Rebirth as a Time Dragon: A DND Chronicle Chapter 226 (2024)

After seeing that figure enter the mist, the river of time once again stirred up ripples.

The future scene in Garon's vision became distorted and scattered.

This meant the effect of foreseeing the future had ended.

Garon recalled the future he had just seen. Thinking about the tragic death of the Hanlin Serpent Dragon, torn into pieces, his expression remained unchanged, but his gaze gradually sharpened.

As one of the Hanlin Serpent Dragons that followed Garon earlier, Uribis, although naturally brutal and bloodthirsty, never did anything that Garon despised under his command. On the contrary, Uribis had made quite a few merits and never sought praise for his deeds, showing little interest in material rewards. He was an excellent subordinate.

If, one day in the future, news of the Hanlin Serpent Dragon's death suddenly arrived,

Garon wouldn't say he'd be extremely sad, but anger would inevitably arise.

What made Garon's gaze even colder was the location of the Hanlin Serpent Dragon's death, not just anywhere, but in the Far North Ice Field.

The Far North Ice Field, this world wrapped in silver and white, was a territory valued by Garon.

The aberrant creatures polluting this place were all eradicated by Garon without exception.

Any other creatures attempting to encroach on this area were seen by Garon as a blatant provocation.

"In my territory, killing my subordinate."

Bang! Under Garon's dragon claw, the peak rock he was holding shattered into pieces.

Garon didn't know what creature had killed the Hanlin Serpent Dragon, but it must be powerful, not fearing the Hanlin Serpent Dragon's death curse.

Moreover, under Garon's teachings, Uribis had come to understand that his life also belonged to Garon. He would no longer rashly commit suicide to curse his enemies. If he couldn't win, he at least knew to seek help in the Ice Cliff territory.

Even if Garon wasn't there, under normal circ*mstances, this place would still be guarded by Barton.

Entering the Ice Cliff territory meant safety.

With the strength of the Hanlin Serpent Dragon, failing to escape meant that the creature that killed it was most likely a legendary being. Anything less than legendary would struggle to kill a serpent dragon so easily.

Garon was certain of the timing of this future fragment.

The future wasn't far from the present, just forty days away.

Having flown over the Far North Ice Field, Garon, with his picture-like memory, had already mapped out a nearly complete terrain map of the Far North Ice Field in his mind. Therefore, he also knew the location of the Hanlin Serpent Dragon's death.

With the time and place confirmed,

the matter became simpler.


"I hope your strength matches your audacity."

Garon flapped his dragon wings, and the snow on the mountain exploded.

The super-gigantic silver dragon soared into the sky, leaving a clear trail in the air.

Garon soared thousands of meters high. With his current speed, it only took a few minutes to reach Uribis's underground dragon lair, located in the snowy mountains where the original white crystal vein was, a few kilometers away from a coniferous forest. The dragon lair of the Hanlin Serpent Dragon was underground in the forest.

This territory gathered some of Garon's kin, mainly the increasingly powerful Winter Wolves.

At a glance, numerous well-proportioned Winter Wolves were scattered about, countless wolf packs hidden in the surrounding mountains and forests, their low and loud howls echoing, chilling to the bone.

Among Garon's kin, the Wolf Heart Clan, which had unified all the Winter Wolves of the Far North Ice Field, was the strongest.

Their main settlement was in the Snow Ridge Pine Forest, followed by this place and the Ice Cliff territory.

Garon swept his gaze downwards from the clouds.

Behind the snow mountains with the white crystal vein, there were other continuous and treacherous snow mountains, rugged and uneven, with few creatures living inside. The Hanlin Serpent Dragon was to be killed in this area in the future.

Having stayed here occasionally, Garon was quite familiar with this place.

So, when the future vision unfolded, he instantly discerned the location.

"Could it be a legend already hidden here?"

Garon extended his psychic power, carefully searching each snow mountain.

After about fifteen minutes, Garon shook his head slightly.

If there was a legendary creature, unless it was as skilled in concealing its presence as Yuna, it would be hard to evade Garon's perception. Even Yuna, if it was her before this sleep, couldn't evade Garon's eyes now.

Then, Garon glanced in the direction of Uribis's underground dragon lair.

Due to the Dark Night Giant Snake entering his dreams, Garon felt it was related to his frequent contact with serpent dragons. When he had nothing to do, he never summoned the Hanlin Serpent Dragon. It had been almost three years since he last saw the Hanlin Serpent Dragon.

Garon could sense Uribis's crude aura.

Garon placed a time mark on the Hanlin Serpent Dragon.

Having concealed his aura, Garon's arrival did not attract the attention of the kin here. In the sky, he didn't linger for long. The silver dragon tore through the night clouds, facing the harsh cold wind, and flew back towards the Immortal Fortress.

"The future has been foreseen by me, but it is not immutable."

From the moment Garon foresaw the future, the future happening to the cold serpent dragon was destined to change.

Garon didn't warn the Hanlin Serpent Dragon, didn't deliberately keep it alert.

If his warning changed the Hanlin Serpent Dragon's subsequent actions, such as no longer entering the snow mountains, it might not encounter the unknown legend.

Garon was fishing for law enforcement.

The Hanlin Serpent Dragon carried on as usual, which would lead it to encounter the unknown legend in just over forty days.

The unknown legendary creature killing his subordinate in his territory, although it was a future event and the other party was not at fault now, Garon would not tolerate such a possibility.

Now that the Hanlin Serpent Dragon had his time mark on it,

and knowing the exact location and time, Garon was not worried about it. He just needed to wait until the time was almost up to see what kind of creature was so bold.

He had acquired new time-based abilities and was itching to use them, eagerly anticipating that day.

Furthermore, because it involved serpent dragons, Garon thought of the Stone Tomb Serpent Dragon.

The time mark on this guy showed he was alive, now back in the Bone Wasteland.

The Stone Tomb Serpent Dragon was also fortunate.

When Garon saw the Black Serpent Dragon, he sensed the time mark on the Stone Tomb Serpent Dragon nearby in the sea and vaguely guessed how some of the incarnations of the Desert God came to be.

The Stone Tomb Serpent Dragon, which fell into the ocean, was not resurrected by Gold Garon reversing time.

However, when the will of the Light God descended, the soft and endless light penetrated the water and shone on the severely injured body of the Stone Tomb Serpent Dragon.

Its abdomen ripped open, its life force nearly drained, the Stone Tomb Serpent Dragon thus caught a breath, avoiding death.

The life force of serpent dragons is very strong, even stronger than some true dragons.

After catching a breath, this guy, with a foundation that had reached the legendary level, slowly recovered. After a few years of recuperation, it could steadily reach the legendary level again. Its incarnation by the Desert God turned out to be a blessing in disguise, its luck seemingly favored by the gods.

Quickly, Garon returned to the Ice Cliff territory.

Before he returned to the Immortal Fortress, a heavy, mountainous dragon might burst forth, centered on the Immortal Fortress and sweeping in all directions. It was weaker than the dragon might Garon unconsciously released upon awakening, but not by much.

The dragon aura carried the distinct scent of dragons, familiar to Garon.

It belonged to Yuna.

Yuna, who had slept for over a month longer than Garon, was about to awaken.

In the territory, Garon's kin were restless and uneasy due to Yuna's powerful dragon might, their low roars echoing, laced with fear.

Garon flew towards the Immortal Fortress.

At the same time, dragon might burst forth from his body.

Touched by Garon's dragon might, the kin monsters familiar with his scent calmed down, their emotions stabilizing as they cast respectful gazes at the silver dragon flying above.

Inside the main nest of the Immortal Fortress,

the soft light was completely absorbed, leaving nothing behind.

Due to the increase in body size, Yuna, who originally only showed a pair of dragon horns, now had her head and half of her slender neck exposed above the layers of gold and gems.

Yuna slowly opened her eyes.

Her pale purple pupils were like two exquisite purple gems.

Splash! She moved her body, leaping out of the treasure lake like a fish out of water. Coins and gems, like water splashes, were lifted by Yuna's body, flying and then falling, colliding with each other, producing a crisp and enchanting metallic sound.

After waking up, Yuna's gaze immediately turned to the side.

However, her vision was empty, except for a sea of treasures, no trace of other creatures.


"Where's the dragon?"

Yuna didn't see Garon.

She quickly guessed that Garon had absorbed the energy of the white cube and awakened faster than her.   "We slept together, yet he woke up before me."

"Damn Garon, he must be out playing by now."

After turning around, Yuna finally turned her back to the main nest entrance.

Taking advantage of Garon's absence, Yuna viciously swung her claws a few times, venting her frustration on the air in front of her as if it were Garon.

Then, she began to observe herself, scrutinizing the gains from this two-and-a-half-year sleep.

Her body, originally around thirty-six meters long, larger than Garon before their sleep, had now grown to forty-five meters from head to tail, with her dragon wings spread at about fifty meters.

Immediately, she thought of the conversation she had with Garon before their sleep. Looking at her now super-gigantic body, Yuna's face showed a confident expression.

"From thirty-six meters, growing to forty-five meters in one go."

"Hmph, Garon must be too ashamed to see me, still smaller than me, so he ran outside as soon as he woke up."

"Ha ha, ha ha ha, ah ha ha ha."

Yuna placed her dragon claws on her hips, her body upright, her laughter with ups and downs echoing in the nest.

She laughed joyously several times before gradually stopping.

Such actions were only done by her when she was alone and very happy.

The colorful gemstone light shone on Yuna's scales.

She looked pleased, admiring her current appearance.

Yuna had no strange aesthetic sense; she knew she looked very good. When she was alone in her dragon nest, she would admire herself when she had nothing to do. The Yuna who stayed in her dragon nest was much more active than when she was outside.

Her well-proportioned neck and tail, her gracefully curved back, her symmetrically perfect face, her scales shining like countless tiny diamonds embedded. "I'm really beautiful."

Yuna murmured to herself, happily wagging her tail, whispering.

As soon as she finished speaking,

Yuna's peripheral vision caught a glimpse of silver.

Her expression stiffened.

Because she was too excited and felt safe in the fortress's main nest, she relaxed her vigilance around her and didn't notice Garon's approach.

Yuna slowly turned around, looking at the silver dragon that had arrived at some point. "Uh, Garon, when did you come back?"

Thinking that Garon had seen her other side when alone in the dragon nest, Yuna felt her body slightly warm, her face slightly embarrassed.

Garon's expression was strange, and he slowly exhaled, "I came back when you were laughing 'ha ha, ha ha ha, ah ha ha ha'."

He hadn't expected Yuna to be so lively and unrestrained when alone in the dragon nest.

This was somewhat different from his impression of the power dragon girl.

However, Yuna's behavior was also interesting to him.


"This this."

After getting Garon's reply, Yuna stammered for a while.

"Garon, it's not what you think, I'm not usually like that, I was just too excited, so I"

Yuna herself didn't believe her own words.

So, before finishing her sentence, she simply dived into the gold and gems below, burying her body with countless treasures, hiding, and simultaneously using invisibility and breath concealment, disappearing from Garon's sight.

Garon stroked his chin, unable to help but smile.

Hearing his laughter, the gold and gems dipped slightly, and Yuna inside twisted a few times, burying herself deeper.

No longer teasing Yuna, Garon used a transformation spell, his body slowly shrinking to the size of a young dragon.

Then, the young dragon took out several white-covered, smooth and comfortable spellbooks.

Each one was thick and wide, with a quality feel.

Garon lay on the gold and gems, opened the spellbooks in front of him, and started to read carefully.

These spellbooks, with their appealing appearance, seemed to contain Light God spells at first glance, but that wasn't the case.

No Light God spells would be recorded in books made of unicorn skin.

The smooth and comfortable spellbooks, their pages all tanned from unicorn skin, with red letters mixed with blood and magic, were of high quality, able to be preserved for at least a thousand years.

Their previous owner was named Harris.

A legendary caster of both illusion and necromancy.

These spellbooks recorded the legendary spells developed by Harris.

Tenth-ring legendary necromancy spell: Domain of the Dead.

Tenth-ring legendary necromancy spell: Death Catastrophe.

Tenth-ring legendary necromancy spell: Giant Undead Construct.

Eleventh-ring legendary necromancy spell: Spear of Annihilation.

"Four legendary spells above the tenth ring."

The power and effects of spells can't be solely measured by their rings, but undoubtedly, the higher the ring of a spell, the more powerful and terrifying it is.

Sufficiently powerful legendary spells could even make gods wary.

Because, although there is no precedent for mortals killing gods, there are spells capable of breaking through divine shields and injuring gods.

Garon carefully flipped through the books in his claws.

After a while, he closed the spellbooks and carefully put them away.

Without the foundational knowledge of the necromancy school, he couldn't understand the legendary spellbooks.

The spellbooks collected from human principalities on the continent had descriptions of the necromancy school, but not a systematic necromancy practice, as necromancers were deemed evil, and necromancy spells were not well-received. Even if there were, they wouldn't dare openly give them to Garon.

"I don't have other legendary spellbooks."

"Should I develop them myself?"

Garon shook his head.

He discarded this impractical idea.

Garon's psychic power and magic were definitely at the legendary caster level, and his elemental affinity was extremely high, but Garon knew himself well. In terms of true understanding of spells, he was inferior to a normal legendary caster.

He was only eight years old, lacking depth and accumulation.

Developing legendary spells alone wasn't impossible, but it would undoubtedly require countless time and effort. Although Garon was very interested in spells, he knew time powers were his true path, and spells were just auxiliary.

"I need to find a way to get some curse and shaping spellbooks above the ninth ring."

In fact, some ninth-ring spells were already legendary spells.

But the Great Sun Fireball Garon learned was not a legendary spell.

Having enough psychic power and magic but not knowing any legendary spells was somewhat unacceptable to Garon.

However, such things couldn't be rushed.

Nor was there a need to rush.

Modestly speaking, Garon was somewhat famous in the Noah Continent, with legends about him everywhere. Getting some legendary spellbooks wouldn't be too difficult if he asked. Garon knew that the Light Pope was also a legendary caster. The Pope certainly wouldn't be stingy with Garon.

Metal Dragon Island was even wealthier and should also have a collection of legendary spellbooks.

After putting away the legendary necromancy spellbooks, Garon returned to his original size and feigned sleep.

About ten minutes later, Garon opened his eyes and looked forward.

The precious metal coins rustled.

Under Garon's gaze, a pair of sharp dragon horns emerged from the gaps in the coins, followed by Yuna's head.

She had an unconcerned expression on her face, pretending nothing had happened.

After calming down, Yuna looked at Garon and noticed that not only had Garon's size caught up with hers, but he also seemed to have slightly surpassed her. She pouted slightly.

"I thought my growth was already astonishing."

"But still not as much as you."

"Worthy of being the foremost of the legendary dragon breeds."

"You're only eight years old."

With the fact before her eyes, Yuna covered her face and could only admit that time dragons indeed grew much faster than power dragons.


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Rebirth as a Time Dragon: A DND Chronicle Chapter 226 (2024)


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Name: Prof. Nancy Dach

Birthday: 1993-08-23

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Introduction: My name is Prof. Nancy Dach, I am a lively, joyous, courageous, lovely, tender, charming, open person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.