L K Collins 1 Latch (ang) - PDF Free Download (2024)

Copyright © 2016 by LK Collins Kindle Edition Cover Design by Prezident Collins Edited by Lisa Christman, Adept Edits Formatting by Paul Salvette, BB eBooks Photography by Sheikoevgeniya All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing. This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to any actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental. The author acknowledges the trademarked status and trademark owners of various products referenced in this work of fiction, which have been used without permission. The publication/use of these trademarks is not authorized, associated with, or sponsored by the trademark owner.

“I am reassured knowing that this…is the only way…” – Latch

Title Page Copyright Page Epigraph Dedication Chapter 1 ~ Latch Chapter 2 ~ Abby Chapter 3 ~ Latch Chapter 4 ~ Abby Chapter 5 ~ Latch Chapter 6 ~ Abby Chapter 7 ~ Latch Chapter 8 ~ Abby Chapter 9 ~ Latch Chapter 10 ~ Abby Chapter 11 ~ Latch Chapter 12 ~ Abby Chapter 13 ~ Latch Chapter 14 ~ Abby Chapter 15 ~ Latch Chapter 16 ~ Abby Chapter 17 ~ Latch Chapter 18 ~ Abby Chapter 19 ~ Latch Chapter 20 ~ Abby Chapter 21 ~ Latch Chapter 22 ~ Abby Chapter 23 ~ Latch Chapter 24 ~ Abby Chapter 25 ~ Latch Chapter 26 ~ Abby Chapter 27 ~ Latch Chapter 28 ~ Abby Chapter 29 ~ Latch Chapter 30 ~ Abby Chapter 31 ~ Latch

Chapter 32 ~ Latch For My Readers Acknowledgements Follow LK Collins Other Books by LK

Latch, this one’s for you! Thank you for allowing me to share your story with the world.

She’s face down on the bedroom floor moaning my name. My co*ck fills her soft, pink puss*, and I thrust myself in and out of her again and again. I love how tight she is around me. “Harder, Latch,” she begs for more. I grip her hips giving her what she wants. “You like being f*cked, don’t you?” I ask her in a deep calm voice noticing her thighs starting to shake. There’s really nothing like the way a woman’s body moves when you f*ck her just how she needs it. I grin pulling her arms together behind her back, filling her full. She screams loudly not holding anything back, “f*ck, Latch!” “That’s it, Abby, let me hear you,” I grunt. Abby is one of my regulars. I’ve been seeing her for over a year now, and every time we’re together, it’s explosive. She’s unlike any of my other clients, or any other woman for that fact. Over time our connection has morphed into something so strong, so unreal. We talk all the time, sharing so many things with one another, just about our days, which is nothing that I’ve ever done before. But it’s something that I depend on, which is not like me. I’ve never had a real relationship. I’m not saying that this is real, for Christ’s sake, I still charge her for my time, but it’s all I know and how I keep myself protected. Dropping her arms, she arches her back, pointing her face to the ceiling feeling every inch of my swollen dick. I grab the leash that’s connected to her collar bound tightly around her neck. “Hold on, beautiful.” Driving my movements hard, I f*ck her with all I have, and she tightens herself around me like a vice. I can tell a good come is beginning inside of her. Her light skin is sweaty, with a tint of red to it. Closing my eyes, I get lost in the moment, enjoying her tightness. Enjoying how f*cking amazing she makes me feel. Suddenly her noises change in pitch and I can tell her org*sm is right there. I stop right before she comes, not wanting her to let go yet, not until I am ready. With the leash tightly in my grasp, I back out of her slowly so she can feel every inch of my dick leave her aching c*nt. This is why I’m on speed dial with so many women. Yeah, I might not have planned to be in this line of work, but God gave me a gift and I’m using it. Gripping her around the waist, I flip her around like a feather feeling the adrenaline pumping through her body. She looks up at me panting with that little smirk, the one that I’d do anything for. As I lift her in my arms, she clings to me and I move her body to the massive bed. Gently, I lay her down. Our eyes never break contact, even as I wipe my sweaty hands dry on the pillow next to me and it reminds me that her husband sleeps right here, right where I’m about to f*ck her and unload. Well, at least he does when he’s home, but anymore, that’s rare. He checked out on Abby and their marriage a long time ago, turning to alcohol and roadies. But who am I to judge? I’m no f*ckin’ saint, that’s for damn sure.

Abby has her legs closed. “You playing with me?” I ask her and run my tongue up one of them as I hold it in my grip. She tilts her head and gives me a tiny nod. “May I enter your puss*?” She opens her legs for me, waving me in with one finger. I grip my shaft low at the base, keeping the condom up the best that I can. Slowly I drive myself back into her relaxed body staring into her green eyes. I don’t know what it is about Abby…but there’s something that’s so intriguing. A fire inside of her that pulls me to her like a moth is drawn to a flame. Leaning down, I lick her nipples and begin to stroke in and out, slow and long, knowing I’m hitting right where she’s not used to. She’s close, that I can tell and this pushes her to the edge. Like clockwork she tightens her c*nt, arching her back as her org*sm invades her system. “Oooh f*ck,” she moans softly and I keep my strokes steady at the pace she loves. Her eyes have that spark to them, almost like it’s hurting her, but really she’s just in her favorite place. Her body is my ecstasy, making me wild inside as my own blow creeps up out of nowhere. However, I don’t fight it, letting go and releasing, with my co*ck buried deep inside of her. My cum hits strong and I begin to shiver, tightening my ass and thighs; holding it for just a second longer makes it unbelievably intense. Over time, my org*sms have evolved into something so f*cking powerful. And when I’m with Abby, she pushes me just a tick past there. When we are together, I can come multiple times and that’s rare for me. Now, that’s all I’ve been thinking about when I’m with anyone else. Hell, Abby is all I think about anymore. Since my favorite thing in the world is to f*ck, my work suits me well. And coming at the end is the icing on the cake. But coming again and again is the whole f*ckin’ bakery. After I unload, I continue to stroke myself hoping to get the feeling for a third time today. She runs her fingernails up my back and I drop my head, loving her touch. My balls tighten when I pick up speed and suddenly another org*sm hits me hard. I open my eyes and look at her as I come yet again. She stares at me with that goddamn look again and I can barely breathe. As I slow my movements, she asks, “Stay the night with me?” I stop moving and cup her face with my hands. I don’t stay the night with my clients, no matter how much they pay me. I never have. But Abby is so different than the rest. From the moment I laid eyes on her, I knew I was doomed. Her calmness and beauty take over a room like a motherf*cking hurricane. It’s what stuck out to me most when I bumped into her at the goddamn grocery store. After seeing her one time, I found myself going to the store all the time for sh*t I didn’t need, in hopes I’d run into her again. Knowing that her husband hasn’t been home in weeks, I respond, “Okay, but you aren’t paying me.” I kiss her gently, loving these times the most. The times after we f*ck, where we can just be. I’ve hated taking her money, but it’s been the only way I’ve convinced myself that it’s okay to keep seeing her as often as I have been, since I don’t do relationships. Laying my head against her chest, I hope that by doing this, I’m not opening either of us up to be too vulnerable. But with Abby, I do all sorts of things that I normally don’t. The noise of her heart beats against my ear, and I own this moment of peace. Then the alarm for her condo chimes that the front door has opened and we freeze, looking each other in the eye. She’s terrified. It has to be her husband. I hate to see her scared; a girl like Abby deserves the f*ckin’ world. And her asshole baseball playing prick of a husband doesn’t give it to her. “What do you want me to do?” I ask her. “Go,” she whispers reaching for the collar to remove it, and without hesitation, I listen to her. Looking around the room, there is no way to gather my things, which are spread out all over the

bedroom, or to help her. “Abby?” he calls out and I spot my pants on the chair. Darting to them, I move with urgency and hit the window not even taking the time to get dressed. I look back at Abby as she’s shoving everything under the bed. “I’m sorry,” I tell her before opening the window, knowing it will chime through the alarm, but right now, I don’t have a choice. The fresh air is freeing as I fly down the fire escape like a monkey, not caring that I’m fifteen floors up. Above me, I hear chaos coming from the window and then a loud bang. I know he is coming after me as the fire escape vibrates. I’m tempted to stop and f*ck him up – he deserves it after all of the sh*t he’s put Abby through. But it wouldn’t change him. It’d just make it worse for her, which is exactly what I don’t want. As I hit the ground and yank my pants up. I hear him jump to the ground too. I sense he’s gaining on me, so I push harder. Moving as fast as my legs will run. My feet burn against the road, but they don’t hurt as bad as the thought of never seeing Abby again. I can’t lose her. She means too much to me to just let go of. If I’m being honest with myself, she stopped being a client a long time ago. In the next second a yellow taxi flies up the street and I take the opportunity to get away, flagging him down and hopping into the back seat. With my eyes on the floor, I command in a firm voice, “To Crown Heights, as fast as you can. I’ve got a hundred with your name on it!” The driver doesn’t respond with words, just the tires squealing as I glance up to see his eyes on the rearview mirror. Abby’s husband makes it just in time and yells something, smacking the trunk. With my head hung down, my eyes are on my tattooed chest as it heaves. Goddammit, why did I let this happen? Slowly the air comes back to me and I worry about Abby and what he’s going to do to her. “That guy after you?” the cabby asks me. “Yeah.” He doesn’t say another word for the rest of the drive and as I arrive back at my house, away from the madness, I happily pay the man a hundred dollars for a ride that was a quarter that. My heart is still racing as I walk up the stairs to the place I’ve called home for a few years now. Stopping at the top, I take in a few deep breaths, needing the fresh air. What a trip that was. My phone rings and I grab it out of my pocket. I hope it’s not Abby’s husband with her phone. Luckily it’s just Mark and Nicole. They’re a very wealthy couple I work with from time to time who make my job very worthwhile. “Hey guys,” I answer. “Hi Latch, it’s only Mark. Did I catch you at an okay time?” I head inside my place. “Yeah, of course, what’s going on, man?” “I was wondering if you could make a visit tonight? I know it’s last minute, but I’ll make it worth your time.” “I’ve had a pretty crazy day.” “I’ll double your normal pay,” he offers. I debate taking him up on this, but anymore it’s not about the money. I have plenty of it. “How about tomorrow?” I offer, needing to settle down and make sure that Abby is all right. “Can’t, I’ll be out of town.” A text comes through my phone from Nicole’s cell. Please come play with us and f*ck me, Latch. She must be listening to him talk to me. Even though it would help keep my mind busy from thinking about Abby, I’m fried.

“Sorry, man, I can’t make it tonight.” I hang up before he can say anything else. I just need a f*cking night off.

Watching Darrell run down the alley after Latch has my heart racing. I’m kind of hopeful Latch lets him catch him, but I know he won’t. I pull myself away from the window to clean up the rest of the room. Looking around at the array of sex toys scattered all over, it is a mess. I start picking up all the toys that just moments ago I was having so much fun with and pull the others out from under the bed, shoving everything into Latch’s black duffel bag. Deep down, I think I knew this day would eventually come. Being with Latch was wrong, that I’m aware of, but never did I imagine the fear that I would feel when it all came crashing down. I’m scared for when Darrell returns; I don’t want to face him and deal with the reality of explaining why I cheated, when he’s done it to me more times than I can count. Plus, he’s got one hell of a temper, and I never know when he’s going to snap. He’s been MIA for three weeks, which has become the new norm for him. I don’t ask questions, so he doesn’t tell. It’s sad that this is my reality. I went from being happily married to baseball’s MVP to paying a goddamn escort for sex. Lifting the bag, to the ledge of the window, I try and zip it, noticing that Latch’s soft black t-shirt is in the way. Taking it out, I smell it and know that I cannot part with it. Keeping the shirt in my hand, I close the bag, lean out the window, and throw it as far as I can, hoping to land it somewhere close to the dumpster. Then I hide Latch’s shirt in my dresser and get dressed, putting on a pair of sweatpants and a tank top. In the living room, I hear the front door slam and a wave of anxiety like I’ve never felt before explodes inside of me as I prepare for Darrell’s inevitable rage. Sitting on the leopard chair in the corner of the bedroom, my knees are huddled to my chest in what I hope is self-protection. He comes around the corner and barrels into the room looking out of breath and wild. I figure I better try and explain things to him before he goes ballistic. If it’s not too late. “It’s not what you think,” I tell him, knowing it’s a lie. It’s exactly what he thinks. “Really, then what is it, Abby? I found you and another man naked in our bedroom.” I shrug my shoulders knowing that I am at a great disadvantage. My cl*t is still twitching from the working Latch gave me. I push away the thoughts of Latch. He steps to me and I can barely look him in the eye, scared, not ready for the craziness that he is about to unleash. His arms are crossed over his chest and he asks me with a beet red face, “Who the f*ck is he, Abby?” “Just some guy I met at the store.” Which is not completely a lie – I did meet Latch at the grocery store. However, I’m not about to go into more detail and tell him that I pay Latch for sex and we’ve been f*cking for the better part of a year. “Do you do this often when I’m on the road? f*ck random guys in my home?” “This is my home too.” “So that makes it okay?”

“Like you’re a f*cking saint, Darrell,” I snap. “f*ck you!” He grabs my face holding me by the cheeks with one hand and looking me so closely in the eye. “I’ve never brought anyone into this home.” Even though part of me is terrified that he might really hurt me, his words ignite a rage of my own that has words flying out of my mouth before I can stop them. “So what, now you’re going to admit it? After all this time, that you’ve sworn up and down telling me that you’re faithful on the road, when I know you’re not?” “I’ve never f*cked anyone in this house!” he shouts and pushes me backwards, walking out of the bedroom. My cheeks throb where his fingers dug in, and I pull in a shaky breath. In the distance, I hear him set a glass on his stupid bar that when he is here he touches more than me and then the noise of ice drops into the tumbler. What am I going to do? I contemplate packing a bag and just leaving. But where would I go? I moved to New York with Darrell when he got traded here. I have no family here and have never been part of his team or been accepted by the other wives. I do have a few girl friends I went to college with, but they all live so far away. I’m not about to inconvenience them. Or Latch…well, that’s not even an option, not with what he does for a living. As has been happening more and more often lately, a pang hits me deep in my chest at the thought of the realities of Latch’s job. It’s hard enough to push away the thoughts of it when we are together. Absently I rub my hand over my sternum and try to shake it off…I need to focus on Darrell right now. I decide to talk to him again, to make him see that he is the one who drove me to this. In a strong, firm voice as I walk out of the bedroom I ask him, “Are you really shocked, Darrell?” His glass hits the bar and before I can blink he’s in my face, leaning over me, his nose pressed against mine, and he looks like a f*ckin’ lunatic. “You’re really going to try to justify being a whor* in my home? Don’t forget I’m the reason you are who you are, with your quarter million dollar closet and five hundred dollar f*cking haircuts. It’s all because of me, you stupid bitch.” Spit flies out of his mouth and then his big hand covers my face and he pushes me away again. But I stand my ground, not backing down to him like I have so many other times. “You haven’t been home in almost a month. I don’t know where you’ve been, or what you’re doing. What did you expect me to do?” “Not f*ck someone else!” “It’s no different than what you do, except I’ve only slept with one person. And you…how many roadies have you slept with?” “Abby, f*cking some guy in my bed is not okay under any circ*mstances. I can smell his cum on your breath, you f*cking slu*t!” He turns away from me and slams his drink, then holds onto the back of his neck with his hands. “You act like you’ve done nothing wrong. It’s unbelievable, Darrell, how you think that everyone owes you the goddamn world.” I take in a deep breath, “Well, guess what? I don’t owe you sh*t! I can pack a bag and leave all this wonderful you speak of.” He shakes his head and slams his fist through the glass of a kitchen cabinet door. I jump back, frightened. He turns towards me with venom in his eyes, yelling, “I should’ve put your f*ckin’ face through that cabinet.” “f*ck you, Darrell. If you think this is so wonderful, then you’ve lost your mind. I’m not going to cower down to you like I always have. This isn’t even a goddamn marriage anymore,” I scream. “Oh, yes, it is, you’re still my wife, and it’s going to f*cking stay that way, whether you like it or

not,” he threatens me, controlling me like he always has. “So what? You’re going to force me to make this work? We haven’t slept in the same bed for close to a year, so it should not come as a surprise that I went down the same road you have. I learned from the best!” He’s slow to say anything and I know I have him. Cheating on him with Latch was wrong, but we are both wrong – he gives me no attention, he’s completely checked out on our marriage and me. All he cares about is drinking and his glamorous lifestyle, partying up and being this huge celebrity everyone gawks after. A life I never dreamt he would want to have. Looking at Darrell, pouring another drink, with his hand all bloody, I can’t believe that this is the man he has turned into.

Waking up on my couch, my co*ck is rock hard. My mind is on Abby and it has my dick standing straight up. f*ck, what has happened to me? I run my hands over my face, knowing inside that I never should’ve crossed the line with her. I knew she was married, but it didn’t matter to me. Not this time. Not at all. I saw the ring on her finger, but the moment I laid eyes on her, I knew I had to have her and not just once. Even if I was hiding it all behind the bullsh*t of her being my “client.” And for a while, it was bullsh*t I believed. But I should’ve said no…had I done so, I wouldn’t be here. This pain is something that I don’t know how to handle. I don’t want to feel at all, it’s unnecessary. Reading the text again that she sent me last night hurts like hell. No, I’m not okay, Latch. My world has been flipped upside down. Now, I have to figure out how to help Abby through this, when I’m not even sure how to help myself. I rest my head back on the arm of the couch and close my eyes. My co*ck is throbbing so hard that it hurts. Giving in, I reach into my pants and grip my dick tightly in my fist, thinking only about her, about her perfect body and how much I love to play with it. As I begin to stroke myself, I close my eyes remembering all the times we’ve shared. God, I love how she’d always look into my eyes as our bodies blended together and became one. I enjoyed every second I was with her. Being with Abby has always been so intense. She evokes all sorts of different feelings inside me, she makes me want to be a better person. No matter what is ahead for us, this isn’t the end…it can’t be. Taking my shirt with my left hand, I hold it close to the tip of my dick and get ready for my release. I tease myself a little making it last longer and to make it stronger. But as I fight this feeling, I lose. The thought of Abby burns in my memory and I erupt, letting go into my shirt. My hand rubs the tip of my shaft as I squeeze out every last drop, grunting in pleasure. Christ, I’ve become so needy when it comes to org*sms – I need a few a day, at the very least. After I clean myself up, I still can’t shake away the worry. Grabbing my phone off of the table, I text her back, What can I do to help? I’ll do anything to make it better. On my walk to get breakfast, I get a text back from Abby, For now, please just give me some space. Her words are the last that I ever wanted to hear, but if that’s what she wants, then that’s what I’m going to give her. I respect her on a different level than anyone else. Locking my phone, I place it in my pocket and walk inside Tazza Di Caffè, making eye contact with the girl that works the counter and smile, “Morning.” “Hey, Latch,” she responds. “What can I get for you?” She’s always seemed to like me, but after I f*cked the other counter girl that works here I know she won’t ever consider it. “The usual.” She turns and starts my order, knowing just what I like. My eyes are locked in on her gorgeous body as she’s making my latte and I really wish she’d change her mind. My job has made me a true connoisseur of

women, and I always want a taste of something fresh. God, I’d love to tear her up, I’d even trade her for free breakfast and lattes. I laugh to myself, and then her mom says, “Morning, Latch,” from the back and my mind gets real dirty as she bends over and I imagine a threesome. “Hey, Deb.” I watch her sexy ass and then notice that the girl is waiting for me to pay with my order in hand. I toss a twenty down as she hands me my breakfast. Walking out, I shake away the images of f*cking those two.

My phone rings. Pulling it out, I am shocked to see my dad calling. I haven’t talked to him in probably six months. I contemplate not even answering it, but considering the time of day, I’m intrigued; he’s never up before noon…at least that I’m aware of. “Morning, son,” he says in his raspy voice, sounding like he hasn’t slept in days. “Hey, everything okay?” I ask right off. “Yeah, I’m fine. Listen, I hate to bother you, but I kinda need a favor.” Now it makes sense – of course he needs a f*cking favor. I cross the intersection, wishing that I would have just ignored his call. “I’m not really sure I’m the best person for you to be asking that.” My dad is the chapter president for a biker club in Baltimore where I grew up, and from the moment that I hit puberty, he and I bumped heads. We never saw eye to eye on a lot of things, especially his club. “I think you can. I just need to store some items at your house for a while.” “Items?” I ask, questioning him. “Yeah,” he clears his throat, “Maybe a week or two? We came into some unexpected merchandise last night and need somewhere off the radar to keep it.” Stopping on the street, I look up at the cloudy sky, not sure how to answer him. I haven’t talked to him for so long, and this is how he’s going to call me for the first time? Not “how are you doing?” or “how’s your Grandma?” just some selfish bullsh*t, like always. “I don’t think so.” “Please, Latch, I wouldn’t ask you if I had another choice.” There are heavy consequences to what he does, I’ve seen that first hand. That life is not my life for a reason. I might not be doing what some call honest work, but aside from Abby, I only sleep with single women and couples. I keep the drama to a minimum. I can only imagine what he needs to store and who he took it from, especially considering some of the things I’ve witnessed. It’s why I swore I would never ride or live that lifestyle. “I’m sorry, Dad, but I can’t help ya.” He hangs up, clearly pissed off. As much as I wish he’d change his life, he won’t and never will. So I’ve separated myself from him the best that I can. But he is who I came from and I can never run from that. Even a man as cold as he is was broken when we lost my mom, and I promised myself to never open my heart up to that pain. It’s not worth the reward of a relationship. Especially, when I landed my line of work – I’ve got the best of both worlds: a ton of sex and no attachments. And that’s why I am the way I am. The reason I really have no feelings and can f*ck women for money and not think twice about it. Getting back to my place, I sit out on my balcony to enjoy my breakfast and the moment that I take my first bite, my phone starts blowing up inside on the kitchen counter. Saturdays are normally busy for me, so I enjoy my breakfast, knowing that it’s the last bit of alone time I’ll have until late tonight.

Plus, I don’t rush for anyone these days, so the calls can wait ’til I’m done. After I finish, I stare out at the view and find myself missing Abby. I wish I was seeing her today, but I’m not and she’s asked for space. Taking the last sip of coffee, I know the only thing that’ll keep my mind busy is to fill my days with work. Heading inside, I grab my phone looking through all of the calls and texts. Filtering through them, I pick my favorite one to call back first, and then schedule out the rest of my day.

Jessy is about five-five, blonde hair with the lightest blue eyes I’ve ever seen. Her body is a bit thick, but she holds it so damn perfectly. She teaches yoga and it pays off well. Apart from Abby, I enjoy f*cking her the most. Especially because I am able to use my strength when we play. Today, I hope she can help me get lost. Sitting on her couch as I wait for her to finish making our drinks, I look through my spare bag of toys and it reminds me of yesterday’s events, especially that f*cking asshole chasing me down the alley. But it could’ve ended worse – at least he didn’t actually catch us in the act, with her collared while I f*cked her. I always knew being with Abby was a risk on so many levels. I opened myself up in a way that I never have and I broke my number one rule being with her. But when it came to Abby, the rules all seemed to blur. When they shouldn’t. They are made to ensure that this exact thing didn’t happen. I’m not a home-wrecker and I can’t forget first and foremost that what I do is illegal and an angry spouse would run to the cops at the drop of a hat. Going forward, I need to keep my mind right. I can’t have any feelings that will cloud my judgment – ever – or it has to end. And that means that right now, I have to let Abby go. Jessy bends over, handing me a drink with her huge tit* popping out of her tiny ass bra. I take it from her and hope that f*cking her can be the drug it’s always been. A way to shut off the noise in my head and forget about the rest of the world. “What do you have planned for me today?” she asks. Grabbing a handful of my dick I urge my hips upward and tell her, “A little of this.” “A little?” she questions me. “Or a lot,” I smirk and slam my glass. Standing to her as she sips her drink and then licks her lips, I nuzzle her neck. She smells like heaven, just what I need right now. Running my hand down her body, she is as soft as silk. I turn off everything inside and push every ounce of attention into my fingertips as they trail over her. “On the couch,” I order her to sit facing out towards a wall of windows that overlook Central Park. Reaching for my bag, I set it on the table. “Now, do you have any requests today?” I ask her. She shakes her head. “Good, ’cause I’m going to ruin you in front of all of Central Park.” As I place the collar on her, I notice her breathing increase. Then I take off my shirt and toss it on the chair, reaching into the bag to grab the gag ball. She looks at me antsy, which makes me move quickly to her. She told me when we first met that she wanted to try any and everything there was in the sex toy world. Last time, we played with hand-cuffs and a dild*. Today, I’m just stepping it up a notch. This is what I’m good at. This is where I’ve always felt in control. This is where I belong. “Up you go, gorgeous,” I tell her, lifting on the chain that connects to her collar. Walking her to the windows, I push her body against them, my co*ck so stiff, but I know that none of this is about me.

Maybe that’s why I cherish my time with Abby so much, because I let the pleasure be about both of us. Shaking the thought of Abby away, I hold Jessy’s body against the window, drop the leash, and unclasp her bra, slowly dragging it down her arms, allowing the tips of my fingers to follow it down, tickling her gently. She backs away and it hits the floor, then I push her hard against the window, rubbing my co*ck against her. It’s time to f*ck Abby out of my head. “Tell me what you want.” “Your co*ck.” “I bet you do,” I whisper into her ear, grinding myself against her. “On your knees,” I command, turning her around. She’s panting, looking up at me as she slowly kneels down. “Unbutton my pants and work my co*ck with your mouth before I gag…” But before I can finish, she has my co*ck out and dives in, wrapping her mouth around it working me. I love the type of freak she is. This is why I do this. After I grow to my full length, she still pushes herself. Leaning back, I brace myself on the windows and enjoy what she is doing for a minute. But I find myself again wishing she was Abby. f*ck. I focus on my co*ck. On Jessy, on why I came here. It is to please her, after all…that’s what she is paying me for. I push Abby from my mind and grab Jessy’s collar pulling her up to stand in front of me. Taking my thoughts firmly in my hand, I place the ball and strap over her mouth and then secure it behind her head. She watches my arms flex with every move while I adjust it. She is panting heavily against the ball, her chest moves up and down, and I know it’s because she is horny, not nervous. Getting lost in a sex haze is what we both need. Now. Taking my pants all the way off, I toss them on the chair then drop to my knees, tenderly removing her panties. She looks down at me with the ball holding her sexy mouth wide open. Then I press her body back up against the windows and start to lick her soft pink slit. She moans in pleasure, and I spread her puss*, inserting two fingers into her c*nt, licking and stroking at a good pace just getting her wet enough so she’ll f*ck good. I stop when her noises peak and turn her around, holding her hot body against the wall of windows. She tries to grip on to anything she can as I roll a condom down my length and then slam into her. I hold on to her hips and f*ck her good and hard, losing my mind with each thrust, pressing her against the glass, as all of Central Park could look up and watch me ruin her, just like I promised. After only a few seconds, she shakes fiercely, coming from my dick and I work her org*sm out of her, listening to her muffled noises as they bounce off the glass and echo through the room. Moving her to the chair, I chase my inner numbness as I toss her facedown over the arm. It’s closer to my layout of toys. Grabbing my whip and a wrap of rope, I order, “Spread your legs and stick your ass out.” She does so right away and I whip her firm ass gently on each cheek. She moans in a pleasurable pain taking the whip very well even though it’s her first time. Taking her right hand into the grip of mine, I move it behind her and place my whip handle in her hand laying the thong of the whip on her lower back. My co*ck is so hard as I do this. Toys turn me on like nothing else, adding that extra element, and right now give me just one more thing to focus on. Reaching down, I skim a finger over her wet puss*. She’s so ready. “Do you want to come on my co*ck again?” I ask her harshly. “Yes,” she’s quick to respond. Without another word, I line her ass with my co*ck and slam her deep in the c*nt, causing her body to tighten. I leave my co*ck buried in her without moving and grab her other arm, slowly moving my dick, teasing her. Taking the rope, I tie a simple knot and then tighten her two hands together, weaving a figure eight between the two.

With her tied up, I grab a handful of each of her ass cheeks and spread her wide as I keep f*cking her. But she looks so much like Abby that a guilt I’ve never felt takes over and I immediately remove the gag ball, needing to hear her voice to dispel the vision. “Let me hear you,” I tell her, trying my best to stay in the zone. “Harder,” she begs and the tone of her voice keeps me in control. She leans up and I press my lips against her shoulder. “Make me come again, Latch,” she begs for more, and I reach around her, teasing her cl*t as my shaft rocks her to the core. She’s panting, moaning, and clenching me. I push her back down and take the whip from her hand giving her a sharp smack to her ass. She cries out in desire and I pick up my pace, moving my thick co*ck inside of her wet puss*. Sweat beads on my forehead. Her body is clammy and she moans with every pulse of our bodies meeting one another. Her ass is red, and again I begin to drift off thinking about Abby. f*ck, I miss her. I wish I were f*cking her. Jessy does remind me in so many ways of Abby, and I have to admit that’s why I chose her first to f*ck today. Stupid f*cking move. Looking down at my co*ck as she takes every inch of me, the room spins in slow motion and I have to pull myself back to reality. I focus on coming, letting go in my release, that right now, I so desperately need to take me out of my head. Keeping in the moment, I drill her deep and she starts to tighten her c*nt firmly around my swollen dick. I sense she’s ready to let a good cum out, so I run my co*ck in her deeper and harsher. She bows and I urge her on, “Let go, baby.” She screams my name, letting go, and I search for my release. After watching her come like that, you’d think I could come right away, but I can’t. Yes, she’s got me horny as f*ck, but I just can’t find my release. My head is too tied up. Refusing to accept this, I move her sweaty body to the couch, laying her face up, where her tit* are staring at me. “You like being tied up and f*cked like a slu*t, don’t you?” I ask her, spreading her pink puss* lips again. “That was f*cking intense,” she says as I slide the head of my shaft slowly into her and move at the pace I like. Reaching for her tit, I grab a handful and get lost in none other than the thoughts of Abby. I imagine that I am inside of her puss*. Quickly, a good cum brews as she moans just like Abby and I listen to her soft voice calling me, just like I need. I get to a place where I’m so close to coming, but my mind won’t let go, wrapped up in the turmoil…Jessy, Abby…Abby, Jessy, so I pull my swollen co*ck out of her. Ripping the condom off as I jerk myself hard, Jessy gets to her knees and I look at her tied up as she has her mouth open, waiting for my cum. She’s such a dirty girl, letting me jerk my co*ck on her. Finally, the flow begins and it’s strong as f*ck, making my entire body tingle. I close my eyes and tighten my ass cheeks, pumping myself all over her. After I finish, I help her stand up and untie her hands. Thank God that’s over. “Thank you,” she says and cleans herself up. “Of course, babe,” I respond, hoping she can’t hear how shaken up I feel inside. I kiss her cheek and put my toys away, eager to get the f*ck out of her apartment. After the mindf*ck that I just endured, I need a stiff drink. Leaning down, I kiss her on the lips, my mind is in such a funk. “Do you have to go?” she asks me with a pout to her face. “You know the rules. We come and we’re done, babe.”

It has been two days since I told Latch that I needed some space. And I haven’t heard a word from him. This is the longest in a year that we have gone without talking and it hurts like hell. Heading into the bathroom, I look at my bleak expression and splash some water on my face. Darrell is still here, angry and controlling, so I know I’m in for more hellish fighting. He has been so mean and hateful. To wake up each day to it is getting old. I’m not sure if he’s ever really loved me, but what’s it matter anymore? I’ve f*cked everything up. Thankfully he flies out with his team today to Colorado, so I forge forward knowing the peace I need is just around the corner. I’ll be able to think about what I want. Part of me is screaming to run, to hide where he can never find me, to break the chains I’ve lived under for far too long. But the thought of leaving him and our life…scares the sh*t out of me. Then another part is urging me to make this marriage work – it’s all I have…it’s all I know. Walking out of the bedroom, Darrell is sitting on the balcony overlooking lower Manhattan. He has a drink in his hand and it’s only nine in the goddamn morning. How the f*ck is he going to play a baseball game today? I decide not to confront him. It’s not worth the energy, and quite frankly, I’m f*cking exhausted. Heading back to the bedroom, he turns his head like he senses me and I see the sliding door open. I stop and watch him set his drink down, he’s drunk; his eyes are filled with disgust. “You know,” he slurs and stumbles a little, catching himself on the back of a chair. “I was outside thinking about our life and everything we’ve been through, and then I imagined another man’s co*ck inside you and it filled me with hatred. I hate you for what you’ve done.” He chokes on his words. “I can leave if I make you feel that way.” He’s acting like he’s never cheated on me. Again. He stumbles towards me a few more steps, this time catching himself on the table. “f*ck you, you slu*t, you’re not going anywhere and neither am I,” he snarls. “This wasn’t only me. You’ve slept with plenty of other women since we’ve been married, so what’s the difference? You might not admit it, Darrell, but I’ve seen pictures of you online. A different woman in every city going back to your hotel with you, and I forgave you, and not just because you can throw a stupid ball. I loved you and I thought we could make this work, but anymore I don’t know.” He looks at me through the scowl that has plagued his face since he caught Latch and I, then walks away to his bar for yet another drink. It’s pathetic to drink this early, but after everything…maybe it would help me too. I let out a breath of air and walk to the fridge grabbing a yogurt, knowing alcohol won’t solve anything, just as Darrell storms into the kitchen and says, “Tell me, Abby, should I really just be okay with you being a whor* in my home because you keep accusing me?”

I ignore him. He’s drunk and I have nothing more to say to him. “Tell me, bitch!” he yells and moves closer to me. I look at him, slamming my yogurt in the sink. The goopy whiteness splatters all over. “You’re right, I am a whor*. I gave into the same temptations you have, whether you admit it or not, so I guess that makes me just as weak as you!” He slams his glass down next to me causing it to shatter in his grip. “I’m staying home ’til we hash this sh*t out!” His words are the last that I want to hear. I need him gone. I can’t live like this. But Darrell always gets what he wants, so he’s not going anywhere until that happens and he isn’t going to let me go either. As he stands next to me and looks forward, there is a crazy look in his eyes. The way things have escalated is nothing that we have ever gone through, and it’s frightening, so I try to calm him down, to make him see that I am sorry. As much of a jerk as he is, I never meant to hurt him. And then, maybe he’ll leave and go on the road with his team. Putting my hand on his arm, I tell him, “I’m sorry this is what our marriage turned into. I never would’ve imagined it could be like this.” His body trembles, he’s about to burst into rage, and I know right then that there is no calming him down. I leave the kitchen walking away to the bedroom. It has been my quiet place these last few days. I close the door behind me and just want Latch right now. Drifting across the room, I’m thankful that Darrell didn’t follow me in here. Looking down as I walk, my mind goes back to when Latch was f*cking me on the floor, to when he made me come harder than I ever have before. If only I could go back to that place for just a moment. It may have been wrong for us to be together, but the time that we shared was amazing, and for that, I don’t regret any of it at all. He was always such a gentleman to me, so sweet and fun to be around, and so f*cking sexy that I about died every time I laid eyes on him. But with Latch it wasn’t only about the sex. He made me feel wanted and sexy. I could finally be myself and not the fake celebrity wife that I have to be when I’m with Darrell. That is something that I’ve never had. It was like when we were together, nothing and no one else mattered, even though in the back of my mind, I knew I wasn’t the only one and I paid him to be here. Latch always made me feel different, so I hold on to what we had because for the first time in years, I felt like I was someone’s priority, when Darrell has never made me that. Latch would text me first thing in the morning and before he went to bed. When I’d go weeks on end without a word from Darrell. Thinking back on the years of my failed marriage, Darrell always cared more about his career than me, and I pathetically accepted that, until there was too much time alone, whether he was on the road or here in New York just staying in a hotel drunk and pushing me away. It became too much and that’s what made me turn to Latch. In my own defense, I didn’t know Latch was an escort when we first met. It’s not like that’s what I went out and looked for. We really did meet at the grocery store, but he was honest from the get go about who he was, and I fought the temptation for as long as I could. But goddamn Latch, he was persistent and I was lonely and needed the attention, even if I had to pay for it. Finally I gave in and made myself believe it was a way to justify being with Latch. Even though, from day one, there was a spark between the two of us and I wanted so much more than sex from him. Sitting on the chair in the corner of the room, my eyes stay glued to the floor wondering what he is doing right now. But, my daydream is cut short as Darrell kicks the door open, scaring the sh*t out of me. Shards of wood go flying as he rushes in, getting in my face, kneeling in front of me. “Tell me why you f*cked this all up,” he demands. My heart slams against the walls of my chest. Looking him in the eye, this is not the man I

married. Scanning the room, I look for my cell phone, but don’t see it. “You need to calm down. I never wanted things to end up this way.” “But they did,” he shouts. “And I’m really sorry. I didn’t think I would sleep with another man after we married, but I knew you were sleeping with girls on the road, and I couldn’t come to terms with why. It made me feel like there was something wrong with me. Then when you started to stay in a hotel when you were home it f*cking broke my heart. What was I supposed to do?” “That’s your excuse? Do you not remember the last year and how hard it was on me?” Darrell sustained quite a few injuries, which I know was hard on him. But he shut me out and just turned to drinking. Which I still don’t think is an excuse for neglecting me the way he did and for his acts of infidelity. “Abby, I would never f*ck someone in the bed I share with you,” his words slurred as he sits piss drunk in front of me. I touch the back of his head to try and calm him down, but he pulls away from me. “It’s like the woman I married vanished.” He looks down at my wedding ring. “Before you brought someone into my house, you could’ve talked to me. We could’ve worked on things. Now it’s all f*cked up, so what’s the point anymore?” “Stop saying that,” I whisper and touch his hand. He ignores me and asks, “How long have you been f*cking that guy, for real?” I stare at him and shake my head knowing I can’t be honest. The truth would spin this all way out of control. “Just the once, and I’m sorry for it, you have to know that.” It’s a lie, a selfish one at that, but I can’t take more of his anger. I need him gone. He looks at me and says, “Me too, Abby.” I’m not sure how to help things. He pushes my hand away and stands up, a little wobbly. Then he walks out of the bedroom clearly defeated, hurt that he’s lost his control over me. As the ice hits his glass, again, and resounds through the house, his draw to drinking sends a sudden anger over me and I storm out of the bedroom searching for him. He’s pouring his regular drink and takes a sip, glaring at me. “You don’t get to be the only one asking all of the questions. You act like this is all my fault, when you’ve f*cked other women.” He shrugs his shoulders and I have to know why, why was I not enough for him? What was wrong with me? “Why did you cheat on me in the first place?” I ask outraged, “Why did you stop coming home?” Setting his empty glass down, he looks over at me and says, “Because I’ve never f*cking loved you, Abby. Are you really that blind?”

Waking up, the sun is shining through the gigantic windows on the east side of my apartment and it’s hitting me right in the face. It feels good – warm like a puss*. Clearing my mind of all the stresses I can’t control, I sit up and check my phone. There is still no word from Abby and it’s driving me crazy. Normally, the first thing I do when I wake up is text her, but now I can’t, and breaking the habit it hard. I’ve gotta let her go, and I’ve got to find a way to clear my mind, longer than just f*cking someone, which isn’t even helping anymore. Heading to the kitchen to make myself a smoothie, I decide a run and workout might do just that, especially since it’s been over a week since I’ve worked out and that’s not like me. Making a smoothie, I drink it quickly and then change into some workout clothes. Stretching a little before I hit the pavement, I turn on some music that’ll clear my mind and pop my ear buds in before leaving to head across town. As I jog out of my neighborhood, the morning traffic is at a standstill. I look around staring at all the people trying to get to work and feel thankful I don’t have to live a life like them. That could be me, stuck in a f*cking car, wearing a goddamn suit, working a nightmare nine to five job. As much as I didn’t get along with my dad, he always told me to develop a skill that allowed me to be my own boss. I might not agree with his lifestyle, but it’s who he is and over the years he did teach me some sh*t, not as much as my mom…but some. I can still picture her face today. She was simple, happy being a good old lady and doing anything for my dad and I. But, six years ago, that all ended. My life changed the day we got the news. I’ll never forget the look in my dad’s eye when he told me that my mom was dead. I was devastated. Losing her was the hardest thing I’ve ever gone through, and thinking of it now still brings tears to my eyes. Especially how it happened; another club killed her for some sh*t my dad did. He tried to avenge her death, but no matter how much killing he does, it’ll never bring her back. Since then I haven’t been able to let go of the blame I put on him for letting her get in the middle of sh*t. It’s tarnished our relationship, but let’s face it, my dad being the kind of man that he is, we were never destined for great things. Shaking my head to clear it of that dark place, my phone vibrates, changing my mind’s thoughts, and I stop running, looking to see a text from Scott, a regular client of mine, Can you meet Tracy and I tonight at 10:00, normal spot? Scott and Tracy are a blast, plus my highest paying clients, so when they call…I jump. Absolutely, I text him back. Great, see you then. I also like working with them because I don’t need to bring any toys as they have an awesome playroom at their house. First, we meet for drinks to unwind and then go back to their place where I work Tracy until she’s toast. Sometimes Scott joins in and other times he just watches us. Walking inside of the gym, I scan my pass and get right to it, taking out all of my pent up

aggression on as much weight as I can handle. As I work out, I do everything I can to keep to myself and keep my mind blank of Abby. The music flows through my ear buds and I am in my zone. Right now, I need this relief. I need to be as far away as possible from the reality that is tormenting me. After over an hour in the gym, exhaustion and the irritating mindf*ck consume me. I can’t push Abby away. As much as I try, she’s always there, fresh in my mind. The song changes and I can picture Abby dancing to it, the vision of her rings in my head and I can’t block it out. Sitting back on the leg press machine, I rub my temples in an attempt to keep control over my mind. And when I open my eyes, I notice two girls whispering to one another. I see them here often and they always have their eyes on me, distracting me from getting in my zone when I spot them. One of them walks across the gym, her eyes all over me as she struts her barely covered body to the private changing rooms. She gestures me to her and automatically I get up, walking over. Maybe she can be a mind eraser. She walks in and leaves the door cracked. I open it and look around the gym, catching her friend watching me with a shocked expression on her face. I wink at her before proceeding inside. Once we are both in, I lock the door and look at her as she is leaning against the sink. Her hand is on her puss* as she works it through her shorts. I pull my tshirt above my head, and she pants, staring at my body. f*ckin’ tattoos. I know what she wants, and right now, I need it too. “What’s your name, sweetheart?” I ask her as I remove a condom from my wallet. “Jannie,” she swallows, and I grab the hem of her shirt, lifting it over her head. “You want me to f*ck you, Jannie?” She stands with her tit* out and I lean into her neck kissing softly, nipping on her sensitive skin as I tease her nipple with my free hand. She moans a little and leans her head back, resting her hands on my sides. My co*ck is getting hard and I can tell that she is ready for it as she reaches down and grips me through my shorts. I grind myself against her hand, sucking on her skin as my hand trails down her body and into her shorts. “Are you wet for me?” “Mmmhh,” she whimpers, and I begin to finger her. She throws an arm over my shoulder and hangs on as I please her in a way that I am sure no other man ever has with just his hand. Jannie reaches in and clenches my co*ck, jerking and stroking it, clearing my mind. “See how hard I am for you?” I ask her and slide my shorts down. She looks at my co*ck, still in her hold. “Take your shorts off,” I tell her, and she removes them. Fire blazes in her eyes as I keep playing with her and finally she requests, “f*ck me and make me come from your co*ck.” I smile, wanting nothing more right now and take the condom, rolling it down my length. “Give me your leg,” I order her and hoist her up on the sink. With her leg in my right hand, I spread open her pink puss* with my left and nudge my way inside of her, to find the clarity I’ve been searching for all day. f*ck, she’s wet – sloppy wet. She looks at my lips as I sink all the way in and kisses me. I kiss her back, our tongues a twisted mess as I please her the way I know how to. I lose myself in what comes so naturally for me. My co*ck matches the movements of her kisses, which is what girls like, and I pinch her nipple, working her so that I can make her come quickly. The room is quickly filled with the noises of our skin slapping together. She pulls away and chants, “f*ck, f*ck, f*ck.” Looking me in the eye, with her fingernails digging into my back, causing me to just go harder. My body burns; the tip of my dick is almost numb from f*cking her so roughly. And yet my release evades me. Again. As Abby penetrates the corners of my mind any time I let my

guard down. I can’t run from her, as much as I try, she is always there, calling me to her, yet…I can’t have her. Pounding Jannie’s puss* even harder, I focus on making her feel good and out of nowhere, she shudders, screaming as she comes, so loud that I have to cover her mouth with my hand. Slamming her c*nt as she works through her org*sm, she hangs on to me limply. She is annihilated. I let go of her leg and it falls to the floor. Pulling off the condom, I toss it in the trash, knowing that it would take me a lot longer to find my release, as Abby won’t leave my mind. “Let me make you come.” She gets to her knees and I look down at her perky pink lips. “Next time.” She looks up at me a little shocked, but smiles as I help her stand. I feel bad for her, but she’s the one who called me in here. I gave her what she wanted. It’s not her fault that I’m all f*cked up right now.

Heading back to my place, I decide to take a cab; my f*cking workout burnt me out. On the drive, my phone vibrates and I see a voicemail from my Grandma. f*ck! I was supposed to meet her for brunch today at ten and missed it. We meet once a week, but with everything consuming me, I forgot all about it. I don’t bother listening to the message, instead I call her. “Everything okay?” she answers on the first ring in her usual chipper tone. “Yeah, I mean…” I trail off, not able to lie to her; she’s the only person in this world I tell everything to, “No.” “I didn’t eat yet; come on over.” “’Kay, I’m on my way,” I tell her. Then tell the cab driver, “To Kingston and Crown Street, please.” My grandma lives just five minutes from me. She is what brought me to New York after my mom passed; she helped me get on my feet when I left my dad’s. And she understands the issues that I have with him. She’s never accepted his lifestyle, and I know he’s broken her heart again and again with the choices he’s made. Walking up the front stairs to her old Victorian house, I enter the unlocked door and she says, “I’m here in the kitchen, Latch.” She has a smile on her face when she sees me and hugs me even though I’m all sweaty. “Sorry, I just came from the gym.” “I don’t mind. I hope you’re hungry.” “You know I am.” “Good, I made your favorite.” We walk out back to her lavish balcony where all of the food is spread across her outdoor table. She always makes a feast and I feel terrible that I almost missed it. Right now, talking with her about everything is exactly what I need. “Dig in,” she says, handing me my favorite blueberry pancakes. Looking at all of the food, I pile it high on my plate and she asks me before I can take my first bite, “So what’s bothering you?” “You know that girl, Abby, I told you about?”

I tell my grandmother everything and she is as sharp as a tack, so she remembers it all. “Of course. The client who you work with most?” I nod. Yes, my grandmother knows what I do for a living. “We had to stop seeing each other.” “Why?” “Her husband caught us.” She sets her cup down hard against the table. Well, maybe not everything. “She’s married?” “Yes.” “Did you know?” “Uh huh.” “Why are you working with her?” she asks, agitated, knowing I normally only work with single women and married couples, that being a home-wrecker is not my scene at all. “When I met her, she sparked something inside of me. Something that made me forget about all of my rules. For months all I could think about was her, and as time progressed, it was the only way that I could see things working for us. I was willing to accept whatever I could get.” She blinks a few times, trying to process what I am telling her. “Latch, why would you think that?” Her question takes me back to the day that Abby and I met. I can remember how my heart fluttered when I looked into her eyes for the first time. “There is something very real between us and always has been.” “Then why would you have made her a client? Have you always thought that all of the women you sleep with need to be your clients?” “I guess so.” “Why?” “Because no woman in her right mind would understand why I do what I do for a living, so I might as well work with them in order to have the ones that I want and enjoy them for as long as I can.” “But if you found the one, don’t you think you should give her the chance to understand you?” “You know in the past I’ve tried dating and it doesn’t work. They never understand my work and I can’t open myself up. I’m unemotional, detached.” “Why do you think that happens?” “Because I don’t want to end up like Dad.” “But if you don’t open yourself up to anyone then you’ll be just like him…angry and alone.” “At least, I’ll never have to face heartache.” “Latch, you already are by losing this girl, I can see it. Have you ever really thought what your future looks like? Don’t you see yourself getting married and having children?” I spit out the sip of coffee that I’d just taken into my mouth. “I’m serious, Latch.” “So am I. No, Dad f*cked me up enough. I don’t need to go and do the same thing to some poor innocent child and woman.” “Stop, you’re nothing like him.” I nod, knowing that she hates it when I compare myself to him. But as much as she hates it, I am still cut from the same cloth, heartless and emotionless just like he is. I can run from him all I want, but he made me into the man I am today. Scarring me by letting my mother die; he’s as responsible as the f*cker who pulled the trigger and killed her.

Pulling up to My Club 20 to meet Scott and Tracy, the line is wrapped around the building. But Scott knows the bouncer and it gets me in every time. I drop his name and the red rope is unclipped. Moving inside, the lights are dim and music is pumping through the air. I grab a stool at the bar and order a beer, running my fingers through my hair. Checking my phone for the time, I know that they will be arriving soon. Taking a sip, I look out on the dance floor, where soon Tracy will be grinding all over me. Then she walks up and bumps my shoulder. “Hey there,” I respond and throw an arm over her. She smiles nuzzling into me. “What’s up, Scott?” I shake his hand as he orders Tracy a double gin and tonic and a water for himself. “Not much, you?” “Nada.” Scott is smoking an e-cigarette and looks high as a kite, like he is on painkillers or something. “You look gorgeous tonight,” I tell Tracy, with my arm still around her. She giggles as Scott is scanning the place, clearly paranoid that someone is going to see us. I wonder sometimes why we don’t just meet at their house and get straight to f*cking, but I’m not the one paying, so I don’t make the rules. Running my fingers up and down the back of one of her arms, she kisses my neck and whispers into my ear, “I can’t wait for your co*ck.” Looking into her eyes, I tell her quietly, “You gonna let me f*ck you real good tonight?” She giggles and nods quickly. The last few times Scott and Tracy have hired me, Scott joined in and we double-teamed her. He’d work her puss* and I’d work her ass at the same time. It was kind of weird for me to feel his dick on mine inside her, but for five G’s, I can look past just about anything and play along with whatever they want. And right now, I think their crazy kink is probably the only distraction that might actually work to clear my mind. Tracy reaches down and grabs my co*ck. “Yes, I want you to slam me, but in my puss* tonight.” Raising my eyebrows to her in question, she adds, “Scott knows.” I nod once, knocking back a swig of my beer. “Can we dance?” Tracy asks Scott. “Sure, baby, whatever you want tonight.” He really must be high, because Scott normally makes the rules; it’s never whatever she wants. She stops rubbing my co*ck and I ask her, “Ready?” She stands and I take her hand. “You coming?” I ask him. “No, I’m just going to watch you two tonight.” Finishing my drink, I set the empty bottle down and head towards the dance floor with Tracy. She is so excited and clearly horny, with her nasty comments and grabby hands. Once we settle in a spot on the edge of the floor, where Scott can see us perfectly, Tracy begins to grind on me. I hold on to her, feeling her every contour, letting her do what she wants, and get lost in the music. Tonight, I made myself a promise; I’m not going to think about Abby, no matter what. Scott pays me very well and he expects the best, so that is what I have to give them. Moving along with Tracy, I can’t help but laugh at her, she’s f*ckin’ cute. I’m not a huge fan of dancing, but she always makes it fun. Following her lead, we move together, and I know tonight will be interesting, and she’ll keep my mind off of Abby. Music fills the air as we get lost in one another. She kisses my neck and I squeeze her ass, just as a

group of girls enters the club, and leading the way is none other than Abby. My heart stops and my stomach climbs into the back of my throat. She looks happy as she is laughing with them and then in slow motion she locks eyes with me and suddenly my world halts. The room spins as she moves past me, neither of us breaking eye contact. My hand is locked on Tracy’s waist as she grinds against my co*ck. Abby watches us dancing, giving a long stare, and I have no clue what to do. Like a complete idiot, I just watch her walk by. Shaking out of the daze, I know I have to stop her. This might be my only chance to talk to her about everything that happened. To make sure she’s okay, to tell her how truly sorry I am that we got caught, and to…

Sitting on the edge of my bed, staring at the navy blue wall, I’m more unhappy than I’ve been in years. I can’t sleep and I really never imagined that this is what my life, or marriage, would’ve turned out to be, but it has. As I think about what Darrell said, about never loving me, it hurts like a knife going straight through my heart. That is the last thing I ever expected him to say. I don’t care how mad I was at him, I’d never hurt him like that, no matter what. Even after all the sh*t he’s put me through. He still doesn’t take any accountability for anything and never will. He’s just a spoiled f*cking bastard. Everyone he’s ever known has kissed his ass his entire life because he can throw a goddamn ball. But to me he’s no different than a bum begging for handouts on the corner. My phone chimes and I grab it, internally hoping it’s Latch. But it’s Sasha, one of my oldest friends from college. Hey Ab – Chloe, Mandi, and I are in town. We’d love to see you tonight. I went to college with those three girls and as much as I’d love to go out, I can’t. Plus, I’m not good company right now and don’t want to deal with the aftermath if I were to get caught by Darrell. I wish I could, but I have plans. No worries, we’ll have to grab coffee before we leave. What was the name of the club you told me about? I think back to when I recommended somewhere for her to go when they visited and then My Club 20 pops into my head. Latch talked about going there once and he had nothing but good things to say about it. It’s called My Club 20. Awesome, thanks, honey! I wish you could come. From the living room, I can hear Darrell’s snoring. He’s been passed out for hours and I contemplate going out. Maybe some time away from this place, with the girls, is just what I need. Even if he goes ballistic that I’m gone. Guess what? My night just freed up, could you pick me up? I think I can get us all in free. Sasha is quick to text back. We’ll be there in about an hour, should we come up to your place? I text her, No, I’ll just meet you out front. I rush into the shower, cleaning myself up for the first time in days and then do my hair and makeup. Getting all done up feels good, and I can’t help but drift off remembering all of the times I’d done it for Latch and how he’d walk through the door looking as hot as a man could and appreciate how sexy I was when I got all dolled up. Not holding back tonight, I pick a sexy dress, knowing Darrell’d hate it, but I don’t give a sh*t right now. As I exit the bedroom, he is still passed out on the couch. I turn on the white noise app he has on his phone that helps him sleep when he’s on the road, hoping it’ll keep him dead to the world for the night. Then grab a bottle of tequila out of his stupid bar and fill a shot glass to the top. Looking at the drink before I knock it back, what hard liquor does to me, f*cking me right up.

Here goes nothing! Checking my watch, the girls should be here soon and I’m full of anxiety. I need to loosen up, so I down another one. Christ, it burns. Then refill it again. On a small piece of paper, I leave Darrell a note in case he wakes up. I went out with some girlfriends. I’m not a prisoner of this house. Setting the note quietly close to him, I finish the last of the tequila, adjusting to the burn inside of my stomach. As I stand there and watch Darrell passed out with his mouth hung open and drool falling out of the side. A vision of punching him square in the face crosses my mind. But I’d never lay a hand on him, which is the opposite of him completely. And I don’t need to, he’s already f*cked himself up good, punching cabinets and slamming glasses on the counters. His hand is still a scabby mess. Grabbing his wallet off of the coffee table, I empty the cash so I can take care of the girls tonight without him seeing where we are, if he happens to wake up. Heading outside, the cool New York breeze is a welcome feeling. The weather this time of year is perfect. It’s about the only good thing I have going in my life right now and that’s f*cking sad. Standing on the street corner, I wait on the girls and breathe in the fresh air. I’m glad I decided to go out and soak in the city. While I wait, I text Sasha, I’m out front! Then fidget around on my phone. “How are you doing, Abby?” Mike, one of the sweet doormen walks up to me and asks, “I haven’t seen you in a few days.” “Hey, I’m good, been busy. How are you?” “Not too shabby. You mind if I smoke?” “Not as long as you share,” I tell him, bumping my shoulder against his. I’m not a smoker unless I’m drinking, and the tequila’s got me buzzed. Typically I’d be worried about the paparazzi, but right now, I don’t give a sh*t if they see me smoking a cigarette with the door guy to my building or not. He sparks up a menthol and hands it to me first. “What’s new with you?” I ask him. Mike and I always talk when he helps me with my groceries and things. “I finally got my own place, just outside of Crown Heights. It’s at an old fire house, pretty sweet.” “Oh, that’s awesome. I have a friend that lives in Crown Heights,” I respond thinking about Latch, and it hits me hard. Latch is the last thing that I want to think about tonight. I hand him back the cigarette just as the girls pull up in a limo and start to holler and whistle at me. I chuckle at them. “That’s my ride,” I tell Mike, laughing at Chloe as she is hanging out the sunroof with her blonde hair all a jumbled mess. “Here,” I hand him some of the cash that I took from Darrell and say, “Here’s to help buy some furniture for your new place.” There has to easily be a grand there, but I don’t give a sh*t. He smiles and says, “Wow, thank you! Have a good night, Abby, and be safe.” “I will,” I tell him and hop into the limo with the girls. Being with them all again is like a small reunion. It’s been so long – too long. “It’s so good to see you girls,” I say as we all hug and giggle. Sasha pops a bottle of champagne, and the cork hits the ceiling like a rocket. She pours us each a glass and I take my time drinking it, knowing I’m already pretty tipsy. The cigarette didn’t help either. “So how’s Darrell doing?” Chloe asks. Taking in a deep breath, I can’t lie to these girls. As much as I don’t want to get into it tonight, I have to. “We’re going through a rough patch.” “Did he cheat on you again?” There is no going back now, so I slam my champagne. Pointing at my chest, I shake my head and respond, “No…I did.” The girls’ jaws all about hit the floor with my confession. “Why?”

“Because he’s checked out on our marriage. When he’s in New York, he stays in a hotel most of the time, he’s never home, and I got fed up. I’m tired of him not giving me any attention and he’s still cheating on me. Those f*cking celebrity gossip shows always post pictures and sh*t.” “Why are you still with him?” Mandi asks me. “Trust me, I ask myself the same question all the time.” “Who’d you cheat on him with?” Chloe asks. “Just some guy.” “Abby, we know you, you’re a little too particular to be with just some random guy.” The driver stops the car and I look out to see that we have arrived at My Club 20. I’m not about to go into details and tell these girls that Latch is a male escort. “It was a one-time thing, can we not talk about it anymore tonight?” I end the conversation as the rear door to the car opens and we step out into the refreshing New York City night, music from the club filling the air. The girls all get out of the car and I ask them, “You ladies ready?” “Hell yeah!” Walking up to the bouncer at the door, I tell him my name and as soon as he hears it, he unclicks the rope, letting us all shuffle in. Walking through the door, my mind is a mess as I am so buzzed and can’t shake the thoughts of Latch. Why does everything in my life have to be so f*cked up? Heading for the bar, I order us a round of Long Island iced teas. Looking out of the corner of my eye, I swear that I see Latch at the end of the bar, but as the guy turns toward me, it’s not him. As much as I wish he was here with me tonight, he’s not. I can want it more than anything, but it’s not going to change a damn thing. Latch and I are like oil and water. Darrell catching us might actually be a good thing, considering that there is no way Latch and I can have a future together. I paid him for sex as a way to convince myself that it wasn’t quite the same as cheating, and that was it. As we wait for our drinks, a hostess comes over to me and asks, “Mrs. McEllrath, would you like a VIP table?” “Yeah, that’d be great,” I tell her. “Follow me,” she says as the bartender sets our drinks down, I leave a hundred on the bar and we all take one making our way across the club. Mandi and Chloe follow Sasha and I, excited, already dancing and having a good time. We both laugh at them. Then all at once, my world stops. Out on the dance floor, letting some woman dry hump him is Latch. My stomach tightens watching them together. Watching the way his hands roam her body as hers are wrapped around his neck. I about freeze. It hurts like hell, like I just caught him cheating on me, which is farthest from the truth. I know it’s got to be a client that he’s working with, so I will myself to continue, but it doesn’t make it any easier. Holy f*ck, is this what he does with other women? His co*ck looks hard as she grinds against him. “You okay?” Sasha asks me. “Yeah.” But who am I kidding? I’m far from f*cking okay! After a while longer he’ll be f*cking her, and God, imagining that really hurts like hell. I’m not naïve to what he does for a living, but seeing it in front of my face puts things into a whole different perspective. Sasha links her arm through mine and I smile at her looking away from him. “You sure?” she asks as I try to act like everything is normal as we walk towards the VIP section. “I’m great,” I point to the girls and laugh at them. But my eyes are pulled back to him and this time he looks up. I’m not sure how he saw me with the sea of women all around, including the one dry humping his co*ck. But he did. Looking across the room, we keep our eyes locked on one another, staring. I yearn for him, like nothing else that I’ve wanted. I can’t focus on anything, just him, his eyes, his lips, his everything.

“Here you ladies go,” the hostess says, stopping in front of a u-shaped booth. “My name is Natalie, if you need anything at all.” Looking down at my empty glass, shocked that I drank it all already, I respond, “I think we’ll take another round of Long Islands.” “You got it.” The girls all sit down, still rowdy and laughing. “Do you mind if I use your name from now on?” Mandi asks jokingly. “I mean, look at where we’re sitting. This is the life.” “Hey, it’s not mine – it’s Darrell’s. Use it all that you want.” She laughs and I do my best to push the thought of Latch away and keep the conversation off of me, so I ask Sasha. “How long are you guys in the city for anyways?” “I have a job interview Friday, then we are going to fly out. I thought I told you?” “I don’t think so.” I can’t recall her telling me at all. I’d remember something like that…wouldn’t I? Looking up, I spot Latch, standing alone, watching me. He gives me that smile, the one that makes my heart skip a beat and nods me over to him. I freeze, glancing behind me like he is looking at someone else and when there isn’t anyone…I clench my thighs. f*ck, I need him. He chuckles at me shaking his head. “I’ll be right back,” I tell Sasha with no other explanation and stand. I feel wobbly, but force myself to steady as I walk away towards Latch. His eyes are all over me as he coolly sips on a beer. As I approach him, he leans down and kisses my cheek and then holds me in a tight hug. My insides break being this close to him again. f*ck, I missed him. “How are you doing?” he asks, concerned. I shake my head, not able to answer him, I just hold on to him. “I’m sorry that we got caught, Abby. I want you to know that.” “Me too,” I tell him, inhaling his scent as I’m wrapped in his closeness. He pulls away and studies my expression with his adoring eyes, putting his hand on my face as I lean into his touch. “He hasn’t hurt you, has he?” “No, but he won’t leave the house and he won’t let me either.” “So you’re just going to stay there and be a prisoner?” There is a clear line of aggravation to Latch’s tone. “What other choice do I have? I have nowhere to go.” “You can come and stay with me.” Hi suggestion shocks me. Would he really want that? “I wouldn’t inconvenience you like that.” I can’t even bring myself to look at him. “Abby, I mean it, my place is always open to you.” “What about your clients?” I ask with frustration. “I never take them to my home.” Just then, the woman Latch was dancing with comes up and pulls him away from me. Her hands are all over him as he stumbles over her to walk. My heart breaks, just when I thought that maybe I was different. That maybe since he welcomed me to his home, I was not like the rest. But, I’m no different than any of the other women that he keeps on speed dial. He’s probably gonna f*ck her in his bed tonight. Walking back to the girls, I sit dumbfounded and I’m not sure why. It’s not like I didn’t know what his job entails. The music is loud and as much as my insides are breaking, I wash it away with more alcohol. f*ck Latch and the goddamn pedestal he lives on.

Exiting the club, I’m not sure what time it is, but we closed the place down and I’ve drunk my fair share, enough to wash away the memory of Latch Teracino or whatever his last name is. “Oh my God, Abby, that was the best night ever,” Sasha says, hanging on to my arm. I hold her back, both of us wobbly as we stumble along the way, laughing. “We should totally get a hotel,” I tell her, not wanting the night to end. “Yes, we have to.” “Abby?” I hear my name called from behind us, and I turn to see Latch leaning against the side of the building. His hands are in his pockets and his one foot is resting on the wall. All the color drains from my face as my blissful buzz washes away. I about lose my breath looking at him and again he nods me over. But this time I don’t move, I flip him off trying to act tough. He pushes himself away from the wall and comes to me. Sasha asks me, “Is that him?” letting go of me. “Yup,” I respond and swallow hard. Why is he waiting for me? He walks towards me with that look, the one that made me give into him in the first place and she says, “We’ll wait for you.” I look behind me as she is getting into the car. The other girls are all peering out the door and the second that Latch is close enough, he pulls my body against his. I take in a deep breath to try and calm my nerves. He kisses the top of my hair, and the warmth of his hold is so soothing that I could cry. I blink heavily, just wanting to let go. Then he looks down at me and smiles…my heart melts. Goddammit, he’s so f*cking gorgeous. “Hey,” he says in his deep, calm voice and I search for mine. “Hi,” I respond. “Can we talk?” “Sure.” I’m on autopilot, letting him take me where he may, like he has so many times before. He wraps his arm around me leading me away from the club and I am stunned watching in slow motion as he hails a cab. The yellow car stops in front of us and Latch opens the door gesturing me inside. A few of the girls pop out of the sunroof and I look at them with a dazed expression, before climbing in. I’m not sure what to do, but when he touches my back, I enter the car. The smooth leather behind my legs reminds me of when he’d spank me with his riding crop. Calmly, he sits next to me and closes the door, then tells the driver, “To Brooklyn, please, Crown Heights.” “Where are we going?” I ask, “I thought we were gonna talk?” “We are, at my place.” “Aren’t you working?” “No, not anymore. I walked my clients home hours ago and have been waiting for you.” “Clients?” “Yes, I work with that woman and her husband.” My eyebrows scrunch together as all sorts of nasty thoughts cross my mind. “Don’t worry, they hire me just for her.” I don’t even want to know more. Just the sheer thought of him with someone else makes me sick. Shaking my head, I turn in my seat suddenly questioning everything. He grabs my thigh and I look down at his hand. As much as I love his fingers on me, I can’t do this. I’m just like the rest. I’m not special. “I don’t think I should go back to your place.” “Why not?” I let out an exasperated laugh. “Because, Latch, because of you and what you do for a living, I…I

can’t look past it, I’m sorry. When it was just me and you alone, I could ignore all the rest of it, but seeing you with her tonight…” I blink a few times, sitting forward to brace myself on the seat. With alcohol coursing through my veins, I tell the driver, “Stop the car.” He looks at me and then Latch in the rearview mirror. Latch passes him a hundred dollar bill and says, “Sorry, she’s drunk, just keep driving.” With my eyebrows scrunched together, I look at him pissed off and push him away from me. Even though it hurts like hell to reject him, I’m not going to let him control me the way that Darrell has for so many years. “Abby, don’t do that.” “Why?” “Because we need to talk about things.” “We talked earlier and you got pulled away by some whor*. What more is there to say? We don’t need to go to your place to do that.” I laugh to myself; calling that woman a whor* is like calling myself one. Leaning my head back, I close my eyes, everything is spinning and ask him, “Please just take me home.” “No, I have more to say,” “Then say it!” I shout at him. He blinks a few times and swallows. “Please don’t make me do it here. Just come to my house, please.”

Watching Abby inside of my apartment does something to me. I’m not sure how I convinced her to come here, but I did. I’ve never had a woman in my home, besides my grandma, so it’s strange. As she walks around looking at everything, so interested in my life, her beauty evokes me, and for the first time ever, I’m lost for words. “Who is this?” she asks, picking up a framed photo. “My grandma and I.” “Are you close?” she asks. “Yes, extremely.” She sets it down, not asking anything else and looks out the windows that overlook the street. Taking a sip of water she asks me, “Had you not seen me tonight, would you have f*cked that woman?” she asks, her question catching me off guard. Nervously, I run my hand down the back of my neck, but I can’t lie. “Yes, I would have.” “How much would she have paid you?” “Five grand.” She turns away from the window and looks at me shocked. “Is that your normal going rate?” “Depends on the client.” “Why didn’t you charge me that much? You know who my husband is.” “I never wanted to take your money in the first place, Abby, but it’s really all I know. And since you are married, I thought it was the only way you’d keep seeing me.” She looks a little stunned by this revelation, but recovers quickly. “Why leave that kind of money tonight then?” “I figured it was my only chance to talk to you. You asked for space, which I gave you, but it was hard.” “So are you saying that a conversation with me is worth five thousand dollars?” I shrug my shoulders and walk to the fridge grabbing her another bottle of water. I hand it to her and then guide her to sit on the couch. “Your time is invaluable. Like I said, I never wanted to take your money.” She takes a sip of the water and then looks at me. “I’m worried about you, Abby. You don’t seem yourself.” She laughs saying, “I’m not myself. This past week has been a nightmare.” “What can I do to help? Just tell me and I’ll make it happen.” I fidget nervously in my seat, not even sure if the words I am saying are right. “There’s nothing that you or anyone can do, Latch. This is my f*ck-up; I have to fix it.” “No, it’s our f*ck-up. Let me help.” “Help how? You wanna come and talk to my husband, to try and justify why we slept together?”

I shake my head and look over at her gorgeous body. God, I have missed her more than I ever knew was possible. “I’m really sorry that we got caught, I shouldn’t have let it happen. I normally only sleep with couples or single women to keep the risk and the drama to a minimum. I’m not looking to ruin relationships. But I broke that rule for you, and I probably shouldn’t have.” “So you regret it?” she asks. “No! Not at all! Do you?” “I don’t either. Please don’t say things like that, things you can’t take back if you don’t mean it, Latch. It’s not your fault that Darrell caught us. My marriage has been f*cked up for years now.” My phone rings and I look to see a client calling. I hit the ignore button, wishing right now that there were no clients, no work, nothing at all but Abby and I. “Work?” “Uh huh. Why do you think things got f*cked up?” “He told me the other day that he’s never really loved me.” Tears cover her eyes and I pull her against my chest, holding her close to me. We sit together in silence and I wish that I could make everything better. That I could take away all of the pain and the complications, that really, I’ve caused. “Why did you break your rule for me?” she asks. Running the backs of my fingers up and down her arm, I rest my chin on her soft hair and respond, “Because for once in my life, I was thinking with my heart. I’ve never done that, or this.” Closing my eyes, I relish this moment, in the honesty that exudes from me. She pulls away and looks me in the eye. Her chest heaves up and down, so white and pure. My eyes are drawn to her lips, slightly parted, and I run my thumb over them remembering how not so long ago, we would spend hours kissing and talking. With Abby, it wasn’t just about the sex; there was so much more to our connection, from day one. She straddles my lap and leans down kissing my neck. A feeling that I’ve missed so much, her touch. My co*ck awakens, growing to its full length rapidly. My hands roam her body, but I don’t push things, I let her take her time, loving being intimate with her again. She kisses along my jaw, making the cutest noises and I can’t help but push my co*ck against her. She grinds her hips against me, and before I know it, we are both naked and I watch her delicately roll a condom down my shaft. With a handful of her hair in one hand and my dick in the other, she settles down on top of me. “Oh f*ck,” she cries out, and I close my eyes already feeling like I could come. I hope that I can make it longer than a few pumps with her sacred skin wound so tightly around me. Letting go of her hair, she intertwines our fingers and begins to move, up and down, up and down. I lick my lips, holding hands with her, wanting, needing to eat her up, but I don’t. Abby is the only person that I let control me, that I let take the lead, that I let do whatever she wants to me. I’m not sure why or how we got to this point, but we did and it feels so f*cking good. Each collision of our bodies is met with her moans. My eyes are on hers, never closing them, reading her, needing to know if this is the beginning of us starting something new. But she works me so damn good that nothing else matters. I let go of every fear that is pent up inside of me and live in this moment, in this second, inside of this woman. A woman who has turned my world upside down and made me feel things that I never thought I could.

Waking up, the sun is warm as it slices across my chest. I blink a few times to bring in the room and reach for Abby, remembering our night together and how I fell asleep with her in my arms. But right now, she isn’t with me. A thread of panic runs through me as I sit all the way up, and look around the room. “Abby?” I call out. The house is quiet and I pace it looking for her. She has to be here. From my room, to the bathroom, living room, and kitchen all is quiet…dammit, she f*cking left. Then on a small table by the front door, I find a handwritten note. Latch, Thank you for everything. I wouldn’t change a thing that we’ve done. But nothing is going to change the man that you truly are and what you do for a living, and I don’t think it would be fair of me to ask you to change. Most women would’ve had to pay you to stay the night with them last night, and that’s a small comfort, but it’s not enough. I’ve pushed what you do to the back of my mind for as long as I can. I’ve tried to make myself believe that I am different, but I’m not. Your phone woke me up, ringing repeatedly all night. As much as I wish we’d met years ago, we didn’t, and I just can’t accept your lifestyle. Whatever we are, or were, has to end. It was never real. We were nothing more than a means to satisfy each other’s desires, just like the women who you work for, who call you at all hours of the night. I’m no different to you than any of them and I know that. I can’t be a part of it anymore…I’ll miss you, take care of yourself, Latch. Abby Dropping the note to the floor, I rest my hand on the wall. The air from my lungs has been stripped away from me. How could losing someone that was never really mine hurt so f*ckin’ much? Grabbing my cell phone off the coffee table, I notice there are thirteen missed phone calls, all from different clients. I ignore them and dial Abby, worried about her leaving and ending things like this. I know I am not the man that she wants, but for her I’d change, and she needs to know that. Her phone goes to voicemail after a few rings. Sitting on the couch, I let out a deep sigh dialing her again, but she doesn’t pick up, so I send her a text, Please call me, I got your note. We need to talk. I wait for her to respond, hoping that she will. Why would she do this after how perfect last night was? If she was feeling that way, she didn’t even give me a chance to explain my side of things. We could’ve made things work. I’d quit my job right now, if that’s what she wants. For Abby I’d do anything. Which is not like me, it’s what I’ve lived my entire life trying to avoid…but here I sit, dependent upon her for my sanity and it’s crazy how vulnerable I’ve let myself become. Suddenly my own helplessness in this situation has me sitting here in anger. I’m willing to change my entire world for her, the least she could do is text me back. The blood coursing through my system is hot and I don’t know what else to do. I could go to her house, but that would just make things worse with her husband, which I don’t want. Looking at my phone again, I keep waiting, but deep down know that she is not going to text me back. Tossing my phone on the table in frustration, I grab my keys and look down at the note on the floor, picking it up before heading out. I need some perspective on things before I let my mind start to run and do something that I’ll regret.

I wipe the tears away from my eyes after leaving Latch’s so suddenly. He was sleeping so peacefully and it killed me to walk out, but the man I want him to be and who he really is are two completely different people. Getting out of the cab, I walk back into my life, back into the madness. I don’t want to be doing this, but after being with Latch last night and feeling the pull that he has over me, I know this is what I have to do. He provokes something inside of me, something so strong it scares me, and there is no way it’ll end well, unless I stop it now. If I think for one second that he’ll change and what we have could be real, I’m only kidding myself. For Christ’s sake, his phone rang all night long, a different woman’s name every time, and it made me wonder, had I not been there, would he have been out f*cking all of those women? My gut says he would’ve. It’s still early as I open the door and look around the dark condo. Darrell is tranquil, passed out in the same spot that I left him. The note I left seems to be untouched and I’m tempted to throw it away, but I worry that he saw it and will question me when he wakes up about why I did that. Heading to the bedroom, I change out of my dress and wash my face. Looking at my pale countenance, I can still feel Latch’s lips on mine. I run my fingers over them, wishing that things could be different. Heading to my bed, I get under the covers and curl up in a ball, tucking the covers under my chin. The sun is starting to peek through the clouds, and I close my eyes, praying that I can fall asleep. But my mind is consumed with Latch. The way he looked at me as I rode him, our fingers intertwined, both of us loving the intimacy again. But the perfect vision of us quickly changes as I get a flashback of him dry humping that woman on the dance floor. Five thousand dollars is a lot of money, there is no denying that, even for me. That’s why I don’t need him to tell me he won’t stop doing what he does, ’cause I know he won’t. It’s all he knows and he’s told me that. After he fell into the business, he finally has a purpose and a purpose that keeps his heart guarded. Plus, who am I to ask him to stop? If I were to get the balls to leave Darrell, and think that Latch and I could make things work, then I would need to be able to deal with his work, but I can’t. So what I have to do now is make a decision. Do I want to make my marriage work, because it’s all that I have, or do I want to forge forward in this life, alone? Thinking of that scares the life out of me. Either way, the road ahead of me won’t be easy, and it hurts knowing that I’ll never be with Latch again, but it’s the right thing. Off in the distance, I hear my phone vibrating. I’m sure it’s Latch, but right now I’ve got to put myself first. The sun is beginning to rise; he must’ve woken up and seen my note. I’m sure it hurt him, but it’s for the best and I have to believe that. We cannot be together and if either of us thinks for one minute that we can, we’re wrong. Even if he were to agree to stop, he’s told me before that

relationships just don’t work, that he becomes closed off and detached. Which is why I accepted our relationship the way I did; I’d take Latch any way I could have him as long as it was mutual. Closing my eyes, I pray for some relief, some peace, and maybe the answers to the havoc that has rained down on my life.

A racket in the kitchen startles me out of sleep, my heart slamming against my chest. Darrell doesn’t cook, so I wonder who in God’s name is here. He probably called his mom or sister and they came to ruin my life even more. As I rub my eyes and look outside, the sun has capped the morning sky. Setting my feet on the cool, hardwood floor, I pad quietly across the room and peer out trying to see who is making the noise. My jaw about hits the floor when I catch sight of Darrell, cooking. He burns his hand and pulls it away, silently cursing to himself and then runs it under the water. He looks sober as he takes a sip of coffee and then goes back to the stove. Curious to see his reason for cooking and not sulking on drunk like he has been, I venture out and am surprised when he says, “Morning, beautiful.” He hasn’t called me anything except “Abby” in years. What? Now he’s suddenly acting like everything is normal? Turning towards him with my eyebrows scrunched together, I search for the right words and he asks, “Will you hand me two plates?” “What are you doing?” I ask him. “Cooking breakfast.” “Why?” He reaches above me grabbing the plates himself as I am still in shock. “Why not?” he challenges back, splitting the scrambled eggs for the two of us. I shake my head and turn back towards the coffee, so f*cking confused. “It’s already on the table, Ab, just how you like it.” Glancing out of the corner of my eye, I see my favorite coffee cup, steaming, at the chair I always used to sit at. Walking to the table, I pick it up and begin to take it to the bedroom. There is no way after all that he has put me through that some breakfast gesture is going to make me forget all of the horrible things he’s done and said to me. “Please eat with me,” he pleads, walking towards me with the food in his hands, and I look at the genuine expression on his face. I don’t think that he has ever cooked for me. His eyes are insistent as he sets our plates down and pulls a chair out for me. Reluctantly, I sit. “Thank you,” he says. Sitting across from Darrell is strange. “Eat up,” he says and takes in a mouthful of food. Looking over my plate, my f*cked up mind starts to spin, and I wonder if he’s trying to kill me with this food. Reaching over, I take his plate and hand him mine. He’s got to have a reason for this sudden change of heart. He rolls his eyes at me and says, “Really, Abby?” “What? Yours looked better.” He shakes his head. “Do you really think that I’d hurt you?” “I don’t know what to think anymore.” He begins to eat the eggs off of the plate I gave him and asks, “Do you want to switch coffees too?”

I shake my head, knowing how ridiculous it is of me to paint him in that picture. As hurtful as he can be sometimes, I hope that he’d never do anything to me. But anger can make you do crazy things. Looking into his sober eyes, I wonder if maybe he is really trying. “I saw your note, that you went out with the girls. Did you have a nice time?” “Yeah, it was nice to unwind and catch up with them.” “Good, you deserve that; I’m sorry if I made you feel like you couldn’t.” I don’t respond to his apology. There is so much more that he should be sorry for. “Does it taste okay?” I nod in response, barely picking at the eggs, and he sets his fork down. “Abby, I know I haven’t been good to you for quite a while now. I’m very sorry. You deserve more from me, and I should give you that. I don’t know what gets in my head sometimes. The injuries I sustained this season were really hard, which isn’t an excuse, but I just checked out on everything. I don’t remember much of the last year. I’ve just floated on by.” “You could’ve handled things differently. If you were struggling, then I am who you turn to, not other women.” “I know.” “You said and did some really hateful things to me. Things that I don’t know how to forget. For the first time in our marriage, I’m scared of you.” “I’m sorry, you’ll never know how ashamed of myself I am. I wish I could take all of it back,” he says and reaches over the table for my hand. I let him hold on to it but my stomach churns, not fully trusting him. Looking at our intertwined hands, I can’t help but find myself wishing he was Latch. I wish that it was him holding my hand, trying to make things work between us, not Darrell. “I’ll do anything to make it better. Just tell me what you want.” Letting out a sigh as all of his vulgar attacks ring through my head, where do I even start? “I don’t want you to ever lay your hands on me again.” “I promise I’ll never touch you.” “Okay, I need you to admit that you’ve cheated on me.” He leans back in his chair before responding. “Yes, Abby, I have, and it will never happen again.” “How many women?” I question him. He holds his breath and his face contorts. “I’m not sure.” “That many…wow.” I pull my hand away from his, devastated finally hearing it from him. Even though I’ve known all along, I don’t think that I’ve actually come to terms with it. It’s kinda like believing that Latch was an escort – I pushed that away for as long as I could, but last night it all crashed down as the reality of his life shone through. Leaving Darrell at the table, I am heartbroken. “Abby, please don’t go.” “What do you want from me, Darrell?” “I want to make this work. I’ll do anything.” “Fine, stop drinking.” I know there is no way that he will, especially with us going through issues. It’s his only coping mechanism. He looks over at his bar, like the decision between me and alcohol is that hard for him. I shake my head and walk away. “Okay,” he says, catching me by surprise. I stop dead in my tracks and turn as he walks towards me. “Why now? Why this sudden change of heart?” He leads me back to the table and takes a sip of orange juice before proceeding. “My head coach

called me last night and said I needed to report to practice today.” “You should’ve gone in a long time ago, especially if your job means that much to you,” I respond. “I know, but the thought of leaving you here alone and us on bad terms worried me. I cannot bear the thought of you turning to another man.” “So you’re just being nice to me so I don’t mess around again?” “No, Abby, dammit, don’t you see that I’m trying here? I want to make our marriage work.” Hearing him say those words with tears in his eyes, I am stunned. This is the man that I fell in love with. How he got so lost along the way is beyond me. “Just because we had a meal together and you agreed to not drink doesn’t mean that everything is just going to go back to normal. I need to know that you aren’t going to cheat on me when you’re on the road.” “I told you I won’t. I’ve made a lot of mistakes in my life, some that I cannot change. Going forward, I’ll do whatever I can to make things right.” “I really hope you do.” “I will.” “What have you even said to your coaches about being away?” “That I was sick with the flu, and after I pushed it, they wanted to send a team doctor here, but I declined. They sniffed out my BS and now I have to go and see if I even have a future with this team.” “Of course you’ll have a future with them. They would be stupid to let you go.” “Not if they see how f*cked up my hand is. I punched it through that cabinet and still have glass in it. I don’t know if I can still throw a ball. If I get caught lying, they can cut me. I got to thinking about losing my job and you yesterday, and I lost it. I drank so much that I don’t know what happened.” From the time Darrell was ten, everyone kissed his ass, just because he is a phenom throwing a baseball. I don’t think anyone has ever told him no or denied him anything. So I can see the fear that he is facing at the thought of losing his career. But I’m not buying that he is really invested in making things with us work. Both of us let go of any chance at our marriage surviving a long time ago.

Knocking on my grandmother ’s door, it is barely light out, but she’s an early riser. As she answers with alarm written across her face, she asks me, “What’s the matter?” “It’s a long story,” I tell her, running my hand up the back of my neck. “Come in,” she says, worried, stepping aside for me. “Do you want coffee?” she asks, hugging me as she closes the door behind us. “Please.” I follow her to the kitchen, where I lean on the island watching her pour us each a cup. “Your cream is in the fridge, dear. Could you grab it please?” I hand it to her and she says, “Is it that girl, Abby, we talked about?” “Yeah.” “What happened?” I take the cup of coffee from her, and try to think where to start. “Come on, you didn’t come here at 5:40 in the morning to sit in silence.” “I saw her last night.” “How did that go?” “I thought it went well. We talked a little bit and she stayed the night. But when I woke up, I found this.” I hand her the note that Abby wrote to me and watch her expression change as she reads it. She’s feeling my pain just as much as I am. “Latch, I’m sorry.” “Me too.” “Can I be blunt?” “Of course,” I tell her, needing that from her. It’s why I am here, after all. “What did you think she would be thinking inside? You yourself told me that you feared finding a woman who would accept the work you do.” “I don’t know what I was expecting from her, but she didn’t even tell me that this is how she was feeling. I mean, I’d quit my job had I known. That’s how much she means to me.” “Would you?” “I would,” I respond honestly. “Then tell her that.” “I tried to call her, but she’s not answering and won’t return my texts.” “Then go to her.” “I can’t. Her husband is in town.” “Then what are you going to do?” she asks me firmly. “I don’t know. That’s why I am here.” “Latch, you know I’d do anything for you, but I can’t give you the answers you’re looking for. You have some decisions to make and then what you do with those decisions is up to you.” I take a sip

of my coffee and stare out at the sun as it lights the morning sky. “May I use your phone?” I ask her, hoping that maybe Abby will answer a call from a number she doesn’t recognize. As I dial her number, I’m not even sure what I’d say to her right now, but knowing that I have to do something, I let it ring. Her phone goes to voicemail, “Hey, this is Abby, leave a message.” “We need to talk about this note. Please call me. I’m serious, Abby, I have some things I need you to know.”

As I sink down deeper and soak in the hot water of the bathtub, it surrounds me. It consumes my body and I wish it would my mind. All of the thoughts and fears that have plagued me ring loudly and I just wish that for a moment, they would leave and I could find some peace. Latch’s tone sounded so panicked in his message and it leaves me conflicted, not knowing what to do now. “Abby?” Darrell calls out, interrupting the calmness. Dammit. “Yeah.” He tries to open the door, but I locked it. “I made you some tea.” “Okay, I’ll be right out.” “Take your time, but I’d like to talk to you about something when you’re done.” I sink under the water, and let out the loudest scream possible. My blood boils, anxiety fills me, as I know I have to face him and talk…again. What in f*ck’s sake could he want to discuss now? Coming up for air, I take these last few moments to myself and close my eyes. Searching for some serenity, but anymore, there is none. Especially that now, when I get out of the tub, I have to talk to Darrell. It has me on edge. My mind races and I figure rather than imagining what he wants, I better go and find out. Sitting up, I unplug the drain and let the water swirl down it. As I get out, I look down at my body. My sunken in stomach shows that I need to eat. I poked at the eggs Darrell made for breakfast and other than that, I don’t think I’ve had anything to eat minus a yogurt here and there since the day he caught Latch and me. I dry myself off and walk into the closet to get dressed. My phone vibrates and I see another text from Latch, Can we meet, please? The Metro Café, 4:00? I don’t know what else there is for us to say, but I can’t bring myself to text him back. Searching for something comfortable to wear, I think about seeing him one last time and come across his soft t-shirt. Picking it up, I bring it to my nose and breathe in his sweet scent. Christ, it still smells like him. Tears gloss over my eyes knowing that we are through. It rips my heart from my chest and I let the tears flow, keeping quiet as I savor his scent for a few more minutes. But inside, I know what I am doing is right. Latch cannot give me the future that I need or want. I don’t think Darrell can either, but this life with him is all I have. Tossing on a pair of sweats, I hide Latch’s t-shirt back in the bottom of my dresser and pull a hoody over my head. Right now, I have to deal with Darrell, and then Latch. As I emerge into the bedroom, Darrell is sitting on one of the chairs waiting for me. He has yet to touch the bed, which I guess I cannot blame him for. “How was your bath?” “It was fine. What did you want to talk about?”

He looks nervously at the floor. His knee is bouncing up and down as I wait for his response. “I want you to come on the road with me.” “What?” I respond, caught off guard that he’d even think that was a good idea. “Like you used to, Abby. I think it’d be good for the both of us.” I roll my eyes at him. “Don’t act like you know what is best for me.” “I’m just trying to work on things between us and being apart for almost a week isn’t going to do that.” “Is that really what you want, or do you just want to keep an eye on me?” I ask frustrated. My heart is racing. I cannot believe that he would even consider asking me to come with him. He doesn’t want me to travel with him so we can work on things. I know Darrell. It’s so he can control me, keep me far away from Latch, have me under his eye at all times, just like him keeping me prisoner of this home has done. He knows just as much as I do that I’d barely see him if I went. “Please calm down and let me explain.” His words are exasperating, and staying calm is the last thing that I want to do right now. “Of course it’s what I want.” “We can barely be around each other now. Being on the road isn’t going to fix anything. You said so yourself that your coaches want to meet with you about your job. What if you get cut?” “Then I’ll have you there.” “Darrell, you haven’t depended on me for quite some time. You’ll be fine to come back here alone, if you get cut. Plus, if we can’t learn to trust one another now, then what is the point of this marriage?” He looks down and nods, agreeing with me. He knows I am right. “So you aren’t going to see that guy while I’m gone?” I chuckle and walk away from him. “Are you going to f*ck any roadies?”

Walking to the Metro Café, I’m anxious, my stomach is a ball of nerves, and I don’t know how to settle it. I haven’t heard back from Abby, but I’m following my gut. I have a feeling that she’ll show up, she won’t let me down. My phone buzzes giving me hope it’s her, but it’s just another client, like the ten others that want to see me today. I’m not sure why there are so many on a Tuesday morning, or what’s going on, but it’s like all the ladies in New York are in heat all at once. Walking into the Metro, I order Abby’s favorite salad and a pasta bowl for me. I’ve brought this to her house before, so I know just how she likes it, extra olives, and the dressing on the side. As the cashier hands me the red card with a large number on it, I look around for somewhere private to sit and decide on a table in the back corner of the restaurant where I can still see the front door. Sitting down, I pop the card in the holder, slide it to the edge of the table and pull my phone out. It’s 4:02; she should be here any minute. Nervously, I strum my fingers against the table. Sitting and waiting, the time ticks by slowly. I keep checking the door every time someone comes in, but it’s not her. A worker sets our food down, and staring at the empty seat across from me, I begin to worry for the first time that maybe she’s not going to show up. Maybe it was naïve of me to think without a doubt that she’d meet me, but somehow I did. Then it happens, the moment that I have been dreading. My phone vibrates with a message from her, Latch, I can’t…I’m really sorry. The f*ck she can’t. I dial her number. It rings a few times and then goes to voicemail. Going into her text, I respond to the message, We need to talk! Abby, I’m not f*cking joking! “Dammit,” I shout in anger and smack the bowls of food across the restaurant. Salad and pasta go flying, the marinara sauce hits the wall and slowly drips down, like the blood of my heart being torn from my chest. This is why I have my f*cking rules! Had I followed them and never gotten involved with her in the first damn place, none of this would have happened. All eyes are on me as I storm out of the Café. On a mission and angry, I’m not sure where I’m headed, but I let my feet take me where they want, plowing through the streets of New York hitting people with my shoulders if they get in the way. Why? Why can’t she come, or call me, or text me back? Why won’t she give me the f*cking time of day? Nothing stops me as I barrel across intersections, not giving a sh*t if cars are coming. A cab honks and slams on its brakes and I dare someone to give me reason to f*ck them up right now. Finally I stop and am standing across the street from Abby’s condo. If she won’t come to me, then I’m going to her. I don’t give a sh*t if her husband is home; I need to tell her how I feel. There is no way that I am just going to let her go. Swiftly, I jog across the street, and just as I step foot on the

sidewalk, everything around me halts. All of the people and cars are blurred out as I focus on the couple walking out of the condo. It’s like my eyes are playing tricks on me as Abby and her husband emerge. He has a bag on his shoulder and his hand is on her lower back. There is a black car waiting for them and the driver opens the rear door. The paparazzi snap photos, but before they get inside, a few fans run up with some baseballs for him to sign. Intently, I watch the interaction, particularly Abby. She looks happy, smiling, as they talk to the fans, zoning out the mob of photographers. She even takes a picture of them with Darrell. The fans leave and he ushers her into the car. I stand with the air knocked from my lungs, panting for my breath, bent over like a goddamn loser. “Hey, man, are you okay?” a guy asks me, walking by. He touches my shoulder and I swat his hand away standing all the way up. “Sorry!” he responds and walks off. I try to catch my breath, doing everything I can, but clearly Abby has made her decision. She has chosen to make things with her husband work, and as much as it hurts me, who am I to stop her or tell her not to do that? Just like she said in her note, it’s not fair for her to change me. Turning my back on her place, everything that I once felt coming here fades. The adrenaline is gone, I’m empty. Walking away, my phone rings and I answer it out of habit, zoned out and in a daze, I’m not even sure what I’m doing right now. “Are you feeling better?” Scott asks me. “Yeah, sorry I bailed.” “Not a big deal. I mean, Tracy was devastated. But I know you’ll make it up to her.” “Yeah, man, for sure.” “Listen, I realize it’s last minute, but would you have time to swing by today? We’re available anytime. I just got a call that I need to leave the country on business for a few weeks, and if she has to wait that long…well, I don’t know what she’s going to do.” As much as I don’t want to do anything right now but drink myself into oblivion, I know that working will keep me busy and is better than getting wasted. Maybe giving Tracy a good f*cking will clear my mind and help me let go of Abby once and for all. “Yeah, I’m free now. Should I just come to your place?” “That’d be great. Thanks, Latch!” We hang up and I hail a cab. Hopping in the back, I tell him the cross streets for Scott and Tracy’s. On the drive, my eyes are locked on my phone and Abby’s text. Now it all makes sense. Why she pushed me away and asked for space. She’s reconciled with her husband. And I sealed my own fate by not opening up to her when I had the chance. Had I told her how I really felt, and not let myself be scared of the consequences of my honesty, maybe things would have turned out differently. But instead, I indulged in the moment, thinking what we had was stronger than it was. Thinking we’d have tomorrow, but really tomorrow is never guaranteed and I know that best. Walking up Scott and Tracy’s large round driveway, the gate automatically opens for me. And I hope this is just what I need to erase my mind, to numb the pain and release Abby, the way she’s let go of me. Scott opens the door for me and shakes my hand. “Thank you for coming on such short notice. I promise I’ll make the pay worth your time,” he says. “Of course. I owe you guys.” Walking into their lavish home with marble floors and dark interior, I can already hear Tracy moaning, probably playing with herself. Normally that would be the first

step to a huge hard-on, but today the effect is underwhelming. “She’s in the room. You want something to drink?” he asks. “Yeah, anything strong that you’ve got would be great,” I tell him and walk down the hall. I can f*ck her and get drunk all at the same time. Tracy’s noises get louder and louder the closer I get. Then she comes into sight and I stop, just watching her, letting go of all the sh*t going through my head so I can give her what they’re paying me for. Scott hands me a drink and I knock back whatever the f*ck he’s poured in the glass, forcing my head into the zone. I can do this. This is what I am. She’s lying on her back, touching her sex, rubbing her fingers over her cl*t as she watches a p*rno on the projector across the room. I undress completely, loving the way her hard and perky tit* shift as she rubs herself. “Playing with yourself without me?” I question her, catching her off guard. “Latch!” she smiles and I hop up on the oversized black leather table, hovering over her. She looks surprised, like she had no idea that I was coming. “What are you doing here?” “I came to f*ck you real good. I missed you the other night,” I tell her as I lean down and swirl my tongue over her hard and erect nipple. “Scott didn’t tell me,” she pants as I switch to the other one. I finish sucking and drag my tongue down her chest and stomach, circling it around her navel and then going down farther ’til I’m close to her cl*t. “Should I leave?” I pull away from her body and ask, licking my lips, and she shouts, “No, that’s not what I meant. I just didn’t know.” “Well, now you do.” Scott must be in the room because I see her mouth the words “thank you” to him. I look at him as he sets another drink down for me and then takes a seat in his usual chair to watch us together. The second that I touch her puss*, she moans in pleasure, throwing her head back. Slipping my tongue in her wet slit, I smile and close my eyes, pleasing her, like I have so many times. She threads her fingers into my hair, holding me close to her and spreads her legs wider. I move between them and wrap my hands under her thighs lifting her puss* to my face. She coaches me on, pumping her hips, and I know that she’s already close to coming. Pulling away, I stop her from letting go and wipe my face on my shoulder, looking down at her as she lies breathlessly on the table. “You’re ready for me, huh?” “Yes.” “Suck me,” I order her, kneeling as she gets on all fours. She grins at me gripping my shaft and licks her lips. “I said suck my co*ck,” I demand more harshly. Slowly she wraps her warm lips around me and looks over at Scott. “Don’t look at him, look at me, you understand?” I ask her, staying firm in my response, knowing that he likes us to pretend he’s not in the room. She nods and slides her mouth up and down on my co*ck. Looking down at her, I’m reminded of why I got into this business in the first place. Women are freaks. They like to be ordered around, to have their limits pushed, and that’s what I do best. And that’s exactly what I am going to do going forward. f*ck Abby! “Touch yourself.” She’s quick to listen, still gripping my shaft at the base, as she works me. I take a hold of the back of her hair, shoving myself deep into her throat. Tracy doesn’t have a gag reflex, so I can f*ck her mouth as forcefully as I want. She moans, holding her lips tightly around me and I take over, jerking myself at the same time as she sucks me so good, letting me barrel the skin of my shaft into her sweet goldmine. With one hand on my co*ck and the other wrapped up in the back of her hair, we work together. I allow her to do this for a few minutes, watching how gorgeous she looks, and even with how into me

she is I need more. “Faster!” she picks up speed and I skull f*ck her, just like I’m about to do to her puss*, to keep my mind in the zone. She takes my shaft as she bangs her own puss*, turning me on so much more the harder she works herself and I pull away, reminding myself that her husband is watching and I need to put on a show for him. He wants me to bang her puss*, not her. I need to be the one making the moves. She licks her lips out of breath and leans back on the table. As her thighs press against the back of it, I hold her body with one hand and slowly guide my fingers over her nipple, pinching it. Scott walks up and hands me a pair of nipple clamps, I adjust them before clamping them down on her tit*. She winces from the friction and then I cup her sex making eye contact with her, sinking two fingers into her puss*. She moans and I hear Scott’s pants unzip, he’s getting more and more into it. As I work her puss*, her body goes limp from my fingers, and I lay her back on the table, sliding open a drawer on it that contains condoms and other toys. She looks over at me as I roll a condom down my shaft and then show her two co*ck rings. She picks the red one, like she always does, and I stretch it, placing it over my co*ck. Everything is held so tightly, causing the blood to pump fiercely to the head of my dick. Lifting her one leg, I hold on to it, but leave the other stretched along the table so Scott has a good view of me f*cking her. “Remember, I want you in my puss*.” I look at Scott to be sure and he nods in agreement. I’ve never f*cked her puss*, only her ass, so this is a first for me. She wiggles as I slide myself into her tight little c*nt. The second that I am inside of her, she tilts her head back and I take the chain of the nipple clamps between my teeth pulling up on it as I slide in and out of her. “Oh God,” she whimpers letting me tease her tit* as I work her. My co*ck throbs, rubbing her insides. No wonder he’s never let me into her puss*. She’s as tight as a f*cking virgin. I look over at Scott. He is watching my dick moving in and out of her and I drop the chain. Taking two of my fingers, I rub them over her cl*t, pleasing her. Then as I pick up my pace, she screams out my name. “That’s it, let me hear you,” I growl and shove myself deeper into her, rubbing the co*ck ring against her cl*t. She wails, pumping her hips with my movements. Her head hangs off the table and I move my fingers to her ass. Her tit* bounce, chained together as I work her ass. Her noises are so loud and Scott clearly can’t take it. He walks up to her and sticks his dick into her mouth. She whines against his shaft, sucking him with so much aggression. He rips the clamps off and she arches off the table. Then he leans down and flicks them between his fingers causing her to go wild while I work both her puss* and ass. “You like all your holes full, don’t you?” Scott asks her. She mumbles something inaudible against his dick, whimpering from so much stimulation. Her puss* is constantly constricting. I put my head down, getting lost in her puss*, while Scott lets her just suck him, bracing his weight above her. Looking up at her throat as he f*cks her, I can see his shaft going in and out of her. My co*ck is numb from the co*ck ring and I’m ready to explode. It feels so good to be able to find my release again so easily. Any regrets I was holding on to regarding Abby, I’ve let go of. I knew getting crazy, pushing the limits would numb away the pain. Clearly Tracy loves me inside of her as she’s still rocking her hips. Then, she pulls away from Scott and looks up at him. “Will you both f*ck me?” she begs. I stop moving, waiting for him to answer and he says, “Let me lie down, baby.” I pull my co*ck from her and we hop off the table so he can, and then she climbs on top of him.

Sliding his co*ck into her puss*, Scott doesn’t start to pump himself waiting until I can get lubed up and in her ass. Reaching into the same drawer that the condoms and co*ck rings are in, I take out the lube and then hop up on the table so I am kneeling behind her. Squeezing a generous amount of lube on my fingers, I oil up my shaft and then spread some on her ass. She puckers it for me and I start by working my fingers deep inside of her. “f*ck her, Scott, while I stretch her some more.” He starts to move, slowly, and the room is filled with her noises. Stroking my lubed co*ck once more, I hold her ass cheeks and he stops so I can slide into her. She’s stretched and ready, her ass clearly wants me. “Ready?” I ask her. “God, yes,” she cries out letting me ease into her. My balls burn, her ass is so warm and tight as she clinches my dick, letting me work her real good. “You like being a slu*t, don’t you?” I ask her. “More than anything!” I pick up speed, as does Scott, both of us move at the same pace and I feel my release. Fire rages through me from head to toe as my fingers dig into her tight ass cheeks, gripping her aggressively. I hold on to my cum as long as I can, but the moment Tracy begins to convulse around my shaft, screaming louder than ever, I let go, with a loud grunt followed by my white. Each pump of my co*ck fills the condom inside of her sweet ass and I relish in my org*sm, finding myself reminded of my first real client. She loved anal and was dirty as f*ck, just like Tracy. She taught me a lot, first and foremost, that whatever she asked me to do, I needed to take it one step further. Lately, I think I’ve lost a bit of that, being so distracted by Abby, that I’m not even sure that my clients are completely satisfied.

Heading home from dropping Darrell off to meet with his team, I feel relieved. For the first time in days, the noise in my head has stopped. I’m hoping that this time apart will provide me with the answers that I need in order to make the right decision for my future. Darrell wasn’t happy that I stayed home, but he really didn’t have a choice in the matter, seeing as I didn’t give him one. Looking down at my phone, I feel terrible for bailing on Latch. He called and texted me, clearly upset. It killed me to not go and meet with him, but I couldn’t. I had to keep up the fake persona for Darrell, to get him out of town. And honestly Latch and I are done. Deleting the messages from Latch makes me feel queasy. Thinking of truly never talking to him again is hard, but it’s what I need to do. I have to put myself first for once in my life. I’m sure he is already over me and off f*cking God only knows how many women all over New York. If I thought I couldn’t trust Darrell to f*ck around on me, what would it mean to be in a relationship with a f*cking escort? I wish now more than ever that I had my parents to turn to. Even though I was adopted, I was blessed to be chosen by two amazing people. Both of them were so loving and accepted me as their own from day one. I’ve felt their loss every day since they were ripped from me in a tragic car accident that ended both their lives instantly. Tears gloss over my eyes and I wipe them away, knowing that nothing is going to bring them back. Part of the reason I’ve stayed with Darrell as long as I have is because if it weren’t for him, I never would have gotten through the grief of losing them. And in that process, I became frightened of what another loss would do to me, I don’t want to imagine what’ll happen if Darrell and I divorce and I’m on my own. So I’m willing to stay with him for that shred of security. As foolish as it might sound, I don’t want to end up alone. I thank the driver and walk back inside the lobby to our condo. Taking the elevator up to our floor, my phone vibrates – it’s Darrell. Things went well with the coaches. I’ll text you as soon as we land, thank you for everything. Fly safe, is all I text back, not sure what else to say to him. Entering our apartment, I flip the TV on, knowing that I need to keep busy, ’cause if I don’t keep my mind occupied right now, I might go crazy. Changing out of the stupid outfit that I had to wear to put on a show for the paparazzi feels so good. I hated being fake, going out with Darrell, letting him have his hands on me, while I waited like some trophy wife for him to sign autographs and snapped pictures of him and the fans. All the while, I acted like everything was f*cking normal and had a big stupid ass grin on my face, when all I really

wanted to do was curl into a ball on the couch. Now, I finally get to do just that; taking a seat I flip the TV on and aimlessly get lost. I find serenity in this moment of solitude. I never knew something so simple could mean so much to me.

I must’ve drifted off as the sun has set and the TV is showing cartoons. Blinking a few times, I rub my eyes and then an excruciating pain hits me in my stomach. It knots and cramps so bad, worse than anything I’ve ever felt before. What the f*ck? I’ve barely eaten lately. I take in a few deep breaths and adjust myself on the couch, watching the creepy bunny on the screen as it chases a car while riding a skateboard. What the f*ck is wrong, am I dreaming? I ask myself, but the room around me suddenly spins and I barely make it to the kitchen sink before I get sick. I stand, gripping the edge of the granite countertop, so sweaty and hot. Dry heaving a few more times, there is nothing left and everything inside of me burns. Then the room begins to morph into blackness. I brace myself, afraid that I am going to pass out. Tears stream down my face and I fear that Darrell has done something to me. I gasp for air, keeping focused on the soap dispenser as it comes in and out of my view, puffing rapid, short breaths. I need to dial 911 and I search for my phone, but my body can no longer stand, and slowly I slide down the cabinets, crying – afraid – panicked. As I lay flat against the smooth cherry wood floor, I look up at the ceiling and close my eyes to stop the room from spinning, letting the tears flow. How did he do this to me? I try and think back and then it all makes sense, his sudden niceness, cooking for me for the first time ever, and his persistence that I come on the road with him. Dammit, I should’ve kept up my guard better. I ate the food he cooked me and drank what he gave me. Regardless if we switched plates or not, he still could have put something in one of my drinks. Even through the pain, as unbearable as it is, I will myself to get up, fighting, knowing my phone is close and determined that Darrell is not going to win. But the pain is something fierce and hits me again, causing me to fall to the ground. My body stiffens, the cramping so bad. My insides are on fire. A storm is brewing like no other in my stomach. This is a pain I’ve never experienced, and then the dry heaves take over again, and right now, I am more scared for my life than I have ever been.

Drying from the shower, I check my phone and see a text from my grandma, So how did it go? she asks, referring to my attempt to see Abby. Not good. I text her back heading into my closet. What happened? she asks. I look at her message for a minute before setting my phone down. What happened is the question of the f*ckin’ day. I can’t bring myself to go there right now. She just wants to help, but there is nothing that anyone can do to help. My insides are filled with agony. Normally, after f*cking a client I am on a high, ready for the next, but not tonight. The high quickly left me after I came. I thought pushing the limits was the answer, but it was only a brief one. Knowing that things are truly over with Abby…is just killing me. I slip on a change of clothes and head for the kitchen, and the sight of my couch hits me hard. I ignored it when I first came home, but now, it’s right here in my face and there is nothing that I can do to erase the memory. The memory of Abby and I as we f*cked and then how she laid in my arms as we both drifted off to sleep. f*ck, I wish I could have her in my arms right now. Pulling my eyes away from it, I grab a beer from the fridge and pound it, then grab a second one. I decide to go through my list of missed calls to schedule some f*ck therapy, it’s all I have to help. Where do I even begin? There are so many that I have just ignored which is not what the girls are used to. Usually, I am all over my phone and schedule things right away. Glancing at the couch as I take a swig of the beer, I dial the last call on my missed log. “Hey, can you hold on one second?” Natasha answers in her sweet tone. “Of course, baby.” Natasha is an editor for a local magazine and is always working, which she says leaves her no time to date, but she’s always up for a good, hard f*cking, which is exactly what I want. “Sorry, I had to step into my office. Thanks for calling me back.” “Did you think I wouldn’t?” “I was getting worried. It took you longer than normal and I have needs, you know.” “Well, that’s what I’m here for. So, you miss me?” I ask her. “Mmmmhhh.” “How much?” “A lot. How could a girl not?” “Why don’t you come and f*ck me right now? My co*ck is so hard for you.” She giggles and questions me, “Okay, where?” “My place.” “Really?” she sounds surprised. I’ve never let clients come here – I always go to them – but

looking at that f*cking couch, I know it’ll help me feel better to f*ck her on it. “Yes, I want you to come to my house so I can f*ck you. That’s what your puss* wants, right?” “God, yes.” “I’ll text you my address. I live in Crown Heights; can you be here in the next 20 minutes?” “Yeah!” I glance at the clock. It’s 6:07 now. If I give us ’til 7:30, then I can schedule another client after we’re done. Having them come here might be the answer to my problems. This house used to be my space away from everything, my solitude, until Abby ruined it all. “See you soon, sexy,” I tell her and hang up. Going through the call log, I pick a few of my favorite f*cks before Natasha arrives, scheduling out the rest of my night and even tomorrow morning. All of my clients are surprised by my request to come to my house, but they seem intrigued. Most of these girls I’ve been working with for years, so I’m sure they are interested to see a more intimate side of me. Grabbing my bag of toys, I set everything I’ll need out on the coffee table, and then look at the spot where Abby and I last slept. It was my own mistake to let her into my heart. I’ll wash away any memory of her tonight by f*cking some of New York’s hottest women in the spot that for some stupid ass reason stands as a trigger inside of me. Natasha knocks on the door, right on time, and I pull my shirt over my head, knowing she loves my tattoos. My co*ck is already throbbing, ready for her. Opening the door, she is dressed in her work clothes and looks up at me with those big eyes and a smirk on her face. “So this is where you live?” “Yup.” I grab her hand and pull her to me, slamming the door behind us, as my tongue invades her mouth, showing her who is in control. That is what Natasha likes. As I hold on to the back of her soft blonde hair, she drops her bag and wraps her body around me, her arms clinging to me, and she is grinding her puss* against my co*ck. Pulling back, I look at her with a smile on my face and say, “I can’t wait to f*ck you!” “Me too,” she responds and I walk us to the couch throwing her body down. She laughs, landing on the plush fabric as she looks over at the table of toys. I blur away the couch focusing only on Natasha. “You know, you live like five minutes from my work. We should do this more often.” “I’m just a phone call away, babe,” I tell her as I push her skirt up. I’m excited when I see her sexy ass thigh highs. She has her bottom lip tucked under her teeth watching my every move. “So tell me what you want.” “I need to come!” she blurts out. I chuckle and begin to tease her cl*t with my thumb. “Any requests?” “No, just do what you do.” I nod once and sink a finger inside of her soft, wet puss*. “Like this?” I pride myself in knowing what each girl likes and doesn’t. What I can and can’t do with them, what rules we have established. Natasha has her eyes closed and she’s gripping the fabric beneath her as I work her c*nt. Taking a second finger, I add that, and then a third, stretching her nice and wide. Then the second that I twist my three fingers around and begin to work her u spot with my thumb, she loses it, twisting and turning, moaning as she fights giving into what her body wants. She convulses hard as she screams at the top of her lungs. This is her favorite and I enjoy her noises, not giving a sh*t if my neighbors hear her. When a woman comes, it’s the sexiest noise in the world. Her body settles and she looks up at me panting. “Really, you had to make me come that fast?” “I asked what you wanted. Now take your shirt off,” I tell her and she sits up reaching for the hem, slowly pulling it over her head. Her tit* spring free, and I look at her with a baffled expression.

“That’s how you go to work?” “Yeah, I work long hours, and bras are uncomfortable.” Natasha has huge, perky tit*, so I can only imagine the poor guys she works with and how they feel staring at her all day. Leaning in, I squeeze both of them and lick my tongue all over her neck, nipping and sucking her soft, hot skin. Teasing her nipple with one hand, I reach behind me for a dild* and she asks me, “Can I suck you first?” Standing to my feet, I’d love nothing more right now. I unzip my pants and present her with my co*ck. She always takes very good care of me when we see each other. My eyes are fixated on her as she sculpts her lips around the end of my shaft and takes her time swirling her tongue around me. Kissing and sucking just the tip, but I need more. I help guide her head, but as she adjusts the way she is laying, her puss* is staring right at me. Reaching down, I massage her cl*t and she moans, picking up speed. Her lips hold me so tightly and her head bobs fiercely. My eyes move from her puss*, to her tit*, to her stretched mouth, and I hold on to my release, already fighting the urge to let go. Thank God! But she doesn’t let me. Cupping my balls, she massages them, urging them on and drags it out of me. Grunting like an animal, I give her my cum, shedding it all over the back of her throat. f*ck yeah! She swallows every drop, not letting up her pace and I pull my co*ck out of her mouth, the blood rushing to the head. She grabs a dild* and begins to suck it. I let her take a minute and then pull it from her lips, and ease it inside of her. She moans, long and loud, then starts to bounce on it. As I push it in and out of her, I work her good knowing that I need to take things one step further, for both of us. She has my co*ck in her hand, jerking it with a firm grasp, and I match her movements. “Harder, Latch,” she screams and I slam her c*nt good. Her body is red and I can feel the heat radiating off her skin. Taking my thumb, I nudge it into her ass and she looks at me wide eyed. We’ve never gone here, all though it’s not a place that’s off limits. She stops jerking me, her entire body tenses and I tell her, “Don’t stop, let’s come together.” She starts again and I love her touch. Pleasure burns inside of me and I’m just waiting on her. “Oh God,” she mumbles, her fingers are knotted in her hair. “Let go, baby,” and on my command, I watch her come on the dild*, screaming and shaking like I’ve never seen from her. This pushes me to the edge, and I hold my breath as my balls blow all over her and the couch.

Lying on the uncomfortable hospital bed as Sasha paces outside of my room, I feel terrible for inconveniencing her, but I didn’t know who else to call. I wanted to call Latch, but I closed that door and can’t reopen it. After the doctors admitted me, I called her in a panic needing someone with me that I knew. “Did you find another flight?” I ask her, as she comes back into the room. “I did, tomorrow at noon. Better than today,” she says with a smile on her face. “I can pay for it.” “No.” She waves me off and grabs my hand. “How are you feeling?” “Better, I think.” “When will Darrell be home?” “Not for another week. He has a few away games.” “Are things any better with you two?” I shrug my shoulders and hold on to her hand. “Even if they were, I’m not sure that I want to stay with him.” This is the first that we have really gotten to talk about things. “Would you really leave him?” “Maybe.” “What happened between you guys?” As I look my best friend in the eye, I want to tell Sasha everything, but I’m not sure if I am ready to put everything out in the open and admit to my true feelings. But she gives me a reassuring smile and I forge forward. Digging deep within myself, I share everything with her. From the moment that I met Latch, to me convincing myself that our relationship was normal, even though I handed him stacks of cash and knew I was only one of many women. It’s hard to say these things out loud, and they sound even worse coming from my mouth. “So, do you love him?” she asks me. As much as I try to deny it, I can’t any longer. “Yeah, I’m f*cking in love with an escort. How f*cked up is that?” “Mrs. McEllrath,” the doctor says, walking back into my room with a grin on his face. My heart pounds wondering what in the world is wrong with me. “I have some answers for you.” “Am I dying?” I blurt out. “No, far from it. You’re pregnant…”

“So, every Friday?” Ellen asks me, buttoning her pants. “Sure, do you just want to start coming here?” “Yeah, that’d be great,” she responds, and hands me a wad of cash. Her wrists are red from being tied up and her complexion is flushed from me f*cking her so hard. Leaning down, I kiss her on the cheek and run my thumb over her wrist, “I can’t wait.” “Me too,” she says and leaves out the front door. I close it behind her adding the bills she handed me to the pile I’ve received over the last few days and then add her into my calendar of repeat appointments. I’ve been so f*ckin’ busy, letting my clients come here. And it’s kind of been nice not having to run all over town. But what’s been the best of all, is it keeps my mind occupied. It keeps me from thinking about Abby. Now, I’ve got a constant focus staying on schedule and ultimately doing what I love. Every girl leaves more than satisfied, as I just keep pushing the limits, getting crazier and crazier. It lets me know that it was a job well done, which is about as much satisfaction as I can get out of my life right now, and I’m going to take it. Turning back towards the couch, it doesn’t matter how many women I’ve ruined because every time I look at it, I can still picture Abby. Running my hands over my face, I push the thoughts of her away. “f*ck!” I shout. I have to let her go. There is nothing more left for me to hold on to. She’s chosen her husband. We’re done! There’s a knock on the door and I check the clock. It’s got to be Jessy. I open it and take a moment to enjoy her beauty. Besides Abby, she’s got to be the hottest girl that I work with. “f*ck, you look good.” I pull her into my chest and hold her tightly, nuzzling and kissing her neck. Pulling back on the skin hard, so it leaves a mark, she laughs as I let her go. “Hey to you,” she says still in my arms. I look down at her and those lips. “What?” she asks. “Just thinking about your lips.” I run my thumb over them. “I can’t wait to use them. So this is where you live?” She walks around and looks at everything, like all of the women have. “Yup, this is my place.” Her big ass is tucked into a tight pair of jeans. Looking at her, I don’t think I’ve actually ever seen her in clothes before because most of the time I show up at her place she answers the door in just lingerie or naked. “It’s just how I pictured it,” she says. “Why’s that?” I ask her, holding her by the hips as she stares out the windows that overlook President Street. Turning her in my hold, her light eyes gleam from the sun and she runs her hands through my hair. “It’s clean and sophisticated like you.” I laugh at her comment and grab both of her wrists pinning them behind her back. “I’m far from

those things, baby.” Holding our bodies closely, I keep her wrists together in one of my hands and roam her body with my other hand. Gliding a hand under her thin shirt until I have a handful of one of her tit* in my grip, I take her nipple and pinch it between my fingers, rolling it back and forth. Her head drops back as she yelps in pleasure. Her neck invites me in, a small mark is already showing from me attacking her when she walked in. I drag my tongue up it until my lips find hers and I kiss her with everything. Our tongues twist and turn, working together the way my co*ck will soon f*ck her. Thinking of being inside of her makes my shaft grow and I pull her body closer to mine, rubbing myself against her, pressing down hard on the small of her back. She stops kissing me and says, “Oh, God,” as a shiver runs through her. “What do you want today?” I ask her, wanting to make sure that I fulfill her wishes. “I wanna get f*cked hard.” “Should I tie you up?” “If you want!” Looking her in the eyes, I smirk. “What if I ruin you in front of all of Crown Heights, just like I did Central Park.” I let go of her hands and she pulls her shirt above her head. She stands ready and waiting. Taking my hands, I reach down to the waist of her pants and slowly unbutton them. My fingers are all over her. Her breathing is quick and I love the control that I have over her. As I remove her pants, I lead her to the couch and a vision of Abby hits me. I have to work hard to push the thought out of my head. So I decide to start somewhere else. Leading Jessy to my dining room table, I gently lie her on the thick wood surface. She looks up at me with her legs slacked to the side and I pull her towards me so her ass is hanging off the edge. Leaning down, I spread her puss* and she says, “No foreplay.” I look at her confused and she says, “I need your co*ck inside of me. I want you to f*ck me as hard as you can.” Opening a condom, I roll it down my shaft. She watches me closely. “Did you just come here for my dick?” I tease her. She giggles and nods her head, squeezing her nipples. My table is adjacent to a wall of windows so anyone that is in the building across the way could possibly see us, which is a better way to ruin her than the couch, and Jessy likes that. It’s one of the things she told me when we first met, so I always f*ck her in a way that she thinks others are watching. Taking one of her legs, I run it up the front of my chest. Her foot is next to my head and as I reach down separating her sweet puss* lips, she is drenched. I tease her with the tip of my dick and she moans looking out the window. Taking my time entering her, I let her feel every inch of my co*ck before I f*ck her harder than ever. “Yeah, that’s it, take all of me,” I tell her as she swallows my dick up. “Jesus!” she cries out and I begin to move, holding on to her by the sides as I keep her body close to mine with every thrust of my hips. Her c*nt is so hot. I’m not moving fast yet, but I am being rough, holding her firmly in my grasp, as I slam her harder and harder. Her eyes widen as she goes from looking out the window to looking at me. She’s moaning loudly. Her noises are sexy as her body devours me, taking me away from this world, from the f*cked up reality that I live in. “Harder!” she requests and I pick up speed, slamming her sternly, putting every ounce of rejection, hurt, frustration, and anger into every pounding thrust.

Her tit* shake with each slam of our bodies connecting as she engulfs me. She is so hot, making my co*ck feel better than it has in a long time and I get carried away as my mind is freed. The table starts to move and I scoot her up, climbing on top of the huge mahogany slab of wood. Right now, I am thankful that my grandma convinced me to buy this beast of a piece of furniture. Jessy’s legs are spread wide open and I hold them down as I re-enter her c*nt. She gasps and looks out the window, staring at the other building. I work her good and hard, f*cking her just how she wants. She moans my name, her eyes fixated out the window as she holds on to the back of the table. I look to see what she is staring at and across the way, there is a guy watching us. He’s dressed in a suit, but I can see that his hand is clearly jerking himself off. “You like letting people watch you get f*cked?” I ask her, splaying my hand across her chest as I hold her down, f*cking her as hard as I can. There’s a knock on my door and I ignore it knowing that my next appointment isn’t for a while. I keep f*cking Jessy, grunting, giving her all of me, wanting her to come harder than she ever has before. Then the knock gets louder and I freeze when I hear Abby’s voice yell my name from outside. “Don’t stop! Make me come!” Jessy screams, looking at the guy across the way.

My insides are a nervous wreck as I walk up to his home. I’m not even sure what I am doing here. But as I hold the pregnancy test in my hand, I know that he needs to know. After the doctor told me I was expecting, I didn’t believe him and took a few tests at home, just to confirm. Or maybe internally I was hoping that they were wrong. But all the tests were positive, and now, here I stand about to tell Latch. He has every right to know; it is his child, after all. Looking down at the plus sign on the test in my hand, I push forward, knocking on his door. It sounds like he is inside, so I knock again, needing to tell him about this, “Latch!” I call out and then clear as day, I hear a woman yell, “Don’t stop! Make me come!” Betrayal rains down on me. He told me that he never meets with clients at his home, so whoever he is with has to be more than that. I knew I wasn’t the only one. The test falls from my grasp and I turn to walk away, barely able to stand. Coming here unannounced was foolish. Holding myself up on the railing, I force myself to move, feeling so f*ckin’ dumb. Did I really think that I was special? And why would he want to raise a child anyway? Just look at his life. “Abby!” he shouts and I look back as he steps out of his apartment naked. I shake my head, looking down at his co*ck with the condom still on it. He covers himself up and walks towards me, pain etched across his face. He steps on the test. His eyes look down to see what it is and he picks it up. Then he turns white as a ghost and I walk away from him. “Is it mine?” he asks in his deep, calm voice. Everything inside of me ignites, his comment pisses me off, and I turn around flipping him off, “Go f*ck yourself, Latch!” “Abby?” he shouts and I look for a cab, tears blaze in my eyes making my vision blurry. There are none in sight so I just start to walk; I’ll walk forever right now. I’m f*cked! It’s unreal that this is what my life has turned into. From being married to Major League Baseball’s MVP to now being knocked up by New York City’s biggest manwhor*! Thinking of it all makes me laugh. Why was I dealt such a sh*tty f*cking hand of cards? I wipe my eyes clear and forge forward. “Stop, Abby,” he calls from behind me and I turn to see him jogging towards me in just a pair of jeans, no shirt, and I release venom upon him. “No, you stop!” I scream, my heart racing as all the blood rushes to my face. “Coming here was a huge f*cking mistake, Latch. I mean, how many girls are there that you treat just like me?” He steps to me and touches the sides of my arms, pain is pouring from his eyes, and I push him away. “Don’t you f*cking touch me ever again!” The tears flow and he puts his hands up. “There are no others that have what we have. It’s only you, Abby.” I wipe the snot away from my nose and look at him. “Don’t lie to me, motherf*cker!” I push him backwards; he holds himself defenseless and defeated as he looks at me. “You clearly care nothing

for me; I don’t know what I was expecting.” I walk away from him, my heart breaking with every step. Then a cab pulls up, saving me from this heartbreak, and I hail it, sliding in as fast as I can, but as I try to close the door, he rips it open. “You’re not running from me again, Abby.” He gets in behind me and I look down at his bare feet, shocked. “Where to?” the driver asks. “Just drive!” Latch growls. I try to get out the other side of the car, but it’s already moving. Latch pulls me back across the seat, close to him, and as tenderly as possible in this crazy ass moment, he places his hand over my stomach. I freeze looking down, his long fingers are spread wide over the thin fabric of my white tshirt and tears well in my eyes. I can’t bring myself to look at him. His possessive hand touching me is all I can focus on. And then the cab is filled with the soft noises of his sobs and he leans over, lifting my shirt and pressing his lips to the skin of my stomach. Letting out a pent up gasp of air, I stare up at the ceiling, my heart breaking with him touching me like this – crying. He whispers something inaudible to my skin and rests his head on my thigh. I look down at his tattooed back and can’t believe how much I’ve f*cking missed him. Even with who he is and just finding him with someone else, I can’t be mad at him. Threading my fingers into the back of his hair, I pull him closer to me, holding him against my stomach, where both of us sit, together, sobbing. I don’t know what is next. Hell, I’m terrified for what the future will hold thinking of all of the obstacles that I’ll have to face, but being with Latch right now calms me in a way that no other man ever has, and I know that no matter what I face, if I have Latch to protect me, I’ll be okay. And so will our baby.

“Why are we here?” I ask Latch as we enter a lavish Crown Height’s home. “I’ll explain, but you have to promise to let me this time. No running!” I nod my head, still confused why we couldn’t have just gone back to his place. I know he was there with someone, but I assume she left. God, I hope she did. He directs me to sit down on an oversized vintage purple suede couch and then sits next to me. He’s still shirtless and barefoot, and there is so much uncertainty in his eyes that I fear what he is going to tell me. “This is my grandmother ’s home. She’s out of town.” “Why couldn’t we just go back to your apartment?” I ask him. He looks nervous and swallows before proceeding. “I…” he trails off. His reluctance to be open with me makes me uneasy. “Latch, you said you’d explain –so, explain!” He takes my hand in his and looks me in the eye, “Abby, I don’t know how to do any of this. I’ve never had a real relationship. And when I’m around you, the feelings that are inside of me scare me.” “You make me feel the same, Latch,” I whisper, worried where things are headed. “Part of the reason I kept you as a client for as long as I did is it’s the only way that I know to have a relationship. It was my way of being with you in a way that worked for me and seemed to for you as well. Then when I saw you with your husband, it f*cked me up. I want to be the one to give you that happiness and it killed me that I am not.”

I swallow hearing his words, confused by what he’s referring to. “I’m sorry things have turned out like this between us.” “Me too. I know you’ve chosen him, and he probably deserves you over me. He’s a better man than—” I cut him off, “What are you talking about? I haven’t chosen anyone.” He blinks a few times, confused, and then says, “I saw you two leave your condo together. He had his hands on you and…you looked so happy. Abby, that expression on your face was something I’ve never seen from you and that’s how I know he’s the one you’re supposed—” “Will you just f*cking stop it, Latch?” He blinks and lets go of my hand. I take his back, holding it tighter than ever, “That’s because when I’m with Darrell, I’m pretending to be happy – it’s only me being fake. But when I’m with you, I’m able to be myself. That’s why you’ve never seen me look that way. I’m only real when we’re together. The truth is, we don’t know what the future will bring us, like this…” I point to my stomach and he places a hand over it. “But what I do know is that this baby, our baby, is the most important thing to me right now, and that means we need to figure out what we’re going to do. I haven’t slept with Darrell since you and I started seeing each other, so if he finds out I’m pregnant, he’ll know it’s not his. Going forward, everything we do has to be for the sake of the baby, whether we are together or not. It didn’t ask to be born into our f*cked up lives, so we have to take responsibility for our actions.” He smiles for the first time today and cups my cheek with his free hand. “Abby, I don’t know what to say! I don’t want to say the wrong things and scare you off.” “You can start by telling me who that girl was today. You said you don’t take clients to your home.” “After I thought you’d chosen Darrell, it hurt like hell every time I thought of you, or looked at the couch we f*cked on the last time we were together, so I had my clients start coming to my house. It kept my mind busy, and briefly numbed the pain. I thought it would make me forget. But every time I was alone, you were on my mind, like you always are.” “And that’s why we’re here…” I look around his grandma’s home. “Yeah, I have other clients that were scheduled today.” “So what? You’re just going to hide from them forever?” He nods dead serious, still holding on to the side of my head. I close my eyes and pray that somehow and some way we can make this work. I’m not sure why I think it’s a good idea, but being with him again makes everything in this f*cked up world feel like it’s going to be okay.

Waking up in a panic because I dreamt that Abby left again has my heart racing. But as I look down, she is sound asleep on my lap. I run my knuckles down the sides of her cheek and hope that she will never leave me again. I’m not sure where we stand, but I want to be with her more than anything I’ve ever wanted. Getting up, I gently lay her head on a pillow and get up to grab my grandmother ’s phone. I step outside to call her and she answers on the first ring, “Hello?” “It’s me.” “You okay, dear? I can see you’re at my house.” “Yeah, I…uhhh. I’m here with Abby and we might need to stay here for a few nights, just until you’re home, if that’s okay?” “Of course it’s okay, sweetheart, stay as long as you need.” “Thanks.” “What’s going on though? I thought she’d chosen to work things out with her husband.” “I thought so too, but she didn’t, and she’s kinda pregnant.” She gasps. “She’s kinda or is?” she asks me sternly. “She is.” “It’s yours?” “Yes, it’s mine!” “Oh dear, Latch. How do you feel about it?” “I’m not sure.” I look inside, watching her sleeping on the couch. “I’m worried.” “I can imagine. What about your work, is she okay with it now?” “We haven’t talked a lot about it, but I’m gonna stop.” “And that’s what you want?” she asks me and I hear an announcement in the background. “It is.” “Okay. I support whatever you decide. I’ve gotta board the boat, we’re heading out of port so I won’t have service for a few days, but I’ll check on you when I do. Make yourselves at home, and congratulations, dear, this is a good thing. I love you.” “Thank you, I love you.” We hang up and I’m so grateful for her understanding and reliable nature. That’s why I’d do anything for my grandma. She simply accepts me and anything that comes along with me. She’s always loved me and sees the good in the decisions I’ve made, as crazy as they are at times. I hope the way that I feel about her is the way that my child will feel about me one day. Going back inside, I pull a throw off the back of the couch and lay it over Abby. Sitting on the table, I watch her sleep, so peaceful and so f*ckin’ gorgeous. Her lips are slightly parted and I could watch her forever. But I don’t want her to catch me. Tearing my eyes away from her, I walk to the bathroom and start the shower to wash away the

scent of Jessy and the others that I f*cked today. With my head under the steady stream that pours from the showerhead, I grab the soap and scrub away the remnants of my past. Letting it swirl down the drain is relieving. Easier than I’d imagined it ever would be, and I know that’s because I have a shot at making things work with Abby. There’s going to be a lot of steps to getting there, but letting go of my work and clients is the first of many and I’m ready to do that. Thinking about the future, I wonder what’s ahead. Will Abby and I be able to make things work? I think she wants to and we have every right to try, but she is still married, and that’s something neither of us can avoid. For me, I don’t ever want her near that f*cking asshole again, especially carrying our child. Not with what she’s told me he’s done to her. I don’t care the type of contact, a man never has the right to put his hands on a woman. Even to push her away, it’s wrong! I rack my brain, trying to think how I could avoid her having to see him. But she interrupts me by opening the shower door and I look behind me, brushing the water from my eyes. Abby is standing naked, staring at me, with the sexiest expression on her face. I outstretch my hand towards her and when she takes a hold of it, my world is complete. Closing the door behind her, neither of us speaks a word, we just look into each other ’s eyes as the water shrouds our bodies. My co*ck throbs wanting her, being this close and naked. Reaching up, she holds on to the back of my head and kisses me. My body freezes, finally being intimate with her again feels so f*cking unbelievably good that I’m afraid to make the wrong move, so I let my lips work with hers, teasing and enticing her tongue. Taking my time, which is new to me. My co*ck rests against her puss* and I want to f*ck her so badly, skin to skin, with nothing separating us, but I will never push things with her. She pulls back, looking so damn sexy and I run my thumb over her lips. “I’ve missed your kisses,” I tell her. Her eyes dance telling me what she wants as she asks me, “Have you been with anyone unprotected?” “No! Just you when the condom broke.” She directs me to sit on the seat inside of the shower and then kneels in front of me, staring at my co*ck. “I don’t ever want you to be with anyone else except for me, Latch.” “I want that too! I mean it, I’m done working. If you’ll be with me, that’s all I need, forever. I promise, I’ll take care of you and our baby.” She gives me her signature look, the one that melts my heart as she wraps her lips around the head of my shaft and painstakingly descends down my length. The way she sucks me causes me to groan. Her mouth is stretched so wide and the way she holds my dick makes me want to blow into her. She keeps sucking me and I let her take her time, loving how f*cking amazing she makes me feel. My dick is so hot and just when I am about to give over to her, she stops and pulls away, standing to her feet. My eyes scan her body, the water pelting her hard nipples as she kneels over my lap taking my dick in her hold. My breaths are labored as I watch our bodies become one, truly unprotected for the first time. She’s so wet for me that I slide right in, the inside of her so perfect and tight. I love it. Her body matches mine, like God made us for each other. The pieces of my past shatter as I hold on to her hips and she begins to move, our eyes locked on one another ’s. Her noises are beautiful and it hurts me to have been away from her for as long as I was. I should’ve fought for her. I shouldn’t have given up on her and let her go as easily as I did. As we f*ck, so slow and tenderly, my hand glides over her stomach and she reaches back, resting her hands on my thighs. She rocks her body against mine and I match her movements, giving her every bit of me. “Mmmmmhhhh,” she whines and I slide my hand away from her stomach, pulling her closer to me, wrapping my arms securely around her. She keeps moving as do I. With my eyes closed, I find

peace knowing that she is my future, that the chaos of my past is gone. She writhes on top of me, the sensation of her puss* slamming me like this sends a jolt to the end of my dick and I can no longer fight letting go. “I’m gonna come,” I warn her, and she says, “Let go, give it to me.” Leaning my head back, my fingers dig into her back and I grunt out, “f*ck, yeah.” Giving a piece of myself to her. And like clockwork, she lets go, so beautiful as her org*sm rocks her to the core. She shakes from head to toe riding me, and for one of the first times ever, there is something else inside of me, something different, something new. And I know this is what it’s like to make love.

“You okay?” Latch asks me. I nod, feeling nauseous. “What’s bothering you? You’ve gotta talk to me, Abby, about everything. Let me into your head.” I’ve never had a guy care about me the way Latch does. His every waking moment is spent making sure that I am okay. As I look around the gorgeous guest room that Latch and I have made into our sanctuary these last few days, I know that I don’t want this all to end. “Darrell texted me. He’s coming back to New York tonight.” “So? We talked about this; nothing is going to separate us – ever.” “I know, I’m just afraid.” “Why? He’s not going to come near you. He has no clue where you are. We’ll stay here as long as we need to, it’s safe.” Latch wraps me in his arms, holding me close to his body, a place that I love. And I breathe in his intoxicating scent trying to believe his words. “Latch, he’s going to flip when I’m not there.” I’ve still been texting him to make him feel like everything is okay. So when he gets home and there’s just a note from me saying I needed a break, he’s going to lose his mind. Latch grabs my chin, forcing me to look him in the eye. “Let him flip, because he’s going to be doing it alone. We’re here together and that’s what matters. Our number one priority is keeping you and the baby safe.” “I agree,” I tell Latch. “But—” He cuts me off, “But nothing! Everything is going to be okay, I promise.” “Okay,” I trust in his words, like I have in him. “Come on, let’s eat, I need some more of your cooking.” He tickles both of my sides and I throw my head back, laughing loudly. “Stop!” I shout, pushing his hands away. He kisses my stomach and then hops out of bed, naked and sexy as sin as he struts away from me to the bathroom. Looking down at my stomach and the baby that’s growing inside me, I know we have a long road ahead of all of us, but it will all be worth it in the end…it has to be. Getting up, I pull on a pair of sweats and a comfy t-shirt. Yesterday, Latch and I went to my condo and packed me a bag of clothes and some essentials, and that’s when I left Darrell the note. Latch is brushing his teeth and I head in to do the same. As I walk towards him, my eyes are all over his ass as he leans over the sink. I stand back for a moment and watch him. He’s gotta be the sexiest man in the world, so tall and muscular, and best of all, he wants to be with me. Hearing the news that he’s done with his work is still something that I think is going to take some time to process. I really can’t believe that he’d just let something like that go at the drop of a hat, for me. As he finishes, he splashes some water on his face and then runs it through his messy hair. I realize then that

this is the first time we are getting ready together and it feels so normal, like we’ve been doing it for years. I never knew something so simple could be so reassuring. Drying his face with a towel he says, “I can see you watching me.” I smirk and respond, “Is that a problem?” “Not at all…I like it.” “I like this.” “What?” he asks, pulling me into his chest. “Us, like this.” “Me too.” Swiftly, he kisses me and then gets dressed. After we finish getting ready, Latch and I head to the kitchen and I ask him, “What do you want for breakfast?” “Anything you’re willing to cook is good with me.” I chuckle at his comment; he acts like he hasn’t eaten a good meal in years. Looking in the fridge at the options, I ask, “French toast?” “Sure, sounds great!” I pull out what I need as Latch heats up a pan. I love having his help. Darrell never stepped foot in the kitchen with me, so this is the complete opposite of what I’m used to. “When will your grandma be back?” I ask him as I whip the eggs. “Tomorrow night. Are you okay staying here until we figure out what to do?” “I don’t know; I don’t want to intrude on her space. I don’t even know her.” “Trust me, we aren’t intruding. Plus, you can’t forget this is where you’re safest.” “Darrell doesn’t know where you live.” “But if he’s smart, it wouldn’t take him long to look at your phone records and do an address search on my number.” The thought of Darrell confronting us makes me uneasy, but I forge forward pushing away the thought. Latch is right, we are safest here. He opens the patio door and then comes back to the kitchen to pour us each some juice. “So we’re staying here?” he asks. “Yes,” I confirm. “Good,” he says.

Inside I feel that staying here is best, but I also wonder if there is more to his reasoning, like maybe he’s not ready to end things with his clients, to really let that part of his life go, so hiding here allows him to stall. He takes a sip of juice and reads me well. “What’s the matter?” Taking a deep breath, I decide to just jump right into it. “When are you going to call your clients?” He holds two plates for me to serve the French toast on and I can see the reservation on his face. “You need to let them know that you’re done.” “Absolutely, and I will,” he says. “Soon?” “Yes, soon.” “It means a lot to me, that you’re willing to let that part of your life go.” “Abby, for you I’d do anything.” I smile, his words so small, yet so reassuring. “Thank you. What are you planning on doing for work?” “I’ve got a lot of money saved up, so I won’t need to work for a while. I can take care of all three

of us.” A huge grin spreads across his face and I can’t help but do the same. “When the time’s right and I need to worry about that, I will, but for now, I’m just focusing on one thing, keeping you both safe. Have you thought about what we talked about last night?” Latch and I discussed me filing for divorce, and the thought of serving Darrell with papers makes me sick to my stomach and it’s not that I have doubts about being with Latch or that maybe one day I think that I’ll want to get back with Darrell. Because I won’t. He’s not my future, Latch is. I Even if I weren’t pregnant, I wouldn’t want to be with Darrell. But I’m terrified for the hell that will rain down upon me when I cross that bridge. “I have, and like I said last night, Darrell’s not going to just let me walk away.” “Yes, he is.” “Latch, he’s never been told no in his entire life.” Latch laughs and looks at me sideways. “I mean it, he’s always been spoiled, and when his family realized he had Major League potential, it just went out of control. And then he thought the whole world owed him a favor.” He takes my hand and places it in his. Looking me in the eye, his sparkle from the sun as he says, “I just want him out of the picture.” “Me too, and he will be. I promise I’ll file. For now, let’s focus on us and the baby.” He accepts my answer, but inside, I fear he’s not happy about it. My phone rings, and without looking I know that it’s Darrell. He’s been calling every morning when he wakes up, and each day, he’s becoming more and more nervous in his text messages that follow, like he’s sensing something’s up. I ignore the noise and focus on Latch. He is my future. As bleak as it seems at times, he’ll make everything okay. I trust in that.

Finally turning my phone on, I know that I need to end things with my clients, and I’m ready. But looking at the amount of people that entails makes me sick. There are so many missed calls and text messages that it’s shocking. I didn’t realize it at the time, but I guess I’d become a drug to some people, the same way that Abby is to me. Looking at Abby reading out back, I just want to be with her, not dealing with the bullsh*t from my past, so I decide to handle it later and power my phone back down, what’s another day? But before I can turn it off, I get a text from my grandma. Don’t have much service, but wanted to check in on you. I text her back. We’re hanging in there. Not sure how long we’ll be staying here, but truly appreciate it. You’re always welcome, as long as you need, dear, she responds. Thank you! Have you heard back from Dr. Rosland? He’s who she sold her practice to when she retired. He worked across the hall from her for years and now runs a full service office out of her building. No, but I’ll call him again, he’ll get you in. I love you. Love you too! My grandma and Dr. Rosland have known each other for years. He’s one of the best OBGYN’s in the state, so I’m praying that he’ll be able to see us and give Abby the best care possible. Plus, I’m hoping to keep all of this off her insurance so Darrell never finds out. She already had the hospital seal her records from her visit the other day. Pulling this off is going to be a huge hurdle, but I am going to give it my all. For the two of them, I have to. Walking out back, the setting sun shines so beautifully on Abby’s face. I hate to interrupt her, but the truth is that I can’t get enough of her. “Hey, you,” I say leaning down and kissing her on the lips. She smiles, kissing me back and scoots over so I can sit next to her on the lounge chair. “Feeling better?” I ask. “I am, thank you.” “I talked to my grandma. She’s calling Dr. Rosland again, so hopefully we can get in and see him soon.” “Good.” “Do you feel like getting out at all?” “No, not with Darrell being in town.” I smile looking at her beauty and respond, “You can’t let him affect you like that.” “I’m really trying not to, but it’s hard. Can we just stay in?” She pulls me closer to her and I hover my body above hers. Our eyes stare into one another ’s and gently I leave a kiss on her lips, then her cheek, then neck, chest, and I push her shirt out of the way exposing one of her tit* as my co*ck becomes so hard. She grabs the back of my head and pushes my mouth hard against her body. I form

my lips fully around her erect nipple and pull up, causing her to whine out in desire. Grinding my co*ck into her, I hold our bodies together and nip her tit. She yelps and I pull away. “Did I hurt you?” I ask, covering her boob back up. “No, they’re just sensitive.” Lifting her in my arms, her iPad falls against the chair and I leave it there, carrying her into the house and up to our room, she smiles at me, calming my insides. Making me forget about everything except for this moment, right now. Gently, I lay her on the messy bed and immediately grab the waist of her sweat pants, tucking my fingers underneath as I slide them slowly down her legs. Her phone rings in the distance, and I push away the noise. She pulls her t-shirt up and I tell her, “Touch your nipples.” She grasps them between her fingers, rolling them back and forth and I settle down on my favorite place, between her legs. I blow a cool breath of air on her sex as I descend down on her, smelling her sweetness as I begin to please her. In the distance her phone rings again, and I know it’s him. Sonofabitch! It takes me out of my zone and I pause, waiting for the noise to stop. “Don’t stop,” she whispers, pulling me back to her, urging me to continue. I lick her again as she grinds her puss* against my face. I look up watching how much she’s enjoying this, and then close my eyes, owning this moment and this time with her, no matter the background noise. Drowning out the rest of the world, I push her body to the max. She’s close to coming – I can tell from her harsh breaths – and I take her there. Flicking my tongue strongly back and forth over her cl*t, her body rattles in my hold as she comes, screaming my name. I’m not sure whether I love when she comes more or when she says my name. But I can’t bring myself to stop, still sucking on her as her body bucks in my grip. She pushes me away again and I kneel between her legs, grabbing my co*ck through my sweats. She looks up at me and her phone rings again. “f*ck!” I shout and hop off the bed. “Leave it, Latch.” Her voice stops me dead in the center of the room and I turn to her, pushing away the noise for that second. “Ignore it.” “Can I just turn it off?” “He’ll stop. Just focus on me; I need you!” Her hand glides down her body and rests atop of her sex. I know in this instant that I’m screwed. Nothing else matters but getting inside of her, so I close the door to the room to muffle the ringing and drop my sweats, stepping out of them. Abby gestures me to her with one finger and I walk over, presenting my co*ck to her lips, needing her touch, her hold, her attention, to wash away the noise of her phone. She clenches my shaft and strokes it so flawlessly. My eyes move to her c*nt, where she is rubbing herself, and I take over nudging myself forward. She takes me into her mouth, covering her lips all the way around me. “Oh f*ck,” I grunt out as she swirls her tongue around my dick, followed by the strokes of her hand. Leaning down, I hold on to the back of her head and meet her tenderly thrust for thrust. Grunting with every pump. She makes me feel things no other woman has. A fire inside of me ignites. As I fight it, she opens her eyes, those gorgeous f*cking eyes that drew me to her the day I met her. Dropping my head back, I let her control me, coming so hard, that my body shakes with intensity. I pump her full and when I’m done, she’s still bobbing like an animal. My face contorts as another fast org*sm hits me hard and I let go. “Yessssss,” I groan. She takes what I give her, clearly proud of herself, and I shake my head. Loving how lost we get in one another, without any toys or props, just with who we are. With what God gave us. Spreading her legs wide, I enter her puss*, my co*ck still as hard as when we began. She arches off the bed, digging her fingernails into the mattress and I work her, pleasing and f*cking her. Sweat beads on my

forehead with every pump. She pulls me down to her and wraps her legs around me, urging me to keep going. She’s moaning, causing my whole body to ignite and I lean up, looking down at her tit* as they bounce from every thrust. My balls tighten again, and I make two fists propping myself up on the mattress over her, already ready to come…again. Damn this woman! I stop and she looks at me with concern on her face. “What’s wrong?” she asks. I shake my head, praying the intensity inside of me will cease. With worry laced in her voice, she asks, “Latch?” “I’m good, I just wanna come again.” “Then let go.” “No, I wanna f*ck you longer and enjoy your puss* for a while,” I grumble. “And you can.” I nod, agreeing with her as I start to move. This time I keep it slower, stroking myself inside of the heaven that is her puss*. Taking my thumb I rub it over her cl*t and rest up on my knees. Looking down at my co*ck as I move in and out of her, I can’t help but imagine what that future holds for us. I find solitude, a place isolated where it’s just the three of us. But I am pulled from the bliss as there is knocking on the front door and I stop. “Who is that?” Abby asks me. “The f*ck if I know.” I walk to the window that overlooks the street, but can’t see the door. Suddenly afraid for Abby’s safety, I tell her, “Stay here.” She nods as I pull on my sweats. The knocking continues as I walk downstairs. I look out the peephole, but don’t see anyone. It can’t be Darrell. I’m sure it’s someone for my grandma. I decide against answering it, but they bang this time and I yank the door open, pissed off. The sight of Darrell’s stocky frame greets me and before I can react, he lunges in on top of me. I fall backwards, hitting the floor hard on my back. Immediately I go into defense mode. “Where the f*ck is she?” he yells as we both have our hands on each other ’s throats. Anger courses through my veins, like I’d tell him a thing. I push him off me, and we both stand back up. “f*ck you!” I swing hard with a right hook and catch him. He stumbles backwards, catching his footing, and comes at me again just as Abby screams, “Stop it!” I hit him again connecting with a low punch, completely focused on f*cking him up for showing up at my grandmother ’s house like this. Blood pools from his nose and she screams, “Stop!” But I can’t and land another punch as he lunges at me again. Motherf*cker isn’t backing down. My adrenaline is peaked and it feels so good to lay into him. This is what his pathetic ass deserves. He’s wobbly and I push him down as Abby steps in front of me. The second that I sense she’s there I stop, grabbing her by the waist and stepping a few feet away from him. “Stop it!” she screams again and he looks at her in my arms. There is a fire in his eyes and for the first time in my life, I am scared. And I’m not scared for my safety, but for Abby’s and the baby’s. I don’t know him, but from what I’ve heard, I wouldn’t put it past him to get physical with her. Instinctively, I place my hand over her stomach and step in front of her, keeping a firm grip on what is rightfully mine. He looks around me at my hand and then up at her. As all of the blood drains from his face, he says, “This is why you’ve been sick. It’s why you left…” “You need to get the f*ck out of here,” I tell him, looking down at him. “Why? So you can steal my wife and my child?” his tone is defeated and I stay firm in setting him

in his place. “The baby isn’t yours, motherf*cker. It’s mine.” “Tell him, Abby, tell him the truth.” He’s panicked and lying. He’s lost her, and for him, that has to be the worst f*cking feeling in the entire world. “Darrell,” Abby speaks up and clears her throat. “You know the baby isn’t yours. We haven’t slept together for almost a year. In that time, I’ve been with Latch. You and I are through. I want a divorce.” He laughs sad*stically, “What sort of bitch name is Latch?” I smirk at him and keep one hand on Abby and the other in front of me, ready to f*ck him up if he makes a move. “Is that all you heard?” I ask him. He stares at me with a blank expression waiting for me to do something. “She’s done being disrespected by you. She wants a divorce.” “Well, good for her, ’cause she’s not f*cking getting one.”

“Do you want some water?” Latch asks me as I lie on the bathroom floor. I shake my head, feeling so sick to my stomach. I cannot believe that Darrell showed up here. I thought I was safe here. I have no clue how he found me. It scares me that he was able to, though, and I fear what else he is going to do. Latch sits next to me and pulls me onto his lap. I lay my head comfortably on him and let all of my worries fade into him. He promised he’d keep us safe and he did just that. “Are you okay?” he asks me, his voice laced with concern. “Yeah,” I whisper, not knowing if it’s the truth or not. “I’m scared something’s wrong; I’ve never seen you this sick.” “I’m okay, Latch, really. I think it’s just the baby and the stress from today.” “Can you take more medicine?” “I already took what I could today.” “I’m sorry today turned out the way that it did, beautiful.” “Me too.” “Why don’t you lie down in bed and try to rest?” he asks me. “’Kay.” He scoops me up in his arms. My body is cradled against the warmth of his chest as he carries me to the bed. Tenderly, he lays me down and cuddles his body around me, pulling me close to him. As he covers us up, I ask him, “What if Darrell won’t give me a divorce?” “He will, Abby, he has too. He can’t force you to stay married to him. Yeah, he might stall, but it’ll happen. Plus, you know I’m in this for the long haul. Right now, we need to stay focused on you and the baby’s health.” Even with Latch’s words of encouragement, I can’t help but be anxious knowing that divorcing Darrell is going to bring everything out into the spotlight, and that includes who I left Darrell for and what Latch used to do for a living. The media will paint a nasty f*cking picture, one that will ruin both of our reputations for good. “Close your eyes, sleep, baby.” Latch hasn’t called me “baby,” since we used to sleep together as escort-client, and the familiarity lights a glow inside of me. The comfort of his body and the knowing that we will make it through whatever is ahead soothes me.

I wake to the smell of bacon and it reminds me of when I was a kid. Every Sunday morning my mom and dad used to cook breakfast; the smell would wake me up just like today. As I roll over, I am surprised to see Latch still asleep next to me. His arm is draped on his pillow around his head. If he is still sleeping, then his grandmother must be home. I shake him awake and he looks down at me alarmed. “What’s wrong?” he asks. “I think your grandma is home.” He blinks a few times – his tired eyes are so damn sexy – then he takes in a big breath of air pulling my body close to him. “Yup, smells like it.” Inside I am nervous, considering that Darrell’s mom and sister have hated me from day one. I don’t have a good track record with women of the family. Plus, she is the most important person to Latch. He kisses the top of my shoulder and then runs his hand over my stomach and asks, “How are you feeling?” “Better,” I respond, thankful that my stomach has settled. Gradually, he slides his hand down my stomach ’til he’s over my sex, where he spreads open my puss* and plays with my cl*t. As wonderful as the feeling is, I cannot help but worry that the first time I’d meet his grandma would be during us f*cking around, which is exactly where this is going to go if I don’t stop it, so I close my legs around his hand and he can’t move anymore. Then before I know it, I am on my back with Latch hovering above me. He’s naked, his rock hard co*ck bobs above my chest as his eyes blaze with desire. “Did you just stop me?” he asks. I nod, trying not to laugh at how serious he is being. He has both of my wrists in one of his hands and I love how he can make all of my worries disappear just by being his fun self. Again he touches me, but this time he slides two fingers inside. “Don’t ever make me stop.” “Mmmmhhh,” I moan. “Understand?” “Yeah,” I barely can get the word out as he moves in and out of my puss*, the simple pleasure from just his hand is so great that I bite my bottom lip to stay quiet. “That’s it, take it like a good girl.” “Latch, time to get up,” his grandmother calls from outside of the room and we both freeze. My eyes get wide as the fear of meeting her like this takes over. “Breakfast is about ready.” “Thanks, Grandma, we’re coming,” he calls out with his fingers still inside of me. “See? That’s what I was talking about!” I scold him in a quiet tone and smack his thigh. “Well, she didn’t see a thing, so you have nothing to worry about.” After stroking his fingers a few more times, he takes them out from inside of me, and sticks both of them in his mouth, sucking off the wetness from my puss* as he hops out of bed. Then sliding on a pair of shorts, he asks me over his shoulder, “Well, are you coming to breakfast or not?” I roll my eyes and pull on my pajamas then rush to the bathroom to tame my hair and brush my teeth. He walks in and smacks me on the ass, kissing me on the cheek. After Darrell came here yesterday, we both agreed to let it go. Which is a hard thing to do as the fear seems to always be in the back of my mind, but looking at Latch’s smile, I find the serenity that I need to push forward. He will keep me safe, just like he did last night. “I’ll meet you downstairs.” “What? You can’t wait for me?” “Why? I’m hungry and you’re getting all done up.” I look at the pink lipstick in my hand and set it down. Grabbing a hair tie from inside my makeup bag, I pull my long hair back in a ponytail. Latch is watching me through the mirror.

“I’m ready.” “Are you nervous?” he asks as we walk out of the bedroom. I nod and he laughs, walking down the stairs that lead into the kitchen as he holds my hand. Really? I tell him that I’m nervous and all he can do to calm me down is to laugh at me? “Morning. What’s so funny?” his grandmother asks and a gorgeous, older, spunky woman comes into view. She’s dressed in hot pink capris with her gray hair braided over one shoulder and her flowery cardigan looks like she stole it off someone from the cruise ship. “Abby’s nervous,” Latch says, kissing his grandma on the cheek, and I about slap him on the back of his head. She smiles, looking at the two of us. “Well, you have nothing to be nervous for, my dear. I don’t bite. And from what Latch tells me, he thinks the world of you, so…so do I.” She takes my hand in hers and Latch says, “See? Nothing to worry about. Abby, this is my grandma, Maris, and Grandma, this is Abby.” His nose drives him to the food. Maris looks at me with the biggest and most interested hazel eyes ever. “You are beautiful.” I blush a shade of crimson that I never knew a woman was capable of making me turn into. “Thank you.” “It’s a pleasure to have you here and…” she trails off, her eyes moving to my stomach as she settles a hand over it. The gesture catches me off guard. Thankfully, Latch comes to save the day. “Don’t scare her away.” “Sorry, I’m just very excited to be a great-grandmother. I never thought this day would happen.” She pats my hand and then goes to the oven and pulls out a quiche. Latch kisses my cheek and sticks a piece of bacon in my mouth. “Oh my God, it’s delicious.” “Right?” he says. “She cooks it in syrup. See? I told you everything would be okay,” he whispers into my ear. And as I look into his eyes, I believe him. Everything that has happened up until now has been to put Latch and I together, on the path towards a future. A future that might not be ideal for some, but for me it’s the future that I want.

“Come on, Abby, we’re gonna be late,” I yell into the bathroom, checking my watch. It’s ten ’til one and our appointment with Dr. Rosland is at one fifteen. She doesn’t respond and worry sets in. Normally she’d jab back at me, but the eerie silence doesn’t settle well, so I open the door to her on her knees in front of the toilet. “Oh, baby.” My heart breaks as she rests her head on the seat. “I thought you were feeling better today.” “I was,” she whispers rocking her head back and forth. “But I’m all out of medicine and Darrell texted me.” Her phone is on the floor next to her and I grab it to see what he said that upset her so badly. If you think I’m going to let you just walk away, you’re dead f*cking wrong! You and that tattooed piece of sh*t are going to pay. “He can’t do sh*t to hurt us. He can say whatever he wants, but it’s not gonna make a difference. Babe, please do not let him get into your head. It’s not healthy for you or the baby.” She nods lifting her head from the seat and I pull her against my chest. Small sobs reel through her core and it hurts so f*cking bad that he’s doing this to her. I could f*cking kill him… “I don’t want you worrying, okay? Today is a good day. Let’s go and see our healthy baby, all right?” “Okay.” She gives me a small smile that melts my heart and makes my co*ck twitch all at the same time. Jesus, the control that this woman has over me is un-f*ckin’ real. Standing up, I reach down to her and help her stand. “You okay?” She nods, looking so gorgeous and I squeeze her ass. She grabs the mouthwash taking a swig and swishes it around. “Ready?” I ask, and we head out of the bathroom. “Good luck you two,” my grandmother says, peeking up from a crossword that she is doing on the couch. “Thanks!” “Text me afterwards,” she stands and hugs both of us. Walking out, Abby and I get lucky as the neighbor is getting out of a taxi so we don’t have to walk down to the main intersection to catch one. “You mind if we snag your cab?” I ask him. “Not at all.” “To 10th Street and 5th Avenue, please.” The cabby flips the meter on and we begin the trip uptown. Abby’s hand is in mine and she is really quiet. She hasn’t said much since she and I were in the bathroom. “What’s bothering you?” “I know we talked about letting it go, but I’m worried about what Darrell is going to do.” “Why, because he showed up yesterday and acted tough?” “No, because he has a lot of money and resources to ruin us.”

I roll my eyes at her. “Let him try. It doesn’t make one difference to me.” “Come on, Latch, if it was that easy for him to find us when he didn’t even know your name, it’s only a matter of time until he figures out what you used to do for a living and he’ll use that against me when I file for divorce.” “Do you think I care if he knows? It wasn’t a secret, and it will have no impact on your divorce, trust me.” “But it was illegal.” “I can’t get in trouble unless I am caught in the act, and I don’t plan on ever going back to that life again.” She gives me a small smile, but I need more. “Will you stop getting ahead of yourself? He’s pulling at anything he can right now because he lost you and that kills him. This is what he wants; don’t let him do this to you. If he wants to hire a private investigator and then go to the cops when he finds out, let him, because nothing he can do will separate you and me.” She blinks a few times and looks out the window deep in thought. I watch her eyes as they scan all of the buildings and the people. I can see how scared she really is. Maybe I need to shut Darrell up in order to make him understand who he’s f*ckin’ with. Because seeing Abby like this is really pissing me off. Her mind is drifting to all sorts of crazy places. “Here you are,” the cab driver says, surprising me that we made is so quickly. I pay him and then help Abby out. The walk to the office is a short distance and before we enter the front doors to the building, I stop and ask, “Ready, beautiful?” “Absolutely,” she responds in the reassuring way that I am used to. Maybe it’s being here and knowing that we are about to see our child for the first time that has changed the mood, but there’s a positive vibe coming from her, which is what I need. She has her hand held tightly around mine, and I know in the back of my mind that I’ll do anything to keep her fears at bay. “Are you excited?” I ask her. “Yeah, you?” “Very.” The office is on the first floor. I’ve been here so many times to meet my grandma for lunch, but walking in, it looks completely different. I tell the receptionist who is eating her lunch at her desk, “Teracino, for Dr. Rosland.” She looks at the computer with her eyes squinted and then Dr. Rosland peeks his head out of his office and says, “Hey, Latch, good to see you. They aren’t in the computer, Francine. Could you have them wait in room two?” He waves to us and the woman says, “Right this way.” She opens a door for Abby and I to walk through. Francine ushers us into the exam room and I look at Abby. “Are you sure he’s the best?” she whispers. “I promise.” In the hallway, I can hear Dr. Rosland and the receptionist speaking, then he knocks on the door once before coming in. “Latch,” he exclaims and I stand to shake his hand. “And you must be, Abby.” He shakes her hand and sits on a stool across from the chairs that we are in. “Thank you for seeing us,” I tell him. “Are you kidding me? I’d do anything for Maris.” We all laugh and he asks her, “So, Abby, how are you feeling?” “I’ve been better.” She pulls the empty bottle of pills from her purse that the hospital gave her. “I

ran out of these. They really helped with the nausea.” He looks at the bottle and then says, “I can get you more of them.” “And they are safe for the baby?” I ask. “Absolutely.” “Do you know how far along you are?” “No, I was in the hospital because the nausea was so bad, and they just told me I was pregnant and to schedule something with my OB.” “Well, that’s why you’re here. So tell me, when was your last period?” he asks. “Uhh, I’m not sure. My periods have always been really irregular; I can go months without one.” “All right, I’ll start with your vitals,” he says and reluctantly she lets go of my hand when he gestures her to have a seat on the exam table. She sits there, so beautiful, as he begins the process, taking her temperature, checking her oxygen levels, and then blood pressure. “Your blood pressure is really high, 265/110. Have you been under a lot of stress?” She nods, feeling terrible. “Like I told you on the phone, our situation is complicated. Abby’s ex has been making things really hard on her.” He stops what he is doing, powering up the ultrasound machine and looks her in the eye. “You have to keep your stress to a minimum. At this stage, high blood pressure can cause a lot of complications for both you and the baby. Latch, I trust that you can make sure this stress stops.” “Definitely, Doc.” “Good, now let’s have a look at this little one. Latch will you turn the lights off?” I stand while she unzips her jeans. “They won’t button anymore.” “We’ll try this way first because I know the transvagin*l ultrasound can be a little uncomfortable and you’re probably far enough along if your clothes aren’t fitting.” He squeezes some blue gel on her soft, white skin. She flinches when the cold goop touches her and he says, “Sorry, it’s a little cold.” The screen on the monitor is blank and all of our eyes are on it as he moves around over her stomach. Then he stops, and on it is a black circle with the small outline of a tiny baby inside. “There’s your baby.” He points to the screen and I watch in amazement as our child is shown to us for the first time. “It’s okay?” Abby asks. “So far, looks good. See this flutter right here?” And he shows us on the screen, then pushes something on the key board and the room is filled with a whooshing. “That’s your baby’s heartbeat.” Tears fill my eyes as I listen to the new life that we have created. Abby looks at me and a stray tear falls off of my cheek landing on our hands. “Oh God, that’s our baby, Latch.” She has the same tears in her eyes and I squeeze her hand. Then look back at the screen. Going forward, my life will never be the same. Seeing the baby makes everything a true reality. Yeah, I might not have the first clue how to raise a child, but I am going to do my damnedest to protect it with everything I have.

“February 14th, could you imagine delivering the baby on Valentine’s Day?” I ask. “I can’t even believe that this little thing is gonna grow into something big enough for us to hold.” Latch is looking at the picture with me, and I pass it to him as we lie on the bed. “Do you want a boy or girl?” I ask. “Doesn’t matter to me. You?” “Me neither, just healthy.” He sets the photo down and I’m so thankful that my stomach has settled. Dr. Rosland refilled my prescription and since getting back to Maris’s, Latch has made sure that I haven’t had to lift a finger. Scooting closer to him, I lay my head on his chest and rest my free hand on his face. He leans into my touch, closing his eyes and then says, “I don’t want you to think I’m putting off calling my clients, ’cause I’m not. I’ve just been worried about you and that has my mind preoccupied.” “I know you will. Can I ask you something?” “Anything.” “Why did you become an escort to begin with?” He looks at me a little perplexed. “You sure you wanna talk about this right now?” “Yes.” “I don’t want to stress you.” “It won’t,” I tell him honestly. “Some girl from the gym I work out at hired me for a bachelorette party probably five years ago. I was broke and needed the money. I guess the bride was into tattooed guys.” He blinks a few times going back to that time and asks me again, “Are you sure you wanna talk about this?” “Yes, I wanna know everything about you! I feel fine, so please stop worrying.” “Okay, well, one thing led to another and the party got out of control. The girls wanted more than just dancing and stripping. I’d never done anything like that before, and they offered to pay me for sex, so I took their money.” A ping of jealousy ripples through my soul, imagining Latch with other women. “Did you feel guilty?” He looks up at the ceiling before responding, “No, I was raised in a different way. My dad taught me to always take advantage of any situation that benefited me. I never felt bad taking money from any woman, except for you.” “So since it was easy money that fell into your lap, you just rolled with it?” “Yeah. I’d recently lost my mom and hadn’t a clue what I was going to do with my life. I was so lost. Maris had me working in her office cleaning, and I hated it. I realized very quickly that sex could mask any pain I was dealing with; it was the best drug in the world. So I built a client list, word of

mouth spread, and women kept contacting me.” I don’t want to say that I can sympathize with him, but we’ve talked about the pain of losing a parent, and I know the feeling better than anyone. I was put up for adoption when I was a baby by my biological parents, just because they were young, and then I lost my mom and dad around the same time Latch lost his mom. So I understand how Latch found relief in something that numbed the pain. For me it had been marrying Darrell that had given me my sense of security back. “How many women do you think you’ve been with?” “Don’t ask me that. It doesn’t matter. I was always safe, and I never had a condom break until you. I got tested every three months. I’ve never had an STD. And I’m never going to have another partner, ever again. Only you, baby.” I close my eyes, wondering why I stuck out to Latch, my heart warming as I imagine us spending the rest of our lives together. Out of all the women in the world, billions, why me? I yawn, trying to answer the question myself, but exhaustion takes over. As drowsiness blankets me, I wonder what made me so different, when clearly he could have had anyone?

I wake up what feels like hours later. Being pregnant is definitely exhausting. I must’ve fallen asleep while Latch and I were talking and I feel terrible. Latch probably thinks that I got bored of him. However, he must’ve needed the rest ’cause he is sleeping too. Resting my head on his chest, I look down at his tattooed body; each one paints a picture of who he is. Tracing my finger over the compass on his stomach, I wonder why he got it. Latch mumbles a little; he must be dreaming. Sitting up, I watch him and then see that his co*ck is rock hard, straining the fabric of his shorts. Taking it in my hand, he pushes it against me. His face is so contorted, almost like he is in pain, but the movements in his hips tell me otherwise. Watching him like this turns me on, so I get up and lock the door. I need him right now. Stripping naked, I wait for him to wake, wondering if he is really sleeping or not. Getting back on the bed, he mumbles, “Yes, Abby.” Clearly he’s asleep. A devilish grin takes over as I kneel next to him. He needs me, just as much as I need him. Running my fingers down the middle of his chest, his nipples harden. I urge him to remove his shorts and he lifts his hips, helping me. He’s still asleep and I can’t help but laugh a little. Scanning his perfect body, my eyes are drawn to his co*ck and reaching down, I grip it. “f*ck,” he gasps, and I kind of feel bad for taking advantage of him. For like a second. Slowly, I stroke him, keeping my movements firm while I wait for him to wake up. His head is turned to the left and is tucked into his arm that is stretched above and around his head, resting on his pillow. He mumbles something else and I can’t take him sleeping any longer. Leaning down, I connect our lips. Invading his mouth with my tongue. He kisses me back as I get lost in this moment, his co*ck in my hand and our mouths so consumed. He grips the back of my hair as he pours everything into the kiss. I look into his tired eyes and scoot on top of him, sliding his co*ck inside of me. He nudges himself upwards and I sit up, looking down at him as his hands rest tenderly on the sides of my thighs. “Hi,” I say and start to move a little, grinding our bodies together. “Are you taking advantage of me?” I nod my head and respond, “Is that a problem?” With a half smirk, he pulls me down to him with one hand, weaving his fingers into the back of

my hair. He keeps a good grip on one of my thighs as I bob my ass up and down, stroking his co*ck high inside of me. He grunts, the noise so sexy that it spins my entire world upside down. I look into his eyes as long as I can, loving the connection we share. The way that we can get so consumed in just a simple look. He rubs his dick in just the right spot and I fight my org*sm, keeping quiet, not wanting this moment to end. But suddenly, Latch lets go, tilting his head back as he slams our bodies together and grunts a low, fierce noise. I cover his mouth to keep him quiet, but his shaft is working me so good, that I lose all control, coming myself, and shake forcefully. Everything inside of me is on a sexpainted cloud as my body explodes in the most remarkable bliss. My hand is still over his mouth as I do my best to stay quiet, but tiny moans creep out of me as he rocks his hips, deeper and deeper. When my body finally stops and I come back to reality, he has the biggest smirk on his face. I shake my head, embarrassed that Maris might have heard us and fall forward in his arms. “God, you’re so hot,” he whispers into my ear as he holds my body against his. “Me?” I question. “No, that’d be you. You’re the one that turned me on dreaming.” “Oh, I remember it. You were f*cking so good.” He moves his dick inside of me and I laugh out loud. “Sorry,” I respond and he stops, looking confused. “Why?” He asks, nudging his co*ck inside of me again. “Uhhh, I don’t want to wake your grandma.” “She doesn’t care.” “Well, I do!” I look at him, and he stops moving. He can see that my expression is serious. “She might not care, but it’s rude to wake someone up in the middle of the night.” “I’m sure she’s asleep.” Then the toilet from her room flushes and I give him that look. “See? She’s awake! She probably heard us.” “Relax,” he responds, lightly tickling my lower back, sending a shiver through my spine. I lay my head on his pillow, his dick is still inside of me and I like it. “Well, we can’t stay forever.” “I agree.” “If you’d call your clients, then we can go to your place. At least Darrell doesn’t know where that is.” “It doesn’t matter where we go, he’s still a worry, and I can’t guarantee that any of my ex clients aren’t going to show up, and that’ll stress you out even more.” “It’s not like you’re going to sleep with them, right?” He pinches my ass and I yelp. “Don’t say sh*t like that, Abby.” “Sorry. I just want us to have our own space and really start to think about the future. I want to bring our baby home from the hospital to a place of our own, not imposing on Maris.” He doesn’t respond. He just keeps running his fingers up and down my back, and I know that I need to push him to do this.

Not waking up to the smell of coffee and bacon is going to be something that I’ll miss, but if Abby wants us to leave my grandmother ’s, then I support it. I can’t say that it’ll be an easy road for us. But for Abby, I’ll give her anything that she wants. Rolling over, she is fast asleep, so gorgeous in her perfect state of peacefulness. Her hair is covering her face and I just stare at her: from her lips, to her soft skin, to everything that is inside of her, she’s amazing. Her breathing pushes her hair off of her lips and then back on them. Brushing it aside, I gently kiss her, then quietly, I slide out of bed. Searching the floor for my shorts that Abby stripped off me last night reminds me of how good she f*cked me in the middle of the night. Walking downstairs, I don’t want to tell my grandmother that we are leaving. As independent as she is, I can tell she loves having us here. “Morning.” I kiss her on the cheek passing her to pour a fresh cup of coffee. “How’d you sleep?” she asks. “Good, fell asleep early.” “Abby still sleeping?” “Uh-huh.” I take a sip of coffee, the hot liquid burning my tongue, but it’s such a refreshing feeling. “How about you?” I ask. “Good. I wanted to take Abby shopping for some baby essentials. Do you think she’s up for it?” “Probably. I think she’s been feeling better, with the medicine and all.” “Good, we can go today!” I smile and look out the window, not saying anything else as I nervously rub my neck. I can’t break her heart right now. “What’s the matter?” she asks, knowing me so f*ckin’ well. “Nothing,” I lie. “Latch, I know you and I know when something is bothering you.” Her eyes sparkle from the morning sun. As much as it pains me, now is the time to be honest with her. “Abby and I are going to start staying at my place.” “Why?” she asks, her expression saddens, telling me that the news hurt her, like I feared. “We don’t want to intrude on you anymore.” “Oh, honey, that’s nonsense. I love having you guys here, you know that. You can stay as long as you’d like. We can even change the study into a room for the baby.” Reaching across the table, I take her hand in mine and hold it, trying to figure out how to not hurt her feelings. “I’d love that, but this is something we have to do. Abby and I have never lived on our own, together. We’ll only be five minutes away and we’ll come by often. We can still do Sunday brunch. And you can come visit too, as much as you want.” She squeezes my hand, nodding to my words and then lets go, “Okay, dear, I’m really gonna miss

you though.” She stands and goes to the fridge, pulling out a ton of different foods to cook. Dammit, I hate hurting her like this. Before Abby, she was the only person that I cared about in the entire world. She’s always given me anything that I’ve asked for, but now I have two other people that are my priority. “I’ll miss you too. Are you sure you’re okay?” I ask her, needing the reassurance that she is okay with us leaving. “Yes, dear.” Her voice sounds honest and I have to believe that she accepts our decision to leave. “Have you talked to your clients yet?” “I’m going to let them all know that I am out of the business today.” “And Abby is okay with that?” she asks. “It was her idea.” “Oh, okay.” She starts cooking and I finish my cup of coffee, not liking her response. Something about it seems off. I have to believe that if Abby told me to call my clients, that she really is okay with it. She has to know that she is the most important person in the entire world to me. I’d never do anything to jeopardize what we have, no matter what. “Latch!” Abby yells from upstairs. The tone of her voice is panicked and I run up the stairs as fast as I can. “What’s the matter?” I ask her as she stands at the top of the stairs. She looks like she’s seen a ghost. Sheer white and I fear the worst. Tears are streaming down her face and I grab her, sitting us down on the top step as I hold her in my arms. “What happened?” I ask her more sternly. “I…I…” she stutters and is scaring the sh*t out of me. “Abby!” I shout, freaking out about her and the baby. She can barely breathe, crying hysterically, and all I can do is just hold her. My grandma followed me up and is kneeling in front of us, rubbing her leg. She can see the alarm on Abby’s face too. “Breathe, Abby,” she says as the sobs are making it hard for Abby to draw a breath. “Keep yourself calm.” I hold her tightly against my chest and then catch sight of her phone as it lights up on the floor next to us. It’s from Darrell. Why did you miss your doctor’s appointment today? My mind races and I do everything within my power to stay in control. She didn’t have an appointment. “What did he do, baby?” I ask Abby, needing to know what he is referring to. She tries to stop crying, taking in deep breathes to settle herself down. “Take your time,” my grandma says. Finally she does and in a shaky tone she says, “I woke up to my phone ringing,” she breathes again. “I didn’t recognize the number so I ignored it. But it rang again so I answered it and it was a woman asking if I was going to be able to make it to my nine o’clock appointment. I told her I didn’t have an appointment today and…” Tears gloss over her eyes. “She said I did…for an… abortion.” Abby breaks down crying and I hold her as close to me as possible. My insides are fuming, an anger that I’ve never felt rages through me from deep within my soul knowing that Darrell did this. Does he really want our baby dead? I could f*cking kill him! No…I will f*cking kill him! Abby’s breathing is fast again and I know that this is not healthy for her or the baby. Pushing aside the bullsh*t that Darrell is trying to pull, I focus on her. “Calm down, please, for the baby’s sake.” I make her look me in the eye. “He’s just grasping at straws right now, trying to do anything he can to upset you.” “Abby,” my grandma chimes in, and it pulls her out of the trance. She blinks a few times with wide eyes as she looks at her. “Think about the baby. Getting upset like this isn’t healthy.” She nods and

takes some deep breaths to calm herself down. “Why don’t you come downstairs and let me check your vitals? I’ll make you some tea and you can just relax.” Abby listens to my grandma, and right now, I have to handle this motherf*cker once and for all. Abby stands to her feet and I kiss her on the forehead. “I’ll be right down.” She nods and I watch them walk away. Rage invades my system. I want to f*ck him up so bad right now. Her phone chimes again and I clench it in my fist harder than ever. Did you hear me, you f*cking c*nt! I shake my head dialing his number as I step into the bathroom. “There’s my slu*t of a wife,” he says answering his phone. “Jesus Christ, no wonder Abby left you, you f*cking asshole. Do you really think that’s any way to speak to a woman?” “Well, if it isn’t the wife stealer himself?” “f*ck you.” “Oh, do you want to f*ck me too?” “Listen to me, you prick, stay out of Abby’s life. I promise you you’ll regret it if you don’t! Do you understand me?” I say in a firm voice. He chuckles in his stupid laugh, and I want to wring his f*cking neck. “I would, except for one small thing…she’s my wife and I haven’t received any divorce papers.” Doing my best to keep my voice calm so Abby doesn’t hear me, I tell him, “Oh, they’re coming, don’t think for one second that they aren’t. And until then, forget about Abby and anything you had with her. You hear me?” “Oh, yes, Latch, I hear you. Is that how you ordered her around and got her to fall for you?” “f*ck you, man. You better watch yourself…” “Or what?” “Or I’ll break your f*cking arm so bad playing that stupid game will be nothing but a memory. I’m not someone to f*ck with, Darrell!” I hang up, furious. I know that he’s trying to push me, but Jesus Christ, I want to beat the piss out of him so bad right now. I’d have him crying like a little bitch, begging me for his life. But I can’t. I mean, if Abby finds out I called him, she’d be pissed at me for that. I can only imagine what would happen if I did anything else. Deleting the call from her log, and the texts, so she doesn’t have to be reminded of him, I power her phone down and then turn on the cold water, filling my hands with it and splashing some on my face. My reflection in the mirror is distorted. Something needs to happen to stop Darrell or he’s just going to keep doing anything and everything he can to hurt Abby, and possibly our baby in the process. Clearly, only a sick person would schedule someone an appointment for an abortion. I understand that what he’s going through is hard, but f*ck, he’s a grown man and has to let her go.

As I hang up from having my phone number changed and my line closed from the one I shared with Darrell, I now know that he really is out of his f*cking mind. “You okay?” Latch asks me coming outside. I nod feeling tired and mentally exhausted. “Yeah, I should’ve done that a while ago.” I pass Latch back his phone and he sits next to me, holding me close to him. He smells amazing, intoxicating me in a way that for a moment makes me forget about all of the bad sh*t. “You can’t think like that, babe. Everything happens for a reason.” “You sure? ’Cause they just told me that Darrell had a service on my phone that allowed him to track me. That’s how he found us here.” “What a f*cking whacko. So you gonna give me your new number?” he jokes, trying to lighten the mood. “I’ll have to think about that one.” He kisses my neck and I let out a sigh. “Ready to serve him with divorce papers now?” The word “divorce” makes my insides twist, especially because Darrell is already making my life a living hell, doing anything he can just to hurt me. “I want to, Latch, trust me, I do. But once I cross that bridge, it’s just gonna start a war. A war that I’m not sure I want to deal with while I am pregnant.” He looks disappointed, my answer didn’t satisfy him, but I have to be honest and put the health of the baby first. “I think we’re already in a war, babe.” “Unfortunately, we are and I don’t know how much more stress I can handle.” “I don’t want you stressed, baby, that’s the last thing that I want. We can wait.” I let out a half cry and a half laugh. “But is that what’s best?” “I don’t know what’s best. This is all new for both of us,” he responds and rests his hand over my stomach. “But what I do know is that if something is going to stress you out, then I don’t think it’s healthy right now.” “Really?” I ask, not believing him. “Yeah…really. Speaking of not being stressed, what do you think if we just stay here until the baby is born and we have a handle on things? My grandma can help out so much.” I appreciate what he is saying and know that Maris wants nothing but the best for us. “Latch, living on our own means more to me than I think you realize. I depended on Darrell for so much over the years and I don’t want us to become dependent upon Maris. Starting our life together is something that we need to do on our own. We can’t depend on her to cook our meals and raise our child. We have to do it ourselves, just like all the other couples in the world do every day.” He nods and I worry that I’ve hurt his feelings. To me it seems like maybe there is more to staying

here than just Maris being able to help us. Distractions aside, he hasn’t called his clients yet and I can’t push away the fact that it’s bothersome. “Are you worried about going back to your place for another reason?” I ask, needing reassurance that he isn’t. That he’s been honest and is okay letting go of the lifestyle that he had known and loved for so long. “No, there’s not another reason. Truthfully, I thought it would be easier to stay here, that’s all.” “I mean, it would be. But it doesn’t make it the right decision. I want to start our life together on our own.” He nods, agreeing with me, but I still have a tiny doubt in the back of my mind, and I flat out ask him, “Are you sure you’re okay letting go of your clients and that life?” His eyes get wide, my question catching him by surprise. “Absolutely. Please don’t question that, ever. I’m handling everything today, I promise. I don’t ever want to be with another woman, ever again.” “Not even if you were offered twenty grand or some enormous amount of money?” “Not even if I was offered a million f*cking dollars, babe,” he says looking deep into my eyes. My heart skips a beat. There is so much adoration beaming from him that I know he is being a hundred percent honest. Being together sometimes feels unreal. But this is our reality, this is what he gives me, and the reason I know I’ve made the right decision with leaving Darrell. “Abby, the way I feel about you is like nothing I’ve ever felt. I would never do anything to jeopardize us. Nothing or no one can ever change that…you hear me?” My insides spark with excitement, short of saying the words, that statement right there lets me know just how much Latch cares for me. Searching within myself for a response or something comparable to tell him, I am speechless.

Looking around my apartment, I think I’m all done. It’s cleaned of all the remnants of my past life, or at least I hope it is and it feels good. All of the whips, chains, and toys that I used for so long are in the garbage. Separating from them was like shedding a layer of dead skin I wore for far too long. I have no desire to mess with that sh*t any longer. All I need is Abby. I’ve called and texted all my clients letting them know that I’m moving on with my life and my future. Most were understanding, some were sad that our time had to come to an end, and a few were upset. I was even offered more money by a few. I guess some people don’t understand that no means no. Like Scott, he wanted to permanently triple my going rate to keep working with him and Tracy. It was very generous of him, but not something that interests me any longer. The entire time that I’ve been away from Abby today, I’ve hated it. She’s been consuming my mind, overwhelming every part of who I am. The feeling is f*cking crazy…I guess this is what love feels like. I shake my head, feeling weird that I’ve fallen in love, period. I really never thought I would. The dryer buzzes and I remove the clean sheets, taking them to the bedroom to remake the bed. I’m so grateful that I never f*cked anyone in here. Had I done that, I wouldn’t have been able to feel good about sleeping in this bed with Abby. I already put the couch on the curb, going to have to buy a new one…and hope Abby doesn’t ask why it’s gone. “Hey, baby,” I answer her phone call as I finish making the bed. “Everything okay?” she asks me. Her voice sounds a little panicked. “Yeah, why, beautiful?” “Uhh, you said you’d pick me up almost an hour ago.” I glance at the clock. The time completely slipped my mind. “Damn, I’m sorry, I thought you were gonna call me when you were done shopping.” “I texted you. Didn’t you get it?” “I must not have. I’m just wrapping up here and I’ll be right there.” “Okay,” she says quietly. “What’s the matter?” I ask. “Darrell did an interview with a local news agency.” Sonofabitch! “Did you watch it?” I ask her calmly. “No, it’s airing tonight from what I hear.” She exhales heavily and I tell her, “Abby, don’t let him stress you or get into your head. It could just be about his career.” “I don’t think so. The commercial for it said something like ‘Darrell McEllrath speaks out for the first time about his crumbling marriage.’” There is a hint of sadness to her voice, like she is about to crack, and she says, “I’m sorry, I’m just hormonal and bloated and worried about what it could do to

us.” “Baby, who cares what others think of us? You’re strong. Nothing he’ll say is ever gonna change that. And for me, you know I don’t give a sh*t.” I close the door to my place behind me and jog down the stairs. Hailing the first cab I see, a little pissed at myself for losing track of the time. “I’m already on my way to pick your sexy ass up, bloated and what did you call it?” “Hormonal,” she giggles a little, settling my anxiety, and I tell the cabbie where I’m headed. “Yes, that’s it, hormonal.” “Okay, baby, be safe, I’ll see you soon,” she responds and hangs up. Sitting back as the driver weaves through traffic, I wonder what in the world the bastard could have to say about things. I don’t give a sh*t how he paints me because I live my life giving zero f*cks about what others think. But now, I do have to worry about Abby and what this interview is going to do to her. I walk through the door of my grandma’s house, spotting her and Abby at the kitchen island. “How’d things go? Did you scrub it down with bleach?” my grandmother asks me with a smirk. “HA! HA!” I respond sarcastically and grab a water from the fridge “No bleach, but I threw the couch out and…” I trail off barely able to speak as Abby’s dress has my mouth f*ckin’ watering. I’ve never seen her so dressed up before. She takes my breath away every day, but this is something new that I love. “Latch?” Abby snaps her fingers at me and it takes me a minute to look her in the eye. “Whoa, where did you go?” “Mmmm, nowhere…you…look amazing.” I kiss her on the cheek and then my grandma. “So, everything went well?” my grandma asks me again. “Yeah, yeah, really well. I got a hold of just about everyone and they were all pretty understanding.” “Pretty?” Abby questions me. “They were. Don’t worry about a thing, baby.” “Okay. Why did you get rid of the couch?” “You don’t wanna know,” I tell her and kiss her on the forehead. “Well, it sounds like it all went swimmingly, dear,” my grandma adds, knowing why I got rid of it. I tell her damn near everything. I look at Abby as she is chewing her fingernail and I ask her, holding both sides of her face, “You okay with everything, baby?” “Yeah, but maybe we shouldn’t go out and eat.” “Nah, f*ck that, we’re going out. This is the beginning of our future. I don’t care what that prick has to say and you shouldn’t either.” My grandma smiles at us and I love how she always understands me. “Come on, baby, let’s go and forget about all of the drama. It’s just you, me, and the baby.” I extend my hand to Abby and she looks down at it and smiles. We both hug my grandma saying goodbye before walking outside. The warm air hits me hard and I hope that I can keep Abby’s mind busy enough to stop her from stressing tonight. I just want us to have a normal evening. “You okay walking?” I ask her, hoping the fresh air will clear her mind. “Yeah.” She’s got a tight grip on my hand and I can’t help but admire her body. “I’ve never seen this dress before,” I tell her, as we walk the few blocks to the restaurant. “I bought it today, when Maris and I went shopping.” “I like it!”

“Wait ’til you see what I have underneath.” My co*ck twitches and I look up at the sky as the clouds roll by. I know that I am doomed, if a simple comment like that can make me forget all about eating and only has me thinking about f*cking her. “If you really wanna skip dinner, I guess we could. I could eat you.” She smirks and says, “No, we’re going out, like you wanted. So now, you have to wait. Plus, I am really hungry right now.” “Fine, I guess I can feed you. You are eating for two now.” “Yes, I am!” Just as I sling my arm over her shoulder, pulling her body close to mine, someone behind us says, “So the rumors are true?” We both stop and turn to see a paparazzo video recording us. “When are you due?” he asks. My body fills with fury and I shout, “Who the f*ck are you?” walking towards the guy. Abby pulls me away from the asshole and we start to walk in the other direction, but he follows and keeps talking. “Abby, what do you have to say in response to Darrell’s interview with—” I stop again, turning around to look this bitch in the eye. All I can see is one eye as he is watching me through the camera. I tower over his pathetic stature as he hides behind the lens. Then he tries to walk around me to get to Abby. I smack his camera out of his hold, and it flies in the air before crashing against the pavement. Parts go everywhere and I shove him backwards. “Don’t f*cking speak to her, you hear me?” “Hey man, I’m just doing my job.” He pulls out his cell phone and I grab it from his hand. “Well, stop. You’re f*cking harassing us.” My face is mere inches from his and Abby yells, “Latch, stop!” “Oh, God,” he says, “You’re the other guy! You’re the one who got her pregnant!” I raise my fist to him, and everything blurs as rage burns inside of me and I land a hard blow to the center of his face. Abby grabs me and shouts, “Latch, we’re leaving now!” Her words stop me from continuing even though I want to snap his neck. Throwing his phone as far as I can, he looks in the air as it goes flying, sitting on the sidewalk like a bitch with a bloody face. I follow Abby as she is getting into a cab. “What the f*ck was that?” she yells. “He had that coming. He’s lucky I didn’t beat the piss out of him.” “No, that was you losing control, just like you did with Darrell. You can’t let these people get the better part of you.” “So what should I do, just walk away?” “Yes!” “And let him air our private business on a seedy celebrity gossip show. I don’t think so! That was a lesson to all those f*ckers to leave you alone!” I yell at Abby, not liking how it makes me feel inside, but it’s the only way I know to be when I’m this upset. “Latch, they won’t stop, trust me. He’ll probably press assault charges now, and it’ll just start a sh*t storm.” “He’ll stop, and if he wants to run to the cops like a puss*, then good for him.” “I’m serious. I’ve dealt with them for years.” “I’m sorry, Abby, but I am not going to let anyone disrespect you and treat you like that. Maybe Darrell did, but not me.” “Please, just ignore them?” she whispers under her breath.

I stay quiet, not wanting to stress her out any more than I already have. I’ll be damned if she thinks that I am just going to ignore some prick that is invading our personal space, walking behind us, recording our private conversation with the intent to air it to the world. If anyone thinks that they can f*ck with Abby or me, then they are dead f*cking wrong.

Watching the celebrity gossip footage that has flooded the Internet after Latch attacked the camera guy has my head spinning. I guess he didn’t break the camera well enough. It’s all over the web that Latch used to be an escort. Now, I’m afraid for what’s next – are the cops going to come knocking on the door? Then what? I’ll be all alone and vulnerable, allowing Darrell to do whatever he wants without Latch around. Now, I have a whole new worry, and the resignation of what might happen or the possibility of Latch being arrested weighs heavily on me. Looking over at him, he is fast asleep, and I know I need to do the same. It’s almost two in the morning, but my brain just won’t quit. I lock my iPad, not giving any more of my time to the sickening drama, and lie close to him. Instantly he soothes me. I close my eyes and will myself to fall asleep, but I can’t, my mind is spinning thinking about Darrell. It upsets me to think that he could want to hurt me so badly. I know the man that he used to be, and it saddens me what our separation has done to him. But I also know that I cannot change Darrell; I never have been able to and never will. He’s stubborn, spoiled, and very determined. Latch and I decided to not watch Darrell’s interview and I really think it’s for the best. It would just set him off the deep end and probably upset me so bad…well…I don’t want to think about what could happen. Looking at the ceiling fan as it spins around and around in the dim room, I realize then what I need to do. I place my hand over my stomach and know that I have to let the worry go, for the sake of the baby. Both Latch and our unborn child are my only priorities. Vowing to myself to turn over a new leaf by releasing the hold that Darrell has over me which I’ve lived under for so long, I exhale, hoping that I can hold true to this promise to myself.

I wake to the sound of sirens in the distance, which you’d think I’d be used to by now, living in New York as long as I have, but it rattles me. Blinking a few times, I take in the room and remember that I’m in Latch’s apartment, or I guess our apartment. Turning next to me, Latch isn’t there. I get up right away, the sirens and empty bed sending me in search of him. As I exit the bedroom, I spot him in the kitchen folding a basket of laundry. It stops me dead in my tracks. He is folding my clothes. I don’t have many; all I took when I left Darrell was one suitcase. He is so meticulous and careful

with each piece of my clothing. My heart stammers watching him and a wave of happiness courses through me. How could someone put so much care into something so simple? “Good morning, beautiful,” he says and looks over at me with a t-shirt in his hand. “Morning. You’re the one looking drop dead sexy folding my laundry.” “Hope you don’t mind me washing your stuff.” “Nope, not at all.” I wrap my arms around him, standing behind him and rest my head on his back. Warmth expels from him and he places his hands over mine. “Did you sleep okay?” he asks. “Yeah, it took me a while to fall asleep, but once I did, I was out.” “Good.” Letting go of him, he kisses me and I open the fridge looking in for the first time, “We need food.” “sh*t, I’m so sorry. I meant to go yesterday, but clearly, lost track of time.” “I can go,” I offer. He tilts his head and says, “Uhh, we can go. I’m not about to leave you alone with Darrell and the crazy ass paparazzi out there.” I look up at him, loving how protective he is being. “Well, considering you don’t have the best track record with the paparazzi, it might be better if you stay in.” He laughs and says, “I learned my lesson. I’ll ignore them from now on, I promise.” I smack his ass as he walks on by carrying the laundry basket to the bedroom. Closing the fridge, I wander back to the bedroom and crawl into bed as he is putting my clothes away. He walks to the bed and I scoot to the edge, wrapping my arms around his waist. He looks down at me and cups my face. “I made you some room in the closet.” Then he leans over and brings his lips to mine. I kiss him with everything I have, showing him just how much he means to me. In such a short period of time, he’s become my rock. As he kisses me back, heat spans through my body and I moan against his mouth, letting go of all my fears. He lifts the t-shirt I am wearing over my head. He shakes his head looking at my body, kissing my neck, making me feel that much more wanted. He continues kissing me, leaving a trail down the front of me. “I love your body,” he says. Feeling his lips on me and hearing him say the word “love” makes me want to profess my feelings to him, but a small part of me is scared that he’s not there yet, so I give in to this time together, not wanting to ruin the moment. He stands and I take my hand running it down the front of his body until I stop on the compass again and I ask him, “Why did you get this?” “I was so lost after my mom died, it’s a symbol of trying to find my way afterwards.” Tenderly, I place my lips over it, knowing the pain he still feels today. “I’m sorry.” “It’s okay, I’ve got you now.” He urges his hips forward and I reach up the leg of his shorts where I am greeted by his co*ck. I caress him, wanting him inside of me. “Will you f*ck me?” Immediately, he turns me around and bends me over the bed. I place my hands on the smooth sheets and am rewarded with his dick as he slowly enters my puss*, not wasting one second. I clench the fabric, moaning into my arm as he works himself deep inside of me. His hands grip my ass cheeks, the pressure from his fingers digging deep into my skin takes me back to when we first met.

“Oh God,” I whine, as he finds my spot and rubs it the way that only Latch knows how to. He thrusts himself long and slow in and out of me. I move my ass, urging him to pick up speed, but he doesn’t, clearly loving the pace. But I need more and I beg him, “Harder.” He stops and says, “The baby?” “You can’t hurt the baby, I promise.” Taking his hands, he wraps them around the front of my thighs where he spreads my legs further apart. He gives me a good slam and I about come from the single jolt. “f*ck!” I shout as he now is bracing his weight on either side of me. His chest is against my back, his warm breath on the skin of my shoulder and he begins to ride me hard, giving me his co*ck, just the way I need it. He grunts in my ear and breathlessly I beg him, “Talk dirty to me?” “You like me f*cking you deep in your c*nt?” “Yes!” I tighten my puss*. He bites my shoulder, his teeth giving me the most pleasurable pain ever. With my eyes closed, I let his dick take control of my body. His balls slap my cl*t and when he starts to grunt, shooting his cum into me, I convulse, not able to control my body as it shakes beneath him, giving over to him the way he commands. “That’s it, let go, baby,” he says slamming me as we let go together. I wail, trembling from the pleasure that we create. Both of us are so lost in a world so magical that you couldn’t dream this up. Our hands are intertwined on either side of me as I come back to reality and he just keeps stroking himself inside of me. “That’ll be five hundred dollars, ma’am,” he jokes and I bust out laughing, swatting at him behind me. “Oh really? I have a thousand dollars, what does that get me?” I ask as his co*ck throbs inside of me, telling me that he’s ready to go again. He starts to move and I clamp down around him, hanging on for another blissful f*cking.

“Come on, you diva,” I tease him as he is staring at his hair in the mirror. “What? I need a haircut, it looks like sh*t.” “It looks fine,” I tell him and he rolls his eyes at me as I fiddle on my iPad. Still worried from the backlash of the paparazzi, I can’t help but search for any updates on whether or not the guy is pressing charges against Latch. He walks into the closet coming out with a Boston hat on. “Really, after all that, a hat?” “Yeah.” “You do realize that we live in New York.” “And you do realize who your crazy ass ex plays for?” I laugh, setting my iPad on the nightstand. It makes sense now that he’d wear a Boston hat in New York. I do remember Darrell talking about their rivalry. “Are you ready now? ’Cause I’m starving.” He extends his hand out to me and I take it, getting off the bed. We emerge into the beautiful summer day, both of us with a smile on our faces. The warm sun feels so good as we walk down to the sidewalk and Latch looks for a cab, then I say, “Let’s walk.” “You sure?” “Absolutely.” With his hand in mine we head down the street, not hiding who we are, or what we have. Stopping

at a light to cross the street, a breeze flips through us and I look down to see the first sign of my very small baby bump. I squeeze Latch’s hand and point to it. He says, “I know, I noticed it this morning.” “And you didn’t tell me?” He laughs, adjusting his hat, “I didn’t think I needed to; you’re gonna get a whole lot bigger.” I rest my head on his arm as we make our way into the small café and order breakfast. Latch gets a text while we wait for our food and then another one when we sit down. My first inclination is to worry – worry that it’s an old client. But I have to trust him and as I take the first bite of my muffin he passes me his phone and says, “What do you think?” The screen goes black just as I begin to read it and I tell him, “I don’t see anything.” He gets up and says, “Just put my password in, it’s 2341, I’m gonna get some napkins, do you need anything?” I shake my head typing in his password, the text messages coming to light. The name Jeremy is on the top of the screen and I’ve never heard him talk about anyone named Jeremy. I read the text and Latch sits down passing me a napkin and asks me again, “What do you think? “Who’s Jeremy?” I ask. “An old friend; I’ve known him since I was young. We were the only two people that didn’t follow in our fathers’ footsteps by staying part of the motorcycle club. Now, he runs a private security company and…” Latch’s sentence is cut short by a paparazzo as he snaps our photo through the window. I can see the anger in Latch’s eyes and I remind him, “Ignore him.” “And what? Eat in front of this prick?” The flashes from his camera take my appetite away. We sit staring at one another and then Latch gets up and I fear what’s next. I follow him to make sure that he’s not going to do something he regrets, but he doesn’t leave, he goes to the counter and asks the girl, “Can I speak to your manager?” She nods, looking afraid, maybe it’s Latch’s tattoos. We wait and then an older Italian man comes out. “How can I help you, sir?” “Do you have a back door that we could leave out of? There is a paparazzo outside bothering us.” “Absolutely,” he responds, like this isn’t the first request he’s had. “Right this way.” Leaving our food on the table, we exit through another building and out a side door. “Thank you,” Latch says, shaking the man’s hand. With the fresh air in front of us, I couldn’t be prouder of him for not engaging in an altercation and for finding another solution to the problem.

Walking out of the café with Abby’s hand in mine, my blood is on fire. f*ck that asshole for intruding on us the way that he did. I still don’t understand how it’s legal to take someone’s picture without their permission. It’s harassment if you ask me! As we cross the intersection, someone shouts from across the street, “Abby?” And we both spot a different paparazzo coming towards us. f*ck! Again! “Ignore him!” she reassures me. I roll my eyes, so wanting to lay him flat into the pavement. We keep walking, but I know these f*ckers are relentless and it’s not long until this asshole is in our face, hiding behind his stupid ass camera. “Abby, may I ask you a few questions?” the guy asks her and looks at me with a smirk. Abby is hesitant and looks at me with a smile, squeezing my hand, before saying, “Sure!” What the f*ck? I have to ignore him, but she doesn’t! “Great, how are you doing?” he asks. “Good! Really good!” “What is your response to the interview that Darrell did?” I let go of her hand and sling my arm over her shoulder so she is closer to me. She smiles up at me and I wink at her before she responds, “I haven’t seen the interview so I can’t really comment on it.” “What do you have to say regarding his allegations of infidelity?” “That I’m happy he finally admitted he was unfaithful to me.” “No, I was referring to you.” “I don’t know what you want me to say. If Darrell wants to be a girl about all of this, then that’s his business. I’m happy with my life now that I don’t live with a drunk that treated me like sh*t, who f*cked as many women as he could when he was on the road. I’m not going to let him drag me down any longer.” “So there won’t be any chance of reconciliation for you two?” “Absolutely not. I will be filing for divorce.” She smiles and I kiss the top of her hair. The camera guy stares at us for a moment and then adjusts the lens, I assume to get a shot of both of us. I take the opportunity to turn us away. She’s given enough of her time. With our arms wrapped around each other, I hear him say to someone, I’m assuming his producer, “Did you get that? Should I follow them?” I look back at the guy as he takes his camera off his shoulder and walks back across the street, I guess to stalk another person. “Is he following us?” Abby asks. “Nope!”

She exhales and I tell her, “You did good, baby, really good.” Even though we were supposed to ignore them, she said what she needed to, and I couldn’t be more proud of her. “You think?” “Absolutely beautiful!” “You did good, too.” “Thanks! So you ready to take Jeremy up on his offer?” She beams from ear to ear. “Yeah, let’s get away from all this mess.” He offered us his beach house in Connecticut for a week and right now couldn’t be a more perfect time to get away to where the paparazzi can’t find us. “I’ll text him now.” I tell Abby, looking forward to some time alone, just the two of us, where we can decompress and have two seconds of privacy in a row. “How are we gonna get there?” she asks me. “I have a car.” “Really?” She sounds shocked. “Of course I do.” “Why don’t you use it?” “’Cause parking in the city is a bitch.” I give her a smirk and she has that look on her face, the one I’ve been searching for, for months. That look melts my heart and my goal is to keep it there at all costs.

Pulling up to Jeremy’s Connecticut beach house, I’m so happy to be here. Abby is fast asleep and I hate to wake her, but have to. Leaning over, I kiss her on the lips. They are so soft and full, immediately awakening my co*ck. “Wake up, babe,” I tell her and her sleepy eyes blink a few times looking around. “Where are we?” “The beach house.” “Already?” “Yup, you must be tired.” She stretches and I grab one of her tit*. She looks down at my hand and grins at me with tired eyes. “I’m hungry,” she says. “Well, the fridge is stocked for us, so you can eat all you want.” We both get out of the car. The light of the day is still here, shining on our backs and gleaming out on the vast waters that surround Jeremy’s house. “Is this place on an island?” she asks. “Almost, more like a peninsula. It’s got one hell of a long driveway to get to it.” She takes her shoes off touching her toes to the sand and walks down to the water. Christ, she is so gorgeous. Everything about her is perfect. From the way her hair falls down her back, to the way she loves the simple things in life, like the sand in between her toes. Taking my shoes off, I walk to her, wrapping my arms around her and resting my head on top of her hair. “It’s gorgeous here.” We both look out at the sprawling view and I have to agree; this is one of the

most stunning places I’ve ever seen. Her stomach growls and I tell her, “Come on, let’s go inside and eat.” Walking up to the house, there is a keypad on the door. I punch the code in and it unlocks. As we walk inside the open and bright beach home, I spot a note on the counter from Jeremy, it says, Make yourselves at home! I smile and look at Abby as she is already in the fridge. “Can we eat anything?” “Yup!” She pulls out a huge bowl of grapes and takes them to the couch. “Don’t you wanna look around?” I ask her. “Can I bring my grapes?” “Your grapes can come.” After showing Abby around the house, she is back to sitting on the couch in the same spot as before. I head to the car to grab our bags and call Jeremy. “Did you make it in okay?” he asks in his usual fast paced tone. “We did. Thanks again for thinking of me. Abby loves it here.” “Of course, it’s what friends do. Listen, I looked into that paparazzo and from what they are saying it sounds like he’s not pressing charges.” “Really?” “Yeah, apparently not.” “Thanks, man. Abby will be so relieved.” “Good. Before I spill the beans, have you told your dad about the baby?” “f*ck no, he’d try to claim it like it was his and have it on a bike by the time it was two.” Jeremy laughs and says, “All right, I’ll keep quiet. Thank God the old guys don’t use computers.” “For sure, man.” “I hate to run, but I have another call that I have to take. Call me if you need anything at all.” We hang up and I get our bags out, enjoying the f*cking view again. Going back inside, Abby is back in the fridge and I laugh at her. “Why don’t you let me make you a sandwich and we can walk on the beach? She closes the jar of pickles that she’s holding and says, “Okay, I think the cravings have really started though.” “Clearly.” She crunches down on one and it almost hurts how violently she is eating the helpless thing. “Ouch,” I tell her, putting my hand over my junk. “What?” “Can you be a little more gentle?” “It’s a pickle, babe.” She puts the last piece into her mouth and gives me a smile. I hug her, pulling our bodies together. My dick rubs against her and she licks her lips, then pulls away and drops to her knees. She looks up at me as she unbuttons my shorts. I run my fingers through her hair. My co*ck is hurting, needing her. With my bottom lip tucked under my teeth, I watch her sexy ass in front of me, on her knees, so willing and ready to please me. She takes my shaft into her hand and rubs me before wrapping those amazing f*cking lips around the head. I groan, tightening my ass cheeks. Reaching for her head, I take a fistful of her hair, guiding her mouth up and down my length. Her eyes are closed, no longer looking at me. Each movement sends a chill down my spine. She

whines sucking me and I slowly rock my hips, giving her a little more of my dick each time. Worried that I am getting a little too rough, I let go of her hair and grip the counter, bracing my weight as she works me. Letting her take me where she wants, and very quickly, she swirls her tongue sucking me harder. Her hand has such a fierce hold around my co*ck, and I’m caught off guard when my org*sm starts and I look down at her pink lips and wide eyes. She’s watching me. Letting go of my release, I imagine all of the things that we have done together. She moans when my cum enters her mouth, sucking up every last drop as she milks it out of me. My knuckles hurt from gripping the counter so hard, and when she finally slows her movements, she pulls away and says, “That’ll be a grand.” I bust out laughing, “For a blow j*b?” “Yes, for a blow j*b!” Her expression looks dead serious and then a smile morphs over it and I kiss her neck. “You’re so bad.” “I learned from the best.” She opens the fridge and I grab her by the shoulders, pulling her backwards and ripping her shorts off. She stands stunned, panting, and I know I’ve taken her unexpectedly. Lifting her on top of the counter, I lean down and drag my tongue between her slit. Her head falls back and I settle between her legs to take her out of this world, the same way that she just did to me.

Looking out at the ocean, I’ve got not a worry in the world. There are no paparazzi here and the news that the one from the other day isn’t pressing charges is incredible. I’m not sure why, or how we got so lucky…but we did. My eyes are on Latch as he plays in the waves like he’s a little kid and I can picture our son or daughter playing with him. He’s gonna be such an amazing dad. We’ve been in Connecticut for a few days now and that means a few days closer to leaving, which I absolutely do not want to do. I love it here – the solitude of this quaint little beach town is perfect. I could picture us living by the water and doing just this every day. The sun is hot and I need to cool down. Walking towards Latch, he dives under a wave and when he comes up from the water, he brushes his hair out of his face and wipes the water away from his eyes. Walking to him, I have the biggest smile on my face and he asks me, “What?” “Can we move here?” I ask as serious as ever. He kisses me and pulls our bodies into the cool waters of the Atlantic. “You’d really want to?” “Yeah, I mean, why not? What would make us raise our baby in the city, especially with how crazy the paparazzi have gotten? Besides Maris, there’s nothing there for us. Plus, she travels a lot, and when she’s home she could come stay with us for as long as she wants.” He looks me in the eye, trying to read if I am being serious and then looks around at this amazing place and says, “You’re right, let’s move here.” I smile as we are wrapped together and kiss him hard, getting a chill from the water, but quickly it drifts away as I am lost in the moment, in him, and the man that he is. Yeah, he might look like a badass, covered in tattoos and all muscular, but he is the most caring man I’ve ever known. He always puts me first and that’s the best feeling in the world. The waves crash against us and inside I feel like now is the right time to say those three little words. Pulling away, he holds my face and I search for my voice. “I love you, Abby,” he says, instantly taking my breath away. With his hands still on the sides of my face, I hold on to his neck and respond, “Latch, I love you!” He kisses me again and swoops me out of the water. This time carrying me back to our little oasis on the sand. As I look into his eyes, there is desire beaming from him. He wants me just as much as I want him. Gently he lays me on my back on the soft beach blanket and then looks around to be sure there is no one in sight. “I’m going to f*ck you, right here, right now, okay?” I nod, rubbing my hand over his hard shaft. He grinds it against me a few times and then unties his shorts. I look down to see the head of his co*ck throbbing for me. Urging my hips upwards, with my swimming suit pushed to the side, he burrows his way inside of me.

“f*ck, I love your puss*,” he murmurs and I bite my bottom lip. His co*ck is my favorite indulgence in the entire world. Kissing my neck and pumping in and out of me, I hold on to his biceps as my knees are slacked to the side, letting him f*ck me. Heat spreads hotter than the sun through my body as each movement of his is matched with a grunt. “Yes,” I whine, tightening my puss*. He gets louder, kissing and sucking harder on the skin of my neck and chest and I don’t think I’ve ever been so happy. Resting up on his arms, the full length of his body shrouds mine as he picks up speed. Yearning blazes in his eyes as we stare into the depths of each other ’s souls. I whimper with every thrust, so close to coming. Loving how nothing else matters, except for us – this. It doesn’t make a difference that we are on the beach. All of the worries of the past or the sh*t that we have to face are gone, it’s just Latch and I and our love. My puss* tightens, wanting to come and I fight the feeling, not wanting this to end. “Don’t do that,” Latch orders me, looking at me wildly and I release the grip I have on his co*ck. He keeps moving, f*cking me so perfectly. I look to the sky as the sun shines down on us. My fingernails dig into his ass, loving what he’s doing. “f*ck, Latch,” I fight the feeling, knowing he is close from the sound of his labored breaths. His eyes are closed and his mouth is slightly open and I lose the battle. My puss* convulses, letting go, and I moan out as every single muscle in my body tenses. Latch strokes himself deeply, letting go right along with me. A stream of cum fills me as he let’s go, making my org*sm that much more intense. With every jolt of pleasure I’m facing, it is intensified by the wildness of his co*ck, pleasing me, riding me, and coming inside of me, only the way that Latch knows how to.

“How is she?” I ask Latch, as he hangs up the phone from talking to Maris. “She’s good. She said she’s just been relaxing.” “Nice, she deserves that,” I tell him, serving our dinner. “She does. She was happy to hear the news about the paparazzo.” I hand him a plate with his dinner on it and we head out back to eat on the deck that overlooks the ocean. I set my food down and Latch pulls my chair out for me. “Why, such a gentlemen,” I tell him. “Only for you,” he says and sits down himself. “So you really want to move here?” “I do. I could see us being really happy here, couldn’t you?” “Abby, I’m happy wherever you are.” He’s as genuine as ever and my heart gushes. I watch him take the first bite of the chicken Florentine I made and smile when he closes his eyes, “Oh my God, this is amazing.” “You like it?” “I f*ckin’ love it!” I take a small bite and agree; it does taste delicious. Sitting across from Latch right now, I go with my gut and know that I am ready to face the music. “I want to file for divorce from Darrell when we get home. I don’t want his last name on the baby’s birth certificate.” He swallows and looks at me with an uncertain expression. “Are you asking me to marry—?” “I’m being serious!” I cut him off. “I know you are, I’m only joking. Are you sure about it?”

“I’ve never been more sure of anything. You and this little one are my future.” I place my hand over my stomach and smile at Latch. “I support whatever decisions you make, you know that, Abby.”

“Does it always take you this long to get ready?” I tease Abby as she’s putting on her swimsuit. She glares at me and says, “Sorry, Mister Perfect, we all can’t roll out of bed with perfectly messy hair and be ready for the day.” I run my fingers through my hair and look at my reflection in the mirror. “I do look good, huh?” I tease her and she just shakes her head, pulling her hair into a ponytail. “Put some sunscreen on my back please.” “Yes, ma’am.” I squeeze a bountiful amount into my palm and then rub it on her back as she covers the front of her body. “I can do all of you.” “Oh, I know you can,” she says sarcastically. “Then we’ll be even later and the weather will change and I’ll have to listen to you complain about missing snorkeling.” “Me complain?” I finish her back and look at her with a hurt expression as I sunscreen my face. “I can’t believe that’s how you think of me.” “It’s not how I think of you, it’s how you are.” She brushes her teeth with her ass sticking out towards me and I so want to f*ck her, but she’s right. The weather and waves are perfect to snorkel today, and we don’t have much time left here. A f*cking week has flown by. I put on my sunglasses and spank her ass before I walk to grab the bag with all of our stuff in it for the day. She smiles, watching me leave the bathroom. I never knew that life could be so good, sharing my everyday with just one person, but with Abby, that is exactly what it is. Looking in the bag, I think we have everything that we could possibly need. I throw in a few more waters from the fridge, wanting to make sure that she stays hydrated and wait for her at the door. “Don’t stand there and act like I took forever,” she gripes. “I’m not,” I respond, defenseless with my hands in the air and she looks around for her sunglasses, which I take from the side of the bag and hand to her. “Thank you, baby,” she says and kisses me before we walk outside. I close the door behind us and the warm sea air feels so f*cking good on my skin that I could definitely see living here forever. “Are you sure you’re okay walking?” I ask her. “Yup,” she responds and we begin our stroll down the beach. “Have you ever snorkeled?” she asks me. “For sure,” I lie, knowing that she has and I don’t want to look like an idiot for never going. I mean, how hard could it be? She looks up at me with her eyes squinted and I kiss the top of her head with a grin on my face. “When did you go?” she asks. “Maris took me when I was younger.” “Where?” “I don’t remember, ask her. What about you, Miss Professional.”

“On a few vacations Darrell and I took. I went out, but he was always busy or drinking so he never came.” “So you went alone?” “Yeah. But I didn’t care, it was fun.” I love her positivity about things. “f*cking asshole treated you like sh*t for far too long. Good thing you never have to worry about that again.” “Thank God I’ve got you! Enough about Darrell.” I couldn’t agree more; thinking of the prick puts a sour taste in my mouth. Looking up ahead, I see the large rock formation off in the distance. “There it is,” I tell her. Jeremy said this is one thing we had to do coming here, so here we are. “Wow, it’s gorgeous.” “Isn’t it?” As we get closer to this amazing snorkeling spot, three dolphins swim by, so close to the shore and she asks me, “Did you see that?” “Yeah, looks like they have a baby with them too.” We stop walking and watch the trio swim together so perfectly in sync as they come up out of the water and then go back under. Looking once more for the dolphins, they are gone. “They must be staying under,” she says. We continue on and quickly close the distance. Upon arriving, I set the bag down and hand her the water so she can stay hydrated, she takes a sip and passes it back to me. “Are you ready?” I ask her, noticing that the seas are really calm. “I am.” She pulls out the snorkel gear and hands me mine. We walk down to the water and put the flippers on and then the goggles. Damn, mine are tight as f*ck and I struggle to adjust them. Then Abby asks me, “Aren’t you gonna spit in them?” I’m confused by her question, then I watch her spit and rub her saliva around the clear plastic of the lens before giving them a rinse and putting them on. “No, f*ck that.” She raises her eyebrows at me through the lenses and I grab her hand. As we enter the water, my eyes are already foggy. I stop to fix my goggles and she swims away from me, towards the rocks. I put them back on and follow, not liking how far ahead of me she is. Once I reach her, I can’t see sh*t and she is laughing at me. I take off the goggles treading water. And she grabs them from me spitting into the lenses and then smearing it around. “You don’t have to lie to me, Latch, I know you’ve never been snorkeling. Maris told me.” She passes me back my goggles and I put them on, thankful that I can now see out of them. I feel dumb for lying. She wouldn’t care if I had or hadn’t. “Breathe with your mouth slow and calm and follow me.” She grabs my hand and puts her head in the water. Only her snorkel is sticking up and I follow. As I place my face into the cool ocean, the sun on my back warms me. Looking around as the current rocks us a little, the underwater world is amazing. It’s vibrant and colorful, not as bright as I imagined, but we are in Connecticut. There are so many schools of fish everywhere and Abby gestures me to follow her with her hand. I swim alongside her, taking in the sights and can’t help but look at her. Her tiny tummy has to be the most beautiful thing about her as it sticks out a little bit. She squeezes my hand and points to the bottom of the ocean where the entire floor is covered in mussels and on top of them are dozens and dozens of colorful starfish. As we swim around the rocks, I am startled when something touches my shoulder. I look to the right of me and between Abby and me is a gigantic sea turtle. Abby takes our hands and places them on top of its shell where they slide down on it together. We keep swimming and it stays right along with us, its majestic eyes looking at

the both of us before giving a few big pushes with its arms and gliding off. In that moment Abby looks at me with a huge grin on her face and we stop. “Latch, that was amazing!” It really was. There isn’t much apart from Abby that amazes me, but that was definitely something else. Looking at her as she puts her goggles back on and looks into the water, I know that I hit the motherf*cking jackpot with this one. She is my once in a lifetime.

Our last day at the beach has come to an end and I do not want to leave Connecticut. I pack the last of my things and look back on the bedroom one more time, where Latch and I hid away from the world for a week. It was so wonderful to be here. As I close the door to the room, I know that this isn’t goodbye, ’cause we both love it here. Walking downstairs, Latch is nowhere in sight. I’m sure he’s loading the car, so I grab a few waters from the fridge and notice that Latch already set some in my purse. It’s funny how much we think alike. Putting the waters back, I look outside and spot him sitting on the sand watching the neverending beauty that is the sea. My heart is in a tizzy at the sight of him. The simplest things about him are the ones I love the most. Walking out back as the waves crash up on shore, he is lost in his own world. “Hey,” I say and sit next to him. He places his hand on my thigh and leans over to kiss me. “Hey. You about all packed up?” he asks. “I am.” “What are you doing out here?” I ask. “Just thinking.” The waves are high tonight, echoing in the evening sun and I rest my head on Latch’s shoulder, thinking too, wishing that we could stay right here, forever. As much as I know that Latch and I have nothing but the future to look forward to, I also know that future involves facing Darrell, and right now I’d love to hide here forever. “Well…let’s get going before we lose the sunlight.” “You hungry?” I ask, stalling, hoping he’ll want to stay and eat. “Not really, you?” We stand and walk away from the glorious sound of the water. “I can wait ’til we’re home.” “I like you calling it home,” he says as we collect my bags and leave the house. “You sure you can wait?” “Definitely.” He loads up the car as I get situated in the front seat to make the journey back to New York. Waiting for him to get into the car, I look at the house one last time and then ask him when he sits down, “Do you think Jeremy would sell us this house?” “Maybe, but wouldn’t you want to pick our own?” “I don’t know, there is something special about this place. It feels like home.” “I’ll ask him.” We both give it one last look before driving away and heading back to reality. “What about moving somewhere rural, close to the water, with a lot of land?” “Sounds like a lot of work.” “What else do we have to do with our time?”

I smile grabbing his hand. Thinking of living anywhere with Latch makes me happy, but I also know that our future is likely going to involve the both of us working and then what…our child in daycare? Maybe New York is the best place for us, even with all the obstacles. On the radio, I hear one of my favorite songs softly coming through the speakers and I turn it up, letting go of all the uncertainties of the future, that I have zero control over. Latch smiles at me moving, as I run my hands up my body, feeling the song. “Mm, keep doing that.” I smirk at him and knot my fingers into my hair. He grabs one of my breasts and I push it towards him and then he surprises me, singing the hook with me. We both laugh at his horrible rendition and his hand moves down my body ’til it is on my stomach. “Did you hear your mom just laugh at me?” he says to the baby as the song comes to an end. I turn the volume down and defend myself, “You were laughing too.” “Doesn’t make it right.” He keeps his hand on my stomach and I cover his with mine. “Have you thought about a name for the baby?” he asks me. “Not really, you?” “We could name him Latch, if it’s a boy?” he offers. “Or we could name him Hinge, or Knob, or Handle,” I joke. “Ouch,” he says, “Latch was my grandfather ’s name.” “Oh,” I say, feeling bad for teasing him about his name. “I didn’t know.” “It’s okay, you know I don’t care.” “Latch would be perfect for a boy, but what if it’s a girl?” I ask him. “You got me, that’s all on you, baby.” “Geez, thanks. What was your mom’s name?” I ask him. “Matilda,” he responds, “You?” “Anne.” “We could name her Matilda Anne or Anne Matilda?” “I like them both.” With our hands still on my stomach, I look out the window and close my eyes. Peace and serenity surround me as I drift off to sleep…

I wake to a hard jolt, rocking me forward and brace myself in the car, holding on to the door and center console. Latch has his hands gripped tightly around the steering wheel as I look around the car. “f*ck! Are you all—?” his sentence is cut short as someone slams into us again from behind. I scream, scared, and he asks me again, “You okay?” “Yeah,” I nod, “I think.” I look behind us and we get hit again. Pain burns in the back of my neck from my head whipping forward so hard. “Pull over,” I tell him, and we get slammed again. “I’m trying,” he yells at me, attempting to switch lanes, but we are stuck in the middle and then I look next to us when the vehicle that hit us pulls up on my side of the car. “What the f*ck?” he shouts and all of the color drains from my face when I see Darrell looking over at us crazy as f*ck. “Oh my God!” I scream to Latch, and he slams on the brakes, just as Darrell slams us across traffic and into the center barrier. Our car flies in the air, flipping end over end, and I reach for Latch, terrified, screaming in fear as the car is filled with glass and smoke and then… blackness takes over…

“Abby!?” I shout through a cloud of smoke. I wave my arm to clear the air as it fills the car. “Abby!?” I can barely breathe as the wind has been knocked out of me. My chest hurts like there is a ton of bricks on it and I reach next to me for her, but I don’t feel her. Looking outside as the smoke clears a bit, I see someone’s feet walking towards us. I realize then that we’re upside down, “Abbbbyyyy!?” I scream, scared when she doesn’t respond and I can’t feel her. My eyes are heavy. I need to find her. “Are you okay?” a man asks, kneeling next to my shattered window. I reach for him and look into his wise eyes. “It’s okay, son, I called 911.” “My girlfriend.” I’m breathless, everything inside of me hurts. “She’s pregnant.” He stands up, and I reach for him screaming at the top of my lungs. Then I press the release button on the seatbelt. My body falls hard to the ceiling and I smash my head. Grabbing the back of it as pain spreads through my skull, he comes back to me and says, “Is she wearing a pink dress?” “Yes!” “My wife is with her.” I start to crawl from the car and he stops me. “Just stay still, son.” I push him away and get out on my hands and knees between the barrier and my car. My eyes are heavy, but I have to get to Abby. I have to. Searching the scene as I stand, I am wobbly and my vision is blurry. The man helps me keep my balance and I ask him, “Where is she?” He points to Abby’s bloody and lifeless body lying on the pavement of the highway. Bile rises to the back of my throat. f*ck! I run the best that I can, fearing for what I might find and fall next to her. Looking down at her, there is so much blood everywhere I cannot tell where it’s coming from. I panic, tears stream down my face and I’m afraid to touch her. “Baby,” I whisper and put my face close to hers. “You’re going to be okay, you hear me?” I’m so f*cking scared that I’m going to lose her. In the distance, there is an explosion and I look to see a car in flames. It’s wrapped around a light pole and I hope it’s Darrell ’cause that motherf*cker did this to her. Sirens are in the distance and I run my hands over her hair. “Abby, can you hear me?” I ask her, sobbing so hard. My hand trembles and I can barely breathe. There is no response from her and I’m scared to touch her, so I lie next to her on the pavement, with one hand on her hair and the other I gently place on her stomach. I’ve never prayed before, but right now, that is exactly what I am going to do. I’m not even sure if God is real or not, or if he can answer prayers, but seeing Abby like this, I need a miracle. “Sir! You need to back away from the patient.” A female says and then I am dragged from Abby as she is surrounded by EMTs.

“She’s pregnant,” I tell them. “How long?” one of them asks me. “Sixteen weeks.” They work feverishly on her using chest compressions and then installing tubes and hoses. All the scary sh*t from the movies is my reality and I stand terrified. Then in the blink of an eye, she’s gone and they are carrying her away to a helicopter. The blades twist slowly and I know that it’s not good. “Where are you taking her?” I shout following them, but a police officer stops me. “Is she going to be okay?” I plead with one of them to answer me. “Let them do their job, son.” “Would everyone stop calling me ‘son’!” I shout, freaking out that she is being taken away from me like this and flown to God only knows where. “Calm down, I’ll drive you to the hospital,” the officer says and I ask him, “Is she going to be okay?” He doesn’t answer me as my eyes are still on Abby while they load her up. She looks like she is asleep and I place my hand over my mouth, praying that’s the case. But when I pull it away and look down, it’s covered in blood…her blood. Oh f*ck! I start to shake, and then throw up, gagging, staring at the redness. “Do you need an EMT, sir?” the officer asks me. “No, I need to be with Abby.” “What’s your name, son?” “Latch.” “Last name?” My eyes are on the chopper as it takes off and flies out of sight. My insides bleed in pain and I fall to my knees, feeling like part of me has died. “Teracino.” “Were you with Abby tonight?” “Yes, we were driving home and got run off the road.” “What’s Abby’s last name?” he asks me. “McEllrath, can we please get going to the hospital?” “Sure, can you just tell me what happened first?” “I did – we were run off the road.” He’s persistent and I reenact all of the details for the officer, doing my best to stay calm and in control, like I have trained myself to do time and time again. I tell him everything, except for the fact that I know Darrell caused the accident. ’Cause if I did that it’ll just complicate things and take even longer for me to see Abby. He leaves me sitting on the side of the road and my mind keeps going back to her pink dress, completely blood-stained, and it breaks my f*cking heart. Looking down at my hand, I try and wipe the blood on my shorts. She’s going to be okay, I repeat to myself as I clean it off, fighting back the tears, knowing that I need to stay strong for her and the baby. “Latch?” The officer comes back over to me. “This is Officer Banks, he’ll take you to the hospital. I’m sorry for keeping you. Thank you for your time tonight.” I nod and follow the officer to his car, and as we walk, I notice that the flames have settled on the car that was previously engulfed. “Was that the driver who hit us?” I ask the officer who opens the door for me. “Yeah, the guy was burnt to a crisp.” I look into Darrell’s car where the charred remains of his body still sit behind the wheel and it sickens me that I couldn’t protect her against him. “Do you know where they took her?” “Uhh, New York Methodist,” he says.

I look out the window as the road flies by us and feel anxious, needing to get to Abby. I know Maris is close to the hospital and she could update me more quickly, so I text her, Abby and I were in a car accident. I’m fine, but she was airlifted to New York Methodist. Can you please check on her? You’ll get there before me. I’m on my way! You sure you’re okay? Yeah. Then the officer responds to a call over the radio talking in code, but I’m in a daze, wishing that he would just drive faster. My thoughts keep f*cking with me as her screams replay in my mind and then the image of her lying there…and the blood…so much blood. The officer pulls off the highway at the wrong exit and I ask him, “Where are you going?” “My sergeant wants me to bring you in for questioning.” “What? Why?” I ask, aggravated as sh*t that they are doing this right now. “Not sure, just following orders, sir.” I slam my hands on the grate that separates us and shout, “That’s f*cking bullsh*t!”

“Do you know why you’re here, Mr. Teracino?” “No!” I’m irritated as f*ck and it’s coming through in my tone. “Can you recount for me what happened tonight?” “Why? I already told the officer on scene.” “You did, but things aren’t adding up with the evidence and your statement,” he says. “Could you tell me again?” “Why should I repeat myself when my girlfriend is in the hospital? Nothing has changed from earlier.” “So you have nothing to add?” “No, man. I just need to get to her. Please, could you question me there?” I check my phone, but there is no cell phone service in here. Panic creeps in and I clench my fists. “Why didn’t you tell Officer Devero that the other driver was Mrs. McEllrath’s husband?” “I didn’t know who hit us.” “Funny you should say that. Let me play you something.” He turns his phone towards me. “911, what’s your emergency?” a female voice asks. “I was just hit by another car and can’t pull over, I’m sandwiched in between traffic.” I recognize the voice right away. It’s Darrell’s and he sounds like a panicked little bitch. He called 911 and pinned this sh*t on me! “Can you pull over in the other direction, sir?” the 911 operator asks him. “I’m trying, but he won’t stop hitting me and flashing his lights. He’s driving erratically and blocking—” Then you can hear a collision and the operator asks him, “Sir, are you all right? He doesn’t respond and then there is chaos in the background, followed by silence, I’m assuming that’s when Darrell smashed into the pole and his car burst into flames. “What do you have to say now, Mr. Teracino?” “Nothing. My story isn’t going to change. Look at the damage to my car, I never hit him. He rearended me over and over, then drove us into the center barrier causing us to flip.” “We’ve looked at your car, and it’s smashed to pieces, front to back.” “What about his?” “Mr. Teracino, you do realize that Darrell McEllrath is dead and Abby McEllrath is going to die, and both of those murders will fall on your shoulders.” “f*ck you!” I shout and stand, slamming my fist on the table. “Sit down, Mister Tough Guy. Your tattoos don’t scare me.” I take a seat and look at the prick ass officer who is twisting this whole thing into a story that it isn’t.

“Get a crime scene investigator out there!” I repeat, my body burning with adrenaline. “Why don’t you let us make those calls? So last chance…nothing to add?” I flip him off and he laughs stepping out of the room. My eyes follow him as he walks into an office congregating with another officer. Little f*cking puss*es, I say. On the wall of the office is a ton of baseball memorabilia and suddenly everything makes sense. They know that I am innocent, but they are trying to make me admit to something I didn’t do because this is personal. Someone here has to know Darrell. It’s got to be the only reason. Looking at my phone, there is still no service and the clock on the wall ticks by slowly. Each minute feels like an hour and all I can think about is Abby and our baby. How could things go from being so perfect to so f*cking bad? Resting my head in the palms of my hands, I feel sick imagining the worst and I pull myself away from that dark place. I can’t go there. Abby is a fighter. The door opens and in walk two assholes. The one who questioned me and one of the on-scene officers, who I don’t trust either. “We’re gonna cut you loose,” the on-scene officer says. “For now,” the other adds. “But this isn’t the end. We’ll get an arrest warrant and you’ll be charged.” I blaze past them as they keep talking, “f*ck you both!” and bolt out of the room, walking outside in a fit of rage. I flag the first cab I see. “To New York Methodist.” He pulls away from the station and it takes forever for my phone to get service. Finally it chimes with seven missed calls all from my grandma. Immediately I call her back. There is panic to her voice the second that she answers, and her first words are, “Oh, God, Latch.” “How is she?” I ask, frightened for the news. “Her injuries are terrible, the doctors she might not…” she stalls. “You need to get here now!” My insides break. I cannot believe her words. “Noooo,” I respond through a sob and sink further down into the seat, wanting to jump from the moving car as I hold on to my hair, like it’s going to f*cking help me right now. “It’s not good Latch…you need to hurry.” In the background, I hear alarms and someone shouts, “McEllrath, code blue.” “Noooo,” she wails. There is so much emotion in her tone as her voice cracks and my phone falls from my ear. I’m about to hyperventilate thinking of losing Abby. This terrifies me like nothing that I’ve ever felt. Looking down at the screen, I hear my grandmother ’s sobs and I press the end button. “To President Street in Crown Heights,” I tell the cabbie with a stone cold expression. My breath is already slipping from me. I cannot live without her, she is my world. Everything inside of me is on autopilot; my actions are involuntary, almost as if I have no control over them. Someone else is controlling my body and I grab my phone, sending a text to my grandma. I love you, thank you for everything. And then I drop my phone to the floor of the cab. Leaning forward, I rest my face in my palms, a pain greater than what I can take resonates inside of me. Deep down, I know Abby is not going to make it, my grandma said so herself. And I can’t bear to see her that way; my last visions of her are already tainted. I’ll be damned if they are ruined further. The cabbie weaves through the city and the emotions inside of me are unreal. After all that we have been through, this is how it’s all going to end. Finally, he pulls up to my house and I hand him all of the cash from my wallet before getting out. He looks down at it, shocked. Each step I take feels unreal. My body has been taken over, fire burns from deep within my soul, and I am not myself any longer, and that means that Abby has left this world.

I can f*cking feel it. Opening the door to my home…our home…I close it behind me. A picture of us stares right at me. I pick it up with tears streaming down my face and squeeze it so hard the glass cracks. Looking at her perfection, through the shattered mess, she’s so f*cking gorgeous. She’s my world…my everything. Why did things have to end this way? Setting the picture on the coffee table, I reach under the loveseat and pull out my gun. The smooth black metal stares back at me, and I never imagined when I purchased this for protection that this would be how I’d use it. But the pain is too great and I know this is the answer. It’s the only thing that’ll bring Abby and I back together. Looking at her picture one last time, I kiss Abby, rubbing my thumb over her stomach and then I pray to God, to bring us together after I pull the trigger. Placing the cold black steel to my temple, I am reassured knowing that this…is the only way…

Woo, take a breath, relax, and please don’t throw your Kindle! You’re angry, I get that, but sometimes you cannot help the way these stories unfold. This was always Latch and Abby’s destiny. They took you on one wild and hot ride that I hope you loved. I know for me, it is one that will forever hold a special place in my heart. But let’s be honest, they were never destined for great things…or were they? Well, you’ll get to find out, because this is not the end. There will be a sequel to Latch, titled Abby, where you will find out what happens. Does Latch pull the trigger? Do Abby and the baby survive? Those questions and more will be answered in the final novel to this amazingly addicting and chaotic love story! XOXO, LK

William, William, William, where oh where do I start with you? Latch would not be possible without you, that’s for sure and for that I’m so grateful. You are my number one fan and always have been. Thank you for all that you do. To be publishing book number nine is crazy! Nine times, baby! I love you to the moon and back. Thank you for being my partner in this world. I’m the luckiest girl in the land! Lisa, my incredible super genius of an editor. I can’t even put together the right words to express my gratitude. You are the best of the best, and I couldn’t publish these books without you! Your attention to flow and precision is on point, like nothing I’ve ever seen! I appreciate you more than I think you will ever realize. Thank you for everything. Letica and Janice, my wonderful proofreaders! You ladies are talented something fierce, and put together, you are a true lethal weapon. Thank you both for taking the time out of your busy schedules to help me and my crazy ass time constraints! I owe you both more than you know. I’m indebted to you always. Whatever you need…just ask! To every single person who has taken the time to read Latch and Abby’s story, thank you! From the beta readers, to the ARC readers, to the bloggers, and the fans you all are such an instrumental part of my success and the reason, first and foremost, that I write. I construct these stories to make people happy, to create a world worth getting lost in for a weekend, where nothing else matters but you and those characters. Where you can be free from everyday life and just get lost. I hope you loved Latch! Like I said before, it will always hold a very special place in my heart. And I’d love to hear your thoughts, if you would be so inclined to leave a review, both the Prezident and I read every single one. Thank you all from the bottom of my heart for the support! XOXO, LK

Website: www.authorlkcollins.com Facebook: Author LK Collins Twitter: @authorlkcollins Goodreads: LK Collins Amazon Author Page: LK Collins

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L K Collins 1 Latch (ang) - PDF Free Download (2024)


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Author: Francesca Jacobs Ret

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Author information

Name: Francesca Jacobs Ret

Birthday: 1996-12-09

Address: Apt. 141 1406 Mitch Summit, New Teganshire, UT 82655-0699

Phone: +2296092334654

Job: Technology Architect

Hobby: Snowboarding, Scouting, Foreign language learning, Dowsing, Baton twirling, Sculpting, Cabaret

Introduction: My name is Francesca Jacobs Ret, I am a innocent, super, beautiful, charming, lucky, gentle, clever person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.