then threw an accused finger and grinned. "I saw that!"

The axolotl smiled and shrugged innocently, Damien rolled his eyes and grinned regardless; she was too damn adorable to be mad at. He turned his head away to talk with Liz but noticed a green blur this time. He quickly turned his attention back to his plate and... It was gone? He then turned his gaze to the axolotl, she shrugged and moved her body to show Olivia who was devouring his fries, chicken, steak, hotdogs and other substances.

"Okay I was allowing the adorable little girl to eat off my plate, not you Olivia." Damien crossed his arms as he watched Olivia open one eye and then stopped eating. She shrugged and then began to swallow Damien's food right in front of him.

"Don't worry son, I can get you another dish if you'd like." Randy quickly made his way back to the table with all the plates, he settled the same amount of chicken, hotdogs, steaks, rice, biscuits and-

Olivia took the plate from Randy who was right next to her when he walked by her, Randy turned to the Baryonyx and put his hands on his hips and warned. "Now, Now Olivia, that plate is-" He was cut off, he stared at the Baryonyx and froze. He felt his pulse stop and his blood ran cold, it was almost looking at Satan himself. She gave that look, the look that said it all 'if you want this plate you have to rip it from my cold dead hands' look.

Randy scratched his back and backed up. "You know what, that's your plate now, enjoy it!" That seemed to satisfy the Baryonyx, she ripped into the steak and the hotdog, devoured the chicken and swallowed the rice. She growled as she munched and swallowed the food with ease, she placed her hand on her belly underneath the table and rubbed tenderly. 'This baby is really bringing out the appetite in me, I haven't eaten this much in so long.'

"That reminds me, that look on 'Livy's face reminded me of the times when I had to take her a bath!" Nathan spoke up and chuckled, Inco arched an eyebrow, suddenly intrigued at this. "Oh? Go on, I'd love to hear more about baby Olivia." Olivia's eyes widened, she lifted herself up with her strong arms and growled at her father. "Don't you even think about it!"

The male Baryonyx grinned, he leaned back into his chair and placed his arms behind his back and smiled. "May 24th, 2005." His voice was taunting to her, she shrunk in fear at the date. She knew the date, she hated this story. She began to shake her head, she pleaded with her father who was smirking now, Inco put his elbow on the table and grinned. "Oh I have got to hear this now."

Vinny butted in and agreed with Inco. "I haven't heard this one yet."

Olivia seethed at Inco, she leaned forward and growled into his ear, whispering so only he would hear and no one else could. "Inco I swear to God, you're not going to get any sex or blowj*bs for the next three god damn f*cking months!" Inco's eyebrow raised, he gently leaned down and kissed his wife's snoot for a second. He pulled away and chuckled out a gentle whisper so she could only hear. "Like you could actually keep to that agreement."

Her eyes widened, her world broke and her heart flipped. She knew he was right, she couldn't corner him because she wouldn't be able to live without sex from Inco, she'd probably die, especially now that she is pregnant. She felt her face become sweaty and her tail curled around the chair leg. She blushes madly and looks down at her lap, she growls up at Inco and sneers. "I'll get you for this."

Inco's answer was an asshole smirk. "I'll be waiting, so... I'd love to hear all the stories you got, from the embarrassing then to the 'probably wanting to die after this' embarrassing." Olivia's father grins and nods, he pulls out his wallet and goes through the photos he always keeps on him. Olivia's eyes widened when she saw the pictures he began to flip through. 'Lord Raptor Jesus, have mercy on me.'

"Oh! Here it is, this one is a good one." He then pulls out a photo out of his wallet, the photo looks old and crumpled up, it was obvious how old the photo was. "Olivia was still a toddler at the time of course, she was a good baby with me, I usually never had any problems with her... Until it was bath time." Olivia winces and sinks in her wheelchair, she shakes her head no to her father who only grins in protest.

The others around were already captivated by the story, Lucy's mother, Samantha, would have a similar thing with Lucy when she was younger. She would have to tell Anon at some point since the problems she would have with Lucy way back then. Samantha paid attention while Ripley rolled his eyes and kept eating, he had enough bath time incidents from Naser and Lucy to keep his mind occupied.

"For some reason, she would always hate baths. Even when I hadn't said anything to Olivia, she'd always know in the end and hide. She would always find these ridiculous hiding spots, I swear to you, I'm probably the best hide and seek player here because of that little rat." He chuckled and jabbed his thumb at his daughter, she groaned and put her hands to her face, Inco couldn't help but let a smug smile cross his face. "You? Olivia? Not like baths? That's funny because Olivia is the complete opposite, the water bill is always so high because she likes spending hours in the bathtub."

Olivia turned her attention to Inco now and pleaded. "Don't you dare go against me too!"

Inco settled back and chuckled, he placed his hand on her back and stroked it gently. She crossed her arms on her chest and sat angrily, Luna was enjoying this regardless, she was bouncing up and down in her seat as she chirped out cutely. "Keep going! Keep going!"

Olivia now turned her attention to the axolotl, her mouth was open and she was horrified, her man was against her and now her little axolotl was against her too? "Alright, so I found her way underneath my bed, she had pillows surrounding her to protect her from me which I have no clue how she got from the bed, till this day I have no clue on how she even managed to reach the top part of the bed." Nathan sighed at the nostalgia, he then laid back in his chair and smiled. "So after I got her, after a few scratches and bites from her, I was finally ready to take her a bath. I kid you not, she was trying to get away from the water, she scratched, tore, wiggled and cried to get herself away from the water."

Damien couldn't help but laugh at this fact, Olivia gave him a stink eye but he kept laughing regardless. "Holy hell 'Liv, I knew you were a problem child towards baths but this is too much!" He wiped a stray tear falling from his eyes, Inco was about to warn Damien until everyone around the table heard a ping coming from Damien's phone. He kept laughing but it died down when he went to fish it up, he then looked down at his phone, he immediately stopped laughing.

Liv-Long- 'You're next.'

His eyes slowly moved to Olivia, she had placed down her phone on the table and turned her glare to Damien. He gulped and shyly smiled, she gave him a long displeased look that said it all. 'Spend as much time with Liz, you're going to be dead soon after I'm done with you.'

The male Baryonyx coughed into his hand, the table was quiet now so he resumed his story. "As I was saying, but yes, Olivia was definitely a problem child for me during bath time. Does anyone want to guess what happened to me when I tried to wash her?" Inco was about to speak up but then felt a rough scaly hand cover his mouth, he looked over at his wife who was growling now at him. Inco smiled and settled back into his chair, Olivia thought she had finally won and felt free... Until a voice chirped out of nowhere. "What happened! What happened! Did she escape in the end!?"

The Baryonyx smiled down at the little axolotl that was across from him, he smirked and pulled out the old and torn picture from earlier and offered it to her. Her eyes widened, she put her hand to her mouth to stifle some threatening giggles. "Close, very close! She began to claw at my face, I accidentally fell into the bathtub. She can see that she got loose and began crawling away as fast as she could. I had the camera on me this time, I didn't actually know I had taken the picture until I got the photos done. I assumed it was when I had dropped the camera on the bathtub railing when it snapped." Nathan sits back and smirks as the old priceless photo is passed around, it passes to Damien, to Liz, to Anon, to Lucy, to Ferris, to the Aarons and then all the way around to the man she really didn't want it to be shown to.

Inco held it carefully in his hand, this will be treasured forever and it was clear that this was very important to the Baryonyx father. His eyes widened at the shot, his lips curving into a smile while Olivia peaked over and shrieked before snatching it from him. In the shot of the photo, a younger skinny male Baryonyx was bent over the bathtub railing and falling into it, his snoot was in the water and his hands trying to push him out. From the point of the shot, a very young Olivia was in view, the baby Baryonyx was wearing a violet onesie and crawling away as fast as she could from the bathroom down the hallway.

Olivia seethed and threw the photo at her father, who easily caught it and tucked it back inside his wallet. Nathan smiled while shaking his head at his daughter, she was a direct copy of his wife... Her attitude, her fiery nature, her smile, her beautiful flowy hair, her eyes... He snapped himself out of his daydream, the woman he was remembering was gone, replaced by the daughter of the woman he lost so long ago. "Dad? You okay?"

Nathan's eyes lowered to his plate, it was barely touched. He wasn't hungry to begin with, all he wanted to do was be here for his daughter and whatever she had planned for them. His eyes snapped back up to his daughter, a warm smile had spread across his snoot as he stared back at his daughter; his wife's eyes... He couldn't get them out of his head. "Yeah, sweetheart... I'm fine. Just... Reliving some memories is all."

Olivia sighed, she knew she was a pain in the ass to him when she was a toddler. He was always so stressed out being a single parent, the loss of his wife was always hanging around over his shoulders it seemed. Even though it's been more than twenty years since she died, he was always reminded of her when he gazed at Olivia. Olivia smiled and then wheeled herself around the table, the other adults at the table were bestowed with a loving scene between father and daughter.

Olivia buried her snoot into his neck, she can feel the tense and rising depression from within himself. She gently opened her mouth, speaking so low that only he could hear. "I never thanked you, thank you for always being there for me. I know I haven't always been the greatest daughter but I just want you to know that I'm grateful you gave a damn about me."

Nathan's eyes began to water, he wrapped his arms around his daughter and pulled her into a hug. She closed her eyes and enjoyed the tender hug that he gave her, the male Baryonyx smiled and closed his own eyes. He then let a single tear drop go down his cheek and shuddered quietly. "Thank you kiddo, you have no clue what this means to me. I'm so proud of you, I know I never say it enough but know that I'm always proud of you and what you have become." He shuddered and let out a shaky breath, he pulled away and smiled at Olivia. His eyes then wandered to Inco and back to her while he said a bit louder. "I know Inco and I didn't get along in the beginning, I wasn't sure at first but... But now I know why you love him, why you wanted to marry him."

Inco's face curved into a genuine smile, he took off his glasses and wiped a tear that was threatening to spill. "Damnit... Must be the pollen in the air." Nathan grumbles a chuckle while he looks back at the smaller Baryonyx woman that he would do anything for, he puts his head against hers and shakily sighs. "Your mother would have been proud of you Olivia, I know she would."

Olivia goes back for a hug again and whimpers out a frail happy answer to that. "I love you dad."

Nathan grins and hugs her back, his eyes closing tightly to keep the tears from falling. "I love you too, kiddo."

The sound of a door sliding cut the loving moment short. Olivia opened her eyes and saw Ben and Lunara coming in from the back door, she smiled and waved at them which Ben and Lunara gave a wave back to them. Inco excused himself from the table and ran to Ben, the two friends gave bro hugs to one another and introduced Ben and his lovely girlfriend. Ben fixed his tie and lied to everyone, it was obvious as to why he they were late due to him trying to hide a cherry red lipstick stain that was below his shirt collar. "Sorry we were late everyone, got stuck in... Traffic."

Damien grinned smugly, he leaned back in his chair and yawned as he outreached his arms out to stretch. "More like stuck in Lunara."

Liz growled and smacked Damien's head, he winced and rubbed the sore spot and looked at his wife. "Damien, shame on you! There are kids here." Damien turned and saw Alex and Luna looking at him weirdly, Luna then chirped up to Damien's dismay. "How did he get himself stuck inside her?"

Olivia reaches over and strokes her head, she has a look of worry across her face now. "He was just joking honey, they were properly just running late for other reasons."
Damien then snickers at the last part, Liz has to deliver another smack to his head to shut him up. "Ow."

"Anyways, I uh... I want to show you all something." Ben chuckled and scratched the back of his head, he then walked to where Inco was now, standing behind Olivia while he had his hands on her shoulders. Ben then turned his attention to Olivia and Inco, he was worried how this would turn up, he hoped that they wouldn't hate him for inviting her... He did give them a heads-up a few days before that he would bring a surprise for them; he wasn't lying.

Inco nodded, he ushered him to continue. "Alright, uhhhhh... Rose, you can come out now!" Immediately at the call, Inco turned his attention to the sliding glass door. His eyes widened at the sight, she was almost like a miniature version of Ben. The little blue Parasaurolophus was wearing an adorable little skirt with hearts all over it while she had a zip up jacket that was littered with various types of flowers on it. Her blonde hair and bangs shot something through his mind, he didn't know what it was but he felt... Uneainless all of a sudden.

He didn't know what it was but he pushed it to the side, Ben put his hand on Inco's back and led the human to his small daughter. Ben kneeled down on one knee and offered a piggy back ride to his daughter, she giggled and climbed on to his back and neck. She settled herself on his shoulders, the male Parasaurolophus stood up and stared at his friend with a stupid grin. "Everyone, I'd love you to meet my daughter, Rose."

It was instantaneous, Olivia's eyes widened and sparkled immediately at the adorable sight of the little girl on his shoulders. Liz's head began bobbing back and forth excitedly, Damien grinned and gave him his iconic thumbs up, Lucy had put her hands to her cheeks and opened her mouth to give an adorable little 'awe' while Vinny and his parents just smiled while, Inco couldn't believe still that his friend was a father before him.

"She's amazing man... I'm just... Wow." Inco put his hand to his head, the sight of Ben as a father was something he wouldn't have imagined in years. Ben looked up at his daughter, she giggled down at her dad as she held onto his neck. "Can they meet mommy?"

Ben winced. He was hoping it would come later... But of course that wasn't his luck. Inco put his hands on his shoulder and raised an eyebrow. "You brought her mother along as well? How did Lunara...?"

Ben looked at his girlfriend who was already settling herself down between Lucy's parents and Olivia's father, there was a good chunk of seats left for the rest of them. "She was the one that actually suggested it believe it or not, I was going to bring just Rose but Lunara thought that her mother should come along."

Inco's brows were raised in surprise, he tilted his head up and smiled. "Huh... That's cool. So um... Where is she?" Ben lowered his gaze away from his friend and mentally prepared himself for what might turn out okay or what might be a shouting match. "Okay, she brought a date with her just letting you know... But that's not all..."

Inco was getting tired at this point, he was getting annoyed that his friend wasn't telling him why he was so nervous. "Ben, stop beating the bush around, what's wrong?"

Ben let his hand fall from Rose's ankle, he then pinched the bridge of his snout and sighed. "Please don't be mad at me... OKAY YOU'RE GOOD TO COME OUT NOW!" Ben then hollers back to the two mysterious people that Inco was dying to meet. Ben was acting like he wouldn't enjoy meeting the mother of this precious little angel, she couldn't be that-

Inco froze at the sight. His heart stopped, his blood ran cold, his eyes widened to the size of dinner plates and his mouth dropped. A very very very familiar red Parasaurolophus came out of the back door of the house, another human opened the door open for her which she greatly accepted. She was holding onto his arm and walked out timidly and shakily out into the backyard. Inco wasn't even paying attention to the human she was holding onto, his attention was glued onto the woman that made his and his wife's life a living hell in high school of senior year.

Olivia dropped her cup of punch that was offered around a minute earlier, she was still next to her father. Her eyes were wide and terrified, she couldn't believe who was here... She then felt anger begin to ride within her, bubbling to the point where a growl began to emit from her throat. Her eyes were narrowed as she watched her, she was standing in her backyard... No... Her home no less.

Mia was holding onto Vincent's arm, he could tell this was hard for her to do and could definitely tell that she wanted to just leave already. Mia's eyes locked with Olivia, she knew she was going to be here with Inco and Olivia... But it still pained her to see them here. Ben moved to Inco's side, still frozen in place as his eyes stared frightfully into Mia's dull pink ones.

Mia looked down, shaking as she clung onto Vincent's arm. "H-Hi."


She knew this was a bad idea, that nagging feeling in the back of her mind told her every single step of the way that this was going to start and most likely end poorly. And yet, where was she? She closed her eyes and sighed as she made eye contact with the Baryonyx that she terrorized, she could see the shock, the pain, the sudden anger building up within the Baryonyx.

It was so quiet, agonizingly quiet for Mia. She wanted to say something, anything at all to quickly start the conversation again, she couldn't get anything out due to the malicious glare and barred teeth that Olivia sent at her.

Inco was behind his wife now, he had moved to her side to soothingly cool down the raging Baryonyx that wanted to tear the red Parasaurolophus apart. Inco couldn't help but just stare at the blonde bitch that made his wife's high school a living hell. He hated her with a burning passion but his hate was overridden by his own wife's growling that was as loud as the cats speeding pass.

Ben sighed, he knew this would happen, he wanted to gradually push Mia into the Baryonyx's life again due to his current situation but knew that wouldn't be the case. Mia had inflicted too much damage on her, he wasn't even sure if the damage could ever be fixed.

Ben grimaced and went to Mia's side, he looked up at her as she looked down at him sadly. She knew this would happen, it was an outcome that wasn't avoidable, she would need to choose her words carefully because she didn't want her daughter to suffer because of her stupidity back then in high school.

She gently placed her hand on her wrist and began to stroke it, Vince noticed this, he remembered she told him a few years back that she wasn't who she was back then. She was a 'total bitch' as she would say back then, he couldn't imagine the sweet loving motherly and gentle creature such as her could hurt a fly.

He didn't believe it, until now that is. Seeing the look on the paraplegic Baryonyx's face was all the answer he needed, he didn't want to believe it but knew it was true by all the sour and distasteful looks that were being sent to his date.

He looked up at his date, he could see the tears that began to swell already in her eyes. He closed his own eyes and sighed deeply, he put his hand on his date's arm to reassure her. She looked at him, her heart was racing and her eyes were glassy. She wanted to just leave already, not say anything and just to bail out of there. She pumped herself up the day before, this was a long time in the coming, she needed to do this to finally get the guilt off her shoulders.

Her shoulders have been so heavy for a long time now, Ben was there, her daughter was there, her parents were there, her emotions were there, Olivia was always a permanent resident on her shoulder. She would always be there and the red Parasaurolophus couldn't seem to shake her off. Seeing her now though, seeing the angry and pissed off gator made her cower in her shoes.

Olivia wanted to throw curse after curse at the Parasaurolophus, she wanted to throw the whole entire english dictionary of cuss words at her. Hell, she wanted to throw the hardest hard cover dictionary book at her and damage that head crest of her's.

She closed her eyes as she took in a deep sigh, she didn't want to let her anger ruin the night, this night was to be very important and she didn't want to let this one person ruin her night. She gripped her handles and then placed her hands on her wheels, she began to wheel herself to Ben with Inco falling behind.

She wheeled herself up to Ben, Ben stepped forward and gazed down at the sitting Baryonyx who seethed up at him. The blue Parasaurolophus crosses his arms and puts on a poker face that is unreadable, underneath the poker face though, his heart is racing and his body shakes ever so slightly at not wanting to get mauled by the Baryonyx.

She couldn't help but dart her eyes from Mia to Ben, who was standing beside him. She leaned over and seethed, her yellow and silvery irises narrowing dangerously at Ben and Mia. She then growled, a rumble of anger and malice comes from her throat as she speaks deathly quietly. "What. The. f*ck. Is. She. Doing. Here?"

Mia winced at the sour and hateful spat she just threw out at her, she flinched when the Baryonyx glared at her, she was full of rage and anger towards the Parasaurolophus, it definitely made a lot of the family of the Baryonyx uncomfortable to see her like this.

Ben looked down at his friend, she was growling like a lion that wanted meat. He saw nothing but rage and hate in her eyes, Mia really did do a number on the Baryonyx. She glared back at Mia and then towards Ben, her face softened ever so slightly as she spoke to him. "Ben, what the hell are you doing? You invited her here, the same woman that used, manipulated, threw under the bus and ran out on you when times got tough! You of all people should be the angriest as well like me!"

Ben's eyes lowered significantly. "Yes Olivia, look I was angry, still slightly angry but-"

Olivia barbed out. "You were angry? Past tense? How the hell could you get over her literally beating you at the winter formal!?" Her tail was pointing far, her voice began to rise and her fangs began to show as her voice got louder. They were a bit ways from the family table but they could definitely hear the anger in Olivia's voice.

Ben gritted his teeth, his fists began to ball tightly as he got a bit annoyed. "Olivia just listen, she's-"

"She literally left you! She manipulated you throughout high school and bullied me throughout as well! I saw everything she did to you, everything! Yet here you are, defending her after everything she's ever done to you!" Olivia sneered, her words dripping with venom as she pointed at him, she was more than angry, more than pissed, there would have to be a new word made for how angry she was right now.

"What! N-No! I'm not defendi-" Olivia sliced on in again. "Sounds like you sure f*cking are! I'm surprised that you and Lunara even agreed to even bring her here, especially Lunara. I have heard many times what she did to Lunara and Kiara, and heard too many stories to fill my hate with fresh fires from hell!" Ben was interrupted again by the Baryonyx, his fists balled tighter as his temple began to ache. This was getting nowhere, she was literally causing him a headache right now.

Mia looked sadly at Ben, she could see him slowly losing his patience, she wanted to say something but knew that if she jumped head first into the burning pit that they were in it would only stoke the hot fires that were being produced by Olivia.

"I just need you to understand Olivia, Mia-" She interrupted again, her eyes burning with lava as she pointed to his throat. "Understand that you would hurt and betray your friends!? Are you serious? I'm so disappointed in you, you should be ashamed of yourself, I can't believe you would bring your daughter and that whor-" That's it, that crossed the line.

His fists opened up and strained immediately, he felt the blood rush to his cheeks and the fire flowed down into his throat. He hadn't been this angry in so long, this was new... This was scary news. "WOULD YOU SHUT THE HELL UP, OLIVIA!?" Olivia jumped suddenly at his raised voice. Inco, Lunara, Mia, and the arriving Damien to the scene all jumped. The sudden voice drowned out any anger that was in Olivia's eyes, she had never seen her friend so angry, he was always so happy, chill, and relaxed but seeing him all red with strained eyes was so unnerving.

Ben growled, his hands open and shaking while he seethed. "Do you have any f*cking clue what I went through these past two weeks? All the stress and toll it's taken on me, do you think I'm not still resentful at her for what she did to me during freshman through senior year?" Ben brushed his hands through his hair and gave an angry sigh, he then turned around and growled at Mia next. "She was my everything, I thought that I would be loved when we first got together but it was a f*cking lie!"

Lunara had taken Rose back to the table, the table was less cheery now due to the other adults angry rambling but it was better than the sweet and innocent little girl being there at the epicenter of the burning blaze. "I got beaten up, used, degraded, and mentally drained because of her and you Olivia!" Ben brought the angry rant back to Olivia, she was confused now, she felt her tail drop and began to curl between the wheelchair wheels. "All I was trying to do was help you! That was what I was doing... I had no intention on hurting you all those years ago back in high school, all I was trying to do was to be a good f*cking friend!"

Ben's eyes began to water, he then pointed towards his daughter, she was looking at him the entire time, she didn't hear what he was talking about but she didn't need to because his emotional turmoil was visible to everyone. "Then... Then... Then I f*cking learn I'm a father!? A father that missed his kid's birthdays, birth, Christmases, Halloweens, New years... EVERYTHING!"

His hands shot to his hair and whimpered, he began to cry now, his tears fell fast as he shuddered while the spotlight was on him. "I learned that I'm the father of that amazing little girl, she was kept from me... My babygirl was kept from me!" He put his hands to his chest, his watery eyes were glanced at Olivia, she looked like she wanted to just leave now, she felt like the number one's most sh*ttiest person to date.

Ben shakily let out a pained laugh as his hands shot to his head to pull on his hair, there was no joy in the laugh he let out, the only thing that could be heard was pain, frustration, anger, and exhaustion. "And the cherry on top of that ice cream sh*t sundae that it was Mia! Mia is the mother of my daughter, not one of you f*cking knew? Of course you didn't because you wouldn't let me explain it!" He fell to his knees, Mia let her own eyes close and let out tears, genuine tears because she knows she was the one that caused his explosive episode.

Not even a second later a blur of blue and yellow could be seen rushing past Olivia, Olivia turned her gaze and saw the young little Parasaurolophus girl sprint and latch onto her daddy. Her arms were tightly wrapped around his neck, she can definitely feel how tired and mentally exhausted he was through the hug. She buried her small little snoot against his shoulder and whispered to him. "It's okay daddy... You're not alone anymore, I'm here now."

His eyes watered, everything broke like a dam that had too much water stored. The flood gates opened as he wrapped his arms tenderly around his daughter's small body and bawled everything out. Olivia and Inco stood in shock at the revelation of who her mother was, Damien crouched down beside his emotionally distraught friend. He hesitated for a second but reached out and placed a comforting hand on his shoulder, Inco moved to his side as well and did the same. Lunara walked forward, her walking then turned into a sprint and stopped to give the three best friends some time.

Mia and Olivia briefly glanced, their eyes gazed into one another, Olivia could see tears spilling. Tears that were genuine, no crocodile tears that she used to give back in the day, these were tears of a person that was broken inside as well. She sighed, their eyes moved from one another, it was clear to both of them this wasn't over yet, but for now it would be put on hold.

Inco, Damien and Rose helped the distraught blue Parasaurolophus up and helped move him inside so they could talk. Right now he needed friends and family by his side, Inco and Damien could tell this was bubbling inside of him for a long time. This was something that had years of pent up frustration and anger out away behind a happy and laid back chill facade.

The four made their way inside the quiet house, Inco and Damien helped Ben sit down on the couch. Rose immediately went to her father's side and hugged him, he smiled at his daughter, she looked up at him and gave him the biggest happiest smile she could muster up. "Don't worry daddy, we're here for you now, you're not alone."

Ben sighed shakily and nodded, he let some stray tears fall...

For the first time in two weeks, he felt at home.



Hope you enjoyed the chapter!

Chapter 25: I Wani Be Your Father


After calculating and determining a date to escape, it seems a huge rainstorm is coming, and that would be the perfect opportunity for escape. I would be covered by the darkness of the rain, and the loud thunder would silence anything I did. Hopefully, Judee still sticks to her sleep schedule and goes to sleep at eleven at night. If this works and everything goes according to plan, I have a huge chance of busting out of here and fleeing for my life. Wish me luck, bros, because I can't take eating pudding cups anymore.


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

March 31st 201M B.C 2028 (Late Afternoon)

Awkward tension filled the air to say the least, Lunara wanted to go inside to comfort her boyfriend but was stopped by Olivia since she knew Inco and Damien could handle it. Olivia on the other hand felt like sh*t, she had planned out this whole night and it would have ended magically. Surprising everyone that she was pregnant, getting hugs and kisses from her family and going to sleep with her husband with a huge dumb smile etched on her face.

That wasn't going to happen though, she felt like the biggest asshole of the twenty first century. She and Mia peaked at each other awkwardly from time to time, Mia was still holding onto the human, who Olivia still didn't know the name of, and walked timidly to the table where the others where at. Olivia wanted to rip the blonde haired jackass to pieces but stopped herself because she didn't want to ruin her party.

She didn't want to accept that Mia was here next to her, she wanted to desperately be in the fantasy world where Mia wasn't in her life anymore. Of course life wasn't like that, she was here and the mother of Ben's daughter no less. She felt bad for the kid, she was the daughter of the scummiest bitchiest woman on the planet. She shook her head and the turned her gaze to the sliding glass door, she couldn't see her husband nor her friends but knew they were talking to each other.

She stared for what seemed like hours, she didn't even hear or feel the presence of the one that caused her so much anguish. Mia slowly made herself to Olivia, Mia was already regretting this now... "Um... Olivia?"
Olivia flinched at the voice that brought her out of her staring, she turned her head and towards the taller woman in front of her. Olivia couldn't help but stare, all she saw was the bitch that tormented her back in senior year. Even though she saw her, a flicker of the old self would disappear and replace with the one here right now.

Mia looked completely different, she could still tell that it was Mia but it looked like life hadn't been too kind to the red Parasaurolophus. Her sandals were a bit torn and old, she wore a flowy flowery blue dress that contradicted many outfits she wore back in the day. The dress was bright and colorful compared to her stagnant and bleak clothing she wore back then, her crest had a bow on it actually, now that made her even more curious. Her eyes were a dull pink that lost the shine years ago. What Olivia could definitely see though was that this woman was tired, she had bags underneath her eyes. Olivia felt herself deflated a bit, the red Parasaurolophus's facial features looked a bit like her's once upon a time. She chuckled inwardly, if old Mia saw this person here and now, she would definitely make fun of them for how they looked and dressed.

Olivia turned her gaze back to the doors and to her kitchen that she could see through them. "What do you want?" Her voice was low and it was obvious to Mia that she felt defeated, she didn't blame her though, having the person that she hated the most stroll on into a party that she was having would get you down. Mia put her hands behind her back, she looked down at her feet, her fingers playing with her others as she tried to break a conversation open. "I just... I just wanted to say don't hate Rose."

Olivia peaked at the woman, her eyes glancing over her facial features once again. Her mind ran miles at what the Parasaurolophus said to her; why would she ever hate that little girl? "Why would I hate her? She is innocent in all of this." Mia let out a breath she didn't realize she was holding, she let her arms move forward to her stomach so she could grab her elbow shyly. "I just didn't want you to hate Rose for what I did all those years back, I know what I did and I am ashamed of myself for what I did to you, Ben, Lunara, Kiara, and Inco all those years ago."

Olivia couldn't believe she was hearing, Mia was actually apologizing to her? She didn't believe this, she couldn't actually be serious right now, what the hell happened to her in these last four years? Mia gripped her elbow and turned her gaze to the house's backdoor, her heart rate picked up suddenly after feeling so far away from her daughter. "I know you must think I'm pulling your tail or something, I don't blame you honestly, I was a bitch, manipulative, disgusting, snobby little brat back then."

Olivia snorted, she crossed her arms across her chest and growled. "That's at least something we can agree on." Mia sighed, she wasn't going to earn Olivia's forgiveness anytime soon. She wanted to be here for her daughter and solely her daughter, she didn't care about anyone that hated her or anyone else, she wanted to be there for Rose and Rose only. "Olivia, I get why you're mad at me, if I was in your shoes I would be as well." Olivia rolled her eyes but kept quiet. "Believe me, I was extremely skeptical coming along, that's why I brought Vincent."

"Who the hell is Vincent?" Olivia threw out of nowhere, her hand was raised but elbow down on her thigh as she questioned. Mia blushed a bit, she felt her heart rate pick up at the thought of the human. "He's... My friend?"

"Why did that sound like a question?" Mia winced, she felt as if she was being backed up into a corner right now, she wished she had Vincent right next to her right now. She cursed herself at letting him go to the food table to eat with the others, she needed him right now more than anything. "I... I don't know where we stand."

Olivia was dumbfounded, a grin creeped up on her snoot as her eyebrows furrowed. "Are you telling me that Mia, the queen of hating on humans back then, gets in bed with a human?" Mia's already red face flushed an even brighter red, Mia put her hands up and shook her head. "N-No we haven't done anything yet! Oh and please, I never said I hated a human back then."

Olivia scoffed. "Oh please, you hated Inco not because of his personality but because of what he was." Mia looked away completely ashamed, she was cornered and being picked off right now by the Baryonyx. She crossed her own arms and puffed out her cheeks; like daughter like mother.

Mia pinched the bridge of her snout and closed her eyes. "Okay fine, half was because of how stupidly naive he was and how he was a human. That was in the past, I can tell he means a lot to you, I wouldn't say any speciest stuff to him since I'm in love with Vincent!"

Olivia's eyes widened at her statement, Mia looked down at the Baryonyx who was staring at her wide eyed. "Why are you looking at me like that?" Mia put her hand on her hip and narrowed her own eyes in return, the Baryonyx shook her confusion away and started. "You just said you loved him."

Mia arched her eyebrow at this delusional dino. "W-What? No I didn't." Mia stared at the Baryonyx like she was doing crack in front of her, the Parasaurolophus woman was wondering what had gotten into her. Olivia's eyes trailed off for a second and then back to Mia. "Yes you did, don't you bullsh*t me, I heard what you said clear as day!"

Mia stared at the Baryonyx women with complete silence, her eyes darted around the place as she replayed what she said in her mind. It hit her like a truck steaming forward at full speed, her eyes widened and her cheeks flushed. "I... Uh... Oh sh*t."

The Baryonyx rolled her eyes and crossed her arms, she pointed her attention to the sliding glass door where her husband and friends were. "Welcome to the 'I'm f*cking a human' party, pull up a chair and grab a soda or something." Mia snorted and rolled her eyes, just the thought of actually spending a night with him in bed made her heart flip cycles. "S-Shut up... I'm not sleeping with him."

Olivia looked at the woman, a knowing grin spreading across. "But you wanna... don't you?" Mia looked away, her embarrassment was at an all time high now, just thinking about the human was making her knees weak. She inhaled roughly and then let a slow exhale out, her eyes looking up at the sky as her cheeks puffed out. "W-Why are you even so interested? Don't you have a human of your own to throw sh*t at?"

Olivia giggled at this. "Yeah but I've been with hubby so long that he doesn't seem to be affected by it anymore, plus throwing shade at you keeps the ever growing bubble of rage that seems to always grow whenever I look at your stupid mug." Mia's hands connected together, she couldn't believe she was here talking with Olivia. Olivia was always a huge weight that was on her shoulder after high school, after the pregnancy she always hated the way she treated Olivia. The way she made fun of her disability and her art, thinking about it now fills her with shame and disgust.

Mia turns her gaze to Olivia, her hands are still holding together, shaking ever so slightly as she looks down at the neutral feeling Baryonyx that is staring where the Baryonyx's husband and friends were seen last. Mia closed her eyes and let a small smile creep across her snoot, her dull pink eyes glanced between the Baryonyx and the beautiful home that the woman beside her lived in. "I... I have to say."

Olivia perked up, she didn't tear her gaze from her home but listened regardless. "I'm... I'm happy for you. I know you may think I'm full of sh*t but... But I'm happy that you and Inco got your happily ever after." Mia fidgeted every second she stuttered her words out to Olivia, she felt so defeated right now, she looked defeated as well.

Olivia leaned back into her chair and looked to the side, away from the door and nowhere near Mia. She can still feel embers burning inside her, she wants to beat that face of hers so bad that her family members wouldn't be able to recognize it was even her.

She couldn't do it.

She wanted to though, she knew she could and Mia would probably let her.

But she didn't.

Olivia closed her eyes and thought about everything that happened, how she treated her and Inco, how she treated Ben, how she threw so many people under the bus just to get what she wanted. All the manipulation, she didn't even know if this was her manipulating her just to get under her skin.

The fire was still there, reduced but there still, she turned her gaze back to Mia, she was still looking down with shame and disgust. "I... I don't think I could ever forget what you did. The stuff you used to do, that will always be with me till the day I pass on. I don't like you Mia, not even a little... But I will tolerate you for your little girl and for what is going on tonight."

Mia nodded her head, this was exactly what she expected, actually she expected her snout to be bloodied and broken but that wasn't the case. She was thankful though, she deserved it but the Baryonyx didn't deliver. Mia nodded her head, she looked back to the Baryonyx and held her hands against her pelvis. "I know, I don't expect you to. I just want you to know that I'm ashamed of what I used to do to you back then. What I used to do to Ben... I-I sometimes wake up in the night in a cold sweat at the memories of who I used to be." She began to wipe her teary eyes, tears falling freely as she turned away. "I'm no longer that person, I changed for that little girl that is inside your home, I left that past behind me to give that little one a bright future."

Olivia didn't say anything, there was nothing else to say anyways. She looked up at the red Parasaurolophus woman and shook her head, the anger would slowly burn away but the memories would always still be a metal branding iron to her scales. Olivia turned away and wheeled back to her family, she didn't want to spend anymore time with the woman. She could be at the dinner table laughing with her family and her little axolotl that made her heart bubble with joy. She didn't say anything, she left Mia alone in her own thoughts, in her own broken tormented mind.

Mia kept her cold stare at the door, she could see shadows moving around throughout the living room of the home but not see her daughter or the sorrowful Ben. She lowered her head, she felt pitiful right now and hated herself so much, karma always came back in mysterious ways but she thanked whatever Jurassic god was up there because karma came back in the shape of a small adorable little girl that she loved so much.

Karma slapped her in the face, slapped so hard that she was permanently bruised for the better. She was glad for the slap, it was a reality check that she was a mother now and she needed to act like one.


The three brothers sat beside one another while Rose was comforting her father, Damien rubbing his back while Inco came back with a glass of water. It was obvious to everyone in the room that this was something that he had been keeping to himself for quite some time, even before learning that he was a father.

Ben held the glass of water that Inco brought him minutes prior, the cold glass filled with water and ice cubes clicked against the glass as Ben brought it to his snoot to take a swig. Rose kept her arms wrapped around Ben's arm, she didn't want anything to happen to her father, she wanted him happy and safe. This was all she could offer to Ben, Ben looked down at his daughter, his facial expression clear to her that this was enough, she was enough.

Ben and Rose gently embrace each other, father and daughter holding one another while they both sit in silence. Damien and Inco look towards one another, both unsure what to really do right now. Damien wasn't really great at this sort of stuff, his wife was the one with the words, all he knew was to read off a script and give the best damned performance from one. Inco knew some words but the words didn't quite come to mind right now, he didn't want to say anything since he might screw this up, he just let the father and daughter duo hold one another while they provide emotional support for Ben.

Inco got up and motioned for Damien to follow, this was something they really couldn't do, only he and his daughter could achieve this. Damien was hesitant at first but Inco reassured him that they'll be close by. Inco and Damien headed to the kitchen that was open to the living room, they entered the kitchen and pulled up a stool and sat next to the island.

Damien put his arms down on the kitchen island, his eyes gazed from Ben to the granite countertop of the island. "This was not what I was expecting to come out of this day." Damien's attention was on Ben, seeing his friend so tired and drained was a sight he hadn't seen in a long time. Ben was always so chill and happy, the last time he saw this was the night of the winter formal.

Inco put his hands together, his eyes glossing over Ben and Rose as they held one another. "Tell me about it, the night was going so well... I didn't expect him to bring Mia." Inco turned his gaze back to Ben and added. "Hell, or the Mia actually being his daughter's mother."

Damien nodded in agreement. "That... That came as a surprise to me. Wow... What a world we live in, huh?" Inco couldn't help but make a sad chuckle and nodded, Damien wasn't picked on back in highschool like Olivia was, he didn't see the true extent of the bullying but he did see the days of Olivia coming home depressed and angry. He didn't have anger inside him towards her but he did feel uncomfortable being around her knowing what she did to his sister/friend.

Damien gently rubs his hands together, he always thinks of Olivia as his big sister, she was always there to help him at times and pick on him like siblings would. Even though they weren't related, he would always think of her as family. Sometimes he would accidentally call her sis when he needed to talk to her, it took Olivia some time to get used to this but now it was a thing the two had grown to accept.

Damien would do anything for his sister, Damien can't help but remember the times she would come home pissed off and blood red angry. She would slam the door to her room with her tail and tear up pillows, he didn't even have to ask why she was so angry because he knew it was Mia that did this. Her constant pestering, degrading, name calling, making fun of her disabilities made Damien's blood boil.

He wasn't the type to get angry, he can't even remember the last time he blew a gasket out of anger. He was a calm and collected person, but by God if someone messed with his family and friends he wouldn't hesitate to rain fire and brimstone on the dumbass that hurt his wife, sister, friends and family.

Just thinking about it, Damien's eyes trailed to the sliding glass doors and to the outside. He can partially see Olivia and Mia actually together, he can see how uncomfortable Olivia was but she was making conversation with Mia, he can see that Mia was shy and uncomfortable as well, her tail was tucked between her legs and her eyes were lowered. She looked like she wanted to go home already and just not deal with this. He didn't know who he should feel bad for, Olivia who was talking with her high school bully and was obviously uncomfortable or Mia who looked like she was about to have a panic attack and probably die on the spot.

Damien's eyes snapped back to Ben when he got up and picked up his daughter, she was smiling the entire time and wiping away his tears. He began to nuzzle his snout against her cheek, this caused the little girl to giggle and hug him tighter. He started his way to where the two resigned, both of them sitting down and now both of them looking at the tired Ben.

He looked a lot better now, better than around twenty minutes ago that's for sure. It was a good idea to let the two of them have their moment together. Ben held onto the small Parasaurolophus girl who clung tightly to his arms, he walked to his two best friends and sat down with them. Each of them at the kitchen island looking down at particularly nothing. Inco got up from the table and got a glass, he then put it into the water dispenser of the fridge and poured a fresh batch of water. He then slid the glass cup down towards the male Parasaurolophus who caught and greedily chugged down.

Inco leaned against the cabinets and the sink while he watched his friend chug down the glass of water. Ben put down the glass, he kept his gaze down away from his friends. He felt ashamed now, having let his emotions out again all around strangers, family and his daughter. He felt emasculated now, his hand was still gripping the cup, sudden anger began to flush within his veins. A soft hand reached for his larger one, light cyan blue touching light blue, a small hand gently grasping onto a larger hand.

He turned his attention down to his daughter who was sitting on his lap, his eyes pointed down while Damien leaned over the island and placed a gentle hand on Ben's shoulder. "You feeling okay, man?"

Ben shrugged, not knowing really what to feel at the moment. "Dunno, I feel a bit better after letting all that out but now I feel... I feel like everyone will look at me different." He wrapped his arms around the small figure in his lap, his eyes closing as the little girl returned the hug. "I felt like a father when I walked out there... But now I feel like that all was stripped away as soon as I opened my mouth and let my feelings out."

Damien stood up and walked to his side, he placed a hand on his shoulder and gave him the most comforting warm reassuring smile that one could give. "Benny boy, that doesn't make you any less of a father. Showing emotion, giving a damn about your family and daughter, that right there is what a true man, a true father is." Ben looked at his side, the friendly face of his Dilopho-Spinosaurus friend. Damien pulled his chair and placed it right beside Ben's chair and sat down next to him. "Benny, I know this stuff hasn't been easy on you, you have so much stuff within that big brain of yours that it's overwhelming you." He takes a pause, his eyes cast down to his cupped hands and smiles back with that toothy grin. "But you are strong man, you can do this, you've already endured so much since then. You have suffered long enough, Lunara is out there ready to help you, we all are bro!"

Inco then takes his seat and lifts it with one hand, he places it down next to Ben's other side and sits himself down as well next to his best friend. "Benji, I haven't known you as long as the others but I can safely say you are one of my best friends. You were the first face when I arrived here, even though the stuff back then you did hurt my wife, I still consider you to be my friend because you apologized for it all." Inco placed his hand on Ben's back, the emotions began to swell and spin within the male Parasaurolophus. Rose gently looked up at him and hugged him tighter, she was going to be there for her father no matter what.

"You are doing what I wished my father would do for me, a lot of children don't have that pleasure of having parents to give them love." Inco's eyes glowed gloomily, the memories of his neglectful parents, especially his mother, were resurfacing. "My own mother, my flesh and blood Ben, that person that I thought I could rely on didn't even come to her only son's wedding!"

He growled, he began to play with his wedding band, he gently looked at the inscription on the wedding band. 'I Dream Of A Dance.' He closed his eyes and tilted his head up, the hateful messages his mother spewed at him when he told her that he was getting married to his Baryonyx. "My mother threw me out of the house that day, my father just watched me helplessly, my own mother cut me off of the family money and left me to fend for myself."

He grinned, he then gently turned his gaze to his wife who began making her way from Mia. He didn't know what they conversed about but all he cared about was that she was okay and happy. "I could give less than a damn about the money, I haven't talked to my mother since that day, my father was confused and didn't exactly know what I saw in Olivia." His eyes watched Olivia as she sat herself with Luna and Vinny, both the two kids began to eat against one another which resulting in Vinny almost vomiting. "He doesn't understand but I'm glad he's on my side, my mother could give less than tww-" Inco's eyes widened when he remembered that a child was present. "-woooo... rats about me. I'm grateful that at least my father cares, he was the one that actually helped buy this home for me and 'Livy, actually." He raised his arms and hands and gestured to the house.

Inco then placed his hand on his friend's back, a small sad smile forming across his face. "Be the parent that I wished I had growing up, you are not late to be the best father this world has ever seen." Inco then chuckled and placed his hand to his chest. "Besides me of course."

Ben laughed while Damien leaned forward and grinned. "As if you idiot, I will have the most 'best dad' badges out of the three of us." Ben couldn't help but laugh again, these two were something else. He didn't deserve their friendship, even years later he felt guilty and depressed at times but was always reminded by his family that he was a changed and better person.

Rose moved between his two arms that were still on the table, Ben slightly leaned back since his daughter was making herself front and center. "I know you'll be the best dad this world has ever seen, I've wished so many times for me to have a daddy... Now I have one. Vince was the closest thing to a father I've had, I honestly think he'll be my step-dad I think." She takes a moment to ponder on her own question, her friend Vince was a good guy and she was happy that her mother had found someone that would help her stop crying at night. "I'm glad to finally meet you dad, I barely met you just recently but I already love you more than the world!" She leaps forward and pulls the older Parasaurolophus into a tight warm hug. His arms are open and in shock, the feeling of his daughter, his biological daughter hugging him sends him over the edge.

He was doing everything in his power to keep himself in control, not letting his emotions flood through. But when the little girl, the little girl he never thought he would have wrapped him into a tight and meaningful embrace, the already damaged and broken dam bursted again. He wrapped his arms around his daughter, he began to cry and whimper as he held the small thing in his arms. Protectiveness and the need to keep her happy overriddened his fragile and broken mind. He needed to protect her at all cost, he would do it even if it killed him, as long as she would survive and be happy in the end.

Ben kept her in his arms and hugged his daughter, the bond between a father and his daughter was at it's strongest at this moment, both Inco and Damien leaned back and smiled warmly at the beautiful scene. Soft hiccuping were sobbed from Ben, little Rose would hug him tighter just to tell him through her warm hugs that she would never stop being his daughter.

Inco then helped himself up, he saw that the party outside had officially began without them, he could see Mia and Lunara actually talking together, both of them laughing. Mia had her head on her human date's head as they leaned against one another. Inco turned his attention back to the warm sight of a father and his daughter, his eyes trained on Damien who gave him a knowing nod as well.

Inco placed his hand back on Ben's back, his hand gently rubbing his back in a circular motion while Damien sat up from his seat as well. "We're going to give you some space, Benji." Ben didn't even look up, he didn't need to look up to let him know that he was grateful. Damien patted his shoulder and began to follow Inco on out into the buzzing and lively party that was going on outside. "Take all the time you need Ben, we'll all be out here when you're ready."

Inco was halfway through his living room before he quickly turned his head around to call out to Ben. "Ben!" Ben turned his teary eyed gaze at Inco, Ben continued to hold onto Rose as she began to nuzzle into his neck. Damien walked up to Inco's side and placed a hand on his shoulder, Damien turned his head to gaze at Ben as well. Inco then smiled at his friend, his brother. "If you ever need anything, anything at all... We are your family and we'd do anything to help you."

Ben nodded his head and turned away to cuddle with his precious little girl, Inco and Damien turned away and made their way through the living room and towards the door. It was at that moment that the earth stood still for Ben and Rose, a beautiful scene between a father and his only child.

The boys were all grown up.

Three fathers were in the room together.

And then only one remained left, the moment was peaceful and full of love. A father's bond was stronger than steel, harder than a punch, thicker than iron.

Ben held his daughter close to him, his eyes closed and his smile never leaving.

"I love you, my little Rosie."

Rose giggled at the nickname, she gently closed her eyes and hugged him back tighter.

"I love you, daddy."



Bad news: It seems Judee can control the weather; she snapped her fingers, and the rainstorm went away. She is staying up because her friend came over, and they're now rehearsing a puppet show.

f*ck my life.

Chapter 26: I Wani Beat That Piñata!


Honestly, at this point, I've made peace with my cell and come to terms that I'm probably never leaving. All I know is pudding cups and apple juice; she keeps giving me apple juice. I don't mind, but it would be nice to have other meals. I don't care, as long as I'm getting fed, I guess. I saw Judee with another person when I peaked through the cell bars in the doors. I didn't get a good visual of who it was, but I will keep you updated.


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

March 31st 201M B.C 2028 (Dusk)

The night was young and everyone, almost everyone that is, was having a good time tonight. Mia and Vince sat far away from Olivia and Inco to respect Olivia's wishes, wounds were still trying to heal so this was the best scenario to go off of.

Anon and Lucy began to tell stories about their own family which the rest loved to hear, especially Samantha who was always eager to know more about her grandbabies and what they were up to. Ripley couldn't help but let a very small unnoticeable smile creep on his rough snout, people would need magnifying glasses to actually see the beefy Ptero's smile.

Anon and the male Baryonyx sat against each other, both of them sharing stories with each other from the armies and stuff they encountered that wasn't too bad for the family friendly table. Ripley didn't want to admit it to Anon's face but seeing how well he grew as a person made him just a little more proud of his son-in-law. He remembered the day he came home with his daughter to meet the family and study for exams. At that time they weren't even together so they said, he didn't believe it one bit but why would they lie about that even though they are together now?

Anon had stopped drinking for the night, he didn't want to go overboard like the other times since he did promise his wife he would be sober tonight. The male Baryonyx though was a different story, Olivia's father was a bit tipsy but still grinning stupidly as he retells his old stories for the table to enjoy. Even the quiet giant that is Ripley speaks up to tell about his chief and beat cop days to the table.

It was almost like the three of them were making it a competition to show off who had the better crazier stories for the table. The kids were in awe of the stories regardless, Samantha and Lucy would pipe up now and then to redirect the stories back to a safe zone so the kids wouldn't hear something too particularly gruesome for their baby ears.

While that went on, Lucy had snagged the beer bottle from Anon to stop him from going further even though he had explained he was done with the booze for the night. Lucy was happy at this and nuzzled her snoot against him, Anon wrapped his arms around his wife's shoulder and brought them together. Anon then smirked while he held his wife, he then turned to face the table and then back at Lucy. "Actually I have a great story to tell, did you know that Lucy here used to drink and smoke the hard stuff back then?"

Lucy questioned Anon with a look that would bring a man to his knees, it was clear that she wondering what her dumb husband was up to. The rest of the family and friends turned their gaze to the Mouses Patriarch and Matriarch with intent. Olivia swallowed a piece of deliciously cooked steak that Randy had given her beforehand, she then turned her attention to the blushing Lucy who began to hide herself behind her beautiful feathery wings. "Wait, seriously? Mrs. Goody-too-shoos Church Goer here used to be a bad girl back then?"

Lucy squeaked and hid herself behind her wings while Anon placed his arm on the table and grinned. "Oh yeah, you should have seen her back then, she was a totally different person. Back then she would be able to chug a gallon of whiskey and still be sober." Lucy shot a glare at her husband, her teeth began gritting as she glared daggers at the human man.

Samantha nodded her head, she giggled and began to go through her purse to find something that was lodged deep within the carrier. "Oh yes, she was my little punk princess, oh gosh darn, I know I have it somewhere in here." Lucy peaked through her wings, seeing that her mother was trying to find something, it made her blood run cold.

Samantha let out a happy chirp and pulled out a picture that was chipped on the top edge. She then gave it to Olivia, who in return put her hand to her muzzle and began to stiffle some threatening giggles that wanted to be known. "Oh my goodness, I would never expect something like this for you, Lucy!"

Lucy began to try and reach for the photograph of a young Lucy, or known as Fang at the time, in her casual black midriff wear, eyeliner, spike crest collar and tooth necklace. Lucy sat back in her seat and crossed her arms and let out a displeased huff, she was going to get back at Anon and her mother for this. Alex jumped in his seat and then grinned trying to reach for the picture. "O-Oh me next!"

Lucy's eyes widened in horror, she hadn't told her son about this, this was a part of her life she wanted to keep buried. She began to shake her head and mouthed 'no' to Olivia, she was too late since Alex reached over and snagged the picture out of Olivia's hand. "Mommy, what in the world are you wearing?" Lucy's eyes widened to the size of dinner plates, Luna looked over and her own eyes widened at the sight of Lucy back then.

Alex brought the picture into Luna's hands and whispered into her ear holes as she nodded cutely, he whispered everything into her ear and began giggling madly. Luna giggled gently and looked at Lucy with the cutest smile. "Auntie Lucy! You sound so funny, can you please wear this again for us!" Lucy leaped a bit forward and fortunately for her, grabbed the photo and stuffed it into her pocket. She crossed her arms and puffed out her cheeks while she shook her head. "Never again."

Anon's smirk kept getting bigger and bigger throughout the whole time that Lucy's past was revealed. He can see her a bit pissed off right now but he saw her crack a small grin that said 'you will pay for this later on tonight.' He wrapped his arm around his wife's side and pulled her close to him, she leaned her head on his shoulder while she made herself comfortable. "Oh and her name wasn't Lucy, it was Fang by the way."

Lucy's eyes shot wide open, she then grabbed onto his neck and began to playfully strangle the man as she shook him from side to side. "Shut up! Shut up! Shut up! SHUT UP!" The guests at the table couldn't help but adore the loving sight of the family. Naser was eating his nice salad and fruits until he let a mischievous grin cross his snoot. "Oh man, I remember back then when Fang would keep the whole neighborhood up with her music, I swear I would only get like an hour of sleep at most!"

A sliced and chomped chicken bone was then thrown at Naser, it hit him on his nose which slightly made him jump. He then turned his eyes towards the culprit, his annoyed sister who had her eyes locked on him was all the answer he needed to know about who had thrown the bone at him. "Hey I was only telling the truth! You really did keep up the whole neighborhood from sleeping for several nights in a row, mom and dad literally had to install sound proof wall panels in your room so it'll be only your family that won't sleep!"

Lucy blushed a bright crimson red, she hates that this was all true, she really was a problem child back then. She was glad that her family didn't abandon her, she was at her lowest point throughout that point in her life, if she didn't have her family or Anon... She wouldn't know where she'd be right now. She rolled her eyes and reluctantly leaned against her stupid husband who had caused this whole mess. "Fine yes, I was a bit of a... Rebel back then."

Ripley almost choked on his drink, the whole table and the spotlight was now shined on the titanic ptero who was banging on his chest. He closed his eyes and coughed a few times, he nodded his head to signal that he was okay and turned his piercing gaze at his daughter. "A rebel? Lucy you were the whole rebellion."

Lucy's cheeks flushed again for what felt like the twentieth time that hour, she crossed her arms again and turned away shyly. "I-I wasn't that bad, you guys! You're acting like I was the devil's spawn or something, yes looking back at it I definitely see how problematic I was, I was definitely a... Isolated and fiery ptero, but I wasn't that bad." She defended herself while the people that knew her gave her the same expression that made her wince. 'Total bullsh*t.'

"Lucy you weren't perfect, far from it... But if you weren't like that or going through with what you were going through back then, I wouldn't have gotten to know the person I love today." Anon smiles down at the petite pterodactyl that he'd do anything for. He then gently raises his hand and caresses her cheek before gesturing it towards their kids. "If you weren't like that we wouldn't have these beautiful and amazing children, I love you Lucy, Fang and all the stuff you used to be." Lucy hugged him tightly and let a lone stray tear fall down her cheek, she felt so safe and protected in his arms, she wanted to just be here forever and never leave. "Thank you, dweeb."

The loving moment was then ruined by a giggling Olivia. "God you two are giving me cavities right now, cut out with all that sweetness right now." Lucy and Anon let out gentle laughs as they held one another, Anon then gently took the half emptied bottle of beer and slid it towards the petite and confused Lucy. Anon gently stroked his wife's cheek while they stared at each other, Lucy was very confused but was glad that he continued. "Here, you deserve this since you've been in so much stress lately. I know, I know that you said you'd quit years ago but just have a night to relax, alright?" Lucy wasn't too sure, she'd given up that life a long time ago, she didn't want to fall back into bad habits. "Come on, just relax and be yourself tonight and I'll supervise, this will be for all the times I've caused you trouble back then when I used to drink at parties like this."

She did have to admit, she did sometimes miss drinking, she did miss having the taste and the tipsy feeling of flying when days went bad. Her amber eyes drifted down to the bottle that contained enough funny juice for her to relax. She growled and grabbed the bottle and twisted the cap and shot her gaze at her husband. "If I start going overboard and start doing stupid crap, please... I beg you please grab the bottle from me."

Anon nodded his head and gave her a lazy salute. "At your orders and services ma'am." Lucy rolled her eyes and brought the bottle to her lips, the cold taste of her once favorite drink from years ago was a blast to the past. Anon smirked and leaned back in his chair as we watched the sh*t show unfold. 'Let's see how long it takes for her to get absolutely smashed.'


"Ohhhh m-my gawd!!! You're s-so friggin' a-adorable!" The completely wasted Lucy hugs her son tightly and begun to spin the poor human boy around and around. Alex felt the bone crushing hug of his mother's arms, he loves his mom but not when she always gave him her world famous bone breaking hugs before he leaves for school.

Anon and Inco watch the extremely drunk Lucy drag her son like a ragdoll, he looks up at the taller human male and questions. "How many drinks did you give her, Anon?" Anon raises the bottle in question and shows it to Inco with a slightly concerned look. He shows the completely empty bottle that he drank half of. "She only drank what's left of my bottle and that was enough to get her completely wasted? I know she hasn't had beer in like six or seven years but jeez."

He turns his gaze to his completely hyperactive and happy drunk wife, she begins to show off her son to her mother and father, they both nod and smile worriedly as she takes him off to the lane of her next poor victims. Anon rushes over to his wife and sees that she's showing off the little boy to the scared Mia and weirded out Vince. "T-This is m-my s-son apparently, I-I'm not e-even married to a-anyone... I-I think?" Anon rushes to his wife's side and places his hand on her shoulder, she turns up to him and blinks her eyes slowly while she stumbles.

"Lucy, honey, maybe let Alex go so he can have fun with the other kids? He looks like he wants to go with Luna and Rose." His son in question was nodding his head vigorously while he darted his eyes between his mother and the axolotl who was watching from afar giggling. Fang then turned her attention to Anon, her eyes narrowed suddenly and she then shoots her hand and index finger out and pokes his chest hard. "W-Who the hec-Hiccup-are you? W-Why the h-hell did you call m-me L-Lucy, m-my name is F-Fangy F-Foo..."

The drunk as hell woman began to stumble forward, Anon quickly reached down and caught the stumbling pterodactyl woman in his arms. Since she had stumbled, Alex was able to get out of her tight embrace and run to his dad's side and stare at the scene unfolding. Lucy, or now as Fang, hiccups again while she leans in his arms sleepily and is a bit upset now. "M-My name is F-Fang! N-Not Lucy! I-I'm n-non-binary, I-I'm Fang now, F-Fang s-supremacy!"

Anon stares in complete and utter shock, his eyebrow arches a bit at the current situation he was in now. He shrugs and chuckles regardless, it was good to see Fang again, even if it was a version of Fang that was drunk. She arches her eyebrows when she sees his face, her eyes glow brightly while she reaches up and touches his face and nose and then to his muscular chest and arms. "W-Woah... You are quite h-handsome, who a-are you mister?"

Alex had heard enough, the times when his mother flirted with his father was always a time that meant he needed to skedaddle on out. "Aaaand that's where I leave, uh... Have fun dad?" Alex then sprinted away from the drunk and dreamy eyed mother ptero and the now slightly concerned human man.

Her words were quite husky while she purred in his arms, she then turned her head and saw his arms that he was holding her with. She raised her hands and began to caress her husband's large and muscular biceps. "W-Woah... You h-have muscles mister, d-do you want to blow this j-joint and maybe... B-Break me?" Anon couldn't help but let a small blush spread across his cheeks, he shook his head and sighed at himself. 'You can't be serious.'

Fang gently bats her eyelashes and leans forward to deliver a husky whisper. "M-Maybe I can... I don't know... G-Get on m-my knees?" And that was enough. "Alright that's enough, I don't think our friends and family want to see you giving me a blowj*b in front of them." He began walking with her towards where Inco has gone towards, he then saw the two love birds, Inco and Olivia were together with one another but Olivia was sat on Inco's lap while they watched the kids plus a very tired Vinny swim together.

Rose had brought a swimsuit with her since Inco had told Ben beforehand since he was letting the kids take swims in the pool. Rose, Luna, Alex and a very exhausted Vinny were all playing water tag again. Vinny didn't look too happy being the guy that was it. "Oh come on, that's not even fair! I'm half of an aquatic dino and I still get my butt kicked by a full aquatic girl!"

Luna resurfaced and giggled as she threw water at Vinny's backside before disappearing again, Alex was on the side holding on as he smiled at the misfortune that plagued the hybrid. "Welcome to my world, she's the queen at water tag."

Anon's eyes glossed over at the four kids playing together, he saw his son smile back at him and then went back under water to swim away from the approaching Dilopho-Spinosaurus teen. Mia was close to the pool to make sure her daughter was okay, she felt safer being close to her daughter and watching her swim even though she has swim floaties on to keep her from going beneath the water. Rose seemed a bit preoccupied thinking about something than actually playing the game. The little Parasaurolophus girl had her eyes glued on the back door to see if her father had come back out yet.

Lunara had gone inside to talk with him after she came back out, the beautiful Dromaeosaurid had told her that she'd take care of Ben and talk to him about stuff. They needed alone time together to finally talk about what happened and what they needed to do together for the near future.

Mia was worried about her daughter being in the water, the little tyke could barely swim but Luna was always with her as they tried to escape the Dilopho-Spinosaurus who was right behind them. Mia was happy knowing that her daughter was safe, on the plus side she was always looking as well as other parents as well.

Anon made his way to Inco and Olivia, both of them talking about some anime that Olivia was wanting Inco to watch. He was NOT about to show his power level to anyone else. The last time he showed his power level to someone, the person made fun of him, they got married a year later and had a kid together. He eventually got said wife to watch anime as well and get hooked on some animes that were still running.

Anon carried his very affectionate, touchy, grabby and very needy wife towards his friends. He blushes brightly as he approached them and stopped behind them, Olivia turned her gaze towards Anon and Inco followed suit. Anon was blushing brightly while the drunken pterodactyl began running her hands across his face. "You two have got to help me."

Olivia was having a tough time trying to keep her giggles at bay, seeing the totally wasted Lucy was too much for the Baryonyx. Inco had his arm around his wife, said wife then broke out into a full on laughter. Anon stared at the two with a deadpanned facial expression as his wife drove her fingers across his face, she was making race car noises that added more to the adorable and funny atmosphere. "Oh my goodness, I have to get this on camera."

"I already have it on camera, I will only send it to you two for later blackmail if you help me with her right now." The ptero mother wrapped her arms around Anon's back, her eyes widened and then leaned over his shoulder and vomited down his back. Anon, Olivia, Inco and the pool goers stood in shock at what just happened.

Anon groaned and pinched his nose. "Help me please."

Inco sighed and looked down at his wife, even though he loved that the blood flow to his legs were cut off, he had to get it back. Olivia moved herself back into her wheelchair and allowed Inco to stand up and stumble a bit to regain the blood that had been cut off to his legs.

Inco pecked Olivia on her cheek and then turned to Anon. "Alright, you can use mine and Olivia's bedroom to let her rest for the remainder of the night. You can even find a shirt in my drawer, if any fits that is." He began to lead the taller human and his drunk wife back to the house. Anon thanked and apologized for what she has caused this far, Inco waves it off since there was really no damage done.

Olivia watched her husband lead Anon and his wife into their home, she turned her attention back towards the pool party that was going on and watched with a bright smile as she observed the on going pool tag fight that was going on in the pool.

They made it inside and saw that the Parasaurolophus and Dromaeosaurid couple were still talking quietly in the kitchen. Both of the human men and a one very woozy ptero quietly went upstairs so they wouldn't disturb the conversation that the couple were softly talking about with each other. Inco and Anon reached to the upstairs and to the large master bedroom, Anon wouldn't say this out loud but he definitely was jealous at how beautiful and large the room was.

Inco had instructed the older and taller human on where his shirts were, Inco also told him that they had a master bathroom so they wouldn't have to leave the room. Anon knew this wasn't going to be easy, he wanted to be very careful with the drunken ptero since she was knocked out already sometime after she had barfed her guts out.

It was a hassle to get the sleeping woman into the bed, he had to be very quiet so he wouldn't wake up the sleeping beauty from her comatose state. Inco left the two to be alone, he didn't want to intrude on anything that he wasn't supposed to, or frankly didn't want to see. He really hopes that Anon and Lucy don't do anything sexual on his bed, it's going to be so awkward if something does happen.

It was a hassle to get the sleeping woman into the bed, he had to be very quiet so he wouldn't wake up the sleeping beauty from her comatose state. Inco left the two to be alone, he didn't want to intrude on anything that he wasn't supposed to, or frankly didn't want to see. He really hopes that Anon and Lucy don't do anything sexual on his bed, it's going to be so awkward if something does happen.

Inco goes down the stairs and sees that the living room is empty, Ben and Lunara were gone from the couch. They were here when they entered the home, he turned his gaze towards the outside and saw that they barely just exited and went back outside. He jogged to the door and slid it open, he went out and approached behind them quietly.

Ben turned around and saw Inco approaching him, Ben then stopped along with his girlfriend as well, they both stared at Inco who then went to his side and placed a comforting hand on his shoulder. "How you feeling? Feeling better?"

Ben smiled, it was a genuine smile he gave Inco, it was a bit sad and tired but not a fake one that he had seen so many times before. "Yeah, thanks man, I feel so much better now since that is off my shoulders." He closed his eyes and took a deep breath, he tilted his face towards the sky and let out an exhale with a satisfied smile forming across his mug. "I haven't felt this good in a long time, I'll still need loads of more time to be at one hundred percent but I know I'll reach there with you and my family by my side." Ben gestures to them, his hands motioning towards Damien, Rose, Liz and Olivia before going back towards Lunara and Inco.

Inco let his hand slide down and pat his back, he nodded his head with a grin forming on his face. "If you need anything, anything at all, you know where to find me." Ben nods and smiles, the two then lean forward and embrace in a tight brotherly hug, the two pull away while Inco the gives the Parasaurolophus's shoulder a gentle squeeze.

Inco turns his gaze to his family and friends, he speaks to Ben without even looking at him. "You are loved here Ben, more than you know. We are all here for you and Lunara, if you need anything I'm always here to talk and provide." Ben nods and chuckles gently. He looks at his girlfriend for a moment, she pecks his cheek tenderly which makes the blue Parasaurolophus blush lightly. Ben looks at Inco again, his pink eyes regaining their color that had been lost for so long. "I'm so thankful to have you as part of my family Inco, you and Olivia mean the world to me."

Inco nodded his head proudly, he then took a few steps forward along with the two as he stared forward at his gator wife. "How about we get back to the party? You two haven't missed a thing, honestly the party has only just begun."

Ben and Lunara share glances with one another, Lunara holds onto her boyfriend all the while Ben nods at Inco. "It would be a pleasure."

Inco, Ben and Lunara strut towards where the laughing and commotion was at, Inco gently looked down at his wedding band and smiled at the inscription again. He closed his eyes and opened them back up with a grin and then proposed to all of them excitedly. "Let's get this party started!"


Inco was holding onto a large princess castle shaped piñata in his arms, the kids gasped in awe at seeing the large cardboard painted princess castle that looked ready to be beaten to bits. Luna, Alex, Rose and Vinny sat in awe, even though Luna wasn't able to actually see the beautiful looking princess castle, she had her best friend to tell her it was there and ready to be destroyed at the hands of the kids and the lone teen.

Inco and Damien helped one another tie the piñata to the tree and got everything set in place. Inco put a huge sheet over the floor so when the candy drops it would be on the sheet instead of the grass and ants that were everywhere in one spot beneath the tree that they connected the piñata onto. Damien went to the thick string that was being held by Ben so it would be raised slightly above the ground, Damien gave Ben a nod and Ben tugged hard, raising the giant and pretty damn heavy piñata with all his might.

Ben knelt down and placed the end of the heavy duty string on the grassy floor, Damien then stabbed the ground with a large stake on the heavy duty rope that secured the piñata in the air for the time being. Inco dusted himself off a bit and gave an approving nod to his best friends, Damien, Ben and Inco then gave each other fist bumps to each other in the end. The three friends then made their way to their respective lovers and embraced lovingly.

Luna was very giddy right now, bouncing up and down in place while the grinning Alex couldn't help but chuckle at how cute his axolotl friend was. She can smell the candy that was trapped within the cardboard prison, just the aroma of the candy was enough to make her go crazy. She wanted to beat this piñata to bits, she was going to make sure it wouldn't hold her candy hostage ever again.

Alex's smile never faltered as he gazed dreamily at the axolotl, he couldn't take his eyes off the axolotl as she bounces up and down giddily. He felt bubbly inside, he didn't know what this feeling was but he loved how it made him feel. The tingling sensation in his heart, his cheeks warm and cozy, his heart running rampant, and his smile ever growing. "She is so cute and she doesn't even know it."

"You really are Anon's kid." A deep and earth shaking voice grumbled from behind the small kid. He jumped in fright and turned around to see his grandfather, the large and bulky Pterodactyl man had his large arms crossed as he stared down at his grandson. The man's eyes were uncharacteristically soft, his large beak was straight with no smile nor any frown on it. He was neutral right now, anyone who didn't know the titanic pterodactyl would see this as alarming, to Alex though this just meant that his grandfather was looking out for his family.

Alex arched his eyebrow up at the large ptero. "What makes you say that, grampa?" The little human boy was confused with what his grandfather was talking about, even he himself didn't know about what he did that he picked up from his father. Ripley kneels down in front of the small boy, he opens his arms and the human boy gladly accepts the hug. Ripley holds the boy to his chest and shakes his head silently before staring at his wife and then speaking deeply. "You mumble like your father, son."

Alex flushes with embarrassment, he crosses his arms and pouts. "N-No I don't!" Ripley chuckled and then made his way to the table of adults, the table was occupied by Nathan, Naser, Samantha, Mr. Ferris, Liz, Damien and baby James. Ripley made his way to the table and heard some conversations going on. The male Baryonyx was a bit tipsy but the large whale kept him straight and on his feet when things got out of hand for the Baryonyx. "Easy Nate, I don't want you throwing up all over yourself, don't want a repeat of what happened last time when you came over."

The larger whale has his hand on the Baryonyx's back as the Baryonyx begins to get up and stumble a bit. "Don't you worry about a thing Mason, I'm not as drunk as last time but I'm definitely boarding that line. I'm done with the beer tonight, I don't want to get too hammered, I have to leave very soon to go back in the air."

Ripley turns and sees his son, his trutting slows down significantly when he gazes at his shorter lankier son. His son sits alone at the table as he stares down at his phone and types away at it, he was probably talking with that Stegosaurus girl he has been talking about recently. He hopes she is better than the last one he brought home during his highschool days. He was glad that he was out there trying to find the one for him, he was glad he didn't give up. He even achieved his dream and met the woman while working for the hospital.

He prays that this woman doesn't turn into a control freak like his ex-girlfriend, even he would notice how obsessive that Parasaurolophus was back then.

The ptero then turned his attention towards the Brachiosaurus and her loving husband who was gently cooing and making funny noises to their giggling son. "-ish your parents could have joined the party, I know David would have loved mom's salad." The Brachiosaurus giggles and nods her head gently while she affectionately gazes down at her child, her hand reaches out and softly strokes the child's face which causes the baby to giggle and clap his hands. "I know daddy would have definitely liked the food here, momma wasn't able to make it since she was out on a business trip and daddy didn't want to leave her behind. Plus they live in the Big Apple which is across the entire country so ya get the picture."

Damien nods his head and bumps his elbow against his wife's arm. "We were so lucky that they were visiting when you went into labor, I'm so glad that they were there and weren't in the waiting pool that we call an airport." The Brachiosaurus giggles and nods her head, she then gently wraps her long neck around his neck and settles her chin on his head. "I love you, idiot."

Damien rolls his eyes but smiles regardless. "Love you too."

Ripley sits down next to his tiny feathery ptero wife, she lets out an adorable squeak when she sees her grandson. She reaches forward and gently embraces the small boy into a warm hug. "Alex! Oh my sweet boy, how have you been?" The boy now sits between his grandparents, the both of them staring down at the blonde haired boy while he shakes his head and readies himself if another hug attack happens. "I'm fine Gramma, I wish you could have brought the rice you always make for big parties... I'm really hungry for that."

Samantha lets her hands fall to her lap, she then raises her hand to stroke the boy's beautiful golden hair. "I'm sorry honey, I didn't have the ingredients today to make some. I went to the supermarket and they were all out. I'll tell you what though, next time they are in stock I'll make you a whole party worth of rice." Alex brightened at that, he leaped forward and hugged his grandmother tightly. "Thank you Gramma!"

Ripley smiled at the young boy, he hadn't seen his wife this happy in a long time, since the days that Naser and Lucy were kids at least. Lucy growing up and having a family of her own really did bring so much love out into the world, he was a grandfather that was willing to do anything to protect his family while his wife was the grandmother that would love and support her kids. Ripley let an extremely rare content smile form across his beak, he was at peace and loved being a grandfather. It was easy, all he had to do was babysit, help around the house, and give gifts when needed.

His kids were all grown up, he was sad that he didn't have any baby children to call his own anymore but Naser and Fang will always be his little ones even though he doesn't say it often. Ever since little Amber and Alex came into the mix, he felt like a part of him was whole, he didn't expect to miss the joys of parenthood but it made itself known when he and Samantha babysit the little ones.

Ripley leaned back in his seat, the chair squeaking and crying out for help due to his large size. It was a shock to everyone at how the comedically tiny seat was even able to support his weight. The large winged dino crossed his arms, he then turned to his left and saw a familiar little axolotl girl coming to him. "Ippy!"

Ripley let a grin form across his beak, he waved over to the axolotl who rushed forward and hugged his large hand. Even till this day, the giant Pterodactyl was always to fascinated on how she was able to tell her surroundings without being able to see. "He little 'un, you wanna spend time with ol 'Ippy?"

The axolotl nodded her head and smiled with delight. Ripley gently lifts the axolotl up and sets her down on his leg, he can't help but letting an affectionate smile cross his face when stroking the little axolotl's head. He had known the axolotl since she was just a head tail and gills, now she is a big girl and she does whatever she wants now. "How has school been, Lu?"

The axolotl had some gummy worms on her that the ptero didn't notice before, she was actually slurping up the gummies at rates that would seem worrying to other people but knew that this was an axolotl thing and it was fine. "Top of my classes! Inky and 'Livy have been taking me to my school lately, Aunt Lucy has been a bit sad that she hasn't been able to take me whenever she's off but she says she glad that I have others to look out for me."

The axolotl then stands up on Ripley's lap, she looks around and tries to smell for her aunt's particular perfume she usually wears. "Wait... Where is Aunt Lucy?" She closes her eyes and sniffs around, she tries desperately but the many adults and people around suppress her aunt's scent that she's very familiar with. Ripley turns his gaze to the top floor where he saw the light turn off at the very end of the house, he then turns his gaze to the baby lotl that he sees almost as a daughter. "Uh... Your aunt..."

"Aunt Lucy wanted to take a nap, Olivia and Inco said they were okay with it so Lucy is upstairs sleeping." She turned her face to the voice she knows very well, she jumps out of Ripley's lap and springs onto Anon's chest. He catches her quickly, he didn't want to miss the axolotl since the giant pterodactyl would definitely beat his ass if he accidentally missed the axolotl. "Ani!"

The human man wrapped his arms tightly around the axolotl and twirled her around, she hung around his neck while he spun that made her squeal enthusiastically. He then put the adorable little axolotl down and put his hands on his hips. He arched an eyebrow and began to thump his foot like a parent that had just found their child trying to steal from the cookie jar. "I didn't notice now but you have gotten a bit taller, haven't you?"

The axolotl grinned, she smiled from cheek to cheek and nodded gently. "I was wondering when you'd notice, Inky and 'Livy had already marked my height next to the living room doorway, I'm a big girl now Uncle Ani!" The human couldn't help but shake his head with a smile, he then gently ruffled the blonde headed axolotl while she swatted at his hand. "Stawp, Uncle Ani!"

Anon went for another teasing ruffle but was slapped away again by the axolotl, he waved off his hand at the slap she gave him. He held his hand with his other, gently rubbing the spot and whining jokily. "You broke my hand!" The axolotl blew a raspberry at him and huffed. "Not my fault you kept rubbing my head, you should know that you lost your head pat privileges awhile ago!"

"What did I do?" The axolotl huffed and crossed her arms across her chest and barked. "You stole my gummies you meanie!" Anon let his hand fall to his side, he knelt down to her level and ushered her to come forward. She was hesitant at first but in the end did as told, she cautiously stepped forward and tilted her head to the man. "What?"

Anon looked around if anyone was around, he knew that Ripley was there, he was watching the whole ordeal after all. Anon knew the tough and stoic pterodactyl patriarch of the Aaron family wouldn't say anything, he was the axolotl's gummy worm dealer after all. "If you promise to not tell Olivia or Inco, I will get you... Not one... Not two... But three." He held up his fingers, he made a three symbol hand gesture with them. He then looked at his hand and realized his mistake and put it back down, he hoped no one saw that. Ripley shakes his head, Anon was stupid at times. "Three gummy worms bags will be in your hands the next time I see you, but they will be big, big as your adorable little head. All you got to do... Is one thing."

The axolotl leaned back a bit and crossed her arms, she scrunched up her nose and narrowed her glassy misty white eyes. "What's the thing, Uncy?" Anon smiled, he gently grasped the little axolotl's hands and grinned. "You let me give me my head pat privileges back and I'll get you y-" He didn't even finish his sentence when a blur of pink shot into him and knocked him onto his back. She was so small yet she had enough force and will power to knock down the sculpted man such as himself onto his back. "You can give me head pats-" He was about to give her a head pat but she smacked his hand again. He retracted his hand once again back to his chest and narrowed his eyes. She crossed her arms smugly and finished. "-after you get me my wormies."

Anon rolls his eyes and nods reluctantly. He crosses his arms and slowly utters and emphasizes each word that comes out of his mouth. "You do drive a hard bargain."

She grins cheekily and then hops off the human, he helps himself up and sees the axolotl has already started off towards Inco and Olivia. Ripley was watching the whole thing, outsmarted and beaten by a six year old. He shook his head and let his arm rest on the table while he stared at Anon. "What?"

Ripley let out a 'pfft' as an answer, he shook his head and spun so he could get back to talking with his wife. Anon crossed his arms and arched his eyebrow, his eyes eyeing the giant fossil. "I sometimes wonder what goes on in that guy's head."

"I can still hear you, Mini-Me!" A loud boom shakes the ground that comes from the terrifying pterodactyl when he spun around faster than the speed of light. Anon then nodded and headed off to go and supervise his children, Amber was being loved by her grandmother at the moment so he had to go find his son and see what he was up to.

He shakes his head for a second. He swore he heard the rapid beating of drums for a second when Ripley called him 'Mini-Me'.

He's going insane most likely.




The ear spitting shrill of Luna's loud voice gains the adults kids and audiences attention. She has two piñata bats in both hands and a party hat that is the same color as her slimy smooth skin. She begins to bounce rapidly up and down, wanting to get the action started. Alex Rose and Vinny stare frighteningly, they didn't really know if they wanted to be part of this side she could possibly beat them and take the candy.

Inco trutted up to the hyperactive axolotl who was howling into the air, he knelt down and patted her back softly. "Sweetie calm down, remember you have to share with your friends alright?" The axolotl shimmers down a bit at this, she can smell the scent of her friends and family behind her, watching her go absolutely ballistic. "Awwww, why?"

"Because if you eat all the candy then Santa is going to see you as a bad girl for not sharing." Olivia wheeled herself behind Inco, she stopped herself and laid back in her chair and crossed her arms. Inco knew what she was playing at, Inco nodded his head and nudged the little Lotl. "Remember sweetie, Santa is always watching even when it's not Christmas, plus you have to share with Pogo right?"

She cheered up at the mention of Pogo, she nodded her head instantly and wrapped herself up. She accidentally broke Pogo a few days ago and she has to have him fixed, Inco was still wondering how in the world she broke her walking stick to begin with. Inco then turned her around to face the piñata, he motioned the other kids to come closer so they could take turns beating the life out of the piñata for its sweet succulent goods. "Remember, do this for Pogo! I heard there is even a gummy bag in there..."

That did it, she began to rush forward and raised her bats to swing at the piñata which was in the air staying still. Damien was operating the piñata rope at the moment, when he saw the axolotl rushing forward he quickly went to the rope and tugged hard on it to lift it into the air. He stared at Inco, Inco gave him a thumbs up and nodded. It was clear that Damien didn't expect to be thrown right into it but proceeded in the end.

The adults cheered for Luna as she swung with speed and precision, especially regarding her disability. The axolotl swung hard and fast at the castle top, knocking off the princess tower that had small drops of candy in it. "You got candy! Luna I need you to stop so you all can get some!"

The axolotl turned around to where Inco's voice came from, she could smell the candy on the floor but didn't go for it. She grinned, she can feel the small little Rose waddling past her grabbing some candy for herself. The axolotl gave the bats to the little girl, the small and blue spectacled Parasaurolophus thanked her for the bats.

She was only big and strong enough to hold one, Ben came forward and helped his daughter hold the bat right and pointed at the piñata. She nodded her head in understanding, she knew what must be done for the greater good of all candy kind.

Mia put her hands to her snout, the little Parasaurolophus leaped so high and began knocking the thing apart. Damien had to tug on the piñata hard to lift it up so she wouldn't fully destroy the thing since he had other kids to go next. He didn't expect her to leap up and actually start demolishing the castle with ferocity. 'She definitely has a future involving gymnastics I can see.'

Ben had to dodge the incoming storm of swings and slices that his daughter would give. The piñata was raised high in the air, she was still swinging hard at the piñata which was above her, she began to jump at it as she tried to hit the edges of the piñata with her bat. "G-Give me my candy!"

Ben tapped on the little Parasaurolophus's shoulder, she turned her head towards her father, almost hitting him in the head with her bat in the process. Ben was able to dodge out of the way and grin. "You did good, it's time for Alex next."

"Awwww." She pouted as she was lifted away by the loving arms of her father. Alex stepped forward and grabbed the two bats, he narrowed his eyes and spun the bats in his hands. Alex sprinted and jumped forward, he hit it a few times but the castle didn't break; this thing was as sturdy as an actual castle. He kept hitting and actually broke a piece off, he didn't even realize that they were keeping time for a minute for rotation.

He then swung up with such speed that it broke the side, causing small pieces of candy to come loose. The kids and adults cheered and called time, Inco urged the kids to pick the candy before he let Vinny have his turn. Only a few pieces of smaller candy had gotten through the small opening on the broken edge of the castle piñata though, Vinny saw a spot he could try and hit and smirked.

He had trained his whole life for this, he calculated the swing and velocity he would give. He was going to be a pro hockey player someday, this was going to be a test for him to get past and achieve his dream. Damien readied himself, the last two he hadn't been ready for so this time he was sure of himself.

Damien let a smirk cross his face. Vinny propped the bat up in a ready position, the clock started so he sprinted forward with quick succession. He then swung hard and fast, his eyes widened when he had missed and accidentally swung so hard it had hit the tree causing him to fall down with the bat.

Vinny quickly got back up, not caring that some of the adults were chuckling, he propped his bat up and then... "Oh you've got to be kidding me!"

Vinny laid his bat down and stared at his older brother. "Bro, really?" Above him was an out of reach piñata, it had no intention of coming down since Damien was keeping it all the way up there to spite Vinny. Damien only grinned, he gave his brother his thumbs up which caused the heavy piñata to slightly fall downwards. Vinny saw his opportunity and jumped up high and swung to the side. The bat struck the momentarily low piñata hard, causing the piñata to sway slightly. The hit caused a piece of the piñata to come off and throw out some candy in the process.

Damien didn't expect this sudden weakness to slip through, he pulled the piñata back up but when he did that it caused some more candy to spill onto the ground. Inco called time and the kids rushed forward to grab the candy, Luna was practically a vacuum sucking up the candy into her bag while the other kids got some.

"Alright it's Luna's turn again!" Olivia clapped her hands and cheered for her axolotl, the axolotl jumped up and grabbed the bat, she then caressed the bat while an idea brainstormed in her mind. She turned to the audience and chirped. "Ippy, Ippy, Ippy! I need help, could you help me 'Ippy?"

The titanic pterodactyl pushes through the crowd since he was in the back with Nathan and Mason, they were actually chatting about stuff until the angelic little axolotl called for his attention. He stomped forward, almost like a beast making himself known to all the other animals that he was the one and only. He made way to the tiny axolotl, she jumped up to him and ushered her hands downwards so he'd get down to her level. The pterodactyl knelt down on his knee and went down to her size, he had to hunch down a bit because she was still so smaller than him even when on one knee.

She grinned and joyfully cheered. "Can you beat that piñata up, I want candy!" The pterodactyl let a smile creep across his face, he gave the axolotl a nod and a gentle head pat before getting up. He reached down to pick up the bat that was on the ground, the bat looked so small and puny in his hands. He began to do swinging tricks with it with one hand as he approached the shaking piñata.

Anon rushes forward to the towering ptero's side. "Ripley please don't send the thing into orbit."

Ripley stopped for a second, he turned to face the shorter human and growled. The look that the pterodactyl gave him almost made him sh*t himself. He hadn't seen that look in a long time, he puts his hands up and backs away quickly; he wasn't really in the mood to be at the mercy of his father-in-law.

Ripley grabbed the end of the bat and slammed the plastic bat into the earth, the bat almost broke due to the pressure that it received when it was pushed down under. He began to march forward with the bat still standing upright, he stopped a few feet away from the piñata, the cardboard castle piñata was shaking ever so slightly. Damien had a good grip on the piñata but he knew deep down he didn't want to trick this behemoth. The ptero stood still for a few seconds, eyeing the piñata as if it was a western stand off.

Damien tugged a bit on the piñata, he gasped slightly when the piñata didn't budge from it's position. He turned his gaze towards the top of the tree and saw that the rope had gotten stuck on one of the branches. The branch was holding it tightly in place, even if he did want to tug and raise the piñata the branch wouldn't let him.

Ripley kept his burning glare, hotter than the sun glare, on the rope. Inco and Damien shared eye contact for a minute, both the males wondering what the behemoth titan was about to do. Ripley began balling his fists, the earth beneath him shaking very lightly as his burning glowing eyes casting hellfire on the rope.

Inco and Ben shared a look as well, Inco nodded and began to grab multiple white buckets and passing them to the adults. Olivia got one, Anon got one, Mia got one, Liz got one, Mr. Ferris got one, everyone that was an adult got one. Inco was now holding the white bucket that had some surprises in it. He waited for the moment that he knew would surely turn into the demise of the jumbo hundred dollar Disney princess castle piñata.

Luna was getting more excited as the time went on, it was only a few more seconds until...


The piñata fell down onto the sheet, Inco Damien and Ben both looked at one another in shock, all of them wondering why the heavy duty rope even snapped. Ripley approaches the downed and very damaged piñata, Damien lets go of the rope and retreats back next to his wife who offers him a white bucket as well and instructs him on what to do.

Ripley leans down and grabs the heavy piñata into one hand with ease. He then grabs the piñata with two hands now before turning around to face the crowd of adults and several kids. Ripley can feel the piñata trembling in his large destructive hands, the piñata knew its time was up. Ripley then growls as he starts pulling the hard cardboard apart, he yells and rips the giant castle in two and shoves the candy to the kids who scream gleefully while he rips the piñata entirely in two. The candy began raining over them, the adults began to throw candy, treats, chip bags and candy bags on them, they all reached out and happily took them. Olivia began to giggle as Luna began jumping for all the gummies and wormy treats, she would hear a collective of 'mine!' with some 'my precious!' and some 'come to me!' that would make her laugh.

Ripley let the piñata drop to his side, he crossed his arms over his bulky chest and let a proud smirk befall his face. The kids were being rained on by candies that seemed to fall from the sky for them. The adults cheerfully chugged the candy from the buckets, Inco knew this was a good idea, he wanted this to be the best possible outcome even if it had cost him a bit of green in the end.

Ripley's eyes quickly looked down at what was suddenly touching his leg, he looked down to see a small pink little Lotl happily hugging his leg and smiling up at him. "Thank you, 'Ippy!"

Ripley knelt down and picked up the adorable little axolotl, he nodded his head with an ever growing smile forming. Luna pulled out a lollipop from out of nowhere and stuffed the delectable treat into his beak. His eyes widened but then slowly went back to normal, he let a smirk grow across his face while he stared at the aftermath of the fiasco he had caused by ripping the piñata into absolute shreds.

He hummed happily.


Update: I saw the mystery person walk past, and it was none other than Rapper f*cking Jesus Holy f*ck. CHECKMATE ATHEISTS I'M BEING HELD HOSTAGE BY JUDEE AND RAPTOR JESUS ALMIGHTY!

I Wani Spend My Life With That Gator - primmnythedragon1107 (2024)


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Author: Golda Nolan II

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Author information

Name: Golda Nolan II

Birthday: 1998-05-14

Address: Suite 369 9754 Roberts Pines, West Benitaburgh, NM 69180-7958

Phone: +522993866487

Job: Sales Executive

Hobby: Worldbuilding, Shopping, Quilting, Cooking, Homebrewing, Leather crafting, Pet

Introduction: My name is Golda Nolan II, I am a thoughtful, clever, cute, jolly, brave, powerful, splendid person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.