The Semi-Weekly Advocate from Belleville, Illinois (2024)

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CIRCUIT COURT DOCKET THE ADVOCATE COURT CVLLI1TGS Hon Corning Judd of Chicago was in attendance on the Circuit Court this Week Mr Slate of Waterloo a promi No Edward Gains vs Frederick Himwetal trespass 2nd Friday dismissed at defts cost To 119-JohnD Wegner vs Albert Badgley as trustee on stock of People's Bank appt Appeal 2ud Friday venue changed to East St Louis City Court No Moses Travis vs Albert Badgley trustee etc appeal same order No John Canty jr vs Frederick Hinze et al trespass 2nd Thursday dismissed at defts cost No 138-A0eph Alborn vs Frederick Hlnze 2nd "Thursday dismissed at defts cost No John A Bohn for use vs August Davis debt 2nd Friday rule nisi by 3rd Friday nent member of the Monroe county bar was in Belleville Tuesday Mike Cannavan and Wm Maguire the THE NEW FAIRBANKS SEWING MACHINE two young men arrested and charged with having burglarized the pout office were released from custody last week the grand jury having ignored the bills The fa No People vs John Dowd et al Appeal 2nd Thursday continued on application of defendant No People vs Geo Eckert murder 2nd Wednesday A McConaughy specially appointed to prosecute on account of the fact that the present States Attorney was of counsel for defendant enters a nolle proa No People vs Adam Bretsh App't 2nd Wednesday tried by jury verdict of guilty and fine assessed at five dollars Judgment ou verdict accordingly No People vs Thos Wolfe App't 2nd Thurday continued at instance of defendant No People vs Henry Muskopf Sr App't 2nd Thursday case continued at instance of defendant No People vs Leonard Traubel app't 2nd Thursday prosecution dismissed at defendant's cost No People vs Cyrus Culver app't 2nd Friday dismissed for want of prosecution No People vs John Botts selling liquors 2nd Thursday defendant pleads guilty as to one count and is fined S20 nolle nro a tn nthnc cnnnlt i only evidence against them was that of a little colored boy who it appears is of weak mind No Elizabeth Gauch vs Harrison debt 3ud Tuesday venue Charles Hamilton General Manager of cuangea to uast bt Louis City Court the Cairo St Louis was in at no van wuoanks cashier vs tendance on the Circuit Court Tuesday Iheophilus Harrison debt same order No Herman Heberer vs Theoph-ilus Harrison debt same order A HOME ENTERPRISE Bee Testimonials on First Page THOMAS COCHRANE Gcnl Agcit on business in which his road is interest ed The case of Padfleld vs Krebs occu pied the attention of the Court (luring al No Nicholas Mank vs Mary oueruer aeDi same oraer No John Beil vs Theophilus of Monday and the minds of the jury un nainson same oroer til Tuesday night This whs a suit No Sophia Masser vs Amos brought by the plaintiff to recover dam inompson debt same order No Anna Ruff vs Phillip Wol-fort debt same order ages for the death of a valuable mare fine and costs paid which he claimed was due to the hard No Peoole vs Louie Mueller in No 210-The People exrel City of cest 2nd Friday defendant arraigned driving of defendant who had hired it to go into the country one hot Sunday anu enters piea ot not guilty copy of list of jurors and indictment waived afternoon in August 1878 The horse died in Trenton to which place it had fcasi Bt Liouis tor use of city of East St Louis vs Thomas Winstauly debt 2nd Tuesday demmurer to 2nd 3rd and 4th breaches of declaration overruled as to 1st and sustained as to 3rd and 4th leave to amend 3rd and 4th breach and to assign 5th breach No John Simonin vs Louis Voss LAW No 2 James Pnlliam va Wm Pol been driven by Krebs Mr Padfleld claimed that the mare was hired to go to nam assumpsit 2nd Monday Lebanon only but as to this the testi No The Rrinr Will Pool mony was conflicting The amount of venue 2nd Monday by agreement of M'CORMICK AGENCY! Illinois St Louis Railroad and Coal Co 2nd Tuesday Noetling declines further to serve as referee eir appointed referee in his stand No Emilv St John Inwtw damage? claimed was $250 but the jury after wrestling with the case during all of Monday night and until late in the night of Tuesday returned a verdict for the plaintiff satting the damages at $35 The grand jury completed its labors on Tuesday and was discharged for the Wm Quitzow Ejectment 2nd Tneadav continued No Francis Lavallee Supervisor va Witririns' Ferrv Western and Buford Walking Cultivator One-Horse Cultivators Tiger Self-Dump Hay Rake Keystone Hand Dump Hay Rake Thursday motion allowed MoCormiok Harvester MoCormick Wire Binder MoCormiok New Twine Binder MoCormick New Self Rake Reaper and Dropper MoCormiok Iron Mower term The following is the last batch of Farm until admission to Asylum can be had Estate of Alvin Naumann dee'd Maria Buschmann adx claims from 7 to 10 lncl allowed Proof of publication filed Settlement approved and ordered to pay over balance to legal heirs Guardianship of Louis and Llna Nau-mann miner Christoph Buschmann pet appointed guard Bond in $500 approved Estate of John Rodemeyer dee'd Anna Maria Rodemeyer pet appointed adm'x Bond $22000 approved MARCH 5 Estate of Elizabeth Hill Hill pet appointed adm'r Bond in $3000 filed and approved Estate of Rachel Rader dee'd Proof of will ordered recorded Estate of Leonard Fritz dee'd Amalla Soucy for Lavallee as plaintiff and leave parties judgment tor pltff for 16575 No Louis Streaker appt vs Edward Wallace appeal motion stricken from the files No City of East 8t Louis vs Mary Sohmeier appt appeal 2nd Thursday plaintiff takes a non suit No Anthony Fournie vs Maria Fouruie ex et al assumpsit 2nd Wednesday Demurrers to amend declamation sustained and leave given to amend No Edward Abend adm vs the Ohio Mississippi Co case 2nd Friday continued No Wm Pensoneau for 4c ts Henry Wilson garnishment 2nd Wednesday motion withdrawn No Jefferson Rainev vs John Stollberg assumpsit 2nd Monday dls- given to amena declaration No Marv Crnssman Marv Musshart alias Ac res ass 2nd Mnn day case continued No Jno A Bohn for I'ast ast Steel Biford Moline Oliver chilled aid Hamilton Plows Wm Padfleld garnishment 2nd Monday continued CASE CO'S No 11 Jeremiah Leah hv New Agitator Separator Union Railway and Transit Co tres- IIHHS 9nil Tni'fldav trial Uv turn 1 Traotion and Portable Enaines Fritz adm'x Proof of publication filed Wagons Bolster and Tongue Springs misseu i i sr nuu verdict for plaintiff for $229100 Motion for new trial No 322-E Wider vs Thomas Law-! SSSJLl' JL'fiJLWai Woodbury Four Wheel Powers UUUUCIWU auu sou awaoB va a a No Louis Loebenhoefer Nloh olas McCracken Slander 2nd TiiaoiUv jer appi appeal ana rnaay mo- miMed for want of prosecution Final Hon dismissed settlement presented and approved The following are cases growing out Estate declared insolvent! Feed Cutters Wheel Barows Barbed Fence Wire continued No Ueonre Semmel roth va PrAri oi ine suspension ot the People's Bank Judgment being for the plaintiffs in the erick Scheel assumpsit 2nd Monday continued No 14 Adalina Tanann amounts stated: No Jeanette Davis John Schell-man $200 Anna Schaefer Geo Rodenmeyer $12611 Ira Manvill Jos 8chmlsseur mina Wtldgrube case 2nd Monday continued Keljr on the Dragglst "Halt Bitter are the beat 'bitter' "They promote deep and allay nervonsnei "Belt Liver and Kidney Medicine we sell" "Tbey knock tbe 'chills' every time" 'Consumptive people gain flesh on them "Halt Bitters have no rivals in this town" 'Best thing for nursing mothers we have'1 We like to recommend Malt Bitters" Chioago Sorew Pulverizer Kalamazoo Spring Tooth Harrow Randall Disk Harrow Jeraeyville Gang Plows Jerteyville Sulky Plows Moline Steel Arch Sulky Plows Buford's Brown Suiky Plows No John Thomas va flonr tt Hughes Wood Hub Rolling Coulters Ac 4c GIVE A C-A-LXj A MONK Belleville Illinois (amount not computed Geo Rutherford Jacob Bischof i $400 Ira Manviile Chas Drees $500 the -8arlow Rotary Corn Planter Keport el the VleetlHC of Farmers' anal Fruit Urow re' Aaeoclatton Avery Stalk Cutter Ellwood Riding Cultivator 79A WKEK- 11 dT at horn easily jiucuueiaum assumpsit and Tuesday continued No Oswald Crittenden vs Mary Bond assumpsit 2nd Monday continued No People for use of Vaughn et al vs Wm Emmertet al debt continued No 25 -Rachel Rader vs Jacob Rentchler debt 2nd Thursday death Of plaintiff suggested on motion of deft venue changed to City Court of East St Louis No Amanda McFarland vs Wm Feickert 2nd Thursday venue changed to East St Louis No Same vs Rentchler same order No Same vs Sam Neuburger Costly Outfit free sniaue Address Tact 18-1 indictments returned Samuel A Wade maliciously killing domestic animals two indictments Henry Senn Steven Sternnan Joseph Taylor Isaiah Botts James Conroy and Henry Marsh selling liquor without license Anna Bruck receiving and concealing tolen property Anna Bruck and Ida Bruck burglary and larceny James McFerron assault with intent to do bodily injury John Parish John Kelley Wm Rider and Thomas Pinnerty petit larceny JAIL KKrOHT To tiir Hon Snyder Circuit Judic The grand jury in the further performance of duty visited the county jail In a body and after making a thorough examination astotne condition and treat mentofthe prisoners and the condition of the jail would offer the following report: We found the Jail kept in good order as the size and convenience of the building would admit and the general appearance indicated a proper regard for cleanliness and the comfort of the inmates on the part of the keeper In view of the fact that the increasing population of our county and the influx of criminals and vigrants by reason of the close proximity of our county to the great city of St Louis and the limited capacity of the jail we therefore recommend that the Hon County Board of Commissioners proceed to build a new Jail or improve the present one James A OoffUM ClIRirr KNIEIIKIKAMI' I Aaron Stokev "com-John Rbimann COUNTY FARM REPORT To the Hon Snyher Circuit JiooK: The grand jury in the further discharge of duty visited the County Farm and the buildings thereon in a body and would report that us to the condition of the various departments In regard to cleanliness and good order they appeared lobe well kept with perhaps the exception oT beds and bed clothing which In some instances were inexcusably dirty The food seemed ample suftl- Same Henry Decker $500 Same Adam Emee $200 Jeanette Davis Henry Rils $600 Nancy Manviile A Eircher $1100 Postel Jos Fischer $100 Same A Primm $300 Same An? Chenot $500 Same John Heiuzelman $900 Same Chas Gooding $500 Same Daniel Knecht $500 Same Nicholas Meyer $500 Same Henry Schmidt $900 51 Jeanette Davis Abraham Good A Co Augusta Msine The regular monthly meeting of the Farmers' and Fruit Growers' Associa-was well attended ou Saturday the 26th day of February 1881 the president Isaac Terrell In the chair The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved Letters were read by the Secretary from the Commissioners of Agriculture Hon Wm Le Due FOR SALE The new Cabinet meets with general commendation oo every side There are but few exceptions Some of the New York papers are not satisfied with Mr Windom aud would not be with any one not a gold-bug The New York Sun says "give the new Cabinet a fair show" The New York Tinu is highly pleased with A PIANO cheap Inquire of Mrs -T Pieper ltf FOR SALE Tl it and commends it warmly ing $1000 liepreseniauve josepu veue anu Hon i York Hemhi (Independent) that general THE residence of the late Eliiabeth Dorrell on 2d South between Charl es and Masroutah streets Kino lot and two-slorv Heinrich Wibbinr Jos Wchrle Wm Morrison If irrowls likes it The Boston IfrniLl continued brick house Knonlre of mh "ruer To the latter the secretary was directed i (Independent) says it is not as goods 11 Pnatpl Ti ilia Hartal tVtfi No Same vs Ernst limn HKSUYll WHITE Executor or A 118 At I WEIK Attorney vauiuv nm mat Ul jju unvra UUl C(1U same order 54-A McFarland Murray 10 TM: reluetlnK Mr Morrison to continued send seeds and grains for dUtribution among the members of our association cedes it as personally strong The Springfield Hepubii'an feels bad as usual and declares "Blaine is an unfit man to dominate an Administration" And yet the ItrpulAvcun need not be told that 351 delegates at Cinclnnatti in 1876 and 290 at FOR SALE A GOOD farm of 82 45-100 acres situ- tV aled on the vlllnsvllle road near L'nltr Chelley's lsltnd Ohio Mrch JSth 168 I Imve used your Kendall's Spavin Cure on a as in former years Mr Joseph Smith chairman of the Committee on bouc spavin and am pleased to reprt that It Church about 3 mllea fruiu Belleville Uood orchard ou the place hts taken the enlargement complrtely off It Library Hooks made a verbal report Chicago iu 1880 thought Mr Blaine good II I I A II A DULL For particulars atuily at the ofllce of John II cnougb to make the Chief Mairibtrate of look only one bottle to perform the cure I am Stating that many duplicate books had confident if it is properly used tt will do all you been found and asking what disposition Siefert Il-Jroos claim for it Your truly Lincoln FOB HALE CHEAP the nation The Cinclnnatti Xxmrnercial says the Cabinet "is a great success and will not lack strength for any occaelon that may arise" The St Louis (Hot Democrat says "It will please the great body of tbe people" And so on id tn-Jin Chicd'jo Jo mat PROBATE COURT I should be made of them A resolution I was offered and passed authorizing the librarian to sell such to the best advan-( tage and report by the first of July next The subject in regard to providing THE undersigned has three farms In IVrry Counly III close to DaQaoln and a three try brick business house tl he will sell cheap for cash or on eaa terms with go I security Address No Jean Slmonln vs May assumpsit 2nd Friday removed from docket No Jean Simonln vs Andrew McCulhv debt 2nd Thursday venue changed to East St Louis City Court No Jean Simonln vs Sebastian Fietsam debt 2nd Friday dismissed No John Siefert vs August riiebus 2nd Tuesday leave to flic amended pleas 2nd Thursday continued No 67-Peter Thrcs vs Chris Espcn-haln debt 2nd Friday leave to file ad dltional pleas instauter defendant pays costs up to date No Anton Mueller vs Chrietoph Kspcnhaln debt 3nl Friday same order as In No 67 No 09-Kathiirlne Holdner vs Fidel Stoltle debt 2nd Friday leave to amend declaration Judgment by consent fkh 28 Estate of Joseph Julian dee'd Henri 1IIO II IR KOESS MarchMm Imguoln III etie Julian Admx Inventory tiled and funds to pay lawyers' fees for services in riltaa Alia raw In the L'nitrd Slate or the Canada which have not several wll knowa rtJldents wh have hern mterlall approved and sale ordered 1 the slock law suits was discussed Mr REMOVAL Aitcn 1 VtlllUlfer paid over collections on two benefitted by the me of Aim Viaon MAKY A PAKE has removed AfISS ivl her her Milliner snd illuu store to Enlate of John Orlffln sr dee'd John subscription papers amounting to $45 75 Tt" yomhiui color ba reiurnri to Oriflln Jr udin'r Claims from 5 to pLfun un 7 faded and iiriri iu bM iuu have dollars No 5 NOIl'lll HU II MTItKKT eight more were added by mem- In I'rlmm lllock opposite 1 hutnaa lluilae whrr mOIIMlVl a lowed been ri'-rovtrrd: vr brah lri- nl he found a well aelected stock of Mtllln-rr Estate ol Henry Boekcr dee'd Justine VT present some of them Increasing hair haa been bmnght to a moth gionne Ladies Wear Hosiery Notions Ac Ac Hoeker admx Notice of publication their former donations and four dollars ill sell a aet tit ihrlres counters Ac rh ji aa as new lei if If CITY ROXDN WANTED Ily virtue of a resolution oaaaed hy the i lie ou ell at a meeting thereof i the Blh Inst the City Treasurer in connection with the May or Is aulli riieil to puiclme tin On nj nh ordered settlement to be made March 17-81 Estate or Phillip Fruth dee'd Magde-lena Fruth pet appointed admx Bond in anproved Estate of Daniel Murphy dee'd Hau-nah Mead admx Inventory riled aud approved MAHCII 2 Esiate of Michael Weber dee'd Proof of death made and will probated Estate of Mary Ann Doyle dee'd from annual membership tees were col-leeled making a tolal of $5775 A motion was made and adopted authorizing the treasurer to pay from the funds of the society If such an amount be in his hands twenty five dollars for stock law expenses In addition to what ever amount had been collected and paid over to him before for that purpose The subject chosen for discussion al ior pun tor fl-i each party paying half the Costs No 70-Mary Smiley vs Chas 1 homas debt continued No Jean I) Slmonls vs John Heinz debt 2nd Thursday venue changed to City Court East 8l Louis No John Nuudocker va as A Korntimn el al exis e'c venue 2nd Friday continued No 77-Wm Machs vs as A Bon man et al exra venae Sod Friday continued of City llonds maturing not later than live year hence Holder of aui-h llonds detitoua i selling (i ft raaonable premium ran And purchasers as sb'Ve JAMKHW Ml IIOtUII llelleyllle Ill Veb 11 1SSI I Ity I ler'k etein ami well prepared and the nedlcal attention was prompt and good As all sick apartments tire IUIe to become contaminated by foul and require ventilation we would suggest greater Hi-teniinn to this necessary sanitary condl lion of the sick apartments mid this recommendation Is based upon the lur thv furl Hiat ttisiiy of tho rooms arc mull and have low ceilings making greater necessity for ventilation We have heard testimony henrm- the esse of the Superintendent Peter Metier In managing Hie ald Poor limine in the treatment of Inmates and said ten timony Is such that we recommend change in the Huperlnirndeucy the Poor Faun by removal of the anld Peter Head the following statement every word of which I true: Mas ouvaa Davsm-oht Willlamstiwn Vt ami 5W yrara old losl lur hair 3U years iK'o by a d'seaae of thr araip prranmably as she bad no sicknea Kor yrara she trlnl mmiv retorer" Ac wild rflcl A year ago last My coming by elisor psr a part of a bolt of Ayrr's Hair Vigor" ah' appll it ami a downy gmwih of hair brgan to coyer hT heml -hp hu since use I three botllra and about a half and at this time her is twrlte Inch iu length brown In colur not al all gray ami cycling her head with the eirrptlon of a spot on top ami that has downy growth starting upon It wbirh she thinks a persistent of the Vigor will bring out In time like the rest Oct tl isoo 1 he particulars Uils case can verified br tbe 1'oatmaatrr ami otlirr prondnenl cltiaens also by the rilltor of Ihi' Noilhlleld Vl Sws lb litis in in is prepared by Or Aver A 'n Lowell Mass and sold by druggist III this town u-i Splukop flghl ha greatly atlm-ulalnd the movement In favor of the Doers which was started In New York about a month ago mid liberal subscrlp Horn are being received br the tioaaurer FOIt HE NX Martin Doyle pel appointed adm'r I the next meeting Is whether It I lawful "ill nlr 'rti niir storeroom on High to assess 20 cents on the hundred liars Hond iriiii) led aud approved nr i(a fr rent In the matter of the assignment of of taxable property for roads and bridges ery resonatiie irimi mil1 tm or- or B-c I homs or al I hi a orhVe Suitahie fr moat any liiiiilre of I ol John 17-tf FOH HEIN'X Arndsmy of Mu-lr In West' II 1 oft rrl foi rnl lease foi irrm jneucr ol jers Inquire ol tl 41 II WEsf James a CorrKnoR ClIHUN Knkuki KAMI' 1 AaiiuN S-pwJKEV (' John Kkimanx! Com of the organization and large mm have Clover Brass Forest GARDEN 6 FLOWER SEEDS been sent to the Iteil i as Society of and three day road labor besides to which road supervisors in the counly arc respectfully Invited to attend and participate A pleasant conversation was Indulged in regard to the present condition of the wheat In which most of the members partook generally agreeing that no se vere Injury has been sustained and the prospect for a fair crop woayyet good The meeting on motion then adjourned EdwAKD Wm Wkt Secretary hrta)M an I Ability Hop llllirr an l-eely advertised In all Hip paper set-alar ami rrllglnua are having a Isige sale ami are supplanting all other medicl*tea There Is denying the Tlrttire of the hop plant ami Ihe proprietor! of th'sr llltlr shown great shrewdness ami ability le compounding a Hitlers who virtu are an palpable ti everyone's observation Frj No Chattanooga Iron Co vs Jus II onman et al exrs Ac venue 2nd Friday continued No 79 Aiiguat Thebus va Martin Medart 2nd Thursday dismisevd at deft cost No The People for use Phillip Erutli vs John Korhl et al debt 2nd riurmlay death of Phillip Fruth sug-geated and Mairdelina Kruih hie admx ma le party No HP Mary Smiley vg August Thebus debt Jnl Friday venue changed to K-iat M' I a City I 'oiirl No a-Siue vs Pieper aame 'Oder No M-Andrew Joseph vs John Ambit debt 2nd Monday death of rt suggested ami his exerulrll made party No 102 -Mary Si ck John Bow man mayor Ac mandamus 3nd Tueottay pliff takes nonsuit No 1 1)8 -Peter Wilding Frederick filacer debt 2nd Thurwlav venue changed Kt Si Louis City Court o-Mry Anna Janseu vs Charles Noetling debt same ot ler No llW-Heeter Bowler vs Chas Noetling debt aame order iiHries urnming ruwaru est assignee Deed of assignment and assignees bond tiled jupon 8 Estate of Nancy Williams dee'd Wm Hallows adm Petition to sell property at a pitvale sale grained Eaiate of Wuorge Hlrn dee Seb Fli lsam adm'r de bonis non Keport of sale of leal estate approved ordered to pay claim Iroui I to class iu full aud a dividend of VQ37 per cent ou claim of the 7th clas MARCH 4 Estate of (i'-orge Eckstein dee'd Ernst It llagist adm'r First tetlleinrut approved Guardianship of Auguat VV Emma and Jucephlne Hang Anna Hang pet ap polnlial guardian Hond In $3000 filed atul approved (tuardianshlp of Anna Esiel and Don Juan Anderson minora Mlbon Drew guard Keport of sale of tea estate approved Matter of Charles Sutton alleged to he insane Jury return verdict finding liatle Sutton lnur and fit prison to DO Nit to an asylum Ordered that he le temporarily detained at the County Holland Several Dutchmen of New York anil a number of American phvi dsns have volunteered to go to South Afilc The Irish are also iu deep sym pathywllh the rup ami It reported that a bark carr) tng over 500 all urmod Irtahmen and four Gatllng gun sn rrtc-ly sailed from Key ni Fl tliirr weehs ago bound foj Delagoa Hay Iiom which port Transvaal can be reached three days Sir Wham I ii March I8tl After using various patents moke of harrw for the last VI vir I Induced by my neighbor p'rcline the Smoothing llariowr mamifVi (l Mailln Annuel of Belleville i will here alatr that It is far ailrriif My other harrew thai I bavr us in occupation II It two section it in adapted for both rough and smooth ground It has an oaHllatltig motion and once over the ground is belter thati thr trials of another barrow Cuts from eight to ten feet I recommend It highly to all farmer rm BVery reepoctAill) yours -lt 8 Jopfrav un lrtsignml hn bclira a very I "ol assoitment liarden and flnwar Heetla the Mowing freh rls for sa'e: A IE A a AISTKR i rOVKH MITE Hi IK II A A ITUVKH REM I kit HElilol' kXTUA I IKSH MICK rU EANiT nitE iKAas EtllH EVE iMAsa A ilr Ikm I slIEEr EH llEHKl MAHlMim aikmiciA maxims iKAss TIM uiiir eh a lKI I A 1 A HE nil VErniK Tkii4w trrisj striuii wimt MS a i 4H riEEi II WHIM HlHt li un rt AN I Ni II El Mul'E I IN lN EINE THEE ANi )tt)V MA WHIIK DIE Turk 'VeYT 1 HiN-lOHJ Helletiile llllnol gararon uni way isan smr iir years ago I had hi tee become yery lame ft iii i hii ii wnn Hiniiii' spjiin I ore with marked am-eeae anr hn hT sld grat many bottles and have heard tl Oeneral Wood at present In command of the English troops In Soulh Af rica has notified the IWrs that he will assault Thing's Nek iintaedlately upon the conclusion of the armistice unless peace be declared in the meantime The Boei will probably give him a pretty warm reception euro resulting from its us frnt I rn ctiwtnilly rerommeml It an honest readT I remain youra ouiy Armstrong Head the advertisem*nt.

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The Semi-Weekly Advocate from Belleville, Illinois (2024)


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Author: Sen. Emmett Berge

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Author information

Name: Sen. Emmett Berge

Birthday: 1993-06-17

Address: 787 Elvis Divide, Port Brice, OH 24507-6802

Phone: +9779049645255

Job: Senior Healthcare Specialist

Hobby: Cycling, Model building, Kitesurfing, Origami, Lapidary, Dance, Basketball

Introduction: My name is Sen. Emmett Berge, I am a funny, vast, charming, courageous, enthusiastic, jolly, famous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.