The Times-Picayune from New Orleans, Louisiana (2024)

0 Pails pitcsOTt C3BBtET'iWrt E. llllillf THE SITUATION AT NEW YORK. Vaw York Times vaf the monev market HillOUW j. li.lAgfl UU BaW4JC5aeW JBIIU U4 SSI' ef which will be rrITLi the general working ef earners The May aad fc.dvgaa ud feei" I.flaetna ol aa advanced duouiL a i iiia year are like to be 1 jf nd wlTn trreaUr eon prepte are much owtu fXE5nU earning oat ef the in better oeuditioa wrJ7 exFbThere. 21 jjKtrr in araj bibih tuaui ids imltav The reoent kItum 11 uia i ewe, us owu great Tee ia better bee tmea aaade ra rZIeosdiooa ef toe producing ciasaee.

Ttaeaaae sew BtastAH. the remaining JTinsot wheat and other aram in the ada of the fanners ia likely to be at wme wrtrttt ev. the ooeter nrtia: nhtiiaa nly a abort 'HUm a a. liars toe a.aotatiena uwn current lest. The advance ia hog Zliwn aethfcC meertaot elaaneac 4wthrnar nrererity at the West; iitha oannot reaeh prosperity fhnnt the East reeling it vrr "rliWw hi an i serened demand for de tio.

ad forentn. fabnaa. and sack arnciea a tua eectiea eeieraily Uea th Weefc. The general trade 2rteeiv oaring thv wek wm fa.r ifnfc Tk dry goods jobbers aaeceeaed dminbonafc cooaWerbie r.aandi6. e.t bough generally ia lln iBTttMe.

Other branches of tsraw TTiMviBC aaHBan. bnt snTte wi 1 SthartiTea1al nangatioa is raBfd. I all quarter biuuieM ii Udicta with areat eoneprratmm. and ITna fcaeia. which aeoeanta for the oenflaence in and liberal por Mr were mueiij iui linsa aa heretofore.

The itnperta Vat $264,801. The exaorta from Jan date compare as foil own with tMI i ic u.w,iSiM ao M'lMi t.ifti.HK IT 78 HIIH(i2 U.0CS.0SO FINANCIAL. Piu i ujib Oaam Friday Xreaa.a.pnl ia, 18t3. THX MOKXT MARBTTCT fcmrta na new fratarea npon which tr IcBeBt ine aame sliKiisa demand IticeomBicdatioa at the baa Vs. and piathora of money indicate kutfieral dallneas of tradv and ina it of merchants to profitably etnoloy niL Stocka of all kinda of noois in ktotr are very nttht, awr aa bula im more proaaptly than in paet mm.

aad with lena eredis. a gxrea fetnt of capital is more ellectire Ira from this conserratism tbre i li aora or leee of tiaaidtty, rbvopportiuu ties on Area to invest iiRaoonauie eertaintr ec oroata. i the afreet the offcrinira of good axe mncn below tne deaaaaa. ana laantinBe aaar at aay 8 13 and 15 at per annnm for commercial and IrfHUUllltIKO UURJO. ytnloBie of baaineaa aa indicated by ask clearings has been about on ae scale aa the preoedinjr week.

kJ appear from Lhe following state DsaltAe mr ftw.ajM cixaaaam Kouaa. Clearaun. Ba 4 l.2 3' lit 147 9tt7 2.S14.6'U 44 164 4 7 0T0 02 XI I tll.tvO 85 ptlM fi.4M.aor a.aiAatf 70 GOLD at 1154 on Wall street, aad after aill5and 115. closed af 1151 U5iU5'4 were the mliag. ratoa bout, with fair sales.

Far aaota other coins see table of qaota iow. roretirn EXCHaITGK fpniK alowly. Iwers are aakia? ro itew York rates, which 'MXm are mwillirir to ur. K.tlna Win, 2Ffiw st 57 5.58V for biU uuc and clear. Cloarnar rateai 3XI TjriTaM 57'S5 58.

i'h fetS) ia franra nn fi aH tr VI kin Ili33. They clo ed at 4 30 (twpriTate and 40 for bank. Fe ui a ateadier a fair baninea.4 iitbio aKub on nw i or sat I preminm. SECTraiTTKa. Its fwiireimaU.

as noldera are aw. wwwva irtiuo, and Traders' Onm. I to dav at sn ha K.t but attMiM rn 1hTt 1 and 56 shares Mew laanranoe Aasociatiom at weans tia 8taek qmiet, as the a.l ara tott unii anj. i99 uavo Run ava mr ti i A moderate business li i7rcu a 1 Belaw WM rirannr nana! JJWie of woTAnojra. 5aa 7Ta.

aro. a wiisn a 10S wlHik 96itW9T Rid. a so a aa 4 a aa tlte 7 ara JiS" i iow 40 is so ia amia ao JXm. 4 iwtoi 4 659 4 73 a ot. dla.

19 I nominal. Oold SSO 40 no ao aa 7 oa onto 4 ai oa ao wwiia IiSrr as i 10 00 aa ao nw it oo SI 00 MM 4a 54 fe fr oo 4 4 on 14 fe 27 00 71 CO 23 00 7 50 aooa 2i (kt 25 00 80 00 aa no ta oo UUL 7a 00 TO 00 Baa. TW a. 1 aata 1 rtaw aaaxa. aayr; aa oa 78 os Xtaiarr ltu 25Sr 5a i oa jaT 41 00 48 a I jaT jjf tTS oa ao anu naa 1 10 00 9MI 00 1 77 00 7i 2H SO an a a aa ham a rrnaairma Irm JMn IdMm MMnrawaarlaa Imimwiw X2 Jlaw OrtMM tHuutarr ana tattfiaMCaM7 atw twi atw irfl jtr.

a ao lapnun' Kmntert Wawtt'm iginiw i I' i lmwct ra ca maB a4ao Crxa. CRT tiaiuditar (B W) tt atmhi ftrOHatsfr Ca a Bum Vviianiri rn aoKDfl. wAaaARm. arc. Jaakaaa R.

K. Horwu f7 aa oa ia as aa vt oa si OJ B7H Onwpca BMta, ex Jarkif a BhUtmh Dnbt Bas1 MWWWWI Cwmu milrrnl. Sd Morteae Boeda IttsMwitppi Unotral Railroad at trtrum 1 Caaai and (SiAarM ROnc4 R. kinwt Baaen. ri eaya Bt.

Ckariaa Hittni Immwm hznol LX ervt w.asae 171 4N I 1 OMIWM1 ae 10 3ae 4N 4 at 7a aa as aa ai at 4 4a as 4ft 40 art fc to 41 ia sti as a ax 40 41 4 63 4 41 9 75 as 44 h) ao 83 87 Jnusuuia Mrxea of 1H70 XMiauina Sixaa. faiataarT Bqrwaa, ITana LaiuMuut aaa Tvxa BaUraad Kurti Mane Leva Rau ljrrtsf BirhDB Hew fteM BfloU (fy CamnlidsMid Rlxoa. 07 Bjm.ihi1 Cthf Crcr Iwkui. oid CTTT emttsio. Cl therms, aalil Cfty Taaa.

ax City Ectea 'laCTy ImyroTa. Crfr Ctv. C. C. eiaa braer Hoaae MarL.

Pa an Wan aj. ol Kw aa MH up" 1 1 mil PatMWarrata Ctty ApFravrlaaaa OerttO aanrw ra i uii ltai rwnM WW ami aad ar nauixm. Tix rnaraa arooi I rax Jo Biau. ParvalaeiiU. a Far tao, 4 Tar Tatea tit.

COMMERCIAL, ROTB. ciaott a hnt mind that ar aaeiaaaaa ttvrommt prUte fvr rocma Seat froak. first ktua, mmlvs mQuntrU limitd. Im fii'M rmoM araVr pric? ora aeil. JA jfcrc im al ooaea ora ttf rsaa tkorstd muh vwruhmert, mr tehtre prymsxt ia aM(a aa im lax a ma aaaataa PiCATtnni Officw, Friday April 18.

1ST5. AZiCXlTTti Olr PbODCTCK raoK THl Ifl naa a am aaja. rlonaiy. lata. as aora as wi 14S IX (a 18 094 14 4.28 4.S79 WI 7.5il T5 41 6 974 l.OTt 1.964 TJ.S40 6.841.746 1.88S.S.4 2,181 8 70a 1 60 17,479 IS.

MS t.a1 4H.O70 as a Tar i 1.U3 803 748 84S277 82a ao 100 M.7U 8S.4X9 TJT.O a.3.4na 8.351 el.tKi 8i5 744 174 an 8vt7.4 1167 74.645 72 am 8.88 509 00 6T9.i 44 143.SS9 1W 7 82K 0 .374 118 704 83 46, 4 7 0 11. 771 JX.76Z 29 T7 150 7.4 6f 1 1 4B XM Mi.1 li0: a iva a 4.0S1 243 00 1 rtui, MX 7 ll.44 8478 194 19 1(0 17 oai ri4 Mt tl fiVi 0 1413 46.75 53 is i 604 ceo 100,423 43 71. 7 LI60 6 80 1 as.uo 2.940. rr i.rn..! 8.0M 0." 8,644 "4 (IV Si.Owi 85 851 4i9 37.1WI X2 V. 67.150 77.JJU Arltrtea.

AfrKa, 6bta Itaaaa to balk. IE ar. araa ana arjca Oitauai aoaO. CheeiaB. Candles, ooxea Cank amik.

bnaheia. Corn aval. Mla Flaar. Extea iiay. Lara.

uard. ken. IJJal. Mao. aaoats.

alainaaea bail TTi Oaaa. Ouaaa OUa.4 CXie bbla OUl bbii. Ola Blea. obla. ana i bit la.

Baaji. tt ea TaUlow. bbla. aad tea. Twaaoeo.

Ttbaeoo. amiil pkjra. Wbiaaty. tia Waeat bnaiL. ta bulk.

Rome andlmxea Baeaaeaaaasnrt nmT Seeoa aaaaa aasaur. araa aeef. aata. aaa aa. Faa3 Pre Lt dOTa.

rm iy yar. a i9i la 1.1 II 2.JH 12.745 01O 1,491 14H 421 67 m.s;9 a7i4i 1 13,2,8 84 7.SW4 I4.t 7 8M 174.HS tZiltt 857 1 6V3 UU7 50 2 MM 8 r.a 5.7V a.iw ii ir 7 79 B. ISO 413 87579 84 7 4 .29 3S3 25.47 i 44 184 ftTS 10 X.ZM .4 10 IO.k 2 80.4.17 T2.50O 848 248 8,171 ISt aa Mane a.f7t 100 10.IK7 a94 ia.Bi5 4 21 172 14.P17 TS0 4.5t4 0 4'4 as, us aLOis ArtMea. eaka and naoa. Corn, aaoka.

Con. hiiAhaia, La balk Ceftee. aaoka Corn aaeaJ. Hiaaa Har. aoa Laarxt.

aaa. Cora, aaen Mamaaaa. Cata, aacara una. Oil eaka. Pork.

bbla. aJ. Huirar, jraj1. bliia Tobaeoa. UiUa Tfbaeoo.

awaal. akara. Wniaky. bbla Waa. aar.aa Wheat, bmsn.

in balk. i COTTON. Tlie market haa been devoid of spirit the past week and salee are reatrHred to 15,100 bales, against 29,300 and 18.00O the two previous weeks. Aavices from Liverpool have not been disoonrajrinf, the market there beinaj stationary, but borers have shown no spirit whatever, and on the other hand holders hare not been disposed to make the concessions necessary to move their stocks. Prices have ruled in favor of buyers, a net decline of Vic.

being established, the market closing to day dull and heavy. The official closing quotations of trie Cotton LLxohaxige to day were aa follows: OrOllMaTT. i 181 a uanr BuexuaxaV 16 ho. auaaiteav. atMflaaar Pair 17 The Exohanare reDorted: Mrk del I.

Sales to day 1450 The movement for the week is shown at a glance by the following table; O.M. M.K. Salea Frldav 14 15 15H 164 15i 16M ia 16W, 17 Barardar ..14 14 18 16V 15 16 16 16 1H 16 184 it 171 17 lTt 17 tt IT 2.4 TO 1 4.30 8.00. 1 4J0 Monaajji 14. 14 4 14 WKlnaad 18 1 TbaraOav 18V Bales this week.

14.500 ao. vyt 18,000 SaJea taaa Balaa ihI COTT03T eTATSMEirr. P. H. Bteeax am Bml lax eepaoabez tudea.

i8.m steam iax. i.nai Jiecevered firuaa abla AUaa afsee Burt 1. 1.1m xeeaa la aetaal steak maae from lint Stfl atnoa Bepx. 1,.. 10.4S3 iianx.1 CtatnBd br abrmluMB) 9t: Co.

erttoa mill fmm (September 1 Febrvarr Taa Clearea Ut 3mr 9aa aNaek aa haaa sot 154X7.4 Block cb hanO cot oleered laaa raar I826s4 Exports to day were 5319 bales to Liv erpool and" 16C8 to Rnnen. Exnortn tnr the week were 123a bales to Great Uritam. t500 to France, and 5470 eoaeit. WlfcO. BaoflTM MSOa Teatertsy arOMV lfit l4i 1 17 10.HS 7 247 a.5' 935 MW JBeoenao TTmn oxLer daiivar Dorxav.

nauaiBi ur rricmy. Reeeived thla dr last Keeotote 1at wrR BeeelTetl atnee lat 8TDtni oer. Bee l7ed Mtaettuie laat rear Hie amount ct oottott on tmnoito and enzred for is set down follows: Liverpool an pre 4 Tireraen X5T I som i.iR SbTtb Z.UX 4.W4 Totau eaoek oa hand mtm abont SS.000 beJef aataold raTamng aroera. jtajf Wofne. ttcif ajav axw oa 7 MM a wra a.

a. fm as 48.ano 4vs as lsi at 7 Qwafai porta 854 841 I 8. 47 1.87 801 Aeecelig ta Caw. acawug tWa)un4, the reea rp a at aM parte fKuti 12 H.jret rdaT 12 M. to dv wtre V57 bJr aaaunet 7X88 last Friday, 753) ket year ana tbe year bayfeva.

Xlte teUajwnaT kKwi Da MOTTtn.sT ar pT8 for taae wk reainrac ti M. to day: Boatjiina UM TTua raw Waaw iiM 7. 7 4. as 1.007 tt. 15 8,841 4 41 0 1S7 iai "7 1 a.

T7 4( ob3.J 1.429 trraah n.ar5aoi X7S 6H4 No folk 8, 50 Bananrre 'a ew V4r 179 Pnrxmi. 978 1 larftbphia. 4V8 Otbet Rfmi rn 4 ainra oepx. Rrwipta Mm ritoe butt. Tr ...8 8 Keeftpta aiusemns year brf 7 EXPOB.TM FbOal CTSITED HTATKS POBT8 i X)il TUX faol' WaUCiC tirax iU Brtaan.

Orleaaa. 7 2 7 fiavi rrittm 2,918 Mh1. RranMh. ChalMaiu 1.870 3w Tent a.414 Ottier 1,950 T1NVO. 1.HTI 18M7 62.448 tit Vi 89 44 2 ,11 19 .1 Sa.ian 1 870 8.944 2.5 8n0 100 Total 17.874 Wept.1 taut 7,809 24.881 1SI 847.H8 2 341893 610,291 DaVXAlTKD STATKMXTTT OF THE tNTKRIOS JtOVUTENT FOR TfTtt WKKK.

Keo lrta. Boiptn ata. Jlay aea raja, waa a 6io a aia 8 4.4 2 sas a mz 4 ti. 4 4 X834 5 a a 4.uxi a.H6 a is 824 5a0 114 2Q SK 1.0 44H 1.743 55 45 74 1.0K3 1.1M 97i 82 5.8t7 125 8.17 6 417 444 tf 0JS 5 8.81.1 xii5 aa.4'4 837 2 0 11. TJ' 4.598 8 54 74.97 7.P38 88.12 10.S48 73.43' 7B 2 37 4.243 18.S4 8,230 8.09 I3.3S 341 673 47: 280 1H0 2q 150 401 71 .84 88 48( V4 221 XiXh 182 83 1.577 180 817 1 SZq Uotievaiia.j w'ia Maaaphla aabTQle Tnaal, (aid) Tautt an UK Lava ywar fc'lire'vwptji t.

1 oil, bfo tncuiT.atl, Ohio riiiaiioite, 14. Ooi aaibia. 8. Knrrtfl. irtfflm, 4 Alin HnfaaU.

a la Jefienaan, UYJCEUOOXa WXIZ1.T aTATX atX2TT. 1575. 1874. Week'a aa'ea 8 01)0 aooo 10.000 874.000 88.00" aouo m'joou 447.0T 11000 47.000 Far For ssecaJaiaon lor artied from abipa' aids TctxJ stock OX wtuoa ABrancen tiOOOO 11 87.000 a. ooo aeiaal week'a rax a recerpaa rr wsiva Beeetpaa aiaoe 1..

Of arbleb Amerlaaa ftock afloat 01 wbJoJi A TTHrlean 8I.SU0 2 88 eo X2aajoa L2OS.00O 444 000 403.080 208.000 2M.0Q0 ar xaxxstb. Latat this aay Friday, lart year, ia 17 us a is 15449 16 lb MM lt 18 UH 10 IS I. MIS. 16 18t 161 To dar. M.

1641 few OTiaazts. WWW 15H 16 15J. 1V( 15 15 Ih. 1544 15 14 it IkCotQe bf Sivammft. riai tewaiai aC wuasjjartTai.

at Norfuik Baitlaiars Memptaa Kir Jefiexeen. If. 15 9 LH 154 18 1H 14 15 i rant TYlaay. 8l. aitaad.

TJtxttkjcI Today. If M1Ir.g 1. uiieana 8 a ka. Tlex Ordlaaire (anota) 97 97 idiViDa; (atloat) 98 99 OCEAN FREIGHTS The offerings are extremely light and rate are weak. We quote Oataaa.

Aaaaaa 0. Baraelamai Yea Ha. oaten. nwiawM. mua Arua ana Fail bitct.

ais isa. ioo. Phlla4HDAia. VV. LEAF TOBACCO The market is still devoid of life, the sales past week beina; confined to 9 Stock on sale 3ti00 hbds.

Iiolders are linn, and we oontinae to quote: low leaf 13 medinni leaf 14 tine leaf 16 ai selections Regie, type A. f)fc 17c, do. tvpe B. do. type Africans iiOSlc.

la. TOBAOCU 8 rAHMKNT. Htck eept l. ia74 litiila HecnTwi t4aoour 89 ieceiTed preTiooaly 2, 66 1 2, 653 10,113 Cleared alace anr C. taxed S.9S4 Drokeaup for btvinT, city oonaamp tion, 45 6.439 Sierk on and on atlpboard not eleaa el LOUISIANA SUGAR No change in the mam features of the market.

Sap plie coming in from plantation are amall and are sold readily, while the etcck in the aheds, which is very light, is held confidently. Common fair 71'ii7c good fair 7a7c fnlly fair prime 8c strictly prime to choice 8c. seconds 78c. yellow clantied low white clarified 9 pore do. lOVao.

4 lmporM, past three days, none; since Sept. 1. 5Ti 35,325 boxes Cuba and 17.4 bags Brazil same time last year. 46 hbdc and 4963 boxea Cuba. LOUISIANA MOLASSES Quiet cteay.

eoeipta bmalL Dealers selling lrom etock in the Bheds. Choioa qnoted es70c. strictly prime prims ftOc. lair 55c. common 53o prime fermenting 55o comnion 4550c inferior Imports' past three days none; since Sept, 1.

lWtl hhd. Cuba; same time last year. IfRS hhds. Cuba. 1 ULUjlANA KlUti Market dull.

The stock is reduced to abont 2500 bbls with very little coming in. Holders are him. Choice prime; 74 e' fair 6s.aTfl.. ordinary 66lc common No. 2.44o.4t' ts.

GRAIN Under the mfiaenee ef heavy1 receipts Sack Cobj haa declined the paathalf week with fair sales. Wednesday and Thursdays 12.iioo sacks sold white 8688, yellow 87383, mixed and white mixed 97883e. i To day 9000 rmci sold 1500 and 2000 choice white atta 500 do. at 87o 3000 yellow, 50Q and 50U yellow mixed at 85c. in ruLK ubaix there is nothing doing.

No Corn has come forward for some weeks, and the tvavaaee in Wheat has cnt olf the execution of orders for export that were pending here, hence the ib ark, is bare of both. Oats Have also ruled in favor of sellers wh a fair stock on the market. Salee Wednedav and Thursday 1500 bags at 78c To day S00, 200 and 256 ba ew St. Lonis sold at 75c. BRAN he market has been entirely bare of a Dock until to day.

wnen 2371 eacks rame in The last sale was at tl fio 100 lbs. HAi A fair rapply on sale and very little demand for it. Choice commands $SO. prime 2.27 ton. CORN MEAL The stock is small and.

mostly of inferior anality, bnt there is not much demand. 100 and 100 bbls. kiln dried notd at fS 80 bbL. enaranteed. FLOUR The market oonnones entirely bare of enppiies.

only a few drib leta being left and tho te eon fined to choice treble extra and family flour; fcem tcere is no ecopa for operations and transactions are on fined toretaI and job InTH. In the present position of. a flairs ountations are nominal, so that the following are approximate tinreo: Ctice family and fanev 8742)7 25. Choi tevbl" extra 'tJ50375, low trh extra f(5 1244x 25. uble extra "MP'bbl.

It is not ttiat the bontoto srrtTe within the next few days will bring material accessions to the i FROVISIONF TfanaetioM ia this line axe on a very buiited ecalo. The steam. flail lld 4C NO. Ho. o.

Id. ll 3 Sd. Haiabaxg! Ciwatadt tvod all stocks are held ennfidentlv. bat Waim; LttM eaownaiaved anand there are bo bo vers in the mavket. Anvieea from tba We are a more i.4ecinaT ebaiaow aad saonki any bubi aprtag ew hvrbej aeea wald r4wiWt ba aeaites.

Baaeka sj; havt' aaa. eity yenrtaw wr mm toUom: PtwkaMkMt, 4O0I 1U1 otJT ktatde 515 bbla Laxrd. tm aiet.M'Kk'gs: Ba rn. ctar ai a. S1S ea Aa.

clear nb tada 1411 aawka, nbited sid 18 eav ks, ahol dts. J55 atmcs lUatis sgar 4red 304 tiereev Dry Salt ateats aides and shool 744 eaass. i Origiaal erweittht mess Fork ia nerd fraaly at f2S 4 bbl wuJh toe stock abent al dealers' bands. Baii as B05snt. The stock ia bow.

held at fer eWr sidrs. 13e. for elear nb, forshenlders. Kales 10 eawks ahonl ders at 2 eler nb a ,10 do. at 134c, 5 dear at 134c.

ffi. Brek t. Bacon rery aoaree and qnoted at Tbedeavier hold a ar tty air Beck of Dry Salt, and there is not ti3h cocninar in. 8boalde are qnoed Arm at 7e. nackd.

ctear nb ed 11 l4ir)2e. Dealer seiiinar ra 4o. aove4 tbeee qnoVtrirwa. Hams in. ivqnnit and flr.

at 13 ai3 for nhoio ands snaar curd'eanvstted. tierooe ai.M fiarrirA atlMae 30 aH 10 OQ pri vate terms. There is nothing doing in 1 aid bynnd a limited retail and job 1 ii s. bnt tvte shoek ia small. Refined tirc qnoted 15150..

kegs 15'5 lb. I ESCULENTS The stock en the landing is nearly exhausted, there beiag bat very few reoeieOs, and tho te by tesmbnats. Peach Blow are selling at 2 755.3 25. Enseefka at 3 a varieties, such as Pink Eyes, Earl we and Jackson Wnites. are nnsaleabM.

Apples, none. Onions at S3 504 bbL Green Peas S7 508 bbL In store The stock ia very larare for this season of the year, and bat a very limited demand. Northern and West rn Potato are qtioMi at $3223 25; Northern Onions $4 755; Western none Cabbawea at 8S12 100; Krout jobbing at IS SIO bbL; Apples at ills POULTRY AND EGGS Choice Western Chickens are eel! in at id doeen for arrown. young at, f8 502450, Dnoka at $434 50, Geese at $537, Torkeys at $J0 i Eggs There is a very heavy stoek and asarket very dnlL Choioe Weatern are quoted at 15 317 4 doaen. BEANS Light stooar.

smd better demand. White Western 7, Northern $8 foorbniihel bbL BTJTTEE Supply of choioe grades Pght and deamnd goad at 80 3 ofor Goshen and 233) 24a. for Western. Pale and inferior in ample supply and neglected. Goshen nominally 15 Western 1215o.

ffi. CHEESE No improvement in this article to note. Stock ample and narfle msnd. Choice Western nominally English. dairy Western 17o Northarn DRIED FRUTT Plenty and dolL Apples 8S9o.

Peaches 8e. tt. HARD WARjS lhe demand oontin nea active for nearly evervtbing in this line. Prices are steady. ixon i Bar Swede, assorted ataea 7 8H Iron, 1 aa a by It to 1 Sl 4 a to 2

and aqr 4 4i XAto2)t 4( 5 8 to 4 4 6 Ik to by 5 a 6)t BcroU Iron 5 "8 Ormio and baU round 5t 7 Band 4V SH Boraeaboe 66 Boda. li to 8 4id 7 KaU rods 8 Sheetat oommoa 61, 7 galvanized 1 8 Enr1Uh Caat Hteel, lat and act qoal 30 aril t'orin; ....11 13 Bllaaex, enmmon 13 Maohiaary 17 Copper 2 930 Tin i Eng uaapig 28 Lead Bar 8 7H si, Pipe aal aheat. 9dioa, faff Aj if) JLMtUTT' Tra 2 4032F0 aiatina; and aM. o4 70 floor. lOd.

to20d 4 Hainblnc. 1 to 20d 4 45oH 55 BAGGING Domestic jute firm at 13o. India retailing at lie. 15. WHISKY Quiet and firm.

Louisiana six percent. 1 13 choice Western tl 16 tier (rallnn. COW PEAS Heavy itock and jrood demand. 1 car load mixed sold at tl o5. Clay quoted at $1 85.

though 150 bags sold at 75 baaneL COFFEE Market quiet and firm, dealers hold in 1000 and importers 4oi bags, we qnote Caifoea: Prime. 'a IS1, good 18lA, air Imports past three days, none; since Sept. 1, 167.501 sacks Rio de Janeiro and 3655 sacks Mexican same time last year, 9U.922 sacks Rio and 3000 Mexican. Messrs. Marks St Co.

and Small fe Co. tend ns the following telearram. dated Rio, April 14: Purchases coffee ainoe 7th. 16,000 bags; stock, 95.000 bags; cleared Atlantic ports, 25.000 bazs: cletvred Golf porta. 5000 bags loadiox.

H9.00O bags; price. $500; market very Arm; exchange. 26.d average daily receipts, 6000 bags. Wright. Browh tt Co.

HIDES AND WOOL Steer hides, eity slaughter, over 85 16, IB, 10c 70 to 84 re. 9c do under 70 16. 8a. oow hidea, as they mn, Ho. kips, 20 to 24 lb, 11 25 to 30 lb.

9Ve. calf skins, each. country hides. ro25 lb, do. damaged, half beeswax, prime yellow, lfe.

iSc ox herns. 5o. each, tallow, 4 ft, 72 S3. Hides are dull and prices weak, Abont 3000 green salted have been taken up for Europe at 7 toTU. Wool is in demand at 25 to 32c.

for elear, and 14 to 30c. for bnrry. SALT Market dull. Deaierr rate: Coarse tl SO sack, fine $1 501 60 aaek, Turks' Island 90c. bag of two buahels.

When taken at warehouse by oats a reduction is made for orayage. Table Salt in pockets each, as in aise. i Imports 'past three days, none si nee Sept. 1, 264.717 sacks Liverpool and 47.4S6 bushels Turks Island same time last wear 356.086 seeks Liverpool, and 59.394 ouRneis utbtr laiana. NAVAL 8TORES Inactive anil ttocirs "mall.

Rosin. and sella at tl 75. and $2 $2 50 bbL Spirits1 i arpwnTine ie. sauon fiten 12 65 5 bbL Tar 3 85 half bbL and OOI. I STARCH Weaxera lav awlling at 4VoJ ID.

OAK STAVES Liberal receipts and atocks accumulating. Culled and de livered alongside ship, we quote: Ex tra pipe, ou men. ins: extra Tipe. 56 inch, $150 3155; light pipe, 56 to 60 inch. tr ciares, men.

K)'W iuu 1 J00. STAR CANDLES Dull at 15Hol5o. FERTILIZERS Peruvian guano and raw bone aaperohosphate are most in request. No change in prices. Peruvian guano $uo 4 ton, 3000 tta.

a less quiMatity fhr. ffi; RaW bone "uperphcephate $65 ton. A Pelican fertilizer $85 ton of 2000 tts fine eronnd bone. ton. $45; eoarse nonedniit $45; cotton seed meal $32 No.

Jlood $60 No. 3 blood $45 fertiU rafnir snbtanres pbonphatea. fine ronnd bono ton, $45; snperphas phate of hire, ton. $65; phosphate precipitate. 4.

ton. $60; dried flesh, in powder. ton. $50: dried blood, in powder. $75; hair, horns, in powder ton, $80; Azotized compounds repre pentingthe constituent elements of tannine guano, ton, $50.

Healthy and economical 1'Paramn jeast rowdtr. ua It will pay you to bnyyoor rehed or ground, at the Tea DeDot. i CajEpetreet i Accordirgto the Eureka CNev.) Jonr naJ. there am over a thousand tons of nllion in bars at th Richmond smelting works awaiting shipment. viRijt atAjuurr turroatT.

Law rMLaUSax, AprU0, aVa. AJLUtaa a '1 Waaaan la' week. aeM. aawk. pd TaaSasTZZ 1 ST 'a an afXaBaaaaaa.

43S Weaaaaax Baarreay at ttaltar. 4. ao is as been aa 14 aa awsaxaaaaaaay rnmi i Sattjrdat. April 17, 1875. aacHLau, SaaxVaQB a aa waaor.

watt Pi ew Oxanaave. April i. jsi. aitaae af Ba JUverAarU lat. icres.

aow Blao. Fall. Staatona Oaua, Cw4aBiwa. KTXJtarUIa. Ind PlVfaawi.

liaiiiiaiiu. Me, Stemphla, Taaa araar Btrwn aanviie. Teaa. ser ainai Oil lty.Pa ao. Faoaeah.

Ky St. Ht. ram. is WaiT Below blotk water Bxaik ef 1X74. Kateo Geaoit, BerawMt, Biaaal eerviea, g.

b. a. Baaae Tlote Last Year. A AbOTOlOW Iaebea. wBaxo.

41 UintBTiali 3 Keokak 8 Tarinaaii 3 IaaTiewwiili Iaraiana ia Bia Biew raw i Omiht 1 1 imtm 1 Ftaratairat wt taaka I. 1 11 rwai. 7 A ham 1 a io It Yesterday the ataroephere was a little warm durinar mid da v. bnt nleaaant rlnr. ing the morning and evening.

in the a hipping; line oon intr very dull. The arrival of three estern steamers with fall loads caused oine activity on the upper landing. The fine passenger saeamer Belle af chrevet ert is announced for departure this evening for Memphis, Cairo and St. Louis. She has very oomforta ble passenger accommodationa.

The Keuntz line steamer IL C. Yaeger, from St. Lonis, will arrive on Sunday and leave on return trip next Taeaday. Capt. Mellon, her agent, is now ready ia make engagements for her.

The Mary Houston, a favorite pemn ger steamer, leaves this evening for all landings up to Louisville, connecting with the railroads for all points North. East and West. Her accommodations are unsurpassed and her officers are very attentive to their guests. The large and ma gnifioent passenger steamer Great Republic is this morning ready for businessk; She laaves thia evening for St. Louis and way Ian din gi.

connecunc witn toe railroads. rEy Telecrspft. Memphis, April 15. To Picayune unice: ine inoaipeon uean will avrriye Monday and will leave Wednesday. 24th positively, for the Ohio River.

We have a full trip. Jab. Pactl. Cam dfx. April 16.

To Picayune Office River 16 feet 6 inches and falling 2 feet every twenty four hoars. Weather clear and cold. Wright fc Chandler. Capt. Dick fiinnott, of steamer Bart Able, wiekea shiDOera and nimnnnn nra to knew that he wfll leave here this even ing for Red River after the races are over.

i The stetmers B. L. Hodge. W. 8.

Pike and Garry Owen left yesterday. 8T2tAinCRS DUX. he ThoTOpatra Dean. Exporter. Louis ville from Ohio River; Leataie Tavlor from Ouachita River; C.

H. Durfee from Red River; H. C. Yaeger and John Kal from St. Louis; Stella Block from River; R.

E. Lee from Vickabnrg. MieCELXAtTKOUS. The fine, fast psenonger steamer Mary Houston. Capt.

Ckarlee Miller. Elliott Miller, clerk, leaves this evening for Memphis, Cairo and Louisville, conoect ing with the railroads for all points. The Houston is a first class passenger steamer in everv respeet. The Beetrop, Capt. Gas.

Hodge, leave at 5 P. M. for Bayou Bartholomew and lapdipgs on Ouachita and Black Rivers. The fast and superior passenger steamer Henry Tete. Capt.

J. F. Ancotn, P. A. Ckarlet.

clerk, leaves this evening, at 5 o'clock, for the Coast and ljafonrcbe. The splendid passenger steamer Ouachita Belle. Capt. F. A.

Blanks, Joe Holmes, clerk, leaves positively this at 5 o'clock, for Camden and way landings on Ouachita River. The gorgeous passenger steamer Great Republic, Capt W. H. Thorwegaa, J. P.

Young, clerk, will leave this evening for St. Lonis, i Cairo. Memphis and bend land infra. The fast steamer Clarksville, Capt. J.

8. Jones, leaves at 5 P. M. for the Arkansas River and landings in the bends. The Be and barges.

Capt. H. H. Symmes. leaves at 5 o'clock this evening for Memphis.

Cairo aad St. Lonis. Freight engagements oanrbe made by applying at 46 Camp street. The regular and oomplets steamer Lotus No. 3, Capt.

D. D. Danneia. H. C.

Hieatt. clerk, leaves at 5 P.M. to dar for all landings on Red River np to Shrevetkort and Jefiersen. The United States mail packet Natchez. Capt.

T. P. Leather Muse. Owen, Parker and Grioe. clerks, is oil this evening for Yicksbarg and way land 1Efhs Rapides.

Capt. Nat Puekett, F. T. Cellos, elerk. leaves at 5 P.M.

for Mim den and wayi landings on Red Kiver. The Belle of 8breveport. Capt. Thoav W. Rea, Phil.

Huer. clerk, leaves at 5 P. M. for Uemphis. Cairo and SL Lonis.

The new and fine passenger atseanier Bart Abla. Capt. Dick Sinnott, Hamil and Dowtv. clerks, leaves positively at 5 P. M.

to day for Grand Eepre ana intermediate landings on Red River. The splendid and oompiete paseenaer teamer Texas, Capt. C. W. Stinde, Ed.

Groves, clerk, ia off this evening far Shreveport and Jeflersoau The John Howard. Capt. H. Lj. Lee.

E. R. Perry, elerk. leaves at 5 P. M.

for Minden and.landings on Red Kiver. FBOM B1XCHAHGE8. CnrOMaVATX, April 14. Business was brisk yesterday on the levee owinj to an ununal number of departures ont aiWe of tbe hort local paoltto The Louisville has over Jons and fine engagements, including 400 bales ot hav. 5W 0 bags of corn below here, tne laYterat Shawneeton.

She has 20 cabin Tbeevet of the darwHl be the de pSure cl the neat Charles Bodman ay 0 17 34 7 a a avaearak. Iewav. a a La Creaee a a I aaTM warth f. ji 4) a Ltule Back, 11 a a Iauarrlile a i Maa vaLaa JZ 1 82 4 a 2 ia 1 a a 7 a ia 3 18 a 1 11 2 4 20 3 24 8 2 a 19 a 0 a 0 13 in to New 'Orleans this evening. Ia addKi fiehneMer Da tjm to a fair freight, she wiiTleave wrsfai oer mty eanua aaaBsttars.

The: fast and BsawnitWytnt Charfea Uorv cava will be found at the levee so aaot row marsxng, av little over seveav tVtya nt trwan New Orleans, having aaatl a raeet ran urne rartnit xnav ABrgaa tetarava to New Or St. LotJM, 14. The "riTsr was aaaiinai veeterday. "Weather clear aad plnasawtw Baaiaeas here ia tivwiiag wvBafcqBHsna em tbe openang ot naaar rivers. Soutcaea a tonaafa axaraa ia excess and rates are low and A cfmneys eg tu Jielle Lee or Jesse K.

Bell are to be ef galvanised No. 14 trea. So augk by 70 mehes diaaa vtcr. win one xeeuere on the aM. Asril 13 fba eiarnat Service offieer at xkaa Mr Niviria naa.

ot 3 inches in tne river tvr Km mntv. four hours ending at 3 e'olaefc yesterday arternaen. 'a th iinnir arithm feet and 3 inches the high water of aiB i. pn g. Aim Meerua veetera a in 0pmed oa tbatt the rise at hi ferry lavat.

BNTe neee was anoat aver, aad a. Old River has about run one. it will not liae much morflti: thiannint ntitil tse nee high np the river gets down, or wT rmiu PqT its apaeAraaoe. The last Jefrereoa literatare at hand, and that im dated lAt Hktania. rmmm the bay an falling fast, with ftsrs and 5 mcnee above d(4t4i law warr Ttviairai this side are ae all aa they can well be aad not bort anybody.

The lass boats up foaad tne lower river neing faet at all aointH. with Dltv of water everywhere. hiabeMt httak are the neigh borhaod ef Grand Ecore. bnt they, will soon get beautifully leas, aa the river is rising at both ends. Mem phis.

April 14 The rtvr hra i now full 8 feet below high water mark, and continue, to leeede alowly, oat a more raeedv decline ia lilLadv ta 1 ll.iw. The total decline here has been oaore than a foot darhoar tba aaat 10 H. At Cairo the 4all has been over 6 feet, aad the water there is mere than 14 feet below its high mark, and at leaat 6 feet below the level of the nmnt riaa. A swell is coming froan the Upper aioaaia aispi, bnt all other atTeaana bm in and no troable from high water isan tieiaated at this point; or. indeed, any wbwb in ue aiiey rrosa uatro down, i VlCXSBtTRG.

Anril 14. Ir, hat man tiaaed ae a eesBewIiat euriaua faet that river lacks buta few inches at Bkip wrth's, a little more than a hundred miles above here, of being no to the high water Bnark of last yaar, while it ia 3 feet below high water mark of last eason both here nd at Memphis. There is only one 'crevasse between. Memphis and Vickabnrg. the Ben Lomond break, and that baa bean.

nrtt well closed. MARINE NEW; PICATTJN3E OTF1CX, Apr4 'I CrJEARXD TSBTKBDAT. Snip Saras ak. IVea, tor IArerpool. wwb sue aa oiatio, axxweoa, lor Kaaen.

i OA Voadldc laVna Bark LeAixlartoa. Orksoy. tor lAvarpaoi. al lnrnm Ko Arrivals from Sea Taaterday. Bee, Pyinnea.

fm Bt Louis, with 8 bargsa Belle ot fchTereport, ILua, tm at Ioala. iDdiasa, Bask, tm iatina Ureat 4 pao4ic, rwea an. tm Bt rwiif. ttarj i nto, avoeoia. rra Yiunoaaax.

atarr tdtv Rnlx. fm Wbite Sail. Kate r.ickMiB. Taylor, tm lnwr Ooaa a art a Die. sinnott, rm atotutooaaa.

tiov Auea, uianra. tm oamdrn. Joarplilae. OituMiii, tat BaaaetOsrra. 11c ta, Pickett, tm WaaulnATBoa.

LOatside Walttag Orderal Bart Troce, Oawper, trom LiTerpool Feb I4QL av jtryaoa B4 JtXPOKTS. IXVTTRPOOIV Slilp Baranak 39 balos oottoa ata ra I u.u i. iLStmarK reuia m. less oaiea aa i ot hi lea ton 120 ataTee Ll KrtKI Bark Xatalngton 2780 i otlOB etaTea IMPORTS. MESSINA Bark CatJurtna Z508 bxs lemons Ut bx oranses to Kidder.

Peabody to UTILLA 4ehr Mm Fiaher 16.000 ooooannts ouncliea 12, IM) pltntainw te A nee i RBC3TXPTB OF PBODTTCX. CrNCrNNATl team or Indiana 41 nbaa tubac4o a bali a cotton to Beadlea, Wood Aoo i Aieyer, vv eia eoo oo i Atrey aco aa tiai oetAoo it do kf Ureeaaetid A bob 6 da jackaoa A Wrner 7 do PKbuiiard A Hi ok bant do Blebardaon A ALag 2 do 2 bales iiruoat ouTo WUaua A Atjias 0 bbla Oil AldlgeeJ do i tl Clark Jl bbla applra I Adams axoo 3D0 'xa atarcb liyrnea Baratow 3 banal oaaaa fT Bolhjrk 1 lot arooda BeU A Menare 214 cm b'ware Bntton A Kppier 26 bda wlxkaky I Al Bayly A Pond 6 do Baaaecl 8t0 bbfea pora 8 bkda baoca 1 Baoom Aoa 40 pes ateel abeeta iroa kf7 pioaa A Baldwin Aeo 40 toe lard lkegda bxa egx a eoa bmema 2 bbds baooa 10 bbla do JZ bbla apnlea UelBoodio a toa haai 664 paila 40 tNt am a bxa ee ga DelBoadio 26 bbla wbiaky Pombelmer Brae 3 do Darnell 10 ao ij i rank 2 too bimi Deevea, Hnbua Ao IJ0 tka eorn Falrcliad A Blngoam 60 nf bxa oaadloa A Frencb a bbs wiae Tederiek Bros losaaa com ulyan Jr 140 pkga iron xs piowa Folger A co200 aka oil meal A A Orea wood dkoo 1 crata waieabxaaTwareM me (iaaobe 2 bkda do rate do Gaorlte 79 bbla potatoee Gordon. A Uomila 608 bbla near 2ao bbla pork 400 aka oora Howard A PrvMton 84 bbla whisky li.lreeb. Ad rr Aeo 86 do A Klskmaa 26 do 4 pkse Bdae DrW Hoiocmbfl 8 do it Kd4 Dftawortb 140 ptraa berr Honaader 16 do Kioot 1 roils aeatber Barter, rcereon A Fennel bbls wbiaky 1 hf btl wine naa 4 aka eeel eora In baa, Ayeeek Aee a bxa draaa I Lyoaa balea kay tr Indiana 48 bhda baooa Keep A Raymond 80 bbla wbiaky Leciite A Cordea ado lanatatio poa naaUaa 11 pkga Iron 1 bbi icdte IaiilA McPeake 86 pkga beer IJppmaa 6 bxa baoea k2 bbla applea OH lAwreoee Aoo z77 aka oil eake 4 bbia oil A A afa*giBals' Soas bdla paper Mott 25 dos brooma Morrm 6 bbiawttlaky Muinaal aa eoope pooltry 18 bxa AtlUer A MVyer 2TS4 aks oora Joan koom Aoe 4 tea baoan to Mewmaa A Kent 884 ka oora 88 buda baoon la order a pksa rnrnicure A Mobile UK il pkga gware Offner 74 bla potato 47 bide floor Pleaaaate 101 aka oil oake BAyne Aoo 7 bbla baooa Beder Aoo in) pkaemdee Bioo Bros Aoe 0 bbla wbiaky (1 RabeaUMB 17 pkga gwaro tstratton A Maver bbla wu bAt Bannnl 2 no eaax to pan mdre fbenaxd manner, alacnradv Aoa 778 pea trea tu plewa to Aeo 26 bbla wtuaky nam dt, allow baa: fwathwra Sbnerer' A Zlealar 8 bbla tauio Alwia 40idialroa AC Sob warn )0 bbla noar bf bbia pnrk 17 bbla teprnee 36 bbla wtUaky 43 tea ha ma Bebwabaobar A Hlraob law bxa etarrb li tea bint Vee Proa IS hhda tobaooo Tories 204 aks earn Weeds. SUybaek Aee 071 da a bbia eerga Jra Weat Aoo 88 bxa mdae A Wall 2 fere do Wall rs bbla whiaky I or pdi wine ae xaeaadlea 67 tea lard 3 tea baasa ta bbda beeoa 100 bf bbla brer 13 bbla trait 10 Af bbla do 86 pkga enadriee A Wbitney Aea ftot tnrnienre aad anadriea ta order Total 4 bales oottoa 64 abdatobeooo 1 IArjIt Bteamer Belle of Shreveport 88 pksra beer to Arny 16 pkaa mdae 11 Ap plecaie 100 bbla aonr L.

Bloom Aoo box as 'e lyr hau ne'or cxa oaoon uiwr iw awa flaw a at Bayly A Pond ino tea lard Byra a A Bro 6 keaa lead tl COark 40 aka braa jona Calder a bxa ec aw DaTlaon A Pitcher KO Dole flour Pootbb. Uabba Aaa bbi wire Folanr Awo 26 bbla wblaka Doyle Aeo 68 bbla applea 12S aa braa Dow ling 100 bbls Soar 200 bbia meal FalrcMid A rnngnaia ti eka oaena zx tu exa ao tm tard loo kaaa da Fiaab A Dolaen bbla' bows F1 Iewia Aoo 160 aka bran Oibhoae Aeo 1 uw aarrtiarw eaoea ell Oe)pt A Bro aaka wise a Gogreve Aoo 78 ponketa ahot Boyle 6M bbla floor Olorer A Cldeodahl 10 oka baona I box mdae Hlraeb, Adler Aoo 1 oaae iak a Hyatt lB balea aay Plaaaanta aso bbla flour A HamUtea Aoo 220 da Howard, A rreaion anado Ladta 18Qde labat Aoo 8 BknmdaeC Hart well 16 do 1 L. Lyaoa MS Ma meal Ole Proa a bxa wise Kroet 6 bbla wbiaky 1 bbt oraady Le port 85 bt eka meat la bbia toncuee lie bUa flour Lewler 26 bxs aware tor ha Aeo 26 eka meat Moore eaak wine B4arn.uet a pkga oeedy Matbee Bxa (frre ui axeyer 4 oaiea tar Cbaa PlMau.i table amir ti Paacal Aee 2s bf bbla lard PotUmaiiB 10 bbla wbiaky hi Popevtco 2 da bW our 163 ska earn ire bbla flour Kgern A Mitchell 4 pkga mdae Rice me ocr pii" itsaa eianner. Jtayrreaay A or do 3t Tndd dene odl haa. (4m vaa A Balarer 17 aka liran Sohindler aeo bbla meal te order 112a bbia floar aka braa 14 eka aaeon Vlnn A Mrrnmer 7 pkra win Vaalerbaak 84 bbia Cony Si ska'eata Woorta, Slayback Aoo Tfttkga leat A Wbeaiehan a bxaaadaaTT mi, 2i dui dui a wiati eka oaoon 3 1 Wailaa Ar4 IB tra namaa tana lard A ebieoil oik :0 itw Brmna A Eppler da Wirt A flair do it Mais A mill atr Bastrop fT aka pate aka braa 7 balea hav 80 ml bbia pora za able berf a balawblaky 4 bfc" ST XDI8 trteamer Be ba rw floar Kerr hayn oitd A Aca I6C Co Guarer A CklobdaUil ii ktUhlat I A ama Aoe 10G bMe aaa alia eonr New.

aa 84i ito baaavna DeUVmdla lu ek braa hj aet lrai latana JTewtati I aa an at.ta teeal WeeoH Ktoyaaaai aaa IAS aka Ji Bj aVail I BB4a aaaaJ rauOln a RMar ira khu I laO i hbla ao lea aka tnaa as mk ail we MOA i i ra nniiiiia ataai aajataearaibx bbla aa aas a aa aoase 170 sea akikl aa bl 414 aka em a 8M atca baaai Vaaras AM4rUaar 80 ao 14M tbe mttf baaesa asbbis wftJakv Ibf btaaaeaa bla aaeal ta as VtaTaWniii a a ti 1 1 ma eeaa see aaa aataav tasat icUD cri aera 24 eaAwailiii las aw Ccmv A bbla 131 potatnaa balaebay Cba bay Cbaa Piuaiiaiiai a balsa eortna 18 kaaa 1MB QMe at auua ta ae liaani ak keMlt 8 Bai i ma M47 aba eara tavaka bram IM kaaia Mwara .180 an Fatrely 666 4M AlvBinian Kro ua ao Boaderke aVaaUS a BckwabarlMr Ulranb 280 de Larwler Maaka braa a A Orwawrwd Aeo 4U5 bales hay I i6n ska avelc A WaJah 1 bat akorba, a tajTanha ta ktatavlalJ HarteVee ta bale pi tiy (wnnnw Aeo 81 bxa beer a bxa batidiea oajrre Are eeipa aaaiuj arttrr 4D ce 44 bxa efga atUler A Merer 84 PebJwtaBr 74 okaea ataSebea te Vorater 16 bane Lawreaea Aoo 16 do aaitflnr A En mr to inJ a do KMHwtlt llat 1 My 4w 11 rnxn tmir Hrlara 18 pkrs a wsrA a uaiwe A fcort T33 4o IL 1 Tcm do llite axCartsa 12 at WeU 88 aw nattvu Si a Tec A8 PJChraaiaa 883 SsM 1 1 fck.a ware af Mavra a ao pare li ar IVirei dUw sa bd)a trea Ailxeoa ak ma bee Maiier 2U bale box ff ae BMiae Clark A Aladep 3 da 1 Fevi pan. jr'wireO Gaoeha a bargna a ttty, Je Cw lot rural tare teJ racng Ailt ii Rbarp Paxarlt Lerl a Jaar 1 n' a 0bla Sear 480 half hMi do ra bbia aieal bla pora 4 bbia wblakr 844 wbaa poiatwwi etwhana iTea it Tit it Balna aaa at anci tanxt 2HS aka aora A Ba i h1 Kkabrau lv aka aaaat 788 bales aay l1.u!l;IH 8taaaar Oraat Pep4t.lla if7 pWafiuol i. A hiuulxm Aoe 81 ao 187 half btkta ow ihknw A OOt adahl 888 bbla meal 187 aka earn it baiee bay ta FaircaOd A BuTiu.iia 1 lie kManoar rinm A naral.a 118 de 4 aka eate Frwl. Iww Beacnai JO bMaaBealaar toa a aaoa, HUybak Avr4 A bbla meal a bee, ana mi ta Me perk Hebwaoaeber A Hirecii rA haeaa SO bbla Sear 1 ht bl9 arr.hiaM Hmn aae BDia am a ae itoakaeaoa Valtin a Moranu rioa thia i jmn vie 1 i la Boor A ruaacy 67 da Piartw46 75 hi bbla de A Paaaiaa itrna ann khlar pork Am KM aa hr k. rk xr Jauore it bavM Vav 67t ekaoata CPlftauM J4ooH Iaalrr 60 aka malt IT PBrurckatn 150 UO Mrcaar)ak ll oa If Klnmorv 7S ora bfkka te 1 4ibbana Aoe 84 aka oata ta ataiae lea bia Sonr Ri mrrm A Aliuhnii loada to ordr tea i ii Waaoa Aue a Ha A Hnnnea AIA nan a Aaa lie hhie nl Pnnlha.

ASewtea aiASa 188 oaailea aa Newman fc iteai i baara hay Jtawnaa kege lard to arder ic, co Ecmi A Haymoinl 1 io do 800 aepa. do Fiaab A rjeaatso Boo do af Bartv dfc Pead lXOka aa ahnt 41 Eaaaa ha, awM Biawiier. aiacreaav Arw aa cka lira am a UxatA; latere IblBoab 8 HeoKe 1 iron rare 11) andoao pb lead 4 burk 10 bxaebeeee 12 taba Utter klallnr A Dnhartw kca detielmtKdt A ZuberMer 8 ai aiaMbol ha ee bxa bitwjrw af Damaaa Ana 19 Din lai bla ILantka Aaa A Iaa.Maa I aaa do 14 uilaof 2 bbla beet tt bbls do BaaaeU Hall I4ti kka lnui an ardar 4 bxa enoaa ord MCl'MLXO i kLM a kobaav Baadlna. Wand An 5 eka baa op 'Jv lard te bbla mral bbla Rear 65 bxa erackrra 1 aapAriee A VTlitJiey Aon 1 box me Blalnr Pochw 100 bbla bar 10 bt bMs a 20 bbla meal eke bawaaat 1 tee lerJ a kee? te loo aora uka nara 8 bxa mae BUuk Ltaa au eern rtx aka aatat'a bbls Sear aka braa 60 bbla ot a kr oil meal at bales nrtaan and anDdrx a ta aecer Tatal 82 balea eouoa 8 aada THIBODACX 43bBamar Haarr Tata hhda agtr to Lananx S3 do bb.a tikiana (Tanc ar A ACeJiy bMaaaawr ABaKraa lOdaafototea ar ajne loow to oinre ao au Wltaa a bbla. aaea lllikrw 7 do at A 14 ASea Aee twnadi not A Hwlmaa ia able poteteao FeaeUBMW Broe 8 malee gredorieka aaai aad ami ilea to ai oer Total 104 buda eogar 48 bbls a coaaa ronarn new 1 WH1TX BALI, r'tNamar Varr Ida to bbda Bttgar to Tkibaat a aka roagb nee Hoaixel 18 do 1C ta 88 de A Sooa 47 da (i A TataaiiT anndrtea co nroar Talal 10 aada tear if4 aka rone rloe IX1WER (TfliUnT lilnamm Kata THnkem Snndiiee to ot der KATCBIlXiOirEStaauner Bart AUe 121 bala or vtwe ta 1.

Walmaley Aon 13 Allan A Watt ia Btu brwga Aea 10 Leekle At aeadidaw Aee 7 Ba. tiari ea 6 Clap Braa A kodci.iw. Are Fanitw Keaao dvAea 6 BitTer Weill A IaekmaB. Abraham A co 4 Tnc Biaa Aea a Ktvianar A tire 8 Clarke 8 Cberta 8 I riedUuuler 3 A A Atoatea 2 Prratknx tiraham Aoe 2 Af Green. wnd A 1 Beraad A Uibert 1 unrrroase dt Beia IAnjd A Aja aBdaAt 1 Wetmore 358 afca oottPB aned Lwiwaai OU Oo tmmr Boab A lveit dt 4) lB4a BMHaaaea Wrledlao ee it Frwr Aee bldea 8 aka wuot la WbIbbbIbv A oa 7 bdle Aldra 1 lit bhl tallawl bad burns A BadniH 83 atea 2 pkga 4a Barry A Fosd 16 bidea bal" do 10 bdia do bu wool a Baaaell hidea 8 bdla LEloem Aaa 1 aa 1 ba'e moM.E DelaTallarW 1 da Krkaakl 1 do FlaDDer 18 nid I Bloom Aoo 17 da Baehembx A Heynarr 1 bale wool Meyer Weill 1 hi eeateat naea Virata pule uarrwen A Cnambcra I bcl kldea 1.

Coo re I ao rmflonr A Bazn 8 bbla paa David 47 head eatue 4 Nrrl 43 do AO hie Aeo 1 bldo and aaadrlaa ta ardVfwTatal 226 baten anCtoa 200 ska eottea nrr "niiiirr 7 bhla mnlaanoa BOSSXT C'jt RRK etoAmor JoaepHlwa 2 bbda aagar 8 bbla molaaaBSte Hon la 6 1ST aka reajrb rk Irxvter aaB'tieo to srder Hteemor Pleat 31 balea eot toe to Bnrlmiu Atou 16 do Maaada A Lav. eainan I io hL Verlaader tS bbda angar ta Panic, KoBBH dv alee a bxa egm 77 bide leneboane A Sea 12 do bate aaeea ls bxaeirgs Cnkaa bbd piadera 8 bbla de ML PWwer Aee 3 able i ran 2 kidee 24 Wetmore 20 aktna 1 bdl do bjoria Mtrvar Weill 7 balsa meaa OdellA i Vrtgbt 21 bea1 cavWl In baa. Ayoock Aea 11 da 0 hi aiiinia 4 do Meale Aoo aad aoadrlea 8a order 1 eta I 47 balea enrcoa 23 hkda a attar CA M1)EN Hoeamer.tJov Allea 2 baioa oottoa to Jnrrr A OiI 41 Wyena A hi ergsa 3d HarrU coM MrtSeaee, hno wden A Vkolett 14 Til AJ Hen Aoo 10 Bntton. If oora A CSele irar 4 Ptelpa Aoe 4 A Adams 4 I Daria Aoo 4 do I NoMe4 Wtmora 8 1 Aire Aoo 8 Bf riaLdld Ana 3 triarka 2 Lftaat. Abraaam Aoe a BAonardaoa A alar 1 Bardie Aoo 1 A Tnrtroa 1 Bea Genoa 1 Whtt atavee Marty 17 baa fitted bxga Wermera aaiidriaa to Total 236 balea ootaon 60 otat ea RECEIPTS AT THE JKEW BASTS'.

PEABL BIVKK Sehr Bogae IIoPTnt tT.8(w feet lumber to I Adams PAt4CAOULvA eeur Aaaette 48.808 lnmber to Boddlg TCHEVU5CTA BTVgJt Webr 60S bbla aand to order JSEW OBX33AK8 15D TEXAS IUVILROAD. 1 April is latt bldea sad aondrlea to onler HEW OBLEAJ78. ST LOOTS AJTD CHJCAOO BA1XROAD COaTPANT. April IS 62 bales eottoa ta A If Anea A i7 BlcbaroMW A May 2a Meyer. Wei Aoe ia Faype, Kranedy Aoo ia order ia Valium.

Han Line Aoo 16 Hewoott A GorOin 14 Alone. eJetM refc A A otey 7 Brittoa, Moore A ('atemaa 7 Ftp mo Aeo a Biakrmctra Aee 6 Hiewart Bros Aeo 6 Walmaley axon 4 8 Caoaa A ra 4 arren A AUnnaortA Lekmaa, Alranaoa Aoe be Ire Aoo 2 Prrfcbard A mckbaat I 1 Bardie A40 1 White 1 Bockaer A Bie 1 kear Hbawnaa 13 rmia leather Pierre xn4 box Xi rera A Loiia I ale 1 keg h'ware Mnllaa A lluUoway 1 neieeorket fab.o Sea 74 roairr ht la at 1 a' Adlea Aeo ox gware 4aa be lot te to tJ Uluno 3 oaaa abera toiE Bogt rAoo 4 box li aware 9 JoMoa 6 bd8 goodn bf Fdorr 1 keg wtao A Her er 1 btd bamafs bbla beet Vee Broe 3 bbda tobacco 1 Beadlea. Wood Aoo 1 tee lard 8 Benderaon 1 are mdae Blontearbol 8 hidea I rtaa; word Hrbi rck A Bftuck Ixtl bldea Kneti Aoo 8 bbla meal Wan dtCoUam 1 boa eaaa Beer a rara aioek In ban. Ayoook Aea 1 car rtave (mibo nntrlea to order Total 2Z7 balea ootu hlidB tobaeca 5rW AJS'D MOBILE BAXUEIOA0 AprS 18 It bales eattoa ae ordr do John Haxdieateae2 eke baoae I Bioera Aeo 13 hhda not 6 tea do tern'a Ferrliisar Co I6 Bides Hav A IflebhM I rrate creekerv Mra 4aaebav A 1 bdl bidea 1X11 klaa lt laok to Adler area bxa andae Hoffmnv Marka Are to hbda tobaena order a liaiea ex moauea KaekHiia da 1, Futit IdoBllIfl a ido I Lei A4o 2 da Eefcbard A tt 160 aka peae XerrcrlaaT. Aea 4s de Dearree, Hobba Aeo ICS bbb Unto A Vlxardl 8 aalea eaaabprtpi Wallaea Aoa and nomine te Totav 161 oaiea eetxaa 10 bbiia tvobaoato MOBaA STB i IX)UIBIAJrA AJSD RAIiBX)An.

Arrt I bola mnbuea 42 Unm aurar ta Bobk Hacv 28 da oyer Weill 8 do MonratH A Oomp ton aka w4 Beer betaa naeee Hnrle 4k 18 do ISrmnma A Vlrnaa bo A. Mfcak aka nk nm to 17 Ueala A aka aand eottea at Iffen 6 bf bale a0" Otieil A vv rich Total 8 need aattop 72 aboaaugAr 1 bbkt lalassai 28 aka roturo rice a KTBSnid VE88EX. par4r rinnr nerl. Btlatiaeii. benee Dee lor Havre, aad ih beea bear) from ataee, APppoaed fo lf walaat Ind pateea pipe atavea.

WewTar. Arril 12 flailed, atcxmiMp Kovat xiuuaA M't difreeB. from JSew Orleaaa lor tVZZrr (Put la tor ooai.) uacesef. lAiril 11 Arrived, tteamahtp ihk. C.4ilti3n.

troaa Sew Orleaaa via Bawtaa ipUBlv(r fwtjaiid. April JfClMtnA. acir Anna griTia. FuniT. Ftt lrinasa JTOREIG3I POBTS.

Ha raaa. Apill ia Failed. Texas, lAort a a ti 'B lAXnaoi). fur Kw iirWaaa. tretwH.

Ajril 10 amxed. bark IcaWmoo, nWnlirb, fr New OtIVaiu; I2tU arr ataaao. alun on tt. t'i M. fri'Ta no.

vatrb 14 eaCed. brSjt Cattllba. Ca lVai Oiaaa i4 i.

The Times-Picayune from New Orleans, Louisiana (2024)


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Name: Sen. Emmett Berge

Birthday: 1993-06-17

Address: 787 Elvis Divide, Port Brice, OH 24507-6802

Phone: +9779049645255

Job: Senior Healthcare Specialist

Hobby: Cycling, Model building, Kitesurfing, Origami, Lapidary, Dance, Basketball

Introduction: My name is Sen. Emmett Berge, I am a funny, vast, charming, courageous, enthusiastic, jolly, famous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.